~Chapter one~
"Ugh..." he opened his eyes, glancing up at the treetops. "Huh...?" he was in a forest, somewhere he didn't recognize. "over there" he blinked. "Hm?" he glanced up to see a male in a guard uniform in front of him. He whipped out a sword and pointed it to his neck. "Who are you? I know you're playing the defenseless wanderer but the moment I turn my back you'll cut me down!" His eyes drooped a little. He was tired and hungry. His body felt weak. "Answer me!" He collapsed on the ground, world going dark. So...tired...
When he came to again he heard two voices. One younger than the other. "I know, why don't we blame it on him?" huh? He kept his eyes closed "that'll make us look even worse" the older voice said. "Not if nobody finds out. All we have to say is that all leads pointed to him causing that fire! Easy!" fire? "when we cornered him he tried to kill us. Get it? Besides he's pretty much dead already" there were footsteps walking over to his bedside and he cracked his eyes open. It was that guard from before, with the red cape. There was another guard, this one with a helmet that covered his face. He was standing a few feet away and had a blue cape. "Ember" the blue caped guard said, in a low voice. "Look he's not even waking up-"
He grabbed his knife, sitting up. He didn't know what was happening but...he was scared. "Oh my Rune he's actually attacking us!" Ember shouted, running back over to the blue caped guard. "Ember calm down" the blue caped one said. He held the knife in a steady grip, on edge. "I wasn't expecting- wait this is a good thing!" Ember said, grinning. "my plan is working!" plan? "We are not doing that stupid plan" the blue caped guard turned his head in the albino's direction. His eyes narrowed and he stared the guard down. He raised his hands. "Kid please... we aren't here to harm you" his grip on the knife didn't waver. The blue caped guard set his sword down on the ground slowly. "See?"
He spoke in a soft and slightly wobbly voice. "W-Where....am I?" he said quietly. The blue caped guard stood back up. "you are in Ravenswoop village. And you are safe here with us" he said. "my name is Cerulean. I am the head guard of this village. This is Ember here, my apprentice-", "Don't tell him our names!" He glanced back and forth from them both, trying to make sense of if he was really safe or not. "Ember stay calm-", "You just said it again!" the sudden raise in volume startled him and he lunged forward, slashing at Ember. He gasped and backed up into the wall. He swung the dagger at Cerulean but he blocked it with his sword. "hey-" he kicked him in the stomach and ran out of the room, glancing around.
He heard footsteps and ran faster. "Hey Cerulean I found this book on the matron-" a young male with curly blonde hair and purple eyes walked in through a door, right in front of him. He held the knife to his neck and he yelped, eyes wide and shocked. "Ahh! w-what's happening!" Cerulean held out an arm, from the stairs. Ember was next to him. "Don't move Eden" he glanced at the two guards. "I'll slice him" he said, arm trembling slightly. Ember's eyes widened. "He's insane! I told you he was the one who killed our lord! He's out of his mind!" Eden's eyes teared up. "I don't wanna be killed!" he cried. "EVERONE SHUT UP!" Cerulean shouted. The albino tensed, grip tightening on the knife. "Please..." the blue caped guard said. "Let him go..." he didn't move the knife. Cerulean sheathed his own sword. "I know you're afraid but I promise on my honor...we do not wish to harm you"
His grip wavered a little, he was unsure. I can't see his face...how do I know he's...telling the truth? "Please....believe me" he blinked. Something...about....his voice. "You...familiar..." he murmured. But...he couldn't place his finger on it. He didn't know how he was familiar to him. "Huh?" He dropped the knife, it fell with a clatter. Eden let out a sigh and dropped his hands, keeping one of them firmly on the book in his grasp. "Thank the matron..." he breathed. Suddenly a drunk woman barged in through the door. "Heyy! Got some- alee-" His eyes widened and he grabbed the book, throwing it at Cerulean. He ducked and it hit the torch behind him, pages catching fire. "MY BOOK!" Eden wailed. He ran out the door, panting. The noise had startled him again. He ran down a cobblestone walkway, footsteps thumping behind him.
He approached a girl working in a field, with green breeches and tunic, an axe leaning on the fence surrounding it. "Baily! Stop him!" someone shouted from behind him. He kept running. Baily blinked, glancing at what was happening. "me-", "Do something!" suddenly he was smacked in the side of the head with the blunt side of an axe. "Gah!" he collapsed, falling unconscious.
This time when he woke up in another bed, he didn't open his eyes or move at all. "how could you let that happen to him Cerulean?" a female voice said, from nearby. "He freaked out when I tried to calm him." he sighed. "it didn't help to have other people who were too accusing or drunk around to help" he muttered. "That's no excuse!" the woman raised her voice a little. "You're the head guard here! It's your responsibility! Your supposed to make sure everything's taken care of, having Baily smack him in the head with an axe blunt is no way to treat a frightened child! What if he's been abused...or..." the woman trailed off. "You have my deepest apologies..." the woman sighed. "The villagers are beginning to lose faith in you... this village cant exist without a proper ruler. So unless to take up arms yourself-", "No!" there was silence for a few moments. "S-Sorry....but I'm not interested" Cerulean said softly. "Can you look after him for now?" the woman chuckled. "my pleasure" the blue caped guard thanked her, then left.
"You know, you don't have to pretend to sleep now" he slowly opened his eyes, glancing over the woman's frame. She had mint hair, green eyes , and a kind smile. He sat up a little with a slight wince. She smiled. "You don't have to be afraid of me. Though I guess I'm a lot less intimidating than a guard in full uniform holding a sword" he didn't respond. "What's your name?" he faced her, blinking. "uh..." she bit her lip. "where you from?" she tried. He thought on that. He....didn't remember. Why couldn't he remember? "Cat got your tongue?" he glanced up at her. "I...d-don't...remember...anything" he murmured. She smiled. "well at least you didn't forget how to talk" she started to walk away. "it aint that important you remember who you are in this day and age to be honest" he heard some rattling and she walked back out with a tray of food. "it's all about the name you make for yourself" she smiled again. "eat up"
He took the tray and ate a little of the bread. The color went back into his face and he got a little more focused once his hunger was sated with the rest of the meal. The green haired woman smiled. "You know, I ran away from my parent's house a while ago to become a merchant. Only moved here a few moons ago. Hell if I look back on my past-" she cleared her throat. "my opinion is it's all about the name you make for yourself" suddenly...something came back to him. "Ki...llua..." he murmured. The woman raised a brow. "Hm? That's your name?" he looked down, nodding a little. "I...think" he glanced back up as she chuckled. "it's a start at least" she held out a hand. "name's Menchi" Killua took her hand, and watched as she shook it. She glanced at his arm. "Hey...what are those markings?"
Killua blinked, glancing at his arm. There were... curved white markings shaped like crescents on his body. One above his wrist and another below his shoulder. It was on each arm, and there were similar markings in crescents under his eyes and two bands on his ankles. He blinked as she let go of his hand. "I don't...know" he said softly. Menchi hummed. "Curious" she chuckled. "You know I'm not as knowledgeable as most, but I got a friend who's visiting shortly who is! Let's go ask 'em" Killua blinked. "Huh?" Menchi smiled. "Might help you find where you came from" Killua tilted his head slightly. "but didn't you just say-" she scoffed. "I say a lot of things. 'sides you might be a lost prince who's parents will shower me with riches if I return you" she said, laughing. Killua stayed quiet, glancing around the room. She sighed. "Lighten up will you? C'mon" she took his hand and brought him outside. His bare feet got scraped a little on the stones but it didn't bother him. Where am I really...?
1547 words
To be continued...
so this is an experiment pwp wanted to see how far this would go. based heavily off of something, if you get it then I'd be impressed (or you googled it) but anyways- what do you think?
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