~Chapter 3~
"EDENNNN!" Menchi shouted, bursting through the door. Killua walked behind her, wincing slightly at the volume. Eden was on a chair drinking coffee at the time she burst in, however he jumped and dropped the cup, which was actually a tea cup despite it having coffee in it. He also drank with one pinky up. For some reason that seemed odd to Killua, even though he couldn't remember why. "What in the hell?" Eden exclaimed. He had a pretty high pitched and feminine voice. "STOP TELLING PEOPLE I LIVE IN A BROTHEL!" Menchi shouted. Eden growled. "who said you can barge in here unannounced?" he snapped, taking a few paces forward. "Besides, your home, by literal definition, is considered a brothel!"
"I don't care what a definition is because it doesn't define who I am!" Menchi said loudly. "You- just- ugh" Eden sighed. "Nevermind. What does the concubine need?" Killua just stayed in the doorway. Remembering Eden as the guy he'd nearly slit the throat of a few hours ago. "I don't know what that word means but fuck you because it's most likely an insult!" she sighed. "Anyways this is my new friend, his name's Killua" she gestured to Killua and he walked up beside her. Eden yelped and jumped back. "You're the heathen who tried to kill me! But worse, he burned my book!" Menchi looked at Eden dryly. "Oh no, how dare he" she said, sarcastically. Killua finally decided to speak. "I...don't...remember what a...book is" he mumbled.
Eden gasped, putting his hands to his chest like he was in physical pain. "I-I'm gonna- have a heart attack-" Menchi groaned. "Look, just tell us what those markings are. I figured you'd know since you're so smart" Killua held out an arm again obediently. Eden blinked and took a step forward. "He's not gonna attack me again is he?" he said suspiciously. Killua blinked. "Oh...not this time," Menchi grinned. "Hey, that was pretty feisty," Eden scowled. "Oh great. Another Menchi" Killua frowned a little. "I didn't mean-" Eden rolled his eyes. "whatever. Lemme see" Killua held out his arm to him. He inspected it for a few moments. "I don't have any knowledge about this..." he admitted.
"the hell? Why not?" Menchi said, with an irritated frown. Killua put his arm back down as Eden let go. "Cause I haven't researched it!" He walked over to a bookshelf and picked up a blue book, then walked back over with it in his hands. He pointed to it, looking at Killua "You need books to research things." Killua tilted his head a little. Looks like a bunch of leather...? "and guess what? People nowadays are afraid of knowledge. So they BURN THE BOOKS!" he complained. Menchi raised an eyebrow. "what else are you supposed to do with them?" Eden growled. "READ THEM!" Killua tried to understand for a moment. "Those? But...you have books here" he said. "These aren't all the books in the world!" he groaned, setting it down. "Listen, I don't know anything about those markings. Please, just leave"
Menchi huffed. "Fine," she glanced at him. "Killua, you're going to stay with Eden for the night" she turned, and started to leave. Eden's eyes widened in shock. "Wait what?" Menchi glanced over her shoulder at him. "he lost his memory and he needs help. 'sides, there's not a lot of room at my house with all the ladies that live with me. So he'll stay here with you" she huffed. "and you and your hefiditions-", "definitions" Eden interjected with a scowl. Menchi rolled her eyes. "whatever. Maybe you can teach Killua a few things since you're such a smartass" Eden rolled his eyes. Menchi glanced at him. "Sorry Killua but I don't have enough space for you to stay with us. Plus Eden has a bunch of space" Eden protested immediately. "B-But he tried to kill me!" Menchi grinned. "Have fun!" Then she walked out and shut the door behind her.
Killua and Eden both watched her leave, then slowly turned towards each other. "B-But I- w- g- ughhh" he groaned. "Whatever, I'm going to sleep!" Killua blinked, glancing around. What should I do? He started to follow Eden, who led him into the kitchen. There was a blanket on a table. "Take that, and sleep wherever you want to. My blood's far past boiling right now to care about anything!" he snapped, then walked upstairs. Killua picked up the blue cotton blanket, glancing up. "I'm...sorry I-", "sorry won't get my book back" Eden grumbled. Killua blinked. "Oh..." he glanced down, taking 3 steps forward and placing his blanket on the floor, before slipping under it. The floor was cold and hard, but he snuggled his face into the blanket with a sigh and felt a little bit of comfort. "Sleepy..." he mumbled, slowly closing his eyes and descending into darkness.
The next morning Killua felt...odd. He slipped out of his blanket and walked outside, slowly making his way down the street. Something was...in distress. His bare feet scraped a little on the cobblestone walkway but he ignored it, silently walking. He walked into one of the crop fields that were surrounded by fences, lips parting. The soil...it was crying for help. The crops...creaking in pain. It wasn't so much a sound or a sight as it was a...feeling. Killua made his way to the middle of the barren crop field, looking down at the browning dying plants. The soil...it's hurting. He knelt down, placing a hand on the suffering dirt. Please...don't suffer anymore. He thought, feeling the parched earth. I won't let you...suffer... there was a slight glow around him, pale blue in color. Killua looked down, his markings had started to shine. The light got brighter and brighter, until it was blinding like a pale blue tinted sun. suddenly... The glow was gone.
Killua's eyes widened in shock and he stood up, holding his hands up. w-what...? The soil was healthy and full of life, In a small patch of green around him. "The crops!" Killua's eyes snapped over to Cerulean, who had seen the whole thing. He was standing just outside the fence. "what did you..." he looked down at the earth, then up at the helmet that hid Cerulean's facial expression. Killua's eyes watered a little, he...he sounded mad. Cerulean walked up to him, then knelt down and felt the earth, before standing back up with an awestruck tone. "The soil...it's been restored!" he glanced around. The green patch was only 1/10th of the crop field they were standing in. "Only in this area however... Kid, do you realize what you've done? Oh this is a blessing!" he glanced at Killua. "Are you..." Killua was crying a little. He...he hadn't meant to do that. Cerulean was getting so loud, was he mad? Did Killua do something wrong?
"I-I'm so sorry. I d-didn't...I didn't mean to..." Cerulean glanced at his arms. "Your marks..." then he paused. "why- why are you apologizing?'' He took Killua's hands in his own. "H-Huh?" Cerulean seemed to be looking into his eyes, although he couldn't tell due to the eye concealing helmet. "You don't know how much of a blessing what you just did is. I mean it...thank you" Killua stopped crying, lost for words for a moment. Cerulean suddenly let go of his hands, taking a polite step back. "I- m-my apologies! I was just excited" he cleared his throat. "You have no idea how much this'll help the village, '' Killua blinked. "Help...?" Cerulean sighed. "My apologies, I forgot you still haven't regained your memories. I'll explain" he looked down. "This village...it's dying" Killua's eyes widened. "but...we're not the only ones. We are currently in the region of Japon. For almost two years now multiple villages in the region have suffered the same fate... almost every village has a story of a terrible fate that befell it, whether that be barren crops or...villagers and lords even dying or disappearing at seemingly random"
Killua's lips parted. That was...horrible. "why...?" Cerulean sighed. "I do not know...I'm a simple guard. I'm not haunted with the burden of the truth. All I know, is I have to protect this village at all costs in hopes that a new lord will..." he trailed off, glancing at Killua. "Can you...perform that miracle again?" His eyes widened. "H-Huh?" Cerulean sighed. "I've been trading with merchants for food and resources to sustain us. But if...if you could restore the soil...we could grow our own food. If you could just..." Killua looked down. But... "My apologies, you're still recovering" the head guard said. "SIR CERULEAN!" Tess shouted. Cerulean glanced in that direction. Tess came running up. "Sir Cerulean! My patrol spotted a werewolf at the gates!" Cerulean stiffened. " A Werewolf? Wait...We don't have gates'' Tess huffed. "Sorry, the fences. It doesn't matter. The point is I saw a werewolf!"
Cerulean walked towards Tess. "Show me" he ordered. Suddenly there was a snap, like a branch cracking. All three of them glanced over at the treeline. The two guards slid out their swords with a metallic 'shinggg' noise. "Tess, this is a good opportunity to test your courage. Go look". "M-Me? Well- m-maybe it's just a deer?" she said hopefully. Killua thought that was plausible. But Cerulean turned to Tess. "Tess, a deer doesn't make one solid sound. It rustles the brush around it and-" there was another snap. "That's no deer! Tess! Come!" Cerulean barked, taking off into the bushes. Killua was left alone and confused. However...he'd file that information away for later.
1586 words
To be continued...
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