Index and Welcome
Greetings people of Wattpad!! This is my Novel the Ryella chronicles. I have been working on this for a while but have not completed It yet so updates may be far apart Feedback would be great and I hope you enjoy!
Also a huge huge thank you to -stxrlights for my AMAZING cover
This story takes place in Ryella (RYE-ella), a broad world, the species territories are in all different parts. With miles upon miles of open space between them. The world is very similar to our earth if humans had never inhabited it.
Beyond the silver sea is where the gods live in Ilithiel (IL-lith-i-EL), the main god being Eluni (EL-oo-ni), god of the gods. Each species has their own god, Woodlings worship Eriteya (air-ri-TRAY-ah), the earth goddess and goddess of healing, Frostlings worship Voren(VOR ( like for)ren), the frost god and the god of magic, Shadowlings worship Ragnop (RAAG-nop), the god of Darkness and the god of battle, the Aqualings worship Feryja( fer-EY-ja), the water goddess and the goddess of wisdom, Breezlings worship Gerida ( ger-EE-da), the air goddess and goddess of nature. Beyond the endless dark lies Garanech (gar-A-nech), the banished god of destruction. He is our antagonist,
All species are sprite-like creatures about ¼ of our height, although each species has different characteristics, as listed below.
· Woodling,
Woodlings have brown skin and green eyes, they eat birds and air creatures, their talent is climbing and they have long retractable talon-like claws to help them do so. Their kingdom is high off the ground in the leaves of the great oak forest in the southern part of the world. Their weakness is that while they are quick climbers and deadly with their talons, they have no means of air transport like the other species, they are famed healers, that is the magic given to them by their goddess.
· Frostling
Frostlings have dark blue skin and silver eyes, they eat hare and mountain goat, their talent is architecture and their ability to shape and form ice helps them do so, their main enemy is Shadowlings. Their kingdom is high in the Gyqek (guy-KWEK) Rise, in the eastern part of Ryella. There weakness hot climates, they can get very sick so when traveling to battle Frostling armies usually send a frost cloud ahead/above them. Their mode of air transport consists of large snowflakes, unable to be melted, that are controlled by the rider via a series of ropes and ties.
· Shadowling
Shadowlings have dark colored skin in many varying colors in darker shades such as dark blue and black and they have yellow eyes. Their talent is tactics. They eat many species of cave fish. Their main enemy is the Aqualings. Their kingdom resides in the intricate cave systems of the Konzesh ( kon-ZESH) sanctuary, in the western part of the world. Their weakness is sunlight, so, like there Frostling enemies, their shamans send a black cloud ahead of their host. Their mode of air transport consists of large bats, tamed by its Shadowling rider at a young age.
· Aqualing
Aqualings have light blue skin and amber eyes, their talent is knowledge and they favor it over all else. They, similar to the Shadowlings, eat fish from the ocean. Their main enemy is Frostlings. Their kingdom resides underneath the waters of the Syrell ( sigh-RELL) sea in the northern part of Ryella. Their weakness is ice. They have no air transport, but rather ride on tamed dolphins, very similar to the Shadowlings bats.
· Breezeling
Breezelings have grey to white skin and grey eyes, their talent is flight and they have cream wings on their backs that allow them to fly so they don't need an air transport, they eat the oversized insects that plague them constantly. they have no designated kingdom and take no part in the war, yet will attack when provoked. They are also the species most connected to the gods and goddess in Ilithiel, and their prophets receive prophecies from them and then spread that prophecy to the other species. They also have a few mages who can perform air magic
Species ruler/s
Woodlings king: King Hotys (HO-ties)
Woodlings queen: Queen Eudiline (YEW-dil-ine)
Woodlings princess: Princess Adora ( ah-DOR-Ra)
Frostling queen: Queen Atheena (AH-theen-ah)
Shadowling king: King Malcolum (mal-COL-um)
Shadowling heir: Neophyte ( ney-oh-fight) Septimus
Aqualing king: King Ottee (oat-tea)
Aqualing queen: Queen Eve
Breezling lord: Lord Aymer (Ai-mer)
Breezling lady: Lady Athelis ( ath-EL-is)
Main characters:
Xoltos (zol-TOS): male, pitch black skin and yellow eyes, he is sarcastic, disobedient and aggressive. He is a Shadowlings scout.
Cyip ( sigh-YIP): female, white skin and grey eyes, she has cream feathered wings. She is shy and over exaggerates a lot, she is a Breezlings wind-runner.
Krebhu ( creh-BU), male, he has brown skin and green eyes, he is protective, strong and caring, he is a Woodlings solider.
Creem ( sounds like cream), female, dark blue skin and silver eyes, she is loyal, and a leader. She is a Frostlings rider.
Rem, male, light blue skin and amber eyes, he is helpful, kind, well learned and respectful, he is an Aqualings Scholar
Species ranks:
King: the ruler, they make all the decisions relating to the war
Queen: the queen is the kings second hand, they help them make decisions in relation to the war
Prince/Princess: son or daughter of the king and queen, Fryshotes only reproduce once, next in line to the throne
Guardian: the main guard of the royal family
Solider: a fighter in the species army
Shaman: a magician
Healer mage: a healer with magic
Healer: a healer without magic
Scout: scouts head out before a host and scout the area
Loyal: the working class
Queen: the main ruler, makes all the decisions regarding the war
Heir: the next in line to the throne, chosen by the queen
Watcher: the royals main guard
Solider: fighters in the species army
Shaman: magicians
Scout: they scout ahead on their snowflakes.
Rider: the Ariel cavalry
Loyal: the working class
King: the king is the head royal and makes all the decisions regarding the war
Heir: the second in line, chosen by the king
Protector: the guard of the royal family
Solider: a fighter in the army
Shaman: magician
Scout: they ride out on their companions ahead of the host
Rider: Ariel cavalry
Loyal: the working class
Lord: the one in charge, all other ranks report to them
Lady: equal ranking as the lord
Whisperer: brings new to the lord and lady
Prophet: receives prophecies from Ilithiel
Mage: air magic user
Wind-runner: spreads the prophecies to the other species, to harm a wind runner is death.
Rover: they travel with no allegiance to any species but their own
King: the head ruler, makes all the decisions regarding the war
Heir: second in line, chosen by the king
Saviors: the royals main guard
Scholars: the most well learned
soldiers: fighters in the army:
Shamans: magicians
Riders: Ocean cavalry
Scouts: they head out ahead of the host, reporting back
Loyal: the working class
Companion species:
Xoltos companion: Artimus, male, not as dark of a black as Xoltos, yellow eyes, broad wingspan, which makes him a quick flyer.
Rem companion: Echo, female, a light grey color intelligent blue eyes. Very smart.
Moon turn: month
Warping delirium: a disease that causes the victim to slowly lose their minds, eventually fatal.
Neophyte: Shadowling term for the heir
Westra: Frostling greeting
Knall: Frostling home, kind of like an igloo but made of ice instead of snow.
Greens: Woodling slang for healer mages, usually used among the soldier ranks
Eslum: a black metal used mainly by the Shadowlings.
This will be updated as I write this novel
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