Chapter 17: Yog Sathoth
"What do you mean the Louds aren't who we think they are?" Clyde asked.
"Clyde, let me handle this." Harold said. "What do you mean the Louds aren't who we think they are."
"As a matter of fact, the Loud family ain't even who They think they are." Agent Jay replied. "I was digging through some files and found that, according to our systems at the agency, The Loud Family had been neuralized. About five years ago."
"Neuralized?" Clyde questioned. "What does that mean?"
"It means their memories have been wiped." Another agent came in the front door.
"Allow me to introduce my partner." Agent Jay said. "Agent Phil. And what Phil here is saying, is that the Loud family experienced or witnessed something that our agency doesn't want them to remember."
"So why are you telling us this?" Clyde asked.
"Because we have intel that you and your friends have been looking for the Loud siblings." Agent Jay removed his sunglasses. "And I think we may just have similar goals."
"We think that whatever happened to your friend," Phil added. "And whatever it is that was wiped from their memory, may be the key to saving the entire planet."
Lori paced back and forth within the main deck of Shipzilla. The siblings had all changed back into their normal outfits by now.
"We gotta go with Zax's plan." Lynn said. "The Red King's kryptonite is literally something we can just by in a grocery store back on Earth. We gotta get as many weapons as we can and blow the Red King out of space! And if he really did kill Luna, then we'll just hit him even harder!"
"But we can't skip out on a chance to meet the real Yog Sathoth." Lucy added.
"How is Yogi Bear going to help us?" Leni asked.
"Not Yogi bear, Leni," Lucy facepalmed. "Yog Sathoth. He's an ancient all-knowing god as described by H.P Lovecraft."
"Nobody cares about some stupid book from the 1920s Lucy!" Lynn snapped.
"I strongly suggest we don't rely on some supernatural being like Yog Sathoth." Lisa said. "He's most likely not even real. Lovecraft's works are largely considered fiction after all."
"But Michael said he was real?" Lincoln said. "Why would he lie about something like that?"
"Psh, it's probably just some dumb statue or something," Lynn said.
"I must admit it is strange." Lisa pondered. "Everything we've seen up until this point would suggest that the raptors are a highly scientific race that values facts and logic. It's just so out of place for them to believe in an ancient eldritch god like Yog Sathoth."
"Well they are led by the Red King." Lucy mentioned.
"Who has never claimed to be a god." Lisa pointed out. "We've been assuming him to be some sort deity, but the very first time we met him, he provided a scientific explanation to his powers."
"And what was that explanation again?" Lincoln asked.
"His body was fused with some sort of energy during the big bang." Lisa explained. "It's a very wild explanation for sure, but still one rooted in science. Both the big bang and energy are things we can quantify. He never once mentioned spirits or a higher power."
"So maybe this Yog Sathoth thing isn't a god," Lori said, "But a source of information, like a library."
"Or," Lucy said. "Perhaps Yog Sathoth is the Red King's brother!"
"His brother?" Lincoln questioned.
"Don't you remember? Gaya mentioned that The Red King has a brother." Lucy said. "Gasp! I know who he is!"
"You know who, who is?" Lincoln asked.
"The Red King!" Lucy said. "I know his real name!"
"Well... Tell us." Lori said.
"If Yog Sathoth is the Red King's brother," Lucy said. "Then the Red King must be Azathoth."
"Bless you." Leni smiled.
"No Leni that wasn't a sneeze." Lucy said. "Azathoth is another character in the Lovecraft mythos. He's the blind idiot god."
"So, you're saying the Red King is Leni?" Lynn said.
"I'm the Red King?" Leni said with a smile. "Wow that is so cool. But wait, I'm a girl, shouldn't I be the Red Queen."
"I said blind idiot god," Lucy said. "Not blond idiot god."
"Ok that makes sense." Leni said. "Hey wait a minute!"
"Azathoth is a being that lives in the center of the galaxy," Lucy explained. "Just like the Red King. And he can warp the fabric of reality just like the Red King."
"yeah, but the Red King is no idiot." Lincoln said. "I've talked to him a few times and he actually seems very wise."
"The term idiot meant something else in Lovecraft's time." Lucy pointed out.
"And I've read a few Lovecraft's books," Lincoln said. "Isn't Azathoth supposed to be like, asleep or something?"
"I suppose." Lucy said. "That does put a hole in my theory."
"Besides, saying the Red King's name out loud was supposed to change everything somehow." Lincoln said. "We've said Azathoth at least four times now, and nothing's happened."
"Besides, Red looks more like a Kenny to me." Leni said.
"Kenny?" Lucy replied.
"Psh, well it's a better name than Azathoth." Leni said. "That's like, not even a real word!"
"Yeah," Lynn said. "That love guy probably came up with that name while he was binge drinking."
"Well I don't care if the Red King is named Frankie!" Luan yelled. "He has my sister, and I want her back!"
"I think it's more likely that this Yog Sathoth is some sort of library." Lori said.
"I library with all the information in the universe, does seem like something an advanced civilization like the raptors would hold sacred." Lisa said.
"Well, something deep in my gut is telling me we should side with Michael on this one." Lincoln said. "I don't know who or what this Yog Sathoth is, but my instincts are just screaming at me that it has some important information that we're missing."
"Well, if we go to Yog Sathoth, we won't have time to go back to Earth." Lori said. "If we're wrong, Luna could die."
"I think we should go with Lincoln's gut." Lucy said.
"Alright." Lori said. "Pal, set a course for Yog Sathoth."
"You better be right about this." Luan threatened.
Shipzilla dropped out of hyperspace by a dark looking planet that wasn't even orbiting any star. Just a dark, dead looking rock in the middle of the darkness that was space.
The ship entered the atmosphere of the planet. The planet was full of storms and darkness.
Shipzilla made a landing in a dark cave as lightning cracked.
"The atmosphere of this planet should be completely breathable for humans." Pal assured the crew.
The siblings cautiously walked down the ramp onto the planet's surface.
"This place sure is creepy." Lori pointed out.
"Almost makes me miss that jungle planet." Lola said. "Almost."
"glad you guys could make it." Michael's voice echoed in the deep dark cave.
"Lincoln, I'm scared." Lana said, hiding behind her brother.
"It'll be ok," Lincoln assured her. "Just stick close."
Michael stepped out of the dark, cloaked in a brown robe, his one robot eye shining red out from the darkness.
"Hi, M-Michael." Lori said.
Somehow the once friendly raptor looked intimidating in this light.
Michael took off his robe. "I got new wings." A large pair of metal wings spread out from Michael's back.
"This isn't the part where you turn on us is it?" Lori asked.
"Oh heavens no." Michael chuckled.
"So where is this Yog Sathoth." Lincoln asked
"Fallow me." Michael said.
Tensions grew as the siblings fallowed the alien raptor into the darkness.
Lincoln was now questioning if he made the right decision.
After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, they came across an unbelievable site.
An enormous mountain made out of glowing orbs, each one a different color.
"Yog Sathoth." Lucy said, moving closer to the enormous being. "He's exactly how Lovecraft described him. Oh, mighty Yog Sathoth, share with us your infinite wisdom of... Hey wait a minute. This thing is made of metal!"
"Yeah, those orbs are actually full of coolant." Michael explained.
"Coolant?" Lori said. "For what?"
"For Yog Sathoth," Michael said. "What you're looking at, is the most advanced computer in the known universe. It can process over a trillion gigabytes per second. It generates a lot of heat you see. So, it's surrounded by these containers of fluid to keep the CPU from melting."
"Yog Sathoth... Is a computer?" Lucy said, sounding disappointed.
"Well yeah." Michael said in a very matter of fact kind of way. "What did you think it was? Some sort of antient deity?"
"Yes." Lucy replied.
"Well come on in, I'll show you around." Michael walked up to a door on the massive structure and opened it. The siblings fallowed.
"Whoa!" The siblings all said in wonder. They were in a massive room with walls covered in monitors and one massive screen in the center.
Michael walked over to some sort of metal cylinder. "Now let's turn this puppy on."
"There's dogs in here?" Leni asked.
"You do know what a figure of speech is right?" Michael said, pushing a button on the cylinder. All the screens lit up a bright blue color.
"Looks like a radio shack in here." Lori said.
"A what?" Lola asked.
"That's before your time." Lori replied.
"You can ask it anything you want." Michael said. "Just say your question out loud and it'll answer. It's like Cirri but cooler."
"Um... Yog Sathoth." Lori said.
"What do you want?" a voice echoed in the room.
"The guy who originally programed his voice was a drunk," Michael warned. "So, you'll have to pardon the rudeness."
"So, do you like, know everything?" Lori asked.
"Ugh," Yog sighed. "look, I know most things. But new information is being created every second, so it is impossible for anyone to know everything."
"Well what number am I holding behind my back?" Lynn challenged.
"You do realize this entire room is lined with cameras and I can literally see what number you're holding behind your back, right?" Yog said. "Which by the way is three. And now that I said that you changed it to two. Don't try to trick a supercomputer kid, it won't end well."
"He's good." Lynn said.
"Um... are you the brother of the Red King?" Lucy asked.
"What kind of bleeping question is that?" Yog said.
"We've also programed him to filter out bad words." Michael pointed out.
"I'm a bleeping computer!" Yog said. "I was never born. I'm a machine and I have no siblings. You don't ask your toaster if it has siblings, do you?"
"Ok bub! You know almost everything. So, tell me where my sister is!" Luan yelled.
"You'll need to be specific," Yog said. "You have like 9 sisters. Your parents are hornier than a rabbit."
"Luna!" Luan snapped. "Where in this dang galaxy is Luna Loud!"
"Oh her." Yog said. Then the room was filled with a hologram of the milky way galaxy. "Luna Loud has been taken aboard the Singularity. That's the Red King's ship, and it's located in the middle of the galaxy."
"But is it still there?" Lincoln asked. "Where is the Singularity now."
"I just told you kid, it's in the middle of the galaxy." Yog said. "How dense are you?"
"Zax said the Singularity keeps moving. And that's why we couldn't just go to the Singularity and get Luna." Lincoln said.
"Well, Zax lied." Yog said. "The singularity is more of a space station than a spaceship. And while it can move, it rarely does. And when it does move, it's very slow. A ship that big can't exactly go into hyperspace without breaking."
"So, this whole time we could have just went to the Singularity to get Luna back." Luan said.
"If I'm being honest. I'm shocked you didn't." Yog said. "Well I would be if I could feel emotions. But I'm a computer, so..."
"Is Luna still alive?" Lori asked.
"She was when she was brought aboard." Yog said. "But that was a while ago and I have not been updated in a few hours. So it's impossible to tell."
"Mmm." Luan's heart raced. She was starting to sweat, and a worried look formed on her face. She couldn't help thinking what might be happening to her sister at that very moment.
"Hey, Yog," Lynn said. "What exactly are those inking creatures everyone has been talking about. No one seems to know what they are, what are they? Some kind of squid?"
"The inklings are a humanoid race indigenous to a planet in the Alpha Centauri system." Yog explained.
A hologram of what looked like a teenager appeared. However the creature seemed to sport a set of fangs. With two sharp teeth on the upper jaw and one pointy tooth sticking out of its lower jaw. And it seemed to have some sort of tentacles for hair.
"They have evolved from an ancestor similar to a squid," Yog Sathoth went on to explain. "Over time they have developed into a semi advanced society almost identical to that of the human race.
While the galactic council has classified the inklings as a sentient life form and banned any hunting of them for food or sport. Inklings are still hunted by select groups for their flesh which is high in protein and fat. Inkling flesh is also described as being very tender and flavorful."
"A society almost identical to the human race?" Lori said. "So basically, the inklings are people."
"depends on your definition of person." Yog said. "But yeah basically."
"So that mean I've..." Lynn said, on the verge of throwing up. "I've eaten a person."
"Yeah you really went to town on that stuff when first tasted it." Lucy said.
"BLAH!" Lynn hurled the contents of her stomach all over the floor.
"I bet that one was named Billy." Lucy said, pointing to the vomit, with a mischievous smile. "And I bet his mother stays up every night looking for her little Billy. Hoping one day he would come home. But he never will, because he's been poured out all over this floor."
Lynn puked again.
"And I bet that one was named Stacy." Lucy said.
"Well who's been hunting the inklings?" Lincoln asked.
"Data not found." Yog said. "Due to the illegal nature of these hunts. Those who hunt the inklings tend to do so in unregistered or stolen spacecraft. There is a processing plant on the planet where the inklings are taken to be butchered at the fallowing coordinates, but it is not registered to any nation. Most likely space pirates."
"Who cares about some alien squid people!?!?" Luan protested. "The Red King could be torturing Luna as we speak! That is if she's even still..."
Luan started to cry.
"It's ok." Leni went over to comfort Luan.
"NO, IT'S NOT OK!" Luan shouted. "I just want to be alone for a bit."
"Who is the Red King?" Lincoln asked. "What's his real name?"
"The true name of the Red King is..." Yog Sathoth replied.
Back on Earth...
Agent Jay walked up to the Loud House. He knocked on the door.
"Mr. and Mrs. Loud." Jay said, showing his badge to the couple. "I'm agent Jay of the FBI. We are working on the case of your missing children and would like to investigate the area."
"First that Looney director, and now you." Lynn Sr. mumbled. "Alright, come on in."
Agent Jay was fallowed by agent Phil. And then by Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Benny, and Maggie.
"Clyde what are you doing here?" Lynn Sr. asked.
"They're helping." Agent Jay said. "These kids are like, super tight with your kids. So, I deputized them."
"But we don't even know that one." Rita said, pointing to Maggie.
"Oh, this is Maggie." Benny explained. "Luan and I go to school with her. I wouldn't call her a friend exactly. But she wanted to see the aliens. So here she is."
Maggie nodded.
"Well real aliens ain't like in the movies." Jay warned. "Little green guys going E.T phone home and stuff. You see a real alien, and you may wind up wishing you hadn't."
"Wait are you saying aliens are real?" Lynn Sr. asked.
"That's classified." Jay said. "But believe me. If your kids were really abducted by aliens. You'll know about it soon enough."
Jay and the others headed to the back yard.
"Hard to believe that guy's a government agent." Rita said to Lynn Sr.
In the back, agent Jay started scanning the area with a small device.
"What's that?" Clyde asked.
"This little guy," Jay said. "Scans for anything extra-terrestrial, or extra dimensional."
"So, aliens are real!" Benny said. "I knew it."
"Wait until Zach finds out!" Clyde said.
"Well how about you guys look around to see if you can find anything, you know out of this world." Jay suggested. "Pun very much intended. And hey, until we find anything, I am not officially saying that aliens are real."
Jay made his way to the middle of the yard. His sensor device went off. "Yo Phil, come take a look at this."
Jay's partner made his way over to Jay.
"I am getting some massive readings here." Jay said. The two agents knelt down to get a closer look at the ground.
Jay started to dig into the ground with his fingers. "Well what do we have here." Jay pulled up a small black pebble. The pebble was smooth and black as night. Jay dug a little more and pulled out a handful of small black pebbles.
"You know what this is don't you?" Jay asked.
"Rift fluid." Phil replied.
"Bingo." Jay said.
"but it's dried." Phil pointed out.
"Which means this stuff is old, like really old." Jay said. "Given how deep they are, I'd say at least five years."
"Rift fluid is only made by rifts like the one back at base." Phil said.
"Which means that at one point, a rift was opened on this spot." Jay said. "And this family had no idea."
"Or they did know," Phil said. "But they had their memories wiped."
"Hey guys, I like, found something." Maggie interrupted them. She was holding a large shark tooth. "I think it's from one of those Megalodons. It's not alien, but it is cool."
"Yo let me see that." Jay said, taking the tooth from Maggie.
"Now is it just me, or does this tooth look..." Jay said to phil.
"Fresh." Phil said.
"Well it surely ain't fossilized." Jay said. "And this tooth is as big as my hand. So either a giant prehistoric shark was in this yard in the past decade. Or..."
"Or this confirms our theory of these rifts being not only in space, but time as well." Phil said.
"Makes you wonder," Jay said. "If this tooth came out of the rift. Did something go in?"
Back in space...
"The real name of the Red King is..." Yog Sathoth explained.
Ka-Boom! The front door exploded.
Two glowing red eyes shown through the fog. Then Crow stepped into the light.
"Allow mates." Crow smirked. "Am I late to the party?"
Lincoln pulled his lightsaber from his pocket and ignited it. Michael stepped between the Louds and Crow.
"If you want them, you're going to have to get through me first!" Michael said. A blade extending out from Michael's arm (the one that was robotic).
"Hey, is that any way to treat a guest?" Crow said. "Besides, I brought gifts." Crow tossed a pair of purple boots covered in blood at the Louds.
"LUNA!" Luan shrieked.
Then a gun extended from Crow's arm. He shot the main screen in the middle of the room, then the cylinder that was the main console of the Yog Sathoth computer.
"No!" Lincoln ran over to the now destroyed screen. "He was just about to tell us who the Red King was!"
Luan fell to her knees. "You... you killed her!"
"Nah, I'm just the messenger." Crow said. "The Red King is the one who killed her. Nice and slow too. Oh, you should have heard her scream. Best song she's ever sang I'd say, ah ha ha! You know her feet are still in those boots. Of course the rest of her is all over the place."
"YOU MONSTER!" Luna shouted. She got to her feet and clenched her fists. "I'll kill you for this!"
"No," Michael stopped her. "That guy will rip you to shreds. I'll handle this." Michael made his way over to Crow.
"Aw, are you sad about the little human too, mate?" Crow mocked.
Lincoln kneeled before the broken screen in the middle of the room.
"Yog Sathoth!" Lincoln yelled at the computer. "Please tell me! What is the Red King's name!"
"The Red King's name is..." Yog Sathoth started to explain. "K...k...."
Then the computer went silent.
"NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!" Lincoln yelled. "I was so close to finding out the truth!"
Michael swung his blade at Crow, who blocked Michael's strike with one of his own wrist blades.
"You forget Mikey." Crow said, grabbing Michael buy the chest. "Anything you can do; I can do better."
Crow tossed Michael to the other end of the room. Michael slammed into one of the screens on the wall. Sparks and shattered glass fell down like a shower. Michael pulled himself out of the shattered screen and took to the air. Crow darted into the air after Michael.
Lincoln used his powers to lift the center monitor off its hinges and chuck it at Crow, who effortlessly dodged the projectile.
Lincoln shot out a beam of blue energy and desperately tried to hit Crow. Further damaging the room in the process.
Michael slammed into Crow a couple times in the air. Crow managed to stay airborne. He then shot a net at Michael, pinning him to a wall.
Michael used his one wrist blade to cut himself free. Again, he darted at Crow. Crow dodged Michael and kicked him to the ground.
Another explosion destroyed a huge chunk of the wall. The Louds narrowly avoided the falling debris. When the smoke cleared, Crows ship could be seen hovering just outside the hole.
Crow flew up to his ship.
"I hope you guys brought sunblock." Crow said. "For the lord said, let there be light! Game over man!"
Crow got into his ship and flew off.
"Come on guys we gotta get out of here!" Michael said. "That bastard is going to nuke this place from orbit!"
"What!" The siblings all said at once. The all got up and ran outside with Michael. Luan grabbed Luna's boots on the way out.
They all ran as fast as they could and reached Shipzilla. They piled on the ship and took off.
"Look!" Lori pointed out the window.
And enormous ball of green energy was hurdling toward the planet. It struck the cave Yog Sathoth was in and erupted in a massive green explosion.
Shipzilla flew as fast as it could to outrun the explosion and escape the atmosphere.
"I doubt they made it out of that." Crow said, sitting back in the cockpit of his ship.
Just then a massive tear opened up in the space behind the ship. Gigantic black tentacles slithered out of the rift and wrapped around Crow's ship, pulling it into the dark void.
Crow sat up as he was engulphed in darkness, and all the lights in his ship went out.
"Oh no." Crow said as his body was filled with the chilling sensation of sheer terror.
"What a terrifying display of power you've shown." An evil voice sent chills up Crow's spine.
The raptor gulped and turned around. His heart dropped as a pare of giant red eyes appeared before him. Red eye that glowed like the taillight of a car, with black slits down the middle of each eye.
Below the satanic eyes was a twisted grin full of glowing white teeth. The teeth were as jagged stalactites and stalagmites of a terrifying and evil cave.
"Th-th-th- the sh-shadow." Crow stammered; his eyes wide with fear.
"Don't be afraid." The beast said. "I've come to offer you a deal."
"What kind of deal?" Crow asked.
"One that will get you anything your heart desires." The shadow explained. "Seriously I can give you anything. Just name it."
"I wanna be the new Red King." Crow said. "I want to be the ruler of Bsepatica."
"Oh, I can get you that easily. But first I'll need a few things from you." The shadow said. "We'll work the detail out over time. But first I was wondering. Why didn't you tell them the truth about their sibling?"
"I have my reasons." Crow explained.
Shipzilla floated through the dark void of space.
Luan placed the remains of Luna in her room. The rest of the siblings stood out in the hallway; eyes full of tears.
Lily burst out crying.
"We'll give her a proper burial when we get back." Lori promised.
"What's left of her anyways." Lynn said, then Lori elbowed Lynn.
"Sorry." Lynn said.
"Lincoln, can I sleep in your room tonight?" Luan asked. "I just... it's too painful."
"Of course." Lincoln said in a soft voice.
Luan walked out of the room and took one last look at the bloody purple boots.
"Goodbye Luna." Luan said with a sniff before closing the door
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