Getaway From Me
Rhydon: Last time, on the Rhydonculous Race, the bad rep of the Bermuda Triangle lead to a crash landing near a haunted house. Once there, the teams had to retrieve a statue from inside said haunted house. Man oh man was it scary. Buneary nearly met her demise by a mythical ghost type, but she was thankfully saved by Buizel. And was it just me or did Oricorio seem a bit jealous? Moving on, I'm happy to report that thirty-six Pokémon entered that haunted house and each and every one of them made it out alive. So in the end, the Athletes won and the Gardeners bit the dust. Or should I say bit the soil? Anyways, today we've got a much LESS SPOOKY episode. So enjoy this all new episode of.... The Rhydonculous Race! (Smiles and heavily winks at the camera)
(Theme song; at Last times chill zone)
Rhydon: Alright. The Athletes have been waiting all competition for this... you may now get today's first tip!
Weavile: YES! (Grabs a tip) We're taking a boat to Aruba! (Smiles)
Machoke: Awesome.
(Somewhere else)
Rhydon: Aruba. A small island off the coast of South America. It's a popular island to visit because of all the nice people and divine relaxation that surrounds it. (On the beach) Teams will be heading to the beach for the first part of today's challenge.
(Back at the chill zone)
Weavile: So... where is this boat? (An old looking boat pulls up) Seriously?
Rhydon: Yeah I'm serious. Now get in or get lost.
(On the boat, the Athletes sit upfront)
Machoke: Hey. Not the worst boat I've been on. Remember that time in Kanto when-
Wevaile: Yeah I don't really care. (Watches the Contest Stars board) Wait a second... ARE ALL THE TEAMS ON THIS SAME BOAT!?!?
Surskit: Yes, yes they are.
Delcatty: And that means you've got a slim advantage from winning yesterday. (High fives Surskit) Karma works like a charm.
(Team Confessional)
Surskit: Those two were flat out jerks. Not just to us, but to Chespin and Chikorita too!
Delcatty: Yeah, if there's one thing I wanna do is watch those idiotic Athletes lose! They don't deserve anything but each other.
Rhydon: (to the camera) So as the boat takes its course to Aruba, some teams get some well deserved rest. (The screen shows the Fashion Designers, Pichu Twins and Love Birds sleeping) Others, use this as an opportunity to chat.
Oricorio: (to Bellossom, The Cousins and Contest Stars) So I was awarded a trophy for winning the Latin night dance competition.
Oshawott: That's cool! It must take a lot of courage to do that in front of so many people.
Buizel: Come on dude. You've seen me in my football games, soccer games and other sports games and never complemented me.
Oshawott: Yeah I did!
Buizel: Hm. Really?
(In confessional)
Oshawott: Buizel always gets high praise for all the stuff he does. So much, that he sometimes takes it for granted and doesn't realize or remember you're complementing him. Just putting that out there.
Buneary: I can relate. The nerves before going on a contest stage are huge.
Oricorio: Well if you're still getting nervous, I guess that doesn't mean you are as good as Buizel and I.
Buneary: Wh-what? What's that supposed to mean?
Oricorio: Um. Nothing.
Bellossom: Well I think we all do loads of stuff we should be proud of. You too Oshawott.
Flaaffy: Whatever. Feeling good isn't anything compared to winning this race.
Buizel: Don't get too confident. I'm winning this.
Oshawott: WE'RE winning this.
Bellossom: Well, good luck trying guys. (The six all laugh together. Glaceon looks back at them from further up the boat)
Glaceon: Ugh. Look at those guys. Living the dream. Making friends.
Lefeaon: Yeah and we're stuck with Sylveon and Jolteon as baby sitters. (Pauses) You getting tired of them walking us through every challenge?
Glaceon: (nods) I'm sick of it. They are our siblings, and I love them but we're not the same age as Eevee.
Lefeaon: Today, we're gonna have to think of a way to blow past them!
Glaceon: Yeah. Or we could-
Jolteon: (butts in) Hey you two. Just checking in.
Glaceon: Please stop. I'm begging you.
Jolteon: Okay sheesh. Sorry. You do know I'm just doing it because I love-
Glaceon & Leafeon: GET OUT!!! (Jolteon opens his mouth when the fog horn sounds, meaning they arrived at Aruba)
Sylveon: Alright we're here! Let's get to the Rhydon Box!
(All the teams are shown signaling taxis, getting in them and heading off; inside the Fortune Tellers taxi)
Banette: What do you think we'll be doing today Froslass?
Froslass: Shall we ask the ball?
Banette: (chuckles) Nah. I'd rather be surprised.
Froslass: True. I also wonder if we should give other teams warnings of stuff it predicts.
Banette: No way! The Gardeners didn't even listen to us last time. It's more fun to watch them struggle and suffer. (Pauses) Oops. Did that sound malicious?
(At the beach of Aruba, the Athletes, Ice Skaters, Pichu Twins and New Friends taxis arrive)
Togedemaru: (hits the Rhydon Box) Here you go Pachirisu. You read it.
Pachirisu: Thanks. It's an either or, surfs up or dive down. (Shrugs)
Togedemaru: Eh. Both sound stupid. (Pachirisu narrows her eyes) What!?
Rhydon: (to the camera) In this either or challenge, teams will have to do one of these two challenges at the beach. They can either surf a full wave without falling of the board OR they can go diving for a pretty pearl. Once they've competed either, they must head north until they find the next Rhydon Box.
Pachirisu: It also says here that while surfing, one must go on the others shoulders. (Thinks) No offense but you'll probabaly drop me so let's dive. (Heads off)
Togedmaru: Hey! I could too carry you! (Runs after her)
Pichuette: Let's follow them. They were my favs from season two. I'd love to talk to them.
Pichu: Sounds good to me. This is gonna be awesome!
Machoke: Definitely surfing. I could carry you with one finger.
Delcatty: And I could carry your brain with a... a... Whatever. I'm saying you have a small brain.
Surskit: (pulls her aside) Okay, not too much trash talk. We've agreed to be more civil.
Delcatty: Okay yeah. I forgot. (The Athletes and Ice Skaters head over to the surf shack as more taxis arrive)
Lefeaon: Surfs up.
Sylveon: Surfs up.
Chespin: Dive down.
Meowstic: Surfs up!
Bulbasaur: Dive down.
(In the water where the dive down challenge is taking place)
Pichuette: Hi! (Runs up to the New Friends) Um, I'm Pichuette.
Pachirisu: Yeah, aren't you Raichu's niece?
Togedemaru: (mutters) Our condolences.
Pichuette: Yeah! I just wanted to say that you guys were my favs on season two! I found it so cute how Togedemaru- (Togedemaru covers her mouth)
Pichu: Hey get off my twin sister bub! (Jumps on Togedemaru)
Togedemaru: Come on Pachirisu let's start the challenge.
Pachirisu: Okay. (Heads in the water)
Pichuette: You've got some explaining to do.
Togedemaru: Okay, so you like us, that's cool, whatever. But don't say anything about... you know...
Pichu: You liking Pachirsu?
Togedemaru: Um, yeah. That.
Pichuette: Fine but we get to hang out with you guys today.
Togedemaru: (facepalms) Yeah okay. Whatever.
(In confessional)
Togedemaru: Of all people to know it had to be those twins. (Sighs) Guess my secret will be out soon. They're not even teens yet, how will they keep a secret?
(The New Friends, Pichu Twins, Boyfriend and Girlfriend, Lifelong Friends and Fortune Tellers are all searching in the water)
Squirtle: Should be a snap for me. (Dives under and spots a clam. Tries to grab the pearl but it pinches him) AHHHH! (Swims to the surface) GET IT OFF!!!
Bulbasaur: Squirtle? Hang on, I got you! (Knocks the clam off) What was that?
Squirtle: A clam.
Pachirisu: Seriously you two? You're freaking out over a tensey tiny clam?
Froslass: I may add that it extremely annoying. (Squirtle and Bulbasaur look embarrassed) Bye. (Swims off)
Rhydon: As Bulbasaur and Squirtle try to keep more to themselves, the final few teams taxi's are arriving at the first Rhydon box.
(At the Rhydon Box)
Vulpix: Thanks driver!
Sandshrew: Keep the coupon for our website as a tip!
Vulpix: Litten you coming? (Litten exits his taxi as it drives away)
Litten: Yeah. All good in the hood as they say. (The Jokesters and Love Birds exit their taxis too)
Piplup: Go faster Turtwig! We're already behind. (Gets the tip) Surfing or diving?
Turtwig: Surfing. I can calculate that waves tension and speed (starts rambling on as Piplup rolls her eyes)
Totodile: Don't worry Piplup. He means well.
Piplup: Yeah. I'm aware of that.
Popplio: Let's dive Totodile.
Totodile: Sounds fun! (The two teams leave)
Sandshrew: Let's surf. I have high hopes we can stay on the board.
Vulpix: Definetly. We can't let our good looks get ruined. (Turns her head) Oh no! What about you Litten.
Litten: (pacing back and forth) Oh come on. It just had to be water. Had to be water.
Sandshrew: And on another topic. Not to be a downer but where is Smeargle?
Litten: (slaps himself) UGH!!! HE DIDNT GET OUT OF THE TAXI!!! You guys just go ahead. I'll see you at the chill zone. (Runs down the street chasing after the taxi) HEY!! WAIT UP!
Vulpix: (sighs) Poor Litten.
(At the surf shack)
Shinx: This is gonna be so cool Meowstic! I can't wait to hit the waves.
Meowstic: Totally. Maybe we'll find some water types on Human Go.
Shinx: (pulls out phone) Already on it. THEN, we'll get to the challenge.
Weavile: (mutters) Amateurs (louder) Let's show everyone how it's done Machoke!
(The screen cuts from a shot of the Athletes to a giant wave out at sea. Teams are shown surfing)
Delcatty: Woo hoo! We got this.
Weavile: Wouldn't count on it. (Uses Ice Shard but misses)
Machoke: Hehehe. Good one. (Starts wobbling) Woah. Woah. It's getting a little rough.
Weavile: Don't you dare fall! (Machoke falls) WHA!
Surskit: Awesome. Guess karma finally caught up to them. (Pauses) You good Delcatty?
Delcatty: Yep. You're so light, like a hat on my head (the two laugh)
(A little further down the giant wave, Leafeon struggles to keep his ground with Glaceon on his back)
Glaceon: Ready to execute the plan Lefeaon? (He nods) Good.
Lefeaon: Glaceon, you're kinda heavy.
Glaceon: (pretend acting) Oh no. I hope we don't fall at the LAST SECOND.
Leafeon: I can't hold on. (The two wipe out)
Jolteon: Oh no! The twins! (Looks up at Sylveon) Let's just throw this challenge and we'll get it next time.
Sylveon: But- (Jolteon just jumps off the board and Sylveon falls)
(Team Confessional)
Glaceon: Ugh! Are you kidding me!? Jolteon and Sylveon were supposed to make it and not us. We purposely blew our chance for nothing!
Leafeon: (sheepishly laughing) Yeah... purposely... (Gulps) Hehe.
Oshawott: Woo hoo! We got this Buizel!
Buizel: Nothings gonna stop us cous. (Suddenly a shark jumps at them) AHHH! (They fall off as do the Contest Stars who are nearby)
Bellossom: Oh no! I hope they're okay.
Oricorio: Buizel will be. (The Dancers and Ice Skaters surf boards reach the beach) We did it! Bein!
Rhydon: Congrats you two teams. Now, you best be on your way. (The four girls head off)
(Team Confessional)
Bellossom: I'm just so happy right now! We went from near last to the top two. (Oricorio nods) Well, the days not over but it's still impressive to me.
(At the diving challenge)
Pachirisu: (surfaces) Woo who!!! I got one! I got a pearl. (Everyone looks over at her)
Togedemaru: Nicely done.
Pachirisu: Let's get going. (Togedemaru starts swimming but then sees the Pichu Twins)
Togedemaru: Um, let's wait for a second or two.
Pachirisu: What?
Togedemaru: (sighs) Okay, I promised the Pichu Twins I would help. (Lying) It was a- er- a bet.
Pichu: Goodie! Now we have four trying instead of just two.
Pichuette: Thanks you two!
(In confessional)
Pachirisu: You know, this isn't the typical Togedemaru in action. This is the sweet, caring, true to his word Togedemaru. Ahhh. So sweet... He's got that cute sarcasm and- (slaps herself) Um, yeah. You are not allowed to play this confessional. YOU HERE ME!? DONT PLAY IT!
Squirtle: (dives under and uses Skull Bush. The clam spits out the pearl and Squirtle surfaces) Got it!
Bulbasaur: Right on! (The two swim off)
Chespin: Lucky them. (Pauses) C'mon. Let's just keep cool and search I guess.
Popplio: (abruptly laughs) Keep COOL! I get it! Good one Chespin!
Chespin: Um, good what?
(At the first Rhydon Box)
Litten: For crying out loud Smeargle we are like SO far behind now!
Smeargle: I fell asleep.
Litten: Yeah, yeah. So you keep saying. (Hits Rhydon box) Now, we can't struggle anymore today. We are going full force. (Grabs the tip)
Smeargle: Tip?
Litten: Yeah, it says. (Eyes widen) UGH! I FORGOT ITS A WATER CHALLENGE!!! WE ARE SO SCREWED!!!
(In confessional)
Litten: What? Don't judge me! Being a fire cat REALLY makes me hate water. It's just so wet and uncomfortable. And then your fur feels soggy and it drips and- Ugh! It's the absolute WORST!
Litten: Surfings the only option. I'm gonna pray that we don't fall off the board. (Smeargle blinks) Thanks for the support.
Rhydon: (to the camera) Looks like Litten and Smeargle are in for a tough day. But while they still have to walk to the surf shack, teams already there are having a blast (the Gamers and Cousins are showing successfully completing the challenge) and some are still having trouble. (All four Eeveelutions are shown wiping out, aswell as the Athletes and Love Birds) But a certain two teams are already making it to the second challenge!
(At the second Rhydon Box, Oricorio and Delcatty grab tips and both their faces light up)
Oricorio: This is superb!
Delcatty: It's right up our ally!
Bellossom: What is it?
Oricorio: We have to... dance the hula!!! (Bellossom sequels and does a backflip) I'm just as excited as you.
Bellossom: I specialize in hula dancing. Like, duh, I pretty much have a Hawaiian skirt! (The two laugh)
Surskit: Hula dancing? No problem. Just like ice skating, minus the ice.
Delcatty: That's just skating. Skating isn't dancing!
Surskit: Ug! You know what I mean! (Delcatty smirks) Now let's get practicing.
Bellossom: Us too Oricorio. Let's take just five minutes to practice since it makes perfect.
(At the surf shack)
Vulpix: Ooh! Let's take this surfboard! (Points to one) Its so red and sparkly and adorable!
Sandshrew: It matches you perfectly! Let's do it! (They leave as a wet Glaceon and Lefeaon walk up)
Glaceon: This is our third time failing and they still are purposely losing too!
Leafeon: They're just too caring.
Glaceon: That's it! Let's show them we care about them... if you know what I mean. (They run up to the Eeveelution Siblings) Oh no, you poor things. Are you okay?
Sylveon: We're fine. Thanks for asking Glaceon.
Lefeaon: It's okay. I know you guys are older but you just don't have the skills to do it.
Jolteon: Excuse us?
Sylveon: We can too do it! (Getting kinda angry) It's actually pretty simple! You're the ones struggling!!
Glaceon: (smirks) Oh yeah? Prove it!
Sylveon: We will. Come on Jolteon!
(The screen cuts to the Eeveelutions surfing)
Jolteon: Whooo hooo! Awesome!
Glaceon: (whispering) Okay Lefeaon? Fall! (Lefeaon does)
Sylveon: Oh no!
Jolteon: So do you wanna fail again?
Sylveon: (takes a deep breath) No. We gotta show them that we're a force not to be reckoned with. We are their older siblings. They can't trash talk us!
Jolteon: Well said sis! Now let's ride this wave to the shore!
Sandshrew: (to Vulpix) Uh. Almost there partner.
Vulpix: Alright! I don't wanna jinx it, but I might make it out water free!!! Just hang on Sandshrew. I know this isn't your sweet spot. (The two teams finish) Yes! Great job! Let's hurry and go! (They leave as the Eeveelution Twins wash up on shore)
Buneary: Um, you two okay? (They nod)
Flaaffy: No time to mingle! (They leave)
Sylveon: Are you hurt guys? (Helps them up)
Jolteon: And see? We did it! Who's an awesome big brother now? Me!
Leafeon: Guess we'll see you at the chill zone. (Jolteon opens his mouth) Up-up-up. We'll be just fine on our own. (Gives Glaceon a wink)
Machoke: Yeah. It's about time. Hopefully the next challenge will be a dozey.
Rhydon: (to the camera) Speaking of which.
(At the dance challenge; The Lifelong Friends, Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Gamers and Jokesters arrive)
Popplio: Hey, what's going on?
Chespin: Looks like a dance challenge.
Totodile: Hey! Look at Bellossom! And the others too!
(The camera shows the two teams dancing a hula. The Dancers sway their hips and arms in sync and do a twirl. The skaters are shown doing a more fast paced type of hula. Both teams finish with a dip)
Pau Oricorio: (gives a thumbs up) Both of you were magnificent. Such beautiful moves!
Oricorio: Thank you fellow Oricorio. (Takes the tip from her) Hurry! To the Chill Zone Bellossom.
Bellossom: Already? Nice! My dance coach is gonna be so proud of me today!
Surskit: Run Delcatty! This is the first place we're looking for!!! (The Dancers and Skaters leave)
Totodile: Wow. They've got some serious skills. (Pauses) Okay we so got this Popplio.
Popplio: Totally.
Totodile: Dancing... that's kinda like smiling right? The more positive the better! Yes! Let's go!
Squirtle: (to Pau Oricorio) So are you the, um, you know, then? (The Pau style Oricorio nods) Uh, okay.
(In Confessional)
Squirtle: Oof. That was probably the most awkward interaction I've ever had.
(At the diving challenge)
Pichu: Lookie! I got one!
Pichuette: Goooooo Pichu!!!
Togedemaru: It's about freaking time. Let's get outta here Pachirisu.
Pachirisu: Yeah. Okay.
(Team Confessional)
Togedemaru: Yeah. Sorry about wasting our time helping the Pichu's
Pachirisu: Don't be sorry. It's okay. And don't worry, I'll still think of you as that sarcastic, self centered, and synical electric steel type you are.
Togedemaru: (smirks) Thanks.
Banette: Well there go the last teams here. Look at the ball again Froslass.
Froslass: (creates and Ice Ball) Mmm-hmm. It's shows us reaching the chill zone. We should be fine.
Banette: (wipes his head) Phew. What would I do with you Froslass?
Froslass: Kill yourself? (Banette holds his face in his hands giving the camera a blank look)
(At the surf shack)
Litten: (pacing) Okay, okay. You can do this. It's not that hard. It's just some water.
Smeargle: I got us a board. (Litten jumps)
Litten: DONT DO THAT!!! I nearly had a heart attack dude. (Smeargle just blinks) You're right. I just gotta do it. (Sees the Love Birds and Eeveelution Siblings finish) Crap.
Turtwig: (comes by) Oh hey Litten. (Thinks) Yikes. This must be pretty tough for you. With your fear of water and all.
Litten: (rolls eyes) Thanks my psychiatrist.
Turtwig: (not clueing in to the sarcasm) You're welcome Litten. Trust me, water isn't that bad.
Turtwig: Good luck! COMING PIPLUP!
Litten: (sighs) Here goes nothing.
(The screen shows Litten on top of Smeargle surfing)
Litten: Okay, careful Smeargle! Careful bro. (Smeargle shakes a bit) Oh no! LOOK OUT! (A wave crashes over them) AHHH!!! WATER!!! CANT! SWIM!
Smeargle: Litten! (Uses Dive and grabs Litten and brings him to shore) Are you okay? (He nods)
(Team Confessional)
Litten: Smeargle has so much potential as a friend, and as a Pokémon. His attack sketch lets him PERMANENTLY remember a move. He sketched up Dive one day to help me when I get into water trouble. I really appreciate it. (High fives him) That's why he's my best friend.
(At the Chill Zone)
Rhydon: Okay... Keep calm you two... (the screen shows the Skaters at the Chill Zone) BECAUSE YOU ARE IN FIRST PLACE!
Delcatty: YESS!!!
Surskit: FINALLY!! (They jump up and down) Oh my gosh, you don't know how badly I wanted this. All those legs of not taking first is so unlike me. And I just hate it.
Delcatty: Okay, yeah you can stop now...
Surskit: (not paying attention) You know, so close to winning and then losing... (Delcatty storms away) Hey where you going partner?
Rhydon: And Dancers, looks like you've arrived in second place! Well done.
Bellossom: Thanks Rhydon! (High fives Oricorio) Amazing job today.
Oricorio: I couldn't agree more.
(At the dance challenge, the Lifelong Friends and Fashion Designers are shown getting tips)
Chikorita: Nicely done Vulpix.
Vulpix: Thanks. I'm sure you and Chespin will get it soon.
(In confessional)
Vulpix: I've taken dance lessons as a kid so I'm a pretty good dancer. And Sandshrew just makes the best partner for me! We've been best friends since the day we met. Hey, that reminds me, he wanted to ask me something last time... Eh. I'll ask him about that tomorrow.
Meowstic: Come on Shinx. Put more effort into it.
Shinx: Woah. (Trips) Sorry Meowstic. I told you, I'm just not a good dancer.
Meowstic: (gets an idea) That's it! Okay Shinx, juts picture yourself playing Rhythm Heaven.
Just picture the beat in your mind and go to the rhythm. (Shinx starts doing the hula dance) That's it!
Shinx: Sweet! I'm doing it! And who says that video games don't pay off! (They can continue dancing) Aaaaannnd Dip! (Looks to Pau Oricorio and she hold out a tip) Awesome! (Drops Meowstic) Oops.
Rhydon: As more teams like the Gamers finish the dance challenge, the Contest Stars and Fortune Tellers complete their tasks. (The screen shows them finishing their challenges) Leaving only the Artists left at the first challenge.
(At the surf challenge)
Litten: (really nervous) Okay... just give it a minute Smeargle then will go again.
Smeargle: But Litten-
Litten: No buts! (Starts whimpering to himself)
(At the Chill Zone; the Fashion Designers arrive at the carpet)
Rhydon: Fashion Designers you're in third place!
Sandshrew: Yes! Finishing in the top three is awesome!
Vulpix: We did it! Yay us! (They squeal in celebration)
Rhydon: And, um, not trying to make it awkward but... it's come to my attention that you've given out a coupon today. (They give him a blank stare and he sighs) Can I just have one?
Vulpix: Uh, sure Rhydon. (Gives it to him) Stay fashionable.
Rhydon: Nice. And here come some more teams! Fourth place! (The Gamers team photo is shown) Fifth. (The Lifelong Friends photo is shown) Sixth. (The Jokesters photo is shown)
(At the dance challenge)
Pachirisu: Come on Togedemaru put more umph into it.
Togedemaru: (sarcastically) I'd be glad to. Could you define umph for me?
Pachirisu: (rolls eyes) Oh ha ha ha.
Togedemaru: (smirks) That's it. Your picking up on the sarcasm already.
Sylveon: (dancing) And... Finish! (Pau Oricorio approves) Yes!
Jolteon: Is Glaceon here yet?
Sylveon: Or Leafeon? (They look around) Oh no, what if something terrible happened to them?
Jolteon: (clenches up) You know, this is what they wanted. They are growing up. And we can't keep coming to their rescue. Let's just go to the chill zone.
Sylveon: What? All the times I've said stuff like that you just yelled at me!?
Jolteon: I did? (Sighs) Sorry then. I must sound like a hypocrite. Hehe. (They leave as the Eeveelution Twins come out of hiding)
Leafeon: Looks like they're done.
Glaceon: Yep. Our plan worked perfectly. But we better get started before we end up in last.
Leafeon: You said it sister.
Pichu: Okay Pichuette how about you jump on my head and do a flip?
Pichuette: Why would I do that?
Pichu: To spice things up a bit.
Pichuette: (loudly) Well you know I hate spicy food!!
Pichu: YOU IDIOT!! ITS A METAPHOR! (They start tussling and fighting)
Glaceon: (watching them) Ahhh. Sibling love. I know how that feels. Remember when we were little like them? (Looks at Leafeon and he smiles)
(Team Confessional)
Pichu: We're twins. It's not abnormal for us to get into a fight.
Pichuette: But since we constantly are, we're used to making up and that goes by in a snap.
Pichu: Seriously, we could fight one minute and be back to best friends the next. (They high five) TWIN POWER!
(At the Chill Zone)
Sylveon: (arrives with Jolteon) Made it! What place?
Rhydon: Seventh. Nicely done you two. But where are your siblings?
Jolteon: Learning how to take care of themselves.
Chespin: (from in the distance) THERE IT IS!!! (Arrives with Chikorita and they hug)
Chikorita: (happily) Alright!
Rhydon: You guys are in eighth. And ooh. Look who finally arrived right behind you. (The Athletes cross the Chill Zone) Athletes your in nine-
Weavile: (covers his mouth) Don't say it! We know. Machoke screwed up today.
Machoke: Excuse me? I'm right here!
Weavile: Just be quiet. I don't wanna here another word outta you today.
Chespin: (mumbling) Talk about anger problems.
(In Confessional)
Weavile: Not only did we receive our worst placement to date but THE STUPID SKATERS WON!!! I hate this so much! Makes me wanna break a few bones...
Rhydon: And here come more teams!!! Tenth place. (The Pichu Twin's team photo is shown) Eleventh. (The New Friends photo is shown) Twelfth. (The Cousins photo is shown) Thirteenth (The Love Birds photo is shown) And Fourteenth. (The screens cuts to the Contest Stars at the Chill Zone)
Buneary: Fourteenth? Seriously?
Flaaffy: Okay we have to start doing better than that. We are contest EXPERTS after all. We've got good skills.
Buneary: Yeah, I know what you mean and I agree. (They walk off)
Rhydon: Only three teams remain out there, but which one will be sent home?
(At the surfing challenge; Smeargle is surfing with a scared Litten on his head)
Litten: Okay, I'm just shutting my eyes. Thinking dry thoughts. Dry thoughts.
Smeargle: Weeee.
Litten: Just stay strong Smeargle. And whatever you do, please don't let me get wet. (They continue surfing as Litten crosses his fingers)
Smeargle: Um, Litten. You can open your eyes now.
Litten: Wh-why?
Smeargle: Cuz we made it to shore!
Litten: (opens his eyes) I'm dry? I'm dry! And it's over! (Looks around) Wow. All the other teams are long gone. (Sighs) Come on. Let's just finish this challenge and have fun. (They start running and Litten sighs) Because it's probably is our last. (Frowns)
(At the dance challenge)
Banette: Done! (Gets the tip) Let's go.
Froslass: Don't sound so excited. It was obvious we'd make it.
Glaceon: Ugh! This is so dumb! Leafeon you literally have no dance skills.
Leafeon: Sorry. I've never been a good dancer. But we can't go home.
Glaceon: Agreed! Our plan will have been for nothing.
Leafeon: Yeah.
Glaceon: And Jolteon and Sylveon will say they told us so and treat us like babies for eternity. (Leafeon nods) Okay, so let's dance! (They begin dancing but Leafeon makes a few mistakes. They finish gritting their teeth looking at the judge)
Pau Oricorio: Eh. Good enough! (Holds out the tip)
Glaceon: Yes! Leafeon, I knew you'd get eventually. (Goes to hug him) Actually no time. We gotta move!
(At the Chill Zone)
Rhydon: Fortune Tellers you are in fifteenth.
Froslass: (monotone) Whoopie.
Jolteon: Oh no! Leafeon and Glaceon still aren't here.
Vulpix: And neither are Litten and Smeargle!
Sylveon: WAIT!!! Jolteon look! (Points to Glaceon and Leafeon who are running in the distance and soon they make it to the Chill Zone) Phew.
Rhydon: Lefeaon and Glaceon you are in second last! You're still in this. (They run off cheering)
Jolteon: Guys, I can't believe you almost went home. So just please let us help you and-
Glaceon: Nope.
Jolteon: What do you mean nope? You guys struggled without us.
Leafeon: That was the plan big brother. Now you're on a separate flight than us.
Glaceon: (laughs as Jolteon's jaw drops wide open) Best plan ever!
Leafeon: You sure said it twin.
(A little later, Litten and Smeargle reach the chill zone)
Rhydon: Artists, I'm sorry to tell you this but you arrived in last place. A very very distant last place. (They both frown) Sorry to say this, but you're out.
Vulpix: (runs over) Oh no! Litten!
Litten: Yeah. It's gonna be fine. Good luck to you and Sandshrew. I hope you win. (To Smeargle) Come on. Let's get going.
(The Artists elimination montage)
Litten: Well, I can honestly say that we made it farther than I expected. Smeargle proved that he could indeed keep up, not that I doubted him in particular.
Smeargle: It was fun.
Litten: Yeah, it was an awesome time. Thanks to this show, I got to know my best friend Smeargle better, in a way I didn't think was possible. And now, we can go back to our normal lives.
Smeargle: Fennekin.
Litten: Uh huh. Fennekin, I hope that cruise of yours finishes soon. Can't wait to see you.
(End Montage)
Rhydon: And with that we're down an amazing team. I'll miss those two. But you shouldn't miss the next episode of The Rhydonculous Race!
Thanks to everyone for reading.
Shout outs to Gurrtastic Sean1153 LittleLitten11 TorchicTrooper TotalEpicness123 Howler176 __Glaceon__ Catanzy Darumaka25 LBWriter123 slothzilla124 UnderverseFanGirl Dedenne14 xxTheGamingWolfxx Captain_Komodo ZadokodaZ012 Jolteon_Fan Dedenne14
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