Fallen and Risen.
As I went out from my sleeping spot, storming towards a life with no purpose or reason. I managed to find a city but the only thing that seemed different was the fact it all looked more colorful and metallic. It was as if someone decided to change the atmosphere and taste of how the cities in my time looked. No matter I needed answers to many things so I went into this new structure and explored. Now I myself and in my time we were debatably familiar with these humans beings but this city was infested with them! Every corner you look at someone young or old, male or female could be seen walking or playing in this industrial revolution.
Work, transportation seemed to make things extremely efficient no more did we have to wait around for some Braviary, Absol, Or Noivern to report us of any destruction or issues with other neighboring towns, Countries, villages, cities, and Kingdoms. It was this screen that seemed to move and talk by itself explaining, what I would consider being important info. As I traveled around exploring. Some did look at me funny, but I get why...I'm the odd one here. One Woman even said I'm going to get caught by someone mumbling to herself. I'm not sure what that meant but are their new laws for pokemon wandering in specie specific countries or was it another thing? Once I finally had enough of this informal news, which had my attention for nearly an hour because of fluid movement, detail, and speech. I tried to find out how things work or what these human beings do.
I remember, back in my time if one came into our kingdom we always needed a translator since our kind has an unmatching language. It was an odd and bizarre relation but it has gotten things done. They were a tremendous help to our "less efficient ones" and got things done faster and sometimes with more strength too. Not only did they make working for us and themselves easier but they also were able to build a bond with one of our servants and it seemed to make the work for both more pleasurable than just lifting and cutting by themself. We didn't have a problem with this as we try to keep the peace as long as we can before someone ignites a war. We would also trade gold for work and homes, yes we did that. So the humans could have their own new lives under the protection of our forces trading, working, serving, and assisting.
Although we had nearly the same amount of anthropomorphic type pokemon serving us the other beings were more....obedient since they were desperate for this type of work and our kingdom was considered "the best" since we had great or considerably high pay and healthy and well-armed forces. We treated everything with extraordinary care, including those who were not accepted by the world so we took them in. But when one got out of line we had to throw them out, in fact some got abusive to us and used us in terrible ways. Then another thing that was common was, when pokemon and humans work together long enough and study each other. That bond builds up but...not in a way we expected....ever. If the two were the opposite gender of each other the developed feelings that shouldn't exist towards each other, and since our overall dominant species "a pokemon".
We are smarter than most humans expect and that's why they embrace this feeling. We despised it and threw out some for that...but...heh. They said they would leave if they were not allowed to love each other in such a way. Unfortunately, I couldn't make the call on this, so our high ruler had to decide.
He felt exactly how I did and was not going to be negotiated with on this unrealistic matter. Of course they left upset and angered and lost a hefty amount of great servants all because they couldn't love each other like lovers and mate with each other. Yes the Pokemon and Human beings that inhabited our Kingdom, LITERALLY crossbred with each other! They must have been keeping it a secret for a while...we only found out until a few couples expressed their love in front of me. I didn't even want to imagine what the children looked like.
Human children with Pokemon genes and abilities...or Pokemon with human genes and increased intelligence. We thought this was absurd but we did not, under no circumstances lift this. This became so frequent and common we had to make it a law...which took ANOTHER 25,000 servants from us, pokemon and humans. We had up to an astonishing amount of 700,000 inhabitants of our kingdom down to just 324,000 but we had no absolute clue they would and could grow this type of affection. Our rival country heard about these "seemingly unnecessary laws" and decided to make it legal for that in theirs!
All the things we did that were wholesome, clean, and straightforward were challenged and twisted by another's mind. We lost most of our best ones and some not but we did need these people. Only our most loyal stayed but...even they were not enough and my Father would run out of people to rule and command but he was not going to change his mind. Eventually another Kingdom made history and reached over 1.7 million inhabitants and nobody throughout history has even gotten CLOSE to that record. Once the world was informed he became furious and felt like fighting for his people back but I stopped him. It would be the most unwise decision he would have ever unleashed and with a stupid choice like that his death would be inevitable and soon and I did not have the full knowledge of leadership yet. All the laws that we had other countries and kingdoms tried to compete with, except for murder and theft.
They used that to their advantage and won over the minds of the stupid ones and switched routes. But we had more reasonable and loyal ones who agreed with our standards and rights and had a more meaningful city but still...my Father was not satisfied. When I compare that all to this present time, which I've been wandering for five days. All those things that we hated and outlawed...are not punished now, if not made secret just to make it a bigger crime. All the gross sins these humans commit towards each other and pokemon companions and sometimes even to the wild. They kill other Pokemon for their scales, fur, and skin and sell it like property. Or they may even RAPE one just because they have humanoid-like qualities.
I would uphold our Pokemon brothers and sisters...but...most unfortunately, they seem to take pleasure in to these immoral fleshly desires, just as much as our Human being comrades do. With now knowing this, I'm absolutely sure there are some Pokemon human couples once again, perhaps mates like in my Kingdom time.
I have not been alerted to the laws around this city, but I will soon study it...whenever I get the chance. These two kinds choose to be stupid and act before they think, and seem to disregard their consequences...but...sin and imperfection roam the earth. With that well-known fact, most seem to give INTO their wrongdoings, rather than resisting it.
Yes...being a good person takes mighty effort, but your conscience will be much more acceptable. As well as becoming a more likable being...but this? No one even seems to care that Arceus tried hard to make us intelligent beings, but with our given free will, he did not exile us from any sin. So instead...they chose to go with what summoned the most pleasure, whether it's outright selfishness, strong sexual desire, even murder, and greed of riches and theft. All of this makes my Lightning rumbles and shoot with utter rage and thirst for justice, but I tell myself it will most definitely be over. Once the world knows my power and has a rightful army and city to rule....this world will finally...be cleansed and start over a better life. Since I'm eating my intestines out no one human has taken pity and concern to my hunger...I felt neglected and unappreciated but I was not going to beg for it I'm not some Poverty-stricken, runt. Most of everyone, including my family and servant. I tried to make sure I was well-fed and satisfied. But every only cares about themself and so far it doesn't seem like I've met the one in power yet but I would really like to and consider some things... The life around here seems more broken and dreadful. The city reeks of garbage, the people are greedy and fussy, they use anything to their utter advantage of whatever they so, please.
Controlling my rage is incredibly difficult and tedious but not thinking about it is nearly the same task. I don't want to go back to old ways and being a predator to the weak because although I may be big, strong, and young. I take pity in weaker and smaller ones and spare their lives instead of viewing them as prey. In fact, we mostly ate very healthy foods even, though some of our kind were carnivores, we had to get used to this. It was a hard adjustment but it made life more enjoyable and peaceful and there was no such thing as a predator. But now everyone is thinking survival of the fittest...such a savage, disgusting way of thinking and nobody seems to be bothered by this except for me. I tried to run back to the green plain I rested in, but some kid threw a red and white ball-like device at me that sucked me inside of it. I was all new to this so I had no way to get out or at least know of any sort of escape. I was let out later tonight and was presented in what seemed to be a family. I felt hopeless now...seems I've been claimed by an unknown device and I can't leave. And now, since I can't leave and I'm stuck with this family as if I'm some pet!
I'm going to try to escape as soon as I can...or maybe I could get familiar with them a little more. Perhaps I may be jumping to too many conclusions but they all seem valid and correct. But after this I need to know who put me to sleep...and their intentions for this lasting slumber. Even if it takes me years I'm going to find out even if it kills me.
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