Things Have To Happen
I sit in bed. As I look at the time.
Yuri is dead by now.
No guilt. No sadness.
"I got to say, Hikari, didn't expect that from ya." Ryuk chuckles from the end of the bed, still eating his apples.
"Could you stop munching so loud?" The only thing bothering me right now is the fact he's chewing too loud.
Not that I just killed a woman who was basically my mom.
That's kind of sad.
"Ryuk. Could you get me the pencil and death note from the desk, please?" Ryuk sighs, "since you've been nice, I guess."
Ryuk gets the items for me, and I sit in my bed killing criminals, until Mogi comes home. Which is in about 5 hours.
------------ Task force POV <3
We are all sitting around. Still working on this stupid case.
Near gets a call from someone. "Everyone, please shut up." They all go quite and stare at Near.
He listens and then says, "I'm putting you on speaker. Please hold on." He puts whoever is on the phone, on speaker.
"You are on speaker, please say it again."
It's a woman. She's in tears. "My name is Aoi Taiyo." They all perk up, especially Mogi. 'Someone from the orphanage?'
"My wife... Yuri Taiyo. She passed away in her sleep, but nothing was wrong with her! She was perfectly fine and healthy!"
They all stare at Near and the phone, "Is this woman saying Kira, killed her wife?" Matsuda is the first one to ask, only loud enough where everyone, but Aoi can hear.
"Ma'am. I'm sorry for your loss, truly, but Kira kills criminals. And your wife worked at an orphanage. So, unless she did something against the law. It wasn't Kira." Mello sounded very bored while saying that. He doesn't sound like he's sorry at all.
"But... I did some research on the past Kira's... Light Yagami, Misa Amane, Kyosuke Higuchi, Teru Mikami... they all killed criminals, but they also killed people who were catching onto them or got in their way!" They all were shocked, when they realized she was right.
"Could your wife had maybe realized something to do with Kira?" Aizawa was sad, the fact someone had to die, for them to even get anything that could help.
"No... the only possible connection she has with Kira is..." She went silent. Mogi's eyes widen, as he to, realized what she meant.
"What? What is it, Mrs. Taiyo?" Ide is pushing her; they need to know.
Mogi walks up to the computer screen, everyone's eyes going onto him, "Mrs. Taiyo. We need to call you back. Near, Mello, please hang up. We need to meet up. I need to tell you all something in person."
Near and Mello stare at Mogi, along with Ide, Matsuda, and Aizawa. Mello hangs up.
"The hotel we are staying at is the same one L stayed at. Same room, too. Do you remember where that it?" The four cops, nod, remembering where he stayed.
I wonder what Mogi had to tell them.
--------------- Kessaku POV <3
There is no way... no way... Hikari killed Aunt Yuri... Most people thought she just passed away in her sleep, but I thought something was strange, and Megami thought so to, and after a little while, we realized... Kira killed her.
Was she... was she onto him? Or was he killing anyone he cared about, so they wouldn't get in the way in the future?
There is... only one way to find out.
I will stand by his side. Always. But if he only killed her so she won't get in the way and doesn't have any reason. I'm going to have to ignore him for a couple of days.
I take out my phone and begin to text him.
"Oh. Kessaku, what's up?"
"My aunt. She passed away. She raised you. Thought you would want to know."
"Oh. I'm so sorry"
"Kira killed her."
"Kira killed Yuri."
"How do you know?"
"I just do."
"I'm... still sorry"
"Why do you think he did it? She wasn't a criminal or anything, so why?"
Please. Hikari. Tell me you didn't kill her for no reason.
"Maybe she found him out. Figured out his identity."
I gasp. "She found him out..."
"K. text you later"
"Alright? Bye."
"Megami" I look up at my Shinigami, also my best friend. "She found him out, he didn't kill her for no reason..."
"Congratulations... I think?"
I give a sad smile at Megami and nod.
--------------- Hikari POV <3
I did kind of feel bad for Kessaku.
I totally forgot she was her aunt.
Oh well. Sucks to suck, I guess.
"Feeling bad yet, Hikari?"
I look at Ryuk and shake my head, no. "Things have to happen. We have to make sacrifices in order to make the world a better place."
Ryuk laughs, "You sound like your father." Is that a compliment? Or?
After going back and forth, fighting with Ryuk, I eventually go back to killing off criminals. So many. So many criminals, who have taken other's life. Or have done bad in the world. They all deserve this so why? Why are the cops trying to stop me?
Sometimes I wonder. I wonder if Kira. Could do good, I mean, we are already doing good, but I wonder if he could do it in a way, more people didn't have to die, but no. This is the only way. Only way the world could be fixed.
-------------- Task Force POV
So... the four of us met up with Mello and Near.
I wonder... what does Mogi have to say? And why's it so important that we have to meet up?
We are currently sat around a table. All of us are on couches. This seems so familiar for obvious reasons. Near is sitting like L sat. Mello is sitting back, relaxed, with his arm hung over the back of the couch.
"Mogi. Please begin" Near was the first one to speak since we got here.
Mogi takes a deep breath. "The kid I adopted." Mello looks up, and everyone stares at Mogi, "You brought us here, to tell us about a kid?!" Near looks at Mello, "Please. Calm yourself. Let him speak"
Mogi clears his throat and thanks Near, "There is a reason I adopted him... I never even thought about adoption until I found out about who he was." They all stare at Mogi, who was he?
"I thought he was lying at first... it was impossible, but Yuri Taiyo, confirmed it when I met with her. And I adopted him after that..." The suspension in killing them. "Mogi! Come on! Please get it over with!" Matsuda starts to groan
"We called the orphanage though. They said he didn't have a last name, and his parents gave him away because they had to many kids?" Mogi looks up at Aizawa, "Hm? Weird... They were most likely lying, wanting to protect him." Mello clears his throat, "Protect him? Why? We're cops."
Mogi looks Mello dead in the eye, "Because of who his parents are."
"They are dead now, of course... but his name is Hikari Yagami" At that last word, all of their eyes go wide, as Ide, and Matsuda gasp.
"He's Light and Misa-Misa's son." Near almost falls out of his seat.
"You never thought to tell us he existed?!" Aizawa stands up and looks at Mogi. "I never thought I would need to!" Mogi starts to defend himself, standing up.
"I never imagined Kira would come back!"
"Well, if the killing started back up after he left the orphanage, then maybe it's safe to say he's using you to his advantage. He wouldn't be able to be Kira at the orphanage, to many people, he'd be caught immediately." It was Mello's turn to speak.
"Wait, but that can't be, Hikari can't be Kira!" Matsuda steps in, they all look at him, Ide responds, "You also said Light, and Misa couldn't be Kira either."
"No! No! When I called Mogi with the Sakura TV incident! He was talking to Hikari! He was right next to him when they died, wasn't he?!" Matsuda looks at Mogi, as he nods.
"But we know Kira could affect timing. He probably wrote it down beforehand." Aizawa steps in, taking Mello's side.
"Hikari is a good kid." Mogi steps directly in front of Aizawa. "Now, now, let's calm down!" Matsuda begins to sweat.
"How would you know that!?" Mello snaps
"He lives with me; I know I haven't had him long, but he is a good kid he wouldn't do such an evil thing to the world. He has only done good since I have had him, Hikari is not Kira. If you don't believe me then let's set up cameras in the house, my job is to protect him as his adoptive father, and that means proving to you that Hikari is not kira."
"Very well, Aizawa get some security cameras and we shall set them up in Mogi's house."
"Yes, Of course Near."
------------ Hikari's POV
Ryuk laughs "Kiddo how's the homework going, we all know you have Light's smarts.. if you had your mother's smartness you would be failing."
I look at Ryuk, and laugh to, "I knew she wasn't the smartest but jeez." We both stop laughing, "Ryuk, can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah, sure kiddo what's on your mind?"
"Why in the hell do you call me kiddo? I am 15 soon, I will be 16 soon, it just kind of bothers me."
"Oh, it was just something I would call young users that picked up my death note that I dropped in the human realm. If it bothers you, then I can just call you Hikari."
"Oh... alright, and yes please I would rather be referred to as Hikari, it is what I have been called my whole life."
"I guess I'll call you Hikari then." Ryuk stares
I wonder why Hikari was triggered when I called him kiddo, I have called him kiddo before.
"I should head to bed now I have school tomorrow. Goodnight, Ryuk." I say, as I begin to lay down.
"Goodnight, Hikari." I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
--------------- Kessaku's POV
"Should I tell Hikari that I am Kira, Megami?"
"I am just your Shinigami, but if I were you, I would continue to give him little hints, until he catches on to you." Megami stares at me, shes always been such a help. I love her.
"Alright, thanks Megami. I should get to bed though I do have school tomorrow, then I can see Hikari and hopefully he catches on soon. We have to work together." I begin to put everything away. I was working on homework.
"Yes, Goodnight, Kessaku. Hopefully he uses his brain tomorrow."
Kessaku chuckles "Hopefully. Goodnight Megami."
I remember waking up in the middle of the night, I don't know why but I felt like I should go visit Light Yagami and Misa Amane at their graves. So, I grabbed my coat and my death note and headed out. I hope nobody is here, I mean it is the 12 am why would they? UGHH. What is happening to me, why am I visiting Hikari's parents? I know they are Kira, but it is also kind of weird. I was lost in all of my questions. I decided the right thing to do was to call Hikari, I hope he doesn't think I am crazy.
------------------ Hikari's POV
I was just sleeping but then I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I got up, stretched and grabbed my phone. Huh? It's Kessaku but it is the middle of the night? I decided to answer anyway.
"Uhm, hey, Kessaku, why are you calling me at 12 am?" I say, as I groan, I shouldn't be up right now.
*Sigh* I had a feeling he would ask that.
"Oh, hey Hikari, I know this might sound strange, but I was having trouble sleeping and I decided that I wanted to go visit your parent's graves.. I was calling to ask if you would like to come with me?"
Why is this girl so strange? It's the middle of the night and she can't sleep so she decides to call me and ask if I would like to visit my parent's graves with her... what the actual hell.
Though its strange, I accept anyway.
I begin to get up, "What are you doing, Hikari?" Of course, Ryuk has to ask questions, "I'm meeting up with Kessaku."
Ryuk tilts his head, "At this time of night?"
Sleep Schedule is non existent, what can I say?
I nod my head, and get my things. Nothing special. Just my coat and shoes. I, of course, have a piece of the death note in my watch, along with a needle I use to write. I prick my finger and use my blood to write, because a whole pen can't fit in there.
Though, the piece of the death note is still the same piece that has Yuri's name on it, and her cause of death.
------------- Another Authors note :')
Gonna end this chapter here-
I know it doesn't really give off the death note vibe, but I think we'll do it as, once Hikari finds out Kessaku is the second kira, we'll try and get the action and vibe back <3
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