The School Incident
After I finished killing some more criminals, I hide my notebook and got ready for bed, I did have school tomorrow. Though, I should probably hide the death note better when I have time. Mogi most likely knows what it looks like.
I heard Mogi on the phone with someone when I stopped killing. He and the person sounded pretty worried.
I woke up at 6 am to my alarm going off. I got up and turned it off and began to get ready. I, of course, before I left, kept my promise and gave Ryuk like 5 apples. Holy crap he eats those fast. I finally left the house at 6:27 am to walk to school, the only thing that sucked was that Mogi's house is pretty far from school.
I finally get there and look around. So much has happened from the last time I was here.
Which was only 2 days ago.
"Hikari! I already miss my apples! Get some on the way home!!" I ignore him. I can't talk to him or I'll look crazy. He already explained the whole 'other people who haven't touched the death note cant see me'
"Heyy, wait Hikari? Whats that on your wrist?" What? Does Ryuk not know what a watch is? I whisper, "Its a watch, Ryuk." Ryuk looks at it funny. As if he's seen it before.
"Hikari, your father wore that watch."
Wait what
I stopped walking and walked to a place around the building where nobody was, "What?"
"I said, that was your fathers watch. Light use to wear it all the time." Holy macaroni
"I think he has a hidden compartment in there" I tilt my head to the side slightly, "What do you mean, Ryuk?" Ryuk laughs, and points to a button on the watch, "Click that, 3 times in less than a second" I did as he told, and like he said, a little compartment pops out.
"Woah" I was speechless, Ryuk just chuckles, "This must have been how he killed when at school.. can you kill by just ripping a bit of paper out of the death note?"
Ryuk nods, "Sure you can."
"Wowzers, my father really was a genius, huh" I was astonished.
Ryuk laughs, "kiddo you got a lot to learn still."
Well, that was clear I thought you could only use it if it was attached to the notebook.
"Ryuk, I have to get to class now, we can't talk unless it's in private, I can't risk being caught. Understand?"
"Alrighty kiddo, no need to tell me twice" why in the hell has he been calling me kiddo?
I walk away, and into my class, this day is gonna be so boring. I think I'm gonna steal my fathers method when I get home and put a piece of paper into this watch.
Its 10 minutes into class. I was right, its boring.
"Alright class, take out your notes from the other day, and study them, we have a test tomorrow!" Yay. Test.
I go to grab my notes, but of course, with my luck, I forgot them. I can just call Mogi and see if he can drop them off right? No, wait he can find the death note. God damn it.
"Excuse me? Are you okay, you look kind of stressed" Jeez, people need to stop scaring me. I turn around to see a girl in my class looking at me, she doesn't look worried for me at all.
She has black hair, but two front strands are dyed blonde.
Her necklace has a "K" on it.
She has a tight, dark red turtle neck on.
She has a black jean skirt, and her eyes are blue.
"Um. Forgot my notes" I've never talked to this girl. Anxiety raised to 100.
Ryuk chuckles from behind me, "wow, you even get the girls, just like your dad" Ryuk please shut up.
"Oh, your notes? You can barrow mine, if you want." She doesn't look like she cares about life that much.
"Um thanks." She hands the notes to me, and I take them from her hand, "What's your name?" why is she still talking to me?
"Oh uh, Hikari Mogi." Due to the fact that my parents' names ended up getting leaked as Kira. I don't use Yagami or Amane. I used Taiyo before I was adopted, but when Mogi adopted me, I changed last names.
"Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm Kessaku Shi." She doesn't look very happy to be here. She said it's nice to meet me, but I think she's just trying not to be on my bad side.
Maybe she just wants to be friendly, maybe make some new friends, but why come to me of all people? I mean I'm not complaining, being honest here, she has good looks, but I would never actually say that, thats something that can stay in my head.
"We can share the notes and review together, two is always better than one." She still has a serious look on her face as she sits beside me.
"Oh.. um, ok.. yeah" Not like I had a choice, she's kind of scary and she already sat next to me.
Ryuk is chuckling. Why is he chuckling?
We reviewed the questions and studied for the rest of the period; I heard the bell. Shit, I gave her the notes back and put away my pen. I soon arrived at my next class, I didn't even realize she was in this class as well. She must never talk.
"Megami, shut up"
Megami? Was she talking to the girl next to her? I didn't know she actually had friends. Oh crap, that sounded rude. I didn't know she had friends in this class. That's better.
Ryuk starts to chuckle some more. What does he find so funny?
Kessaku pulls out a pen. It looks like she puts it under her table and starts to fumble around with it. Is she writing something? Oh well
The rest of the school day was boring. And anytime Kessaku was in Ryuk and I's eyesight he would start chuckling, what is wrong with him today?
I stayed after school to do some activity, they said anyone can join. I think its tennis.
Hm? Kessaku stayed after to.. oh my lord shes walking up to me, why is she walking up to me?
"Mogi." Oh dear, "Oh- Kessaku! Do you need something?" she just stares at me, "I want your opinion" of?? "Oh. Of what?"
She death stares me. What the hell. When I mean terrifying. I mean 'Ryuk write my name down and save me right now' kind of terrifying.
"What's your opinion on Kira? Or Light Yagami and Misa Amane"
What the hell. What the hell. What the hell.
"Um, where is this coming from? It's been 16 years since Light Yagami died, and 15 since Misa Amane.." I memorized when they died. It's not that hard. My dad died a year before I was born which makes it 16, and my mom died the same year I was born, so that makes it 15.
Hm? He memorized when they died? How strange.
"I just want to know. My grandparents were murdered, and my mother and her siblings had to be raised by their uncle. Kira killed their killer. I just want to know everyone's opinion"
My mother or father... killed her grandparent's killer?
"I have mixed feelings. They had the right idea but did it the wrong way." Wrong. I fully agree with them, but that might make me sound crazy.
She walks away, but I hear her whisper something, "Megami..." I couldn't hear the rest
Tennis was over so I began to head home I checked the time it was 4:45pm. I had received a message from Mogi he was asking what time I would be home, I responded by telling him "I'm just leaving school, I'm not quite sure Mogi."
"Excuse forgot this..."
Kessaku handed me my dad's watch.
"Oh... thank you Kessaku, are you walking home alone...?"
"Oh yeah..I am, I have nobody to drive me today... how about you?"
"Oh, I always walk home, nobody is ever home to pick me up; and a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be walking alone." Excuse me? Why'd I say that? Ryuk please just write my name down. Now.
"Are you... are you trying to be a flirt?" Kessaku looks at me with a confused expression on her face, but a slight smirk, as if she's trying not to laugh
"Thought I'd try it. Not sure how I feel about it" Is all I say, before Ryuk starts to laugh. A lot. He's laughing a lot. He sure finds me funny, doesn't he? Rude.
"Please...don't try it ever again..." ouch... Kessaku turns and walks away
"Did I just watch a human get rejected for once?" Ryuk says, still making fun of me, "Your dad had such good looks, I never saw him get rejected! Oh, that's the best thing the human world has brought me, apart from apples!"
Below my breath, I whisper, "Ryuk shut up, or I won't buy you apples"
He immediately shuts up.
Thats what I thought. Dumb Dumb.
I began to walk home. School was boring.
"Hikari! Apples! Please!" I look behind me to see Ryuk twisting and turning. Okay, what the actual hell.
I stop by a stand, "A bag of apples please" The man hands me the apples and I hand him money. Mogi gave me some in case I need it.
Thanks Mogi. Now Ryuk won't look like he just did drugs.
I continue to walk home, taking ways where people won't see us, so Ryuk can eat his apples.
Be grateful, Shinigami Friend, I'm taking longer ways, so you get to eat your apples.
I eventually made it home.
"Mogi! I'm home!" I yell out, I got no clue if he's here or not.
No answer.
I guess he's not home. I pull out my phone and text him.
"Mogi. I'm home. Where r u?"
"Oh buddy, sorry! I got called into work. Important."
Oh. Ever since after we ate dinner, he's been stressed, he tries to hide it from me, but I see it.
I wonder if it has anything to do with me... I mean I am Kira's child... I walked up into my room and got ready to do my homework, it was really easy considering my father was Light Yagami.
*Beep Beep, Beep Beep*
My phone is going off I wonder who it is? Hm... strange it's an unknown number? I answer any way.
"Hey Hikari. What are you doing tonight?"
I sighed; it was Kessaku.
"Oh hi, um. Nothing why; and how did you get my number??"
"Oh. I got it from the school... my dad is the principal. I was wondering if you could help me study tonight before our big exam. I am having a really hard time"
" Yeah, I guess I can help you. What time and where?"
"Cool. How about 7pm, my house?"
"Ehm. Sure, one issue- I don't know where you live."
"Don't worry, I will text you all the other information. Just don't be late."
"Alright, I won't" God shes scary..
I hung up; I was anxious. She had rejected me earlier, why had she gotten my number? How did I not know she was the daughter of the principal?
I had so many questions flowing through my head. It was all interrupted by a text message, it was Kessaku she had texted me all the additional information including her address.
I put her address in my maps, so I knew where to go when it was time to leave, it was now 6:28pm I began to gather the books and notes I would need to help her, I wonder why she choose me to help her though.
I had all of my stuff in my bag, I changed my outfit and began out the door.
I texted Mogi letting him know, just in case he came home while I was gone. It turns out she lives quite close, just a few blocks away.
I had arrived, her house was quite big, I am not sure how I never noticed it. I went up to the front door and knocked, she came and answered the door almost immediately. She was wearing normal clothes. Just sweatpants and a t-shirt, thats slightly big on her.
"Hi. Come in, my parents went out on a date so it's just me and you tonight. Thanks for coming over with such short notice." She looked at me seriously. Why does she seem so serious when shes around me?
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