Everyone online have been talking about Kira.
Some people are worried, and scared.
Other people are praising the lord. And celebrating, for our god, has come back to us.
So there is a second Kira. Again. I have to find them. Mogi is probably helping the task force on this case. Thats probably why he has been upset, and stressed ever since I started to kill again.
They realized that Kira was back straight away then?
They are smarter than I thought. I am smarter though.
The task force probably thinks they are dealing with some fake. Someone who'll slip up and they'll catch immediately. They wont. They are dealing with two Kira's again.
One of them are Light Yagami and Misa Amane's kid. To obvious.
And the other? Well, thats something I dont know yet.
I turn and look and look at Ryuk. He's eating apples. We are just sitting in my room. Its the weekend, so I've just been killing off criminals for around 2 hours. I've killed over 600 I believe.
"Ryuk. Do you know who the second kira is? You would be able to see their shinigami, right?"
Ryuk stops eating, and looks at me, "oh yeah. I know."
I just stare at him.
He's known this entire time?! "Ryuk! You've known who the second kira is this entire time? You didn't tell me?!" I get up from my seat.
Ryuk goes back to eating, "I'm just here for entertainment, kiddo. What fun would it be if I just told you who it is?" Ryuk chuckles.
"Ryuk. Don't you have like three death notes?" Ryuk looks up at me, "Hm?"
"You told me the story about Rem and stuff. And how he died, and how to kill a shinigami." Ryuk just nods.
"You said that Rem dropped his notebook when he died. So shouldn't you have four death notes, including yours and mine?"
Ryuk tilts his head. Is he that stupid?
"One" I hold up mine. "Two" I point at his. "And Rem also had two notebooks. Because he gave one to mom."
"So three and four would be Rem's and Mom's"
Ryuk jerks up, "Right! I forgot to tell you!"
"Ryuk, are you the one who gave the death note to the second Kira?"
"Oh, kiddo, no, that was a different shinigami, but.." Ryuk stands up and laughs, "I do have 2 more I could give out!" He points to his own.
"They way they are in my belt thing, it looks like there's only one, but I have two more behind it." He pulls a note book out from behind his own, "Rem's notebook"
He pulls out another, "your mothers"
So we have four death notes. Mine, Ryuk, Rem, and my moms. And then two extra, considering the second Kira, and their shinigami.
I believe that both shinigamis wouldn't allow us to use their notebooks, so take off their notebooks, and we still have 4.
Considering if Ryuk allows us to use Rem's and Mom's.
"Ryuk, would you allow me to use Rems and Moms, if I ever wanted to?" Ryuk looks at me, "I don't have anything to do with them. So yeah, if ya wanted, I guess"
I smirk and sit back down. So I technically have three notebooks. If I can get the second Kira to work with me. The two of us will have four! Perfect..
The two of us, will rule the world! We'll be the gods of the new world!
Hikari.. it's crazy how much you act like your father. By the end of this. I have no doubt that you'll be as crazy as him.
I hear a knock from downstairs.
Mogi isn't home yet, and even if he was, he wouldn't knock. Who is it then?
I hide the death note away and walk downstairs. People don't often come to the house.
I open the door.
"Hikari. It feels like forever since the last time I saw you" She gives me a sweet smile, I return it, "Mrs. Taiyo. Come in"
Its Yuri. The owner of the orphanage. I never have to fake a smile for her. She raised me.
I lead her to the living room and we sit down, "Can I get you anything? Tea?" She looks up at me and shakes her head, "No dear, its fine." I nod, and sit next to her, "Is there a reason you came? Mogi isn't here if thats why you came."
She shakes her head no, then why is she here?
"I trust you saw what happened on Sakura TV?"
Oh. Right.
"Yeah. I was speechless.." She looks at me, tears forming in her eyes. "You know who your parents were, Hikari." Yeah, I know. "I came here because I believe.." She's holding back a sob.
"You are Kira"
I stare at her in utter shock, "What?" She sniffles, and starts to speak again, "Thats why you wanted to leave the orphanage, no? You couldn't be Kira, with the amount of people around you at all times.
"What? I don't understand why you think this, Mrs. Taiyo!" I stand up from my seat, Ryuk chuckles from behind me. How does she know?!
"I always thought, ever since Misa Amane dropped you off. You would one day.. continue what they did.." she clears her throat. "You've been hanging around my niece, Kessaku. Please.. if you truly are, the new Kira. Please don't use her for your evil deeds." I just stare at her.
Theres no way she actually figured it out.
I can't kill her. I won't be able to. I won't be able to bring myself to do it.
"You want to carry out your parents legacy. I understand, but why must you do it this way? Why must you do it the same way Light and Misa did? Why can't you do it the nice way?"
This set me off.
"The nice way?!" She looks shocked at my sudden outburst. "The law is the nice way! And yet that doesn't stop the criminals! The only way for this world to be fixed is to purge them all!"
You truly are Kira then, Hikari..
Ryuk chuckles from beside me, Damn kiddo, really sounded like Light there.
Yuri is just staring at me. She's shocked, shocked that she was right.
Theres no way. I can't kill her.
"Yuri. Go home."
At this point, tears are running down her face.
"I can't leave you, Hikari. You need help."
I turn around, my back facing her.
I look at my left arm.
Grab my watch. Clicking it 3 times in under a second.
"Yuri. I love you as if you were my mother."
I use a needle I keep in my watch to draw blood from my finger.
"Hikari. I love you as if you were my own son, and I would never tell the cops, but please... you need help. This isn't the right way to fix the world."
Yuri smiles at me. Sadly, "I'll stand by your side through anything, Hikari."
'Yuri Taiyo'
"Yuri Taiyo goes home. dies peacefully in sleep"
"Yeah.. I'll get help."
She smiles at me, hugs me from behind, and walks off, I turn around. To see her back.
As she walks out the door. It's as if she's walking in slow motion.
Goodbye. Yuri Taiyo.
-----------Authors Note <3
This is short, but I don't know what else to write, and I think this would be a good place to end this chapter off :')
Will try to make next chapter longer :p
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