Chapter 3: Return of the Chariot Master
Magnus reunited with his long-lost daughter and her friend, then everyone met up in a town to stop the Chaos Kin with the help of Hades and the new Dark Sacred Treasure, but being the idiot he is, Hades only made the Chaos Kin stronger. It evolved into Archfiend Form (not to be confused with Archfiend Form from my oneshot Redemption) and now the real battle starts!
Hades: Hey! That was only one mistake!
Me: Whatever. On to the story!
Phosphora's POV
We faced the now Archfiend Form Chaos Kin as it opened the red eye on its chest and shot a red blast at us.
"Not this time," I said to myself. "Phos! Lux! Fire back! Give it a lot of power!" The unicorns fired two blasts of energy that tore past us, combined, and ripped through the blast. "Don't hesitate for a second! Let's destroy that Chaos Kin!" We charged right at it, recovering with ease as we missed. "Don't hesitate! Just take it!" A track formed in front of us, on which I sped alongside the Chaos Kin. I shot it a couple times with my Bow, then saw a blinding light in front of me. A man with long blonde hair and tattered armor appeared in front of me.
"I see you have taken good care of the Lightning Chariot"
"Chariot Master!" Pit blurted out the name of the strange spirit. "But I thought you were at peace."
"I am, young angel, but I want to talk to the Lighting Flash." He turned to me. "Listen. You have proven your worthiness of the Lighting Chariot's true power. Now show me your true power."
"I won't fail you, Chariot Master," I replied with a warm smile.
"I know no doubt that you will, Pit, Dark Pit, Phosphora, and... friends." He faded, and a bright aura went into the Lighting Chariot. "If you ever need help, just charge the reins." With that, he vanished. The Lighting Chariot began to glow, its base changing shape, and it gained a jet-like cockpit. Phos and Lux stopped and pulled up their hooves as they transformed into thrusters and attached themselves to the Chariot. Two more appeared next to and below them, and a small cannon materialized underneath it. The thrusters both had rotation points on the front and covered something. Hand-like structures were at the back of the side thrusters, and a helmet like the Chariot Master's appeared on top.. The Lighting Chariot had become a jet-like weapon. "Behold the Flash Sacred Treasure."
"So this will be my new weapon. All right. Let's do this!" I connected my scarf to the controls, and immediately, it became like a part of me. I flew at the Chaos Kin alongside my friends, strafing it with lighting shots. Pit unleashed the energy sword again, and Pittoo fired a blast from the wyvern's head. I turned gracefully and thought. If their Sacred Treasures can transform into another form, then so can mine.
"Phosphora, what are you doing?" Pit asked. "This wasn't part of the plan!"
"Trust me, Pit," I replied. "I know what I'm doing. Engaging Paladin Mode!" The thrusters combined to form an arm on each side, the shoulder and elbow pieces in front rotating and the hands' fingers became mobile. The unicorn thrusters became the legs, and blue flames flared through the different gaps. The helmet formerly on top of the structure was now the head on the now facing downward body. On the front cannon, a blade extended to form a lighting sword. It was ready.
I charged at the Chaos Kin and kicked it with a right Lightning Kick. It summoned a black saber that clashed against my sword. However, it was still stronger. I was knocked back, then turned to Pit.
"This guy's too strong to fight alone."
"Well, Lighting Flash, you're not alone," Pit replied with his special grin. We flew at the Chaos Kin together.
"Let's take it down together, Pit!" The Flash Sacred Treasure glowed, and everything but the chariot piece and unicorn thrusters vanished. The remaining three pieces connected into legs, then the Great Sacred Treasure, still in Ultralight Mode, landed on the legs. I found myself in the cockpit of the Great Sacred Treasure, and looked at Pit next to me.
"You ready, Phosphora?"
"Ready as I'll ever be for now."
"Lighting Mech Mode engaged!" we both yelled simultaneously. The Flash Sacred Treasure's helmet replaced the GST's (GST is the Great Sacred Treasure's abbreviation) as blue flames appeared.
"The best strategy would be to attack swiftly and decisively," I suggested. "Activating Thunder Blade!" The GST's energy sword was now charged as it slashed through the Chaos Kin's saber. It fired a dark blast that we also slashed through. It hit the Chaos Kin followed by our barrage of shots.
"Let's finish this!" Pit yelled.
"Agreed!" Pittoo joined in. We charged at the Chaos Kin with the Thunder Blade and the Dark Sacred Treasure's Wyvern Rush- basically a charge in Wyvern Mode surrounded by dark aura. The roundhouse kick hit the Chaos Kin's shield, then the sword and Wyvern Rush pierced through it.
"But how?!" it roared. "I was supposed to be stronger than you! I'll just get stronger. See you around." It vanished in a cloak of ash.
"We could have destroyed it!" Pittoo yelled. "At least we would have if Hades hadn't so foolishly given it all those souls, not to mention it EVOLVED because of that!"
"Oh come on, Dark Pit. It was just a little mistake," Hades replied. "You can't possibly--"
"Just a little mistake?! This can't even be called a mistake!"
"Cut him some slack, Pittoo," Pit interrupted. "Hades was just trying to help. Come on. Let's get back on the ground."
Pit's POV
Once we landed, Pandora walked up to us.
"Uh... Pandora, can you please tell me why you have a body?" I asked.
"Don't you think it's beautiful? The Rewind Spring gave me back my body and my beauty."
"Way more ego as well," I said quietly to Pittoo. "And you're telling me that it happened two years ago when my wings burned up?"
"What are you two talking about over there, boys?" Pandora interrupted.
"Soon they'll be talking about me, little Goddess of Calamity!" a familiar voice laughed. I groaned.
"You can't be serious!"
"But I am, young angel! Pyrrhon, the God of the Sun, is at your service!"
"What the heck are you doing here, Pyrrhon?!" Viridi demanded.
"I'm joining sides here, o' mighty Goddess of Nature. I'm taking down the Chaos Kin, same as you. Pyrrhon needs some way to make up for his mistakes right?"
"Before we say anything, can you please stop speaking about yourself in third person?!" Viridi asked.
"It's my thing, sister, and I heard from my companion that the Chaos Kin is heading for the Galactic Sea, so I need some backup."
"All right. Thanks, Pyrrhon," Palutena said, smiling.
"Wait, you're taking hints from THIS wannabe?!"
"What choice do we have, Viridi? Besides, with him and Hades, we're only gonna get stronger."
"Wait, wasn't it Hades who screwed up the plan in the first place? Ugh! Fine! He can join us."
"Pyrrhon appreciates this act of acceptance. My Pyroblaster is ready if it gets too tough." Pyrrhon flew upwards into space. We followed him in our Sacred Treasures' fastest forms and soon arrived at the Galactic Sea.
Magnus' POV
"There they go," I said. We were left behind due to us not having a Sacred Treasure. Besides, the Galactic Sea is in space so we couldn't go if we wanted to.
"I think we should help your daughter and her friend master their power," Gaol suggested.
"I could go for a little practice," Pandora piped up.
"Sounds good," I replied. "I could use a workout as well. So, Molly and Nene, ready to begin?"
"Master Magnus, may my companion and I help train these young ladies?" a calm voice asked behind us. We turned to see a tall butler with purple skin and purple flames coming out of his glove holes and a living pile of rocks with arms and stubby legs. "We are commanders of the Forces of Nature. Allow me to introduce myself and my colleague. I am Arlon the Serene, and next to me is Cragalanche, the sentient rock."
"Good meet you," Cragalanche said.
"Aren't rocks the strong, silent type?"
"Yes, but... Mistress give me... ability to talk like human," the rock pile replied, his voice similar to a giant's. Then again, he's a six-foot tall pile of stone with a red spot on his butt so he's hard to criticize in that department.
"I'm Magnus, and my friend here is Gaol. These girls are Molly, my daughter, and Nene, a young friend of ours.
"Wait. I remember!" Nene blurted out. "Two years ago, I found a strange ring and put it on. I felt something moving my body and heard a voice inside my head. When I tripped, I dropped the ring then ran off."
"Can you tell me what the ring looked like?" I asked.
"Well, it was golden with red marks on it, sorta like runes."
"That ring was Pit's soul's physical form at the time. But I helped him get his body back. Still, that Darkness Bow packed one heck of a punch."
"I see we missed out on a lot," Arlon said. "Now, are you ready to begin?"
"Ready, Arlon," my daughter replied.
"Now, let's see what my former mistress taught you, young mistresses Molly and Nene." He formed a pale energy blast and shot it at them. Nene held up her arms and equipped the Lunar Palm, and a shield prevented the blast from hitting the brunette. "Impressive. I was not expecting that, young mistress."
"All right then," Nene replied. "Let's see if I can do something else. Cragalanche, you can attack next."
"With pleasure," he growled before rolling at her. Grinning, Nene released a shockwave using the shield and repelled the Sentient Rock. The Night Blade's white edge rotated to become Bolt Mode. The training had begun.
Molly's POV
Nene was showing some strange power. Her brown hair became black as my blonde hair became white. I felt power course through me as I extended my Hunter Claws. The Eclipse Orbitars came out as well, and I felt them floating above me. I tossed my Claws into the air where they were caught by the Orbitars. They shot towards Arlon, who teleported out of the way then darkened the area. I didn't need to see his attacks to see him though. I reequipped my Hunter Claws and my Orbitars launched two Moonlight Blasts that acted as flares and lit the area again. I then rushed Arlon, slashing him multiple times before kicking him down.
"Well done, young mistress," he chuckled. "Well done. Now let's watch Miss Nene finish her trial."
"Wait. Arlon, can I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"Who was your 'former mistress'?"
"I shall tell you after Miss Nene is done. I have taken an oath of silence that shall continue until you both have proven that you are worthy."
Nene's POV
I stared at Cragalanche, Night Blade and Lunar Shield in my hands, the blue aura around both my arms.
"We finish trial?" he asked.
"With pleasure," I replied. "Lunar Bolt!"
He summoned a barrier of boulders that I could not break, then launched all of them. I switched the Lunar Blade back into Slash Mode and caught one boulder. Then, I fired, destroying the rock. I charged, but he went into the ground. He was trying an underground ambush.
"Not this time." I dodged his attack and slashed at him, then charging my Blade with the Lunar Palm's power. I slashed twice, then fired a Lunar Bolt, knocking him down.
"You much improve. I proud. Arlon shall tell?" The butler nodded.
"Yes, Cragalanche. I shall tell. Young mistresses, I confide in you and the others an important secret. Master Magnus, Lady Gaol, you should also know."
"What is it, Arlon?" I asked.
"I never even told Mistress Viridi, but before her, I had another mistress. I think you know her."
"Wait, you don't mean..."
"Yes. My former mistress was Artemis- the Lost Goddess."
Arlon's POV
"Yes," I said. " I served her, and in return, she taught me her secrets."
Flashback Mode Activate
500 years ago...
"Lady Artemis?" I walked into her training room, soon seeing her unusually straight silver hair. I placed the tea on the table near me and ran to her. She looked at me with her azure eyes full of concern.
"Arlon, I sense a presence nearby. It's just as powerful as... Arlon, the Kin has returned."
"What? But Lady Artemis, you banished it into the Void Realm."
"It seems to have built a nest of... chaos in there."
"The Kin is getting more and more peculiar."
"Chaos Kin is more like it, but right now, that is the least of our concerns." Lady Artemis picked up her Bow. "Arlon, will you follow me into this battle?"
"I will, Lady Artemis."
At that time, all my loyalty was to her. And I was to find out that loyalty is not just devotion...
The newly named Chaos Kin roared, its massive form like a monster, and its power was worse. Six tentacle-like appendages with hooks at the end formed from the sides of its torso, three on each side, five more hooks on each of its claws, and five on the tail.
"Let's see what you've learned, Arlon," Artemis told me. I cloaked the area in darkness and blasted the monster with lunar bolts. It fired its hooks, but I teleported out of the way. I fired more lunar bolts and dodged another hook attack. It fired a blast that hit me, lighting up the area again.
"Now, Lady Artemis!" I yelled. She fired the Arrow of Light into its mouth, which was pierced through. It reared, and I sent a blast into its mouth. It swelled up like a balloon until it was reduced to ash by the blast.
"Excellent job, Arlon," my mistress complimented. "Let's go." But out of the corner of my eye, I saw the ashen form of the Chaos Kin rush at Lady Artemis in the form of a spear.
"Lady Artemis, look out!" But she was pierced by it, dropping the Three Sacred Treasures.
"Arlon. Take my hand. I'll give my power to you. If I were to to bestow upon one my power, ...p-promise you will...t-train her. I'll seal the Chaos Kin. It will be up to you to prevent its escape. Farewell, my apprentice." With that, she was reduced to silver dust that sealed the now bug-like Chaos Kin in a cocoon.
End of flashback
"Ever since then, I had maintained control over the Chaos Kin, until Pit released it."
"Man." Magnus was deep in thought. "This is pretty tough to process."
"I will explain when the time is right," I replied. "Now, we are allies, facing a common enemy. Even master Pyrrhon and Lord Hades. Now, young mistresses, shall we continue?"
Hey guys! This is Chapter 3 of 5 of my short story intro to The Return of Chaos. Don't worry, the next one will be longer. A good shout-out to my new friend and follower,
as is my introduction tradition for followers.
Hades: Or is it that you like her?
Me: Shut up, Hades! Please save that kind of nosiness for the actual chapters and not the author's notes! Anyway, until next time, vote, comment, critique, and follow. Guillermo out!
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