Chapter 1: Old Enemy New Power
Pit's POV
"How about I make dinner tonight, Lady Palutena?"
"That would be great, Pit," the Goddess of Light replied.
"Face it, Pit, your place is the battlefield, not the kitchen." An angel with black wings and the same chiton I have in black came in through the corridor.
"Easy for you to say, Pittoo, you destroyed your Urgle assistant with Viridi's Claws!" I shot back.
"What, so just because I'm a copy of you created by the Mirror of Truth, I have to screw up every single meal I make? Remember that one barbecue when you scorched a hamburger with the Burning Palm?"
"You couldn't have done that burger perfectly with the Twinbellows Cannon without Viridi, and you know that!"
"At least Viridi didn't try to make dinner that wanted to kill her. Remember that?!" I growled at Pittoo as he said that.
"Um, hello! Are you gonna make dinner or what?!" Viridi yelled.
"R-right! How about Vegetable Surprise?" I suggested.
"Just don't use too much Rejuvenator!" Lady Palutena reminded us.
"We know! And can we borrow the Wolf Claws and Cutter Palm?"
"Sure." After getting the weapons from the Weapons Altar, I took off my bag.
"We're gonna use extra Rejuvenator, aren't we?" Pittoo asked, grinning.
"What do you think?" I asked, taking a bottle of the potion out of my bag. We poured some onto the necessary vegetables, and they came to life. They grew arms and legs, and one eye opened. I put on the claws, and Pittoo the Palm, which burst when it hit his hand, forming a tattoo and a dark blue aura with green and blue saw-like blades around it.
"How am I supposed to cook them after cutting them?" Pittoo asked.
"Flame Card. It only lasts for three minutes, so make it count." Pittoo nodded as he placed the talisman on the palm, giving it a fiery red aura. The mutants then combined to form the Garden Golem, as I call it. We started attacking it, setting it ablaze. I slash-and-burned the mutants shot at me, destroying all of them and making them fall into the Skyworld Soup.
"Palutena told me to check on you and..." Viridi's voice trailed off as she saw us. "What the heck is that?!"
"Viridi. I need the Power of Flight to make dinner," I called to her, then seeing the green light form on my wings as I flew up to the Garden Golem and slashed at it as Pittoo launched the blades surrounding the Palm. The Garden Golem roared in agony as it was cut and burned. It was ready to be cooked.
"Phosphora! Time to wash the vegetables!" I yelled. Phosphora, wielding the Poseidon Cannon, fired a blast of water that exploded into the monster, reverting it back into normal vegetables. I then spun around and sliced every single one as they fell. Shadow, a Fighter in Skyworld's sport, created a tornado with the Ore Club, made of stone mined in mountains of the gods, pulling the pieces into several pans in the hands of the Centurions, the angelic guards and soldiers of Skyworld. A few minutes later, dinner was ready.
After dinner, Pittoo and I raced on Exo Tanks and soaked in a hot spring, my favorite thing to do to relax. Afterwards, I met with Phosphora to talk about what had happened lately. She took care of Phos and Lux, the unicorns who pulled the Lightning Chariot, for the past two years ever since I defeated Hades with the Great Sacred Treasure, which got totaled during the fight. We looked at the sunset.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Phosphora sighed.
"Yeah," I replied. "But I can't shake this feeling that something is wrong."
"Pit, watch out!" Lady Palutena cried. I knocked Phosphora out of the way just as a green cutting wave hit the end of the coliseum. Phos and Lux panicked and pawed the ground nervously.
"Pittoo? If that's you, you better watch the friendly fire!"
"But it's not your dark doppelgänger," a voice hissed.
"No. It can't be." I turned to see the scorpion-like one-eyed monster that I feared it was. Its green goo-like wings, hooked skeletal tail, and six legs confirmed the identity of the Chaos Kin.
"It can be, young angel. You didn't think I would stay in the Chaos Vortex forever, did you?"
"How can you talk anyway?" I asked.
"After you defeated me, I was extracted with you when your wings burned up. When Dark Pit defeated Hades' soul-eating monster, I devoured the souls eaten by it and got my body back. But what else, I gained a new form. After the Rewind Spring, I watched as you destroyed Hades, and I absorbed some of his power. Now watch, as I show you!" Its body glowed green, its wings extending, its top and bottom legs becoming humanoid arms and legs, and its form becoming more humanoid as well. It's one red eye closed on its chest, and two eyes opened on its head. "In this form, I'll be able to absorb massive amounts of power and evolve until I am unstoppable! And I'll start with your goddess' staff!" During his lecture, we hopped onto the Lighting Chariot and took off.
"Not if we stop you!" I shot back, firing a blue arrow at it. It dodged quickly, but was hit by another arrow, this one green.
"Am I too late?" We saw Pittoo flying up using Viridi's green Power of Flight. The Silver Bow was in his hand. The Silver Bow is like my bow, but it is silver and doesn't give me the hand guards or the double halos on my right arm.
"Yes," the Chaos Kin hissed. "Too late to save your friends. Mega Laser!" A blast of energy flew at the Lightning Chariot. We got out of the way, but it grazed the Chariot. Phosphora was also hit, crying out in pain before falling limply. "Now to destroy you."
"Pittoo, take the reins!" I shouted.
"You better not be doing anything stupid." When he hopped on, I dove to catch Phosphora. "And he's doing something stupid."
"Viridi, I need to fly. Now!"
"Don't you remember what happened last time you tried that?" Viridi asked. "Your wings will burn up. You may die!"
"I don't care, Viridi. I'll find a way. But now the Chaos Kin is gonna destroy Phosphora. I'm begging you, Viridi. Please let me fly!"
"Okay, okay! Fine! Activating Power of Flight!" My wings burned as I sped up, but I didn't care. I needed to save Phosphora.
Palutena's POV
"Pit, no," I murmured. I remembered when he did that in the Chaos Vortex. His wings were burned and exposed the bone. I watched as the fireball descended at twice the speed as before, catching Phosphora and vanishing to reveal the captain of my personal guard and the Lightning Flash free falling, one unconscious, the other near that point and with scorched wings. And they were falling fast. Their situation was near hopeless.
Pit's POV
"I'm coming, Pit!" Pittoo called.
"No." I managed. "No. I'll do this myself!" My eyes shot open, and I saw a white energy cloak my scorched wings and extend over where the rest of them were. I felt newfound power as I spread my wings and leveled with the ground. I landed gracefully and put Phosphora in front of Viridi.
"W-what the..." her eyes fluttered open.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yes. I am now." She blushed a bright red, then winced as she tried to get up. She had a wound on her right leg.
"You need to rest." Pittoo added.
"Dark Pit. Pit. I'll be fine. You're right. I just need to rest."
"Okay. Let's finish this," I said, the white aura returning as well as a black one over Pittoo's wings. I then saw white gauntlets similar to the arms on the Great Sacred Treasure's Ultralight Mode and matching body armor form on me, as well as equipping me with a small Mirror Shield on each arm. Pittoo got a black-colored set, but he had a bow similar to the Arrow of Light, and we both took off.
"What the heck just happened?!" Viridi demanded.
"They have revived the power of the Sacred Treasures," a familiar voice replied, chuckling at Viridi's confusion.
"Lord Dyntos!" The god of the forge appeared as an astral projection.
"The armor you have now is from what remains of the Great Sacred Treasure, made from pure orichalcum as well. You summoned its power when you selflessly risked your life to save Phosphora. I can see why you like her. She's a keeper. I blushed madly.
"What?! No, no, no, no, no! She's just a friend!"
"It's written all over your face, kid!" Lord Dyntos smirked. "Too bad. She seems your type too."
"Can I just get to defeating the Chaos Kin, Lord Dyntos?" I asked, immediately trying to change the subject.
"All right. Are you ready, young whippersnapper?"
"Ready as I'll ever be. Now to take the Chaos Kin down once and for all!" I yelled. "Chaos Kin, hear our words!"
"And see our actions!" We were doing our pre-battle rally cry.
"I am Pit, servant of the Goddess of Light Palutena!"
"I am Dark Pit, commander of the Forces of Nature and servant to only myself!"
"Together we will rain death upon you!" we yelled simultaneously.
"So if you want to die, Chaos Kin, step right up!"
"If not, too bad!"
"Regardless, you are history! Now prepare to face the light!"
"Is that all?" our enemy asked.
"Is this an answer?" I fired a small blast from my gauntlet. The Chaos Kin groaned upon contact.
"I'd love to stay, but I need to devour some souls." The Chaos Kin then flew off, his gooey wings outstretched.
"His bloodlust is worse than Hades'," Pittoo said.
"No, Hades was way worse."
???'s POV
I looked around the forest around me. My Dream World did not look like this. Then I saw it. A white deer with golden horns and hooves. It looked at me with eyes the color of the night sky, then trotted away from me, tilting its head to tell me to follow it. It sped up its trot, then went into a gallop, pausing at every few turns to see if I was coming.
"Wait up!" I followed it through the forest and to a temple. Then, it spoke.
"I see you have followed me," it said in a gentle voice. "Your sister will meet up with us tomorrow night, Nene."
"How do you know my name?" I asked. "Why can you talk? What are you?!"
"All will be answered in time," it responded in a serene tone. "For now, know that I am a messenger of the Goddess of the Night, Artemis."
"Artemis? I've never heard of her."
"Time is running out. I can't talk to you much longer." The Dream World began to fade. "Meet me here at the temple tomorrow night. All will become clear then."
I sat up, sweating, What was that dream about? I looked at Molly, her blonde hair all over her face. I pushed some brown hair out of my face. I was starting to think we were part of something bigger.
Hey guys! Guillermo here. Good intro to my latest story, huh? I might enter it into the Video Game Watty Awards. So yeah, this was an intro to the plot. Hope you like it.
Dark Pit: I didn't think it was THAT good.
Me: Dude, come on! What's wrong with it?!
Dark Pit: Too much combat.
Me: There wasn't THAT much. It was just two battles.
Magnus: Whatever, when are me and Gaol gonna be introduced into this story?
Me: Just be patient, dude. I'm now temporarily suspending the Sunday updates and posting new chapters as soon as possible. In fact, I'm publishing another chapter today! Until next time I come in for post-chapter comments, Guillermo out!
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