Chapter Three: Of Familiar Faces And Old Foes
Despite the fact that three years had passed, not much had changed in terms of appearance. Hercules' mother's diner still sat at the corner of fifth street. The football field was still kept nicely and looked brand new. The high school still stood tall, a mark of suffering for the ones different in the town of Hetalia.
When they passed said high school Alfred looked away from it not wanting to remember all the torture he and his friends faced at that place. "Alfred.." Hercules' voice drew Alfred's attention over to him. "Yeah, Herc?" Alfred replied watching as the Greek man's expression changed from blank to guilt ridden. "I forgot to mention something when asking you to come back." Hercules said looking like something was eating away at his soul.
"Hercules...what happened?" Alfred's question made Hercules flinch slightly. He knew he should have told the American over the phone but there was a chance that he wouldn't have come if he knew. "Remember the football team from our old high school?" Alfred nodded his face twisting into a grimace. "How could I not? They were such assholes to us." Alfred grumbled not wanting to remember all the pain those dicks had caused him.
"Well, most of them are back in town for a sort of reunion party." Hercules saw Alfred go pale at his words. He knew Alfred wouldn't take well to the news. "'Reunion party'? Haven't they only been out of school for like a year?" Alfred asked raising an eyebrow while ignoring the way his stomach twisted in fear. "Don't ask me. When have they ever done anything sensible?" Hercules said looking at Alfred with an expression that said 'We will never understand those idiots'.
"True. Do you know where they are? Can we avoid them?" Alfred asked hopefully but that went away when Hercules shook his head. "I don't know where they are right now. All I know is that they're in town." Hercules' explained much to Alfred's dismay. Literally the last thing he wanted right now was to see the assholes who had given him hell for years.
Alfred groaned arms flopping to his sides. "I'm sorry.." Hercules apologized blushing in guilt and embarrassment. He knew he should've told him. "It's fine. I mean I probably wouldn't have come knowing they were here but I'm here now so let's just go visit Gal." Alfred said smiling at the Greek who sighed in relief. He was glad Alfred wasn't too mad at him for not telling about the football players.
"Okay." And just like that they were in front of the hospital.
The Greek and the American walked into the hospital and approached the front desk. "Oh hello, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked the two young adults with a smile. "We're here to see Gal Mizrahi." Hercules answered with his usual blank look. The receptionist nodded then started typing something into her computer.
"Ah yes. Miss Mizrahi is currently admitted for cancer treatment. Are you two her brothers?" The receptionist asked looking over the blonde and brunette. "Uh no but we're good friends." Alfred said scratching the back of his head nervously. He didn't know if anyone he used to go to high school with worked at the hospital or nearby.
"Ok. She's in room 1948." The receptionist smiled giving them both visitor passes. The two thanked her and started making their way towards the room where their friend is. They soon found the room. Hercules went in first so Alfred could surprise Gal.
"Hercules!" Alfred heard Mizrahi greet the Greek man who greeted her back. "Hello, Gal." Alfred heard Hercules say through the door. "Why did you leave?" Gal asked. "I had to go get you a present." Hercules replied. "A present? What is it?" Gal asked causing Alfred to smile. "Why don't you ask him?" Alfred grabbed the door knob turning it before opening and stepping into the room.
Gal and her mother gasped. In front of her stood her old friend, Alfred Jones. Alfred left their town almost three years ago and he was right in front of her smiling as brightly as she last saw him. "Oh my god..Alfred." Gal sobbed as he approached her hospital bed. "It's been awhile, Gal." He remarked causing the Israeli to laugh. "Yeah it has." She agreed smiling widely.
"I didn't know you were back in town." Mrs. Mizrahi said looking over at her daughter's friend. The boy had been gone for a long time so seeing him was a nice sight. "Hercules called me. Told me that I needed to come and see you." Alfred smiled sadly suddenly remembering why he came to visit. Gal mirrored his smile before turning to Hercules. "Thank you, Hercules." The Greek nodded solemnly at her words.
"So.." Alfred pulled a nearby chair up to the bed so he could sit by his friend's side. "How're you feeling?" He asked looking over Gal's state. She looked rather sickly with pale skin and a lot less hair than when Alfred last saw her. "A lot better now that you're here with me. The doctors are trying everything they can so it's likely a 50/50 chance that I may make it." Gal explained. Alfred brightened up a little bit at that.
50/50 isn't exactly reliable but it's better than being terminal. "That's good. Is there anything that I can get for you?" Alfred offered smile never leaving his face. "A vanilla milkshake would be nice. Like one from Hercules' mother's diner." Gal said happiness filling her being at Alfred's smile. It was nice to know the years of pain that they had all suffered didn't change his smile.
"Got it! Me and Hercules can go get that now if you want?" Gal nodded watching as Alfred got up from his seat before he lightly hugged her. She giggled at the embrace trying her best to hug the American back. "We'll be back ASAP!" Alfred declared putting his duffle bag on the ground before grabbing Hercules' hand and dragging the Greek out of the room.
Mrs. Mizrahi watched her daughter's smile brighten. She was glad that Alfred had come back to visit Gal. He had been missed by her and Hercules very much even though they kept contact through the years.
Alfred and Hercules arrived at the diner and walked up to the counter. Alfred was marveling at how nothing had changed in the time he had been gone while Hercules was chatting quietly with his mother who had approached them as soon as they entered.
Hercules mother was an immigrant from Greece who came over to America in the late 90's so her restaurant was a mix of Greek and American food. "Alfred Kirkland?" She looked over at him and Alfred couldn't help but flinch at the mention of his old last name. "It's actually Jones now." He said smiling. "How've you been, Mrs. Karpusi?" Alfred asked the Greek woman.
"I've been fine. I'm just a little surprised to see you back in town." Mrs. Karpusi stated leaning back. "Yeah me too but Hercules called me so here I am." Alfred said awkwardly gesturing with his hands. "I must say though you've grown into quite a handsome man." She smirked causing Alfred to blush darkly. "T..Thanks." Alfred stuttered looking embarrassed. He wasn't used to people telling him he looked good especially in Hetalia.
"Mama!" Hercules scolded. "What? I'm just being polite. Now what do you boys want?" Mrs. Karpusi asked. "We need a vanilla milkshake for Gal. Extra large." Alfred said smiling causing a smile to appear on the Greek woman's face. "Coming right up." She told him before heading off into the kitchen to make it.
"Your mom's always so nice." Alfred said to Hercules who huffed in response. "Yeah because she always have you free food." Hercules smirked watching as Alfred began to pout. "But I-" Their conversation was cut off when the door opened and the bell above it jingled. Alfred curiously turned to see who had just entered.
His eyes widened when they saw who it was.
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