Chapter Seven: Of Retrieval and Remorse
Alfred gasped when he felt Antonio's lips press against his own. Of all the things Alfred had thought would happen if he ever saw one of his old bullies again, this wasn't one of them. The American unwrapped his arms from Antonio to try and push the Spaniard away but the Antonio held him tightly. It was almost as if Antonio thought Alfred would disappear if he let him go.
Alfred had grown remarkably strong since his time leaving Hetalia (he was determined to never be pushed around again). But it seems that Antonio had also gotten stronger since the last time they saw each other. The blonde male was starting to get lightheaded from the long kiss and was starting to seeing white spots. "Antonio! Stop that!" Carlos yelled at the brunette which actually snapped him out of his trance like state.
Antonio broke the kiss blinking. "W..What just happened?" He asked looking between a flustered Alfred and his shocked friends. "Jou tell us! Jour zhe one vho just kissed Alfred!" Gilbert exclaimed pointing at the still flustered American. Antonio's green eyes widened at the German's words. He kissed Alfred? A blush appeared on the Spaniard's own tan face.
Antonio looked back at Alfred's flustered state seeing how his arms were wrapped around Alfred's waist. He quickly removed his arms from the American who took a few steps back away from himself. Alfred looked, understandably, horrified at Antonio's actions.
"W...Why did you do that?" Alfred stuttered coveting his lips with his hand. He could still feel the burn of Antonio's lips on his. He could still feel his warm breath on his face and remember how good feeling his lips against his own felt. Alfred froze at that thought. He didn't like it. He can't. He won't. Tears started to burn Alfred's eyes but he pushed them back. After leaving, he vowed never to shed another tear in front of these bastards again.
"I don't know." Antonio admitted licking his lips. He could taste Alfred's unique taste on his lips and it made him feel hungry. He thought he had gotten rid of these feelings. A long time ago back when they were all back in high school Antonio had had a crush on Alfred. It was so perfect. Perfect because it had been love at first sight. Antonio was a foreign exchange student from Spain and Alfred was the person who was showing him around.
Antonio will most likely remember that moment for the rest of his life. He had been sitting in the office waiting for his tour guide when a beautiful blonde teenager had entered the room. The blonde looked around the room until his beautiful sky blue eyes landed on Antonio and he smiled. The Spaniard had never seen anything more beautiful. "Are you Antonio?" The blonde had asked smile never leaving his face.
The Spanish male could only nod at the time speechless. If possible, the blonde's smile got even more beautiful and brighter. "Great! My name is Alfred and I'll be your tour guide for today." Alfred told him which made Antonio's eyes widen in surprise. This was his tour guide? He's absolutely beautiful!
After that, Alfred led him around the school. He showed him where all of his classes were while telling him about the school's history and how they had many students from different countries so he wouldn't feel left out. While Alfred was talking Antonio couldn't help but let his gaze wander. The American looked so small and had slightly long blonde hair.
He almost looked like a girl. Almost. The Spaniard could clearly see the bulge in his pants. Soon Alfred delivered him to his first class and they parted ways but not before Alfred said words that made Antonio fall hard. "If you ever need any help, just come and find me. I'll always be here to help." Alfred had said smiling softly at him. With that Alfred turned away leaving Antonio to his own devices.
The blush slowly spread across the Spanish male's face. He quickly went into his class thoughts only consisting of the beautiful blonde.
Antonio quickly learned that Hetalia wasn't exactly accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. Then Alfred came out as gay and everything went down hill. Alfred became an outcast leaving Antonio with only two options. Join the rest of the town in persecuting Alfred or stay by Alfred's side like a true friend. Antonio wishes he could go back and make the right choice. But at the time, he wanted to fit in so he followed the crowd.
If only he hadn't been such a coward! If only he had stood up for what he thoughts was right instead of following the rest of the flock! If only he had—
Matthias' surprisingly soft voice drew him out his thoughts. Antonio shook his head knowing he couldn't change the past no matter how much he wanted to. He made his choices and now he's paying for them. "I love him.." Antonio said subconsciously bringing about silence once again. "What?" Francis couldn't believe what he had just heard. Antonio loves Alfred?
This seemed to make Antonio snap years of keeping his feelings for Alfred a secret suddenly boiling over into rage. The Spaniard turned towards the Frenchman before he started angrily marching towards the sparkly male. Antonio grabbed Francis by the collar of his shirt pulling him down to angrily burn holes into Francis' eyes.
"I love him, okay?! I've loved him since the first time I saw him! I wanted to be with him but I chose to leave him in the dust because I couldn't deal with my feelings! I was so sad after he left. After we drove him away! W..Why are we so horrible?" Antonio's voice started out full of rage but became sobbing as he talked.
Alfred watched the entire scene with widened eyes. Antonio loves him? It was shocking to say the least. Alfred knew that Gilbert and Matthias were gay but he never imagined Antonio would be. All the insults that Antonio used to spit at him and his friends ran through his head. Loser. Freak. Wimp. Dumbass. Fatass. Dyke. Fag.
The words made Alfred feel bitter towards the now crying Spaniard. 'Why?' Alfred thought to himself feeling his own tears start to bloom in his eyes. The entire time Antonio had help make his life a living hell, he was actually in love with him? Alfred couldn't help but let out a bout of cold, bitter laughter.
This drew the attention of the people nearby. "What's so funny lad?" Alastair asked eyebrow raised in question. Alfred locked eyes with the Scottish man causing Alastair to flinch. Alfred's once kind, warm eyes had now turned into orbs of icy darkness. Then Alfred spoke sending shivers down all their spines.
"You're pathetic."
At the same time halfway across the country, Toris was trying to figure out how to tell his and Alfred's friends where Alfred had gone. He obviously couldn't lie. Ivan would know if he was lying. It wasn't that Toris is a horrible lier, it's just Ivan is really perceptive. Toris came to the horrifying conclusion that he would have to tell all their friends that Alfred had gone back to the place that had caused him so much pain.
A familiar female voice called out to the Lithuanian causing him to tense. Of course he runs into her now of all times. The her of course being his and Alfred's friend Natalia aka Ivan's little sister. "H..Hello Natalia." Toris stuttered causing the Belarusian to raise an elegant eyebrow at him. "Where is Alfred? You and him were supposed to meet us for lunch twenty minutes ago." Natalia told him which made the Lithuanian go white in horror. Had he really been pondering that long?
Toris didn't know what to say except the truth. "I need to tell everyone something. Please help me gather everyone in my dorm room." Toris said voice suddenly full of seriousness. Natalia nodded before turning around and running down the hallway towards where their group of friends was happily conversing.
"Hey Nat-" "Toris needs to speak with us. It's about Alfred." Natalia interrupted the greeting about to be given to her with a serious voice. Toris hadn't told her that it was about Alfred but she could tell it was. Immediately worried and serious looks overtook the faces of their friends. All of them knew of Alfred's past and the trauma he had faced long ago so anything concerning was the utmost importance.
Not even five minutes later, everyone was crammed into Toris and Alfred's dorm room. Some notice the lack of clothes on Alfred's side while others were too worried to be observant.
"Vhat is vrong, Toris?" Ludwig asked the Lithuanian who gulped and started fidgeting. Should he really be telling them? They were very overprotective of Alfred as they were right to be but sometimes that caused them to be reckless. Toris didn't want anyone to get hurt but he knew he had to tell them. So taking a deep breath, Toris spoke. "You all have to stay calm after what I tell you. Don't go do anything stupid." Toris started speaking looking over the small group.
He got nods and a "no promises" for his troubles. Toris sighed it was better than nothing. "Alfred went back to Hetalia." Toris told them. Silence overtook the room of .2 seconds before chaos erupted.
"Why did you let him go?"
"Why did he go back?"
"Is he insane?!"
"Everyone shut up!" Ludwig shouted causing everything to come to a screeching halt. "Good. Nov everyone give Toris zheir undivided attention." Ludwig nodded at Toris who smiled back grateful for the German's help. "He went back because an old friend of his has cancer and he wanted to be with her in her final days." Toris explained still a little nervous.
"His friend is dying so he went back?" Kiku inquired as Toris nodded. "We have to go after him." Ivan said eyes glinting with determination and worry. "We can't! He's already halfway across the country!" Toris protested huffing when the Russian stood up and made haste towards the door. "Anyone want to join me?" Ivan asked opening the door. Natalia, being the loyal sister she is, immediately joined her brother.
Their older sister, Katyusha, ran after them yelling for them to wait for her. Kiku also exited the room and Toris knew he was in trouble. Knowing those fools they would walk all the way there if need be. So Toris decided that the best course of action was to follow them. He still doesn't know why he made that decision.
Hey guys! Any thoughts to share?
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