Chapter Nine: The Secret No One Knew
Hey guys. I know I haven't updated this book in awhile, but I figured I owed it to you guys to continue this book! Enjoy!
Hercules glared at the large group as he pulled Alfred close to him. His eyes burned with a fury so righteous that some could almost feel the heat themselves.
"Hercules..." Antonio murmured in shock. Seeing Alfred was one thing, but to see Hercules was something entirely different. The Greek had buffed up like Alfred had, however his muscles were a little bigger than Alfred's.
Hercules said nothing as he turned to Alfred, his fury fading into concern. "Did they hurt you, Alfred?" The American shook his head and smiled. "No Herc, I'm fine. In fact, they were just leaving." Alfred said, sending a glare towards the group of former bullies.
"No we weren't. We came to apologize. To you guys. For everything we did to you guys back when we were kids." Matthias said earnestly. Alfred didn't resist the urge to roll his eyes.
"Maybe you should have thought before—" "Before two of you tried to force yourselves on Alfred." Hercules cut off Alfred before the blonde could finish his sentence.
The mentioned American looked up at the Greek in fear and surprise. "Hercules! What the hell, man?!" Alfred hissed at him. The olive eyed man didn't seem to have thought about what he said and he went white.
"I'm so sorry, it just slipped out." Hercules apologized frantically. "How does something like that just 'slip out'?" Alfred screeched at him. Hercules continued to apologize, but they now had a bigger problem on their hands.
"Wait a damn minute! We need to back up and go back to this whole 'forcing ourselves on Alfred' thing you just said." Antonio pointed out. Alfred, Hercules, Matthias, and Gilbert froze collectively at the Spaniard's words.
"Alfred-" Hercules moved to speak, but Alfred slammed a hand over his mouth. "Don't say anything." Alfred turned to Antonio and pointed at Matthias and Gilbert. "If you want to know, why don't you ask them?" The mentioned young adults paled even more.
"Nein! He's lying!" Gilbert yelled. His eyes betrayed the truth of his words. Gilbert's blood red irises were widened and stricken with panic and fear.
"I AM NOT!" The sound of Alfred shouting surprised everyone to the point even Hercules backed away from the blonde. "AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY TO LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND ADMIT WHAT YOU DID!" Alfred yelled at Gilbert.
"After all you've done to me at least say what you did was wrong. Did you know that it was wrong to do all that stuff? At least tell me what you know what you did was wrong." Tears were now falling from Alfred's eyes as his voice quieted down.
The American felt Hercules wrap an arm around his shoulders and guide him away from the large group. Gilbert was frozen in place. He couldn't move or speak. Could he admit what he did was wrong?
Of course it was wrong! He and Matthias had forced themselves on Alfred and it seemed to have scarred Alfred mentally and emotionally. But could he actually look Alfred in the eyes and say what he did?
Could he and Matthias apologize for what they did?
Gilbert was brought out of his thoughts when someone grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him forward. Gilbert looked down to see one angry Spaniard glaring at him.
"Gilbert. explain. now!" Antonio barked at him. A few feet away, Matthias let out a sigh of relief. Maybe if they thought Gilbert was the only one at fault then the Dane would be able to get off scot free.
Antonio somehow heard Matthias let out that breath of relief because his eyes snapped to him. "You're not getting out of this, Matthias." Said light haired blonde gulped. The green eyed man practically threw Gilbert onto a nearby bench while Matthias quietly sat beside his friend.
"You bastardos will both explain what you did to Alfred. And don't spare any details." Gilbert and Matthias both shifted uncomfortably. They both had done their best to forget that night in the locker room.
That moment was a great shame that they carried with them.
When neither of them said anything, Antonio kicked the bench the two were sitting on. The bench nearly fell back, but Gilbert and Matthias managed to keep it grounded.
"SPEAK!" Antonio's tone said that if neither of them did anything in the next second, then the next kick would be directed at one of their faces.
"It was three years ago." Matthias began looking down at his lap. "Me and Gilbert were making out in the locker room when Alfred came in and saw us." "Only because this idiot forgot to lock the door." Gilbert sneered at Matthias.
The blue eyed man didn't say anything as he looked up from his lap to gaze up at the towering hospital. "We both panicked. He said he was going to tell everyone about us and how hypocritical we were." Matthias continued.
The hospital seemed to loom even more now that he had begun explaining.
Hercules had brought Alfred back into the hospital to get him away from them. Alfred must have told Hercules and Gal what happened if Hercules' words to them was any indication.
"And then jou kissed him! That was a stupid move." Gilbert said crossing his arms in a pissed off motion. Matthias turned towards him furious."What?! You can't put all the blame on me! You didn't have to start touching him everywhere!" Matthias pointed out.
Antonio looked between them with an unreadable expression. "You two disgust me. You should be in jail." Everyone knew that the brunette's words were true. "How far did ye get?" Alaister asked the two Europeans. "Gil was taking off his belt when Carlos came in." Matthias said.
The mentioned Cuban shook his head. "Knowing what would have happened if I hadn't gone in at that moment still keeps me awake at night." Carlos admitted looking off to the side. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" Antonio inquired redirecting his attention towards Carlos.
"I was going to, but then Alfred left town. I didn't see the point in doing it." Carlos shrugged. "'You didn't see the point'?" Antonio repeated looking at the Cuban in astonishment. Carlos had a feeling he had said the wrong thing to the clearly pissed off Spaniard.
"The point is that they—" Antonio pointed at Matthias and Gilbert. "—tried to rape Alfred. You found out and 'didn't see the point' in telling anyone. You're just as guilty as they are." Carlos at least had the decency to look ashamed.
"God what have you three done?" The brunette put his head in his hands in his own form of shame. "Are you even sorry for what you did?" Antonio looked as if one wrong word could send him over the edge.
"Of course I am. That's why I was coming here with everyone to apologize for what I—" Matthias stole a glance at Gilbert. "—for what we did to him." Matthias' face held a look of regret that made him look way beyond his years.
"No. That's something entirely different altogether. We came to apologize for what we did back in high school. You came to apologize for nearly taking Alfred's—" God, Antonio can't bring himself to say it.
Antonio went to sit down at another bench that was a little farther away from his group. He needed a minute to process this information. The man he loves was assaulted by two people he once called friends.
Maybe that's why Alfred had been so scared of him that night.
Antonio had been out for a walk when he ran into Alfred. The more feminine teenager was running down the street like someone had been chasing him with a knife. He must have not seen Antonio because the American ran right into him.
The slightly younger male bounced almost comically off the more muscular Antonio causing him to land on the ground. The Spaniard looked down in surprise. He was going to say something when he noticed Alfred's appearance.
Bite marks littered the younger's neck and his belt buckle was slightly undone. Tears were streaming down the blonde's face as he looked up at Antonio in fear. "Hey-" Antonio didn't get to finish what he was saying because Alfred suddenly sprang up and pushed past him.
It had been raining the past couple of days so he ended up pushing Antonio into a nearby puddle.
"What the fuck?!" He shouted after Alfred but the blue eyed teen just kept running like his life depended on it. Now he was left soaking wet and wondering what happened to Alfred.
He never knew that his friends were the cause of it and that he wouldn't find out till' almost three years later.
Now that Antonio has this knowledge, he wants to throw up. He should have done something back then. He should have seen the signs about what happened to his crush.
But he didn't.
And now he has to figure out what to do from here.
Hey guys! Any thoughts to share?
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