Chapter 4
a few weeks have passed. many more of my family members have found out about the fact that i pregnant and i had told them all that i have made up my mind and i'm keeping the baby. today i was to find out the gender. not long before we left there was a knock at the door. "Kate can you get the door?" my mom asked. "sure." she opened the door and there was Daniel. "ah yes. the return of the king. come on in." Kate gestured for Daniel to come in. when he did he said "um i'm here to talk to Aria." i come out from the living room and smiled awkwardly. "ok i'm here to say sorry on Austin's behalf. although he probably won't do it himself ever. so sorry." i nodded and said "its fine. me , mom Estelle and Maria are about to go. you and Kate could probably stay here smash bros." and just like that Kate grabbed Daniel's hand and up to her room they went. "ok girls lets go." my mom said ushering us out.
once the car started Maria asked "so how is school?"
"hell on earth." i respond. "oh come it can't be that bad." she said. letting out a sigh of annoyance i say "ok Maria. picture this in your head as you are 13. a human being is growing inside of you , you still have to go to school , the father of your baby refuses to take responsibility for HIS actions and both you and me know what its like to grow up without a father. nobody is accepting Maria. well of course minus the fam and friends. (TM)" Maria was just staring at me flabbergasted. " was i supposed to know that?" "because i talk very loudly about it to Estelle every night before i go to bed. i know you hear me Maria." rolling her eyes she said "ok fair enough. but-" but mom cut her off and said "Maria stop. you too Aria." i shut up and so did Maria.
once we got to the doctors mom walked up to the front desk lady and me , Maria and Estelle sat down. i looked over and saw a woman whispering to a man well they were looking at me and my insecurities took hold. but i'm pretty sure Estelle noticed too and she said "honestly Aria! you look so young for 23! congratulations on you and Mike's baby! is it true that you plan to get married?" playing along i responded "well i'm not sure about marriage. thank on the congratulations and telling me how young i look. but as we are twins you look very young as well! oh! i just remembered that my 24th birthday is in about 2 weeks!" after that the man and woman stopped whispering and mom sat down. "the lady said it should take just 15 minutes."
those 15 minutes passed and we were taken back to the room. the short of it is i'm having a girl. so we went home and i threw myself into bed because i'm tired.
the next day was school. (yay sound effect here) Austin had gotten word around school that i was with child. so that was great. when i was walking to my first class with Kara and Estelle a girl who we'll call Lila stood in front of me, blocking from going upstairs. i politely asked her to move and she said, "no can do slut." my mouth opened a little bit in shock.
"um...listen Lila can you just leave her alone?" Estelle said. "oh! your the slut's twin! Estelle right? Austin talked about you. you guys are dad-less right? losers! anyways Aria- wait no i meant slut. anyways slut and Estelle go somewhere else. your worthless." both me and Estelle put or heads down as Kara pushed through us. "ok Lila. lets look up the definition of a slut." she pulled out her phone and read the definition out loud. "slut S-L-U-T, a woman who has many casual sexual partners. sorry to burst your bubble Lila but Austin is the only person Aria has ever dated. didn't you have 3 boyfriends in one day? in the 6th grade wasn't it?" she pushed passed an angry and shocked Lila and we went downstairs.
after school Kara told mom about the incident and she told the principle.
now here we are in the principles office. "hello Mr.Rogers. my daughter is pregnant. she says that Austin James has been getting word around because he is the father of her daughter. today she was called a slut by a girl named Lila." Mr.Rogers looked at her with a sympathetic face. he nodded and said "alright, Austin James has gotten word around that she is with child. a girl named Lila called her a slut. we have 16 Lila's at this school. do you know her last name?" i nodded and said Layla.
he wrote that down and mom talked to Mr.Rogers for another 15 minutes and we left. the principle said he would do something about it and i hoped i would be lucky and that he would actually talk to Austin and Lila.
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