Chapter 6
Morning rose on Jubilife City, painting the streets with gold. A gentle warmth enveloped the land, chasing away the chilly night air. Eventually the light cracked through blinds, awakening our heroes to a new day.
Having just finished breakfast, Kellyn packed the last of his things and glanced at Ally. Leaning against the doorframe of his room, her face was knitted in concentration; a worried frown etched across her face.
"What's wrong?" He asked, smirking and turning to face her head on.
"Nothing, I'm thinking," she muttered, chewing her fingernails.
"Well, stop it, you look like a sad Buneary."
A small grin cracked across Ally's face. "Because I'm cute?"
"No, because you're depressed."
Raising her head, Ally shot him a weird look. Her sagging shoulders and creased forehead removed some of the strength from her denial. "I am not."
"Not cute or not depressed?" Kellyn retorted, looking genuinely intrigued.
"Not depressed," She said, as if it were obvious.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes!" She shouted, throwing her hands in the air.
Crossing his arms, Kellyn nodded in satisfaction. "Alright then, problem solved. Go me."
Ally just groaned. "Shut up, we're leaving."
Kellyn mock saluted. "Yes, Mam." He chuckled to himself before nodding. "Oreburgh City, here we come."
Ally nodded. "Right, but first."
"Let the record show that I... am adorable."
Shrugging, Kellyn walked past, calling over his shoulder, "If you say so."
Strolling through the already bustling streets of Jubilife, Kellyn led the way through the crowd, off the main road. Exiting the city, Ally stood in a grassy meadow outside Jubilife city, staring down the little grass type before her. The Budew was smiling innocently, but it knew what was about to happen.
"Piplup, use Peck!" Ally shouted.
Piplup sprinted forwards, aiming its attack at Budew. The little Pokémon dodged but Piplup chased it down. Budew yelled as it was struck. It fell to the ground but struggled back to its feet. Glaring at Piplup, Budew shot a single seed from its mouth.
"Watch out for the Leech Seed," Kellyn advised from the sidelines.
"Bubble!" Ally yelped, casting her hand over the field.
Piplup fired a jet of bubbles from its mouth, repelling the Leech Seed and knocking Budew backwards. Ally reached back, bent her arm, whipped it forwards and threw the Pokéball. The ball sailed through the air and hit Budew. There was a flash of red light as the Pokémon disappeared.
The ball rocked back and forth. Ally grit her teeth nervously. Her fists were clenched tight. The ball stopped rocking and clicked shut.
Kellyn walked over with a smile on his face. "Congratulations. You just caught your first Pokémon."
Ally's jaw dropped and slowly, a huge smile spread across her face. Squealing in delight, she threw her arms around Kellyn and hugged him tightly. Overcome with excitement it took a moment for her to realise what she'd just done. Her head was pressed against his chest and looking up she found herself wondering if his eyes had always been that deep green colour.
Kellyn didn't know what to do as he peered down at her, but the problem solved itself as she jumped away from him. Staring at the ground, she tried to hide her bright red face. Laughing awkwardly, she dragged her foot through the dirt.
After a second, Kellyn regained his composure. Chuckling he leant down and patted Piplup on the head. "That was an awesome Bubblebeam."
Ally looked at him in surprise. "Bubblebeam?"
Still patting Piplup, Kellyn nodded. "Basically Bubble, but stronger. Piplup learned it during that battle."
Ally smiled at her partner Pokémon. "Thanks, Piplup. Awesome job," she said, the smile evident in her voice.
Ally walked over and picked up her Pokéball, smiling as she thought of the Pokémon inside. Ally called Budew out from the ball. The little grass type smiled at her and made happy Budew noises.
"Welcome to the team, Budew."
Ally turned to Kellyn with a proud grin, and he chuckled. Neither of them noticed the approaching person. He was a boy of around the same age. Wearing blue jeans and a brown jacket with a green scarf. A mop of unruly blond hair was piled atop his head.
"Nice catch, Alloy," the boy said, smirking.
Ally groaned and spun around. "I told you to stop calling me that! Wait, Connor? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, just passing through," Conner said with a smug grin. "I just won my badge at the Oreburgh gym. I'm heading to Eterna city next."
Ally glared at him but didn't say anything. With a chuckle, Connor approached Kellyn. "My name is Connor. Nice to meet you."
"Kellyn," replied Kellyn, shaking Connor's outstretched hand. "You and Ally know each other?"
Nodding, Conner smiled in a patronizing way. "Sure do. I've known Alloy for years."
Ally puffed out her cheeks. "My name is not Alloy!" She huffed.
"Got any badges yet?" Connor asked, ignoring her.
Scowling, Ally balled her fists. "No."
"That's a shame. My rival has to at least be valid competition, you know?"
"Don't you worry! I'll have my Coal badge soon enough and then all the other badges too!"
"Looking forward to it," Conner replied, seeming excited. "Next time we meet, let's have a battle. See you guys around."
Kellyn grinned. "Yeah, see ya round Convoy."
Throwing his head back, Conner erupted with laughter and nodded in appreciation. "That's funny. Alloy, looks like that Budew wasn't the only nice catch you made."
Ally blushed. "It's not like that!" She yelled.
Walking away from them, Connor flicked a goodbye wave over his shoulder. As he disappeared in the distance, Ally sighed. "Sorry about him."
"Don't worry about it," Kellyn said, dismissing it with a wave. "Though, why's he call you Alloy?"
"I have no idea," said Ally, hanging her head.
Grunting, Kellyn's brows drew together in curiosity. "Oh well, onwards?"
"Right. To Oreburgh!" Ally cheered and pumped her fist in the air. Clipping Budew's Pokéball to her belt, she took off running through the meadow.
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