Chapter 5
"There it is, Jubilife city," Kellyn said with a grand sweep of his arm.
The smile on Ally's face was huge. She had once doubted that she would make it, but now, here she is. Without thinking, she threw her arms around him.
"I am the greatest!" She shouted, fist-pumping violently.
Kellyn chuckled nervously and pried her off him. "Why so happy?"
Oblivious to his discomfort, Ally didn't falter. "Just to think that I finally made it here. I mean, I have come here before, but I was always with my Dad. This time, I didn't need him."
Kellyn frowned, wondering if it were that big a deal. Maybe there was some family drama he didn't know about it? Deciding it wasn't any of his business, he chose to let it lie.
The night was coming, and the afternoon sun was setting over the city's skyline. Hues of yellow, orange and pink caressed the land; beautifully dressing the metropolis.
"So, how about we find a hotel and call it a night? I'm beat," Ally said yawning.
Kellyn nodded his agreement. "Okay, but one quick stop first."
Leaving the meadow surrounding the city, Kellyn stepped onto the brightly lit streets. He stood tall amongst the thick crowd and Ally followed him with ease. The number of people on the streets fell as the moon began to rise. Soon the horde had thinned, and they now walked side-by-side.
Kellyn led the way towards a building with a blue roof: The Poké-Mart. Ally raised a questioning eyebrow but followed him inside. Long shelves were lined with goods of all kinds. Medicinal sprays, Pokéballs were stacked high. Moving through the aisles, Kellyn approached the counter and smiled at the cashier.
"Evening Jack," Kellyn greeted.
"Hey Kellyn, I was wondering when you'd be round," Jack replied, beaming.
Leaning on the counter, Kellyn waved some cash. "Anything for me?"
"I'll check, give me a moment." Jack disappeared into a back room and came back carrying an envelope. "Here you go."
"Thanks pal." Kellyn exchanged the money for the envelope. "I'm going on a trip round Sinnoh, how much does shipping cost?"
Jack drummed his hands on the counter and chuckled. "Ah, don't worry about it. Just call in to my cousins and I'll send your stuff with the rest of the packages. Our Staraptor delivery service will have it to you in no time."
Recoiling in surprise, Kellyn scratched at his chin. "You sure?"
Nodding enthusiastically, Jack insisted. "Of course, man. Now go on, get out of here. You've earned a vacation."
Kellyn laughed at that and turned to leave. "Alright, cheers. Have a good one. Drinks on me when I get back."
"Sounds good," Jack said, waving goodbye.
Ally stared for moment after the interaction. Jack chuckled and winked at her. She dashed from the store and ran after Kellyn who was already far down the street.
"What was that?" Ally asked, puffing for breath.
Kellyn shrugged, waving the envelope in the air. "I'm a regular customer. I come in once a week and pick up my orders. Jack's a good man."
"What did he mean call in to my cousins?"
Rolling his shoulders, Kellyn took a moment to enjoy the cool night air before answering. "The Poké-Mart is a family-owned business. The stores all over Sinnoh are run by Jack's cousins."
"Oh. So, what's in the envelope?" Ally asked, watching the mail curiously.
He raised an eyebrow at her. "You are nosy."
Ally made a face and poked her tongue out, blowing him a raspberry. Her hair flicking in the evening breeze, it framed her face cutely.
Kellyn laughed. "It's a letter from my little sister."
Recoiling in shock, Ally did a double take. "You have a little sister?"
"Sure do."
"Wow. I bet she's nothing like you."
His brow knitting, Kellyn frowned at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means, I reckon she's cute," Ally replied, smirking.
"Are you calling me ugly?"
Crossing her arms, Ally smiled cheekily. "I bet she's nice and polite and thoughtful. Genuine, sincere and honest."
Waving his hands, Kellyn brushed off. He was smiling but seemed almost hurt. "Alright, alright, geez. Who even invited you?"
Ally grinned and poked his chest lightly. "I did, and lucky for you, it would be boring without me."
Kellyn raised a sceptical eyebrow, his doubtful smirk was irritating. "Believe what you will, I'm going to bed."
He turned on his heel and stalked towards the motel where they had planned to spend the night. It was a tall building, but nothing too grand. Simple brick and mortar, and the cheapest rooms they had. After speaking briefly with the hostess, they were both handed room keys.
Kellyn was silent, seemingly lost in thought as they rode the elevator upwards. A bell dinged, the doors opened, and they stepped out. Shuffling down the hall, Ally watched him curiously.
Opening the door to her room, Ally grinned at Kellyn. "Goodnight."
"Sweet dreams," he replied, walking past her.
"Write to your sister about me!"
"Don't bet on it."
Kellyn stepped into his room, closing the door softly behind him. He sighed and relaxed, stretching his neck and rolling his shoulders. He dropped his backpack in the corner of the room and slipped the shoes from his feet.
Reaching into his pocket he retrieved his Sister's letter and sat on the bed to read it. The envelope opened easily, and he pulled a single page from within. Opening the letter, he recognised the tidy cursive writing, flowing in neat script across the paper.
Dear Big Brother,
Hi, how are you?
I'm good. The farm's going really well. Dad's working hard and even started planting new crops. Mum's good too, she's been selling some of the food Dad grows. Other than that, nothing much has changed. Though, you'll never guess what happened. I got accepted into the academy!
I start in two weeks. I met your old teacher, Ms. April, at the orientation day. She seems nice. My classmates all seem really cool too.
I'm excited, but I'm also scared. I really want to do this, but what if I can't? You were the best and I want to make you proud, but I don't know if I can. Honestly, I don't know how you do it. After everything that happened... You're still the greatest. I want to be just like you.
We all miss you and hope you'll come and visit soon. I've always looked up to you and I still do. I know I can't understand, but please, get out of your cabin and enjoy life. Do it for me and Mum and Dad. If not for us, at least do it for him. You know he never would've blamed you.
Love always, Daisy
Kellyn sighed again and shook his head. Buia rubbed herself against his leg and he smiled, scratching her head absently. His distant gaze bore a hole in the wall and his thoughts spilled from his mind until he was drowning under them.
"Daisy, when did you grow up?" He asked, chuckling bitterly. His quiet thoughts turned to the young face of an old friend. Kellyn pained at the memory but smiled, nonetheless. "Whatever happened to me? I wonder, what would you say if you could see me now?"
He flicked the lamp switch and light faded from the room. He stared at the ceiling in the darkness. Apologising silently, a name died on his lips and his smile broke. He spoke gently and the words bounced off the walls, echoing into silence.
"Goodbye, partner."
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