Chapter 8 - Connections
Karl remained perplexed as this group of unknown men, dressed in black and with faces hidden by balaclavas, had just come out of the darkness of the neighboring streets and advanced on the parking lot in his direction. He glanced at the weakened young red-haired woman who had just arrived, and saw that she seemed worried, even frightened to see these strangers. Karl nevertheless remained very calm, lighting a cigar and beginning to smoke.
_"May I know who you are, gentlemen?" he asked.
_"It's none of your business." one of them replied coldly. "Look, if you want to continue having a trouble-free evening, I advise you to leave. We'll take care of this girl."
_"No...please...don't let them take me..." the red-haired young woman said in distress, seeming to be trying to resist the pain caused by this power coming from her body. .
Karl looked at her, then blew out cigar smoke as he looked towards the group of men, seeing their pistols without showing the slightest fear.
_"Something tells me she doesn't really want to." Karl said with a small cynical smile. "And by the way, who take care of someone with guns? Do you really think I'm an idiot... I know bad guys when I see them, and you know why? Because I am one myself."
_"Kill him and take the girl." said one of the men in the group, visibly annoyed by the time wasted talking.
The men raised their weapons and opened fire, their pistols fitted with silencers. But Karl didn't move an inch, his smile widening and showing his teeth and eyes shining with absolute confidence. For her part, Emily, who was still near the van and behind Karl, then felt this same invisible but powerful magnetic wave coming from his body.
All are then left speechless. All the bullets fired by the guns were totally frozen in the air. Karl let out a sadistic chuckle.
_"Gotcha." he said snapping his fingers.
The pistol bullets were violently thrown back by an unseen force and several of the men were hit in the body and head by projectiles from their own weapons. Those who had managed to dodge the bullets took cover behind cars. Emily stood stunned at this and saw Karl drop the rest of his cigar on the floor, crush it under his boot and crack his neck and knuckles.
_"Ok, let's go for the massacre." sneered Heisenberg.
Emily stayed by the van and watched him. Heisenberg stepped forward and by means of his power lifted a car in the air and behind which were hidden two of the hooded men, also more than surprised.
_"You guys are really bad at hide and seek." Karl commented sadistically before using his power to drop the car on top of them, crushing them and reducing them to piles of crushed flesh and bone on the asphalt.
Another enemy tried to shoot him but Karl took remote control of the gun and turned it against its owner, shooting him several times in the head and upper body. The one who seemed to be the leader of this squad had taken refuge behind the corner of the wall of the building in front of the parking lot and was watching all this in confusion, but seeing that the weapons were useless, made the decision to leave and leave, abandonning his remaining teammates. Meanwhile, Emily continued to observe the slaughter committed by this particular man in power. He showed no mercy. Emily had to rub her eyes several times, several times believing herself to be in some kind of really weird dream but soon had to realize that she was living the reality. But what the hell was going on?! But just as Karl seemed busy, Emily noticed one of the hooded men about to attack him from behind with his gun.
_"Watch out!" she said, wanting to warn her protector, and held out her hand.
Again, her power activated and animated by this strong emotion, produced a sharp flash from her palm which exploded and struck the enemy in the chest, killing him on the spot before he could shoot. Heisenberg turned to see the facts and then calmly joined Emily who leaned on the van, panting and looking at her hand still crossed by these electric veinlets.
_"Not bad." he said. "I'm not used to people watching my back, but...thanks."
_"I...I don't even know how I could have done that..." Emily replied honestly. "And... and you? How are you able to...?"
_"Listen, pretty girl." Heisenberg told him. "The less you know, the better off you are. I don't know what these guys wanted at all, and frankly, I don't want to know... Now, my advice for you is to get out of town as soon as possible and good luck for the future."
With these somewhat cold words, he began to walk away towards the motel to get his things and get out of here. Emily frowned a little at this behavior, she who had just saved him, but on the other hand, she was caught up in her current situation. Her father was dead, her house was in ashes, and she was now being hunted down by apparently well-armed and numerous strangers. If she was left alone, it was certain death. Although not knowing him, she thought that this man with his power was her best chance.
_"Please..." she said as she caught up with him. "I need your help."
_"Helping is not really my forte, pretty girl." he answered.
_"But...these men...they killed my father and burned down my house..." Emily explained sadly. "And I don't even know why... I'm totally lost... Before he died, my father told me incomprehensible things... He spoke about lords that I had to find..."
At the word "lords", Heisenberg suddenly froze, silent, then turned to her with his expression changed, his eyebrows slightly furrowed and turned around to come back to her and grab her firmly by the shoulders, which surprised her a little.
_"Repeat what you just said." he asked, his tone of voice also having changed, less calm.
_"I...that I have to find lords. I don't know what that means." Emily confessed, only repeating what her father had told her.
Karl didn't say anything at first, letting her go and was lost in thought. Lords... to him that could only mean one thing, but was it possible? A coincidence? No, he didn't really believe it. And then, this power she possessed and which also seemed to be linked to the Mold. And those armed men who took a great interest in her? No, that was too many elements to seem like a simple coincidence. A bad feeling washed over him, but he was pulled out of his thoughts by the characteristic sound of rapidly approaching police sirens. He turned back to Emily.
_"Okay... come with me. We'll get out of here. You and I need to talk."
Emily didn't really understand what had made him change his mind so quickly and wondered what strange story she had just gotten into. Karl quickly went to collect his things in his motel room and hurriedly got into the van with Emily sitting in the passenger seat.
_"Fasten your seatbelt, pretty girl." Karl said as he started the engine.
_"Stop calling me that." Emily asked, annoyed. "My name is Emily. Emily Shepard."
_"Well, nice to meet you, Miss Shepard ... I'm Karl Heisenberg." he chuckled softly at the young woman's annoyed reaction.
In Transylvania...
A pale sun had just risen over the valley and the village, accompanied by this gloomy atmosphere and this heavy silence sporting the invisible but palpable face of defeat. A fierce fight had been waged but despite having destroyed the invading forces as well as an enemy bioweapon, the Dimitrescu-Derune couple did not recognize this as a victory. Not with the kidnappings of another lord and the two Dimitrescu daughters before their very eyes and without them being able to do anything to prevent it.
Despite heavy losses, the lycans remained numerous and continued to monitor the village and its surroundings, as well as hordes of armed zombies. Even more so since these recent attacks on the village, other creatures had been released to watch and protect the castle. A few Varcolacs, huge four-legged black wolves with thick fur and gaping jaws, and an Ogre or two, gigantic humanoids armed with oversized axes. On the ramparts and the high towers of the castle, the humanoid bats with long tongues remained on the lookout in case of the arrival of new enemy drones.
Having heard of the recent attack and its consequences, the Duke had returned to the castle, in the small annex room where he usually settled for his commercial transactions with the countess. But this time, it was Mathias who had come to meet him. The young Count Derune, seated on a chair, remained pensive, gloomy and also angry, even if he did not express it openly. The Duke meanwhile, smoking a cigar, seemed to pass the time counting the silver coins earned from his latest business.
_"I'm worried, Duke, for Alcina..." Mathias finally said, breaking the silence and passing his hand over his face. "Since the attack, she's been locked up in her quarters. I've tried to comfort her, but what can I do when we don't even know if Bela and Cassandra are still..."
He didn't even dare to finish his sentence, not wanting to imagine the worst and for it to haunt him, he was already tense enough as it was.
The Duke had listened, rubbing the ash residue that had accidentally fallen on his sleeve and crushed the rest of the cigar in his ashtray.
_"What parent would not react this way for his children?" said the merchant. "Even the strongest people have their weaknesses."
_"Yes... and it seems that our enemy knows them perfectly well and knows how to exploit them." added Mathias darkly. "By the way, Duke, I wanted to ask you... Did you manage to get any information on this organization?"
_"Hmm, you're in luck. I contacted an old merchant friend from Spain." replied the Duke with a mischievous smile. "He did his research and managed to get something. And don't worry, he's as reliable as I am and his prices are just as reasonable of course."
This revelation intrigued Mathias. Another merchant? Could it be possible that there could exist a network composed only of merchants around the world, like some sort of mysterious guild of which we know absolutely nothing? This theory worthy of the greatest conspiracies crossed the mind of the young man and after all that he had already seen since his arrival in this valley, it did not seem impossible to him. Suddenly, the door to the room opened.
_"In that case... I can't wait to hear what your friend has to say." said Lady Dimitrescu then as she bent down and entered, her big hat on her head and her face closed.
Although showing an apparent calm, it was obvious that she was restraining herself from expressing her anger which was boiling inside her. Mathias got up and came to see her, taking her by the hand and inviting her to sit on another seat, which she did, thanking her husband with a loving little smile and even coming to place a short kiss on his lips. Mathias sat down next to her then Alcina quickly resumed her closed face and turned towards the Duke.
_"And of course, for his own sake, I hope your friend won't waste my time." she added as a clear warning.
_"Have I ever failed you, my lady?" The Duke then said in an almost mischievous way and still serene despite Dimitrescu's threatening tone.
Suddenly, knockings at the door of the room were heard, triggering the perplexity of the couple but not that of the Duke who smiled again.
_"Ah, looks like he's already here." How did he.
_"What the...?" Mathias said.
The door opened and an unknown man entered. He looked like an ordinary human, dressed in a long closed black cloak and a hood on his head giving him almost the appearance of a monk. He had a huge bag on his back that seemed to contain countless things and the lower part of his face was hidden by a purple scarf, only showing his rather disturbing red eyes, which could cast doubt on his true nature. The mysterious merchant advanced silently and humbly.
_"What does this intrusion mean?! How could he enter the castle without being seen?" indignant Alcina said, getting up from her seat.
Mathias also asked himself the same question. Guessing that it was the Duke's merchant friend, he also wondered how he had been able to cross the village and enter the castle without being spotted and attacked by lycans and other creatures. The merchant from Spain stood to one side, still silent, and the Duke gave him an enthusiastic welcome.
_"Ah, my old friend. It's been a long long time."
_"Indeed, Duke. Glad to see you're doing well."
The unknown merchant demonstrated a less jovial voice than that of the Duke, more sinister and appeared more calm and cold.
_"I heard about this case in Spain a few years ago." said the Duke. "That American agent who came to save the president's daughter... He seems to have been a very good client for you."
_"Yes." answered the merchant. "One of the rare qualities of Americans is that they are always good customers when it comes to weapons."
The Duke chuckled at his friend's remark. Alcina and Mathias remained confused by the situation, seeing the two merchants start a discussion like two old friends who had not seen each other for a long time, but the countess was quickly annoyed by this inappropriate behavior in her presence and given the situation.
_"Enough!" Alcina shouted, slapping her hand firmly on the table in front of the Duke. "We didn't come here to listen to your memories. Tell me everything you know, now!"
Mathias came to his wife, taking her by the hand and with a look beckoned her to calm down and not let her anger take over, which she decided to do, succeeding in tempering. Mathias fully understood her fury, he was too, but they absolutely had to keep their cool to avoid being blinded by their own anger.
_"Oh yes, forgive us my lady." said the Duke politely. "Old friend, I guess you got what they asked for?"
With an almost sinister sneer, the merchant from Spain opened one side of his coat, revealing a multitude of objects he was carrying: ammunition, small firearms, healing items and many others... But what he took in his hand was a document sealed and protected under transparent plastic which he displayed for all to see and which bore the symbol of the same organization which had attacked the castle.
_"But... how did you get that?" Mathias asked.
_"Let's say that we merchants have our own methods." replied the merchant simply.
Obviously, an answer which in the end was not one, it was not surprising. Mathias decided not to insist, he might as well try to make a wall speak. Alcina, tired of waiting, came to take the laminated document and opened it without delay, and Mathias joined her to read. What they discovered there was apparently classified archives belonging to this organization known as The Connections.
A crime syndicate, one of the most powerful in the world, specializing in illegal scientific research, particularly biochemistry, but also money laundering and the trafficking of biological weapons. Unfortunately, their leader was unknown and his position impossible to locate, this organization having bases and posts absolutely everywhere on the planet. Reading this, Mathias and Alcina shared the same look. Their worst fear was confirmed. They were facing a veritable shadow army, devoid of principles and morality. Knowing that Donna, Bela and Cassandra were now in the hands of such people plunged the couple into greater uncertainty. Closing the file, Lady Dimitrescu put it back on the table, sitting down and sighing softly.
_"Even if now we know their name it does not help us." she said darkly.
_"She's right." added Mathias, understanding what she meant. "It will be impossible for us to get out of this valley unnoticed. Besides, as long as the place where they are holding Donna, Bela and Cassandra remains invisible, we are utterly powerless."
Powerless. This difficult word was like a stab in the heart of the countess who turned her gaze to Mathias.
_"How can you say such a thing? I never thought I'd hear you say that word." Alcina hissed, gritting her teeth.
_"I'm only telling the truth, my love." replied Mathias calmly but not happy to have had to say it.
Lady Dimitrescu rose from her chair and came to grab Mathais sharply by the collar, almost lifting him off the ground and glared at him angrily.
_"I forbid you to say that we are powerless, do you hear me?! It will not be said that we are defeated so easily... I..."
Mathias said nothing as he felt the pressure of his wife's hands on his garment. She couldn't even finish her sentence, as if realizing she was getting carried away in her anger. Alcina let go and fell to her knees, tears welling up in her eyes. Mathias didn't blame her at all for having acted like that and gently came to hug her.
_"I'm sorry, Mathias..." Alcina sighed in the embrace. "But Bela...Cassandra...I'm so worried about them..."
_"I understand, you don't have to apologize..." replied Mathias gently, passing his hand through her hair.
He who never had children, could not imagine the feeling of distress mixed with the uncertainty that animated Alcina. Moreover, she was a woman of noble lineage, strong and proud, who did not like to show what for her seemed like weakness. But she was a mother, ready to do anything to defend her children, and that was undoubtedly one of the greatest strengths in this world. After the embrace, Mathias came to kiss Alcina tenderly on the mouth.
_"We are far from defeated, my love." the young man said with conviction, looking her in the eye. "A battle has maybe been lost, but the war has only just begun."
On his chair, the Duke smirked at the young lord's sentence. The merchant from Spain remained passive, observing the situation. Alcina meanwhile found a small smile in front of the sincere comfort that her husband wanted to bring her and returned a short and tender kiss on the lips. She rose to her full stature, clenching her fist and her distress giving way to increasing determined ferocity.
_"They will understand soon enough what it costs to attack my family." she declared.
Somewhere else...
Bela regained consciousness without knowing how long she had been in nothingness. Strange sensations ran through her body, she felt weakened. Suffering from her still pounding head, she moaned softly and wanted to get up. But as she moved, she found that she could not move her arms, these being blocked behind her back and firmly attached by metal bracelets, and a chain around her neck and connected to the ground prevented her from moving around. able to move where she wanted. Seeing her shackles, Bela was taken aback, looking around.
She was locked in a kind of large cube with very thick glass walls and offering no escape route, even if she could be transformed into a swarm of insects. She wanted to try, but being too weak for some reason she didn't understand, she couldn't use her mutant abilities. Outside her glass prison, she could see a fairly large squalid room, with smooth, gray and metallic walls and lit by large neon lights on the ceiling. No windows and the only entrance was through a large steel automatic door and which seemed to need a code to open. In each corner of the walls were surveillance cameras and several armed men watched closely.
Looking better but not understanding where she was, Bela could see that she was not the only prisoner here. In the glass cage to her right, she saw someone she recognized.
_"Lady Beneviento?!" Bela gasped in confusion.
Donna was there, also bound by the same chains but still unconscious, lying on the floor and her doll Angie no longer with her. Struggling to pull the chain around his neck and being forced to crawl on his knees, Bela tried to get as close as possible to the thick glass wall that separated them.
_"Lady Beneviento?! Can you hear me?!" Bela insisted and got no reaction, but was reassured to see that Donna was still breathing, weak but still alive.
This feminine and more than familiar voice made Bela's heart jump and she turned around and could see a third glass cage, in which her sister was. Cassandra seemed to just wake up, her arms tied and her neck covered by a chain. Bela gasped, reassured to see her sister alive and crawled over to her, as far as the strong chain would allow. The two sisters looked at each other, both separated and unable to come together.
_"Cassandra! Are you okay?!" Bela asked worriedly.
_"Hmm, let's say I've known better..." she replied, moaning in exhaustion and pain. "And you?"
_"I feel completely weakened..." confessed Bela sadly. "Lady Beneviento is also there but she is unconscious."
Cassandra did notice Donna's presence further away. She then tried to force on the bracelets that bound her arms behind her back but without success, Bela making her understand with a look that physical force would be useless against such hindrances and had surely been made for beings like them. Cassandra, out of breath, gave up trying and looked around.
_"But... Where are we?" she huffed with confusion but also concern.
Bela was of course unable to provide an answer to her sister, herself not knowing it but sharing the same feeling. But as the two sisters remained lost in thought, they were disturbed by the emergence of a voice from a loudspeaker built into one of the walls.
_"Oh-ho, I see the two little witches have finally woken up. I hope you slept and I apologize in advance for the somewhat rude service at our establishment."
This masculine and unknown voice, imbued with a sadism coupled with an unhealthy humor, only accentuated the concern of the two sisters.
_"Who are you?! What do you want from us?!" Bela asked hostilely.
_"I'm afraid you're not in a position to ask anything." answered the voice. "Well, let's skip the boring questions. Now that you're awake, we can get started."
The automatic door opened and a group of men, all dressed in some sort of radiation protection suits and masks, and all equipped with what looked like metal bars with electrified tips, entered the room.
_"Gentlemen, we're going to start with Prisoner #3. The room is already ready, take her there." ordered the voice over the speaker coldly.
Without saying a word, the group of equipped men headed for Cassandra's cell, who more than worried started wanting to back up while trying to force her restraints again.
_"No! Step back! Don't approach!" Cassandra said in a panic.
_"Cassandra!" Bela said fearfully for her sister.
The men entered the cage and seeing that Cassandra would not let herself being taken, touched her with the electrified tips, sending her powerful shocks that made her scream in pain and fall to the ground.
_"NO! STOP! DON'T TOUCH HER!" Bela screamed, pulling on her chain, in vain, tears in the corner of her eyes to see her sister suffering before her eyes without being able to do anything.
The men ignored Bela's screams and continued to electrify Cassandra until she was barely conscious, too weak to react and struggle.
_"Good. Tie her to the stretcher and let's go. The boss hates waiting." one of the men ordered the others.
Cassandra was taken out of her cage, then tied with straps on a stretcher which was immediately carried by the group of men out of the room, under the helpless gaze of Bela, who in tears had fallen to her knees.
_"Don't worry, we won't kill her if that's what you fear. Creatures like you are far too valuable." then said the cold, ruthless voice in the loudspeaker.
Bela then looked up, sadness and despair gradually giving way to visceral hatred on her face.
_"When we're free, you'll regret not killing us..." she said. "You will see... When our mother and her husband come, you will regret being born."
Suddenly, a psychopathic sneer was heard over the speaker.
_"Oh but I'm counting on it, my dear."
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