Chapter 18 - Face the Truth
It was in silent but palpable collective anxiety that Mathias, Emily and Heisenberg had followed Lady Dimitrescu out of the living room. Inwardly and even if they did not show it, the two friends were still marked by this revelation which had been exposed to them. Gleen Shepard, Emily's father, and Sophie Derune, Mathias' mother, therefore knew each other in secret and had therefore put in place a plan to hide a key that had belonged to Alice, the founder of the Derune family. But for what purpose? Emily was now convinced, the answer was in the suitcase belonging to her father that she kept preciously since the beginning of her trip.
The group passed through a small dining hall, then a central outdoor courtyard, in which Emily was very surprised to see creatures, a few zombies dressed in rags, patrolling listlessly and casting curious glances at her. Mathias reassured her however, telling her that they were servants of the castle and only attacked those who were considered intruders by the masters of the place. Heisenberg on his side, remained calm, but the dark face, his hammer on the shoulder, not seeming to like the turn which the events took.
Lady Dimitrescu walked in the lead, not saying a word, and led the others to her apartments which she now shared with Mathias. After climbing a beautifully crafted staircase and traversing a corridor, the group entered a richly decorated and furnished vintage bedroom, complete with an imposing four-poster bed in which the couple slept.
_"Okay... and now?" Heisenberg asked, scratching his beard.
Alcina Dimitrescu said nothing, approaching the center of the room, then leaned over and suddenly, to everyone's surprise, punched so hard that she broke a plank of the floor in two, then the countess took something out of the hole... A small dusty black box which she revealed to the others, but hesitated for a second before opening it.
_"Forgive me, Alice..." she breathed softly between her lips, as if to be forgiven for a promise she was about to break.
She revealed the contents of the box. A silver key, with a surface so smooth it reflected light and was shaped like a dragon head, the Derune family crest. All eyes remained on the object. So it was this key that Doctor Gleen had entrusted to Alcina in secret. Alcina gave the key to Mathias, because as the last of the family, it was rightfully his. The young lord gazed for a moment at his ancestor's key in the palm of his hand, then his eyes met Emily's, who both looked at Gleen Shepard's suitcase. It was time to lift the veil on this mystery. Emily went to put the suitcase on the small round, ornate wooden table.
_"Go ahead Mathias. Open it." Emily asked.
_"Emily... Are you really sure about that's what you want? Sometimes the truth can hurt more than ignorance. Believe me, I know how it feels." Karl suggested.
_"Yes, I'm sure." Emily affirmed with determination. "All my life I have lived in ignorance of the distance my father maintained between him and me. I need to know, and I am ready to accept the consequences of my choice."
Heisenberg almost admired this intention and respected the young woman's choice. Mathias turned to Alcina who had remained in the background, but she nodded, giving her consent for the suitcase to be opened. Mathias gave her a thankful look, then came back to Emily and handed her Alice's key.
_"Open it. It's your father's suitcase. You deserve to open it." suggested the young man.
_"But... it's the key to your family." replied Emily, touched but refusing to do it alone, because considering that Mathias also had the right to know what his mother was hiding.
_"In that case... we'll open it together." Mathias said with a smile, to which Emily agreed.
The two friends joined their hands, holding the key together and about to put it in the lock of the suitcase. The tension was palpable, the tight throats, the beating hearts... Behind them, Alcina Dimitrescu and Karl Heisenberg had approached in order to them also to discover the truth. The Derune key fit perfectly into the hole, and after two full turns to the left, the metallic sound of unlocking sounded, making everyone's hearts leap. With slightly shaking hands, Emily opened the suitcase and its contents were revealed.
It was a black laptop computer, turned off and literally integrated into the suitcase. A simple screen, but no keyboard, only a few rare buttons. More and more confused, however, Emily decided to press the button that seemed to start it. A few seconds passed without anything happening, then the screen lit up, broadcasting a blue beam which surprised the group, and began to scan from top to bottom the face of Emily who dared not move.
_"Facial recognition in progress... ID confirmed: Emily Shepard. Clearance granted." then said a synthetic voice coming from the computer.
_"What is this sorcery..." growled Alcina, suspicious.
_"Wow..." added Mathias, very surprised by this technology.
_"It seems that your father had planned everything." Karl said.
But Emily barely listened, too taken aback by the contents of the suitcase. For which secret had Gleen took so much precautions? She then noticed the USB interface just below the screen. The young woman took the USB key entrusted by her father and swallowing at the thought of what she would discover, inserted the object into the interface. Without the need for human manipulation, the computer began to load the contents of the key and in just a few seconds a white digital page opened across the screen, presenting a series of documents all listed in alphabetical order.
Emily then began to browse the page using the screen which turned out to be touch sensitive. All the files seemed to be different studies and research conducted by Gleen Shepard, alone or in collaboration with other scientists, in the studies of different viruses, among them the Mold. One of the files was named Project Eveline, showcasing the different stages of creating a biological weapon of the same name that was reportedly resembling a little girl. A photo showed Gleen in the presence of a woman, a colleague who had assisted him in his study of Eveline, a certain Mia Winters. Seeing this, Mathias frowned.
_"Eveline... The 2017 incident in Louisiana... I didn't know your father was part of the project." Mathias said with surprise but without judgment.
_"Me too." Emily huffed sadly. "Obviously I didn't know anything about him."
They continued to go through the list of many files carefully saved and indexed in the computer, until they found one of them: Children of Salvation. That name, Emily froze her gaze at it, and a quick flash exploded in her head... She had heard that name before, in that dream...
_"Emily?" Karl asked.
But the young woman said nothing and started the video file. A window opened and video played, with Dr. Gleen Shepard appearing in the video, filming himself with a camera as he sat behind a desk in his lab.
_"Dad..." Emily whispered softly.
_"Emily... If you are watching this video, then it means that you have accomplished your mission, and that unfortunately, I am dead." said Dr. Shepard in a serious tone but imbued with a certain sadness and guilt that he struggled to hide. "Lords of the Village, I also know you will be watching and I send you my last regards. This message is just as much for you. The enemy you must face, the Connections, is not just an independent terrorist organization, but was born from the ashes of the Umbrella Corporation. They are also funded in the shadows by other powerful and totally corrupt groups at heart, such as the BSAA. They say they want to fight against bio-terrorism, but it is quite the opposite, they incite conflict, by creating and selling biological weapons to countries at war for the sole purpose of amassing profit and reinforcing themselves on suffering of the lives that are lost. Peace is not good for yield, but endless wars, for them, are the promise of eternal wealth. I was a young biologist, mocked by my peers, and I was stupid enough to join the Connections, the latter promising me that by their side, I could change the world... I sincerely believed it, but after this what I saw, what they were capable of... I didn't want to be part of that anymore, not to be responsible for so much suffering...
The leader of the Connections, with the help of a woman named Miranda, once started a project: the Children of Salvation. Their goal: to create the ultimate race of perfect human beings who would come to supplant us and establish the new world. For this, Miranda provided samples from the Mold, directly taken from the DNA of the Lords of the Village, and which were then injected into babies taken from their families all over the world. 50 innocent children, studied and locked in glass cages like animals, infected with the parasite for the sole purpose of changing them... And you, Emily, you were among those children..."
Emily gasped in horror, speechless at her father's revelation. As shocked as she was, Mathias stayed by her side and Karl also came to support her, gently taking her by the hand. Behind them, Alcina continued to listen but clenched her fists, her eyes frowning. In the video, Gleen had to take a few moments before continuing, his throat seeming to knot with guilt over everything he had done, his watery eyes showing his sadness.
_"Your mother and I would never have wanted you to go through this from birth, but with the Connections, you have no choice." Gleen continued, more and more remorseful as he spoke. "However, one night... I took my own. I sneaked into the lab and sabotaged all the babies' hibernation chambers, killing them in their sleep. Better end their torments instead than letting the organization raise them and use them as weapons of war. But you... I couldn't bring myself to kill you... Seeing you, so small, so fragile, so innocent, in my arms, I remembered the promise I made to your mother before she died... I took you with me, so you could grow away from it all... It's this woman, Sophie Derune, one of the descendants of one of the lords of the village, who helped me escape from Europe to come back to Canada... Once again, I was naive to believe that I could escape the Connections and protect you... But they are everywhere, infiltrating all spheres of our society to better spread their evil web over the entire planet... If I send you this message today, it t is to share with you my latest discovery: a new project has been launched... The Seraph Project, born from the remains of the Children of Salvation. Something terrible is brewing and the whole world is now in danger. Unfortunately, I can no longer continue the fight, nor Sophie, but you can. I don't apologize for my faults because I don't deserve any mercy... But I beg you to do everything in your power to stop the Connections, so that our world can have a future... My little one Emily, and you, Lords of the Village, you are the future, not as weapons, but as living beings. Your mother would be so proud of you, Emily, as am I...I love you, and may you ever forgive me."
The recording stopped there and the video ceased, leaving everyone plunged into silence and bewilderment.
Emily remained silent, shocked in front of the black computer screen. Her lips trembling slightly, a tear rolling down her cheek, she suddenly ran out of the room, under everyone's gaze.
_"Emily!" Karl said, trying to hold her back, but too late.
_"Emily! Wait!" added Mathias, going after her.
Alcina did nothing, watching them both leave and remaining with Heisenberg in the room. The countess, with her arms crossed, showed a very somber look, cracking her knuckles with an anger that she was trying to restrain. Seeing her like this, Karl approached the computer, his hammer on his shoulder, and shook his head nonchalantly.
_"I knew Miranda was a real bitch, but... damn, I had no idea she would go this far. She probably thought one of these "miraculous children" would be strong enough to take on the spirit of her daughter, as she believed for us before... What a loony." he growled under his breath, with an air of deep contempt for Miranda.
_"She sullied my heritage, she took the blood of my family to transform children into living, soulless weapons." Alcina then said, banging both fists on the wall, so hard that it shook and cracked a little. "And to think that my poor daughters are in the hands of these monsters... Oh Bela, Cassandra..."
Heisenberg then looked at Dimitrescu and approached with a firm step.
_"Listen, Alcina, it's not by lamenting that you're going to succeed in saving them!" he said coldly.
_"Don't start with your useless advice, miserable insect!" Alcina then growled, giving him a murderous look and facing him. "You weren't even here when they were taken from me, you have no idea what happened and what I lost!"
_"I'm still smart enough to know that alone, each on our own, we have no chance against these guys!" Karl added. "Look, I don't like you and the other lords, it's no a secret. But we were able to put aside our disagreements to defeat Miranda, and that's what we have to do again. You know very well that the Connections are going to come back for us. We have to make sure we're ready to 'welcome' them properly."
Karl, still with his hammer in hand, maintained a firm and stern demeanor while looking Alcina in the eyes. The countess still had her eyes full of anger and had great difficulty in containing her fury. The two lords faced each other for several seconds, neither looking away. It was true, they could never like each other, but Alcina had to recognize Karl's true point: disunited, they were already doomed to defeat and this simple idea of seeing her daughters become weapons of war, seeing her entire heritage to go to ashes and be trampled by this organization was inconceivable to her.
The countess then managed to temper her ardor, the black veins disappearing from her skin and the blood in her eyes disappearing. She stood up, regaining her stature worthy of a true lady.
_"In this case, I will make them know the thousand and one ways of suffering for daring to defy the lords of the village. I will destroy them and I will bring my daughters home!" Lady Dimitrescu declared fiercely, clenching her fist forcefully.
Karl looked at her, gave a hint of a smile and lit a cigar from which he took a puff.
_"I couldn't have said it better." he sneered.
_"But no illusions, Heisenberg." Lady Dimitrescu declared coldly towards him. "For my daughters and for Mathias, I agree to make an effort. But once this war is over, don't count on a beautiful reconciliation. Even if I agree to tolerate you, I will be glad to see you leave the valley, and for good this time."
_"I expected no less." Karl replied with a smirk and taking a drag from his cigar. "I wasn't planning on lingering here afterwards anyway."
With the same shared look, both cold but agreed, the two lords and eternal rivals accepted this provisional alliance against The Connections. However, while smoking, Heisenberg quickly returned his thoughts to young Emily and turned his gaze towards the bedroom door through which she had left.
Meanwhile, Mathias had arrived outside, in the small central courtyard of the castle. There he found Emily, sitting at the foot of the marble statue in the center of the courtyard. The young woman remained with her head bent towards the ground, tears streaming from her eyes and a dejected look. Mathias looked at her, looking sorry, then without first speaking, came and sat down next to her on the cold stone which made up the base of the statue. Although he was shocked by the revelations about his mother, he couldn't imagine what Emily might be feeling. Their eyes met, they who had been friends for a long time now, and acting like the good friend he was, Mathias gently hugged Emily to try to comfort her.
_"I am really sorry." he said sincerely.
_"And I believed that nothing could surprise me anymore." Emily replied. "I don't know what to think anymore. I have so much anger towards my father, for what he did, but in another sense, my heart knows that he did it to protect me."
_"No one should be forced to make such choices, especially a parent for their child." said Mathias. "I understand very well what you may feel. I thought that my family's past no longer held any secrets from me and I was sorely mistaken."
_"Your mother and your ancestor, my father and his experiences, the lords of this village... Well... who would have thought that this parade of coincidences and links would be the driving force that would allow us to find each other again. If that's destiny, it has a twisted sense of humor." Emily admitted.
_"Indeed, but we must not let ourselves be overwhelmed by the weight that their impact could have." Mathias replied supportively. "It's normal to feel angry or sad, to feel like the whole world is crumbling around you. I experienced all of these things when I learned the secret of my family's past that had been hidden from me , but thanks to the support of Alcina and her daughters, I was able to find the strength to hold on, to reflect and to realize that the sacrifice of my ancestor and my mother were carefully considered and allowed the defeat of Miranda. And I'm sure your father did the same: he knew he was doomed, but he made sure that you held all the cards against the Connections. We haven't lost yet, I refuse to believe it."
Emily listened and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She smiled at Mathias, silently thanking him for his support and he smiled back, knowing that she would have done exactly the same thing for him, because that's how you recognize true friends.
_"I... I will do my best not to disappoint you." said the young woman.
_"You will not disappoint me, I know it." replied Mathias with conviction. "You have more strength within you than you can imagine and it's up to you to discover it, just like I did before. And in addition, you won't be alone."
As Mathias spoke these last words, Lord Heisenberg appeared on the marble threshold, exiting the building and behind him came Lady Dimitrescu. Emily's gaze met Karl's and although the latter continued to appear cold and distant, she thought she discerned a spark of compassion for her, which made her heart gently jump and give birth to a faint but comforting warmth. The blow of the painful truth of his origins still weighed heavily on his heart and the scar might never heal, but Heisenberg's presence was enough to ease the pain.
Heisenberg walked past the two young men, his hammer on his shoulder and beginning to head towards the exit of the castle.
_"I'm going back to my factory. Now that we are all gathered in the same place, the Connections will not stand by. We must prepare for the attack."
_"I'm coming with you." Emily then declared, getting up and starting to follow him without waiting.
_"If you want." sneered Heisenberg. "If you don't mind the smell of old scrap metal and oil. And who knows, your electrical abilities might come in handy."
Emily took one last look over her shoulder, smiling at Mathias, thanking him again for supporting her. Mathias gave her a thumbs up. Lady Dimitrescu joined him, crossing her arms and also watching Karl and Emily walk away.
_"This young Emily has great strength within her, and I'm not just talking about her power." Alcina commented. "She reminds me of you in a way."
_"I take that as a compliment." replied Mathias. "She, I, you and Heisenberg have more in common than we imagine. Miranda was only the surface of the iceberg but it is the Connections that are at the root of all our suffering. But it's this same suffering that brought us together that will cause their downfall."
Lady Dimitrescu smiled gently at Mathias as she saw him speaking like a true lord worthy of the name of his house. His ancestor, Alice Derune, would be proud of him, Alcina was convinced. A part of her still blamed herself for breaking the oath she had made by revealing the existence of her key, but her redemption would be found by staying with Mathias, helping him destroy the Connections and to save her daughters.
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