Waking up is a nightmare.
No pun intended.
No, really.
(Name) silently walked the halls, her face downcast. She tried to block out the whispers and jeering- all directed at her.
"(Name)~ since you like the floor so much, we're doing you a favor!" A freshman giggled and shoved her from behind. (Name) gasped as her elbows hit the floor, hard. Great. Even the freshmen were joining in.
Class was no better. The teachers were oblivious to the crumpled-up paper balls that were thrown at her. Of course, (name) couldn't tell on the students who were bombing her desk with dirty pieces of paper; they would just make her life even worse after school.
Even going home sucked.
(Name) silently closed the front door and slunk past her parents. They seemed to be having a drinking competition- their loud laughs bounced off of the walls and the clinking of glasses sounded horrible to her.
She climbed up the stairs and shut herself in her room, like she always did.
The silence was loud, as it always was.
The tears came, as they always did.
Why did her life have to be so horrible? She was a good person. She never did anything wrong. Life just decided, 'Hey! Wouldn't it be fun to fuck with her?' and so it did.
She collapsed into bed. No one in her class ever did any homework, anyway. Not like the teacher cared.
She hid under the blankets and slept.
(Name) hugged her knees and cried. Life was so unfair. She just wanted to sleep forever.
Her head snapped up so fast, the girl was afraid it might fall off. It could have- they were in the dream world, after all. Anything could happen at anytime. There were no limits, no rules.
The young man standing in front of her held out a hand. He gave her a comforting close-eyed smile. (Name)'s jaw dropped open slightly; he was handsome as hell.
From his perfectly styled blonde hair, to the weird eyepatch covering one golden eye. The fancy yellow dress shirt he wore accompanied by a black cape and top hat assured her that she was dreaming. No one in her school would ever be caught dead wearing what he was- and yet, he could pull it off.
"Are you going to take my hand, or what? Don't feel too pressured. This must be weird for you."
His voice. Oh God.
(Name) meekly took his hand. His gloved hands were warm and comforting. She quickly got up and dusted herself up.
"Bill. Bill Cipher. And what's your name?" The male asked, although he already knew the answer.
"(Name) (last name)." She whispered.
"What a pretty name! Let's make a deal; you wipe that sad frown off of your face, and I'll show you around." Bill smiled widely. "How about it, (name)?"
What did she have to lose? With a hesitant nod, (name) smiled and shook his hand.
The moment (name) shook his hand, their linked hands burst into blue flames. They were in a palace; a fairytale palace where golden flowers decorated the floor, where many different doors held many different possibilities. Bill smiled and snapped his fingers.
(Name) gasped as her dirty school uniform changed into a beautiful yellow dress. Her hair was pulled into a neat (h/c) bun and the dirt on her face was scrubbed clean. Her school shoes was replaced by black ballerina flats with cute yellow bows on them.
"We match!" Bill laughed. (Name) blushed and laughed as well. Bill's laughter was contagious. "Come on!"
His hand found hers and they ran through the palace, the golden flowers glinting against the bright lights. Petals flew everywhere as they ran through the halls. They didn't get tired, because in dreams, you don't ever get tired. You can just keep on going, forever, until you are waken up.
They entered a large room with golden tinted windows. The usual flowers covered the entire floor, and the first thing (name) noticed was a door. The door had a glass flower design, and although it looked beautiful, something about it made her sad.
"(Name)." Bills spoke softly, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Here, go through this door."
Bill gently let go of her hand and led her to the door. "Until we meet again." He kissed her hand and waved until she passed through the door.
The door closed with a loud click, and Bill's smiling face disappeared from view.
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