{2} Your
Nobody's POV
"What do you mean I have to get married!?" You asked you mother for like the millionth time today.
"I mean. Your in an arranged marriage with a boy that we are all going to meet right now." She said to you.
"But mother." You whined.
You glared at your brother as he tried to hold in his laughter while your acting like a child. You held your F/C knife as you pouted. You got told yesterday that you was in an arranged marriage. You signed as they wouldn't tell you the name of the boy.
You looked out the window and didn't take your eyes off of it until you felt your brother annoy you. You moved your eyes at him and glared at him. "If look could kill you will be a force to be reckoned with Y/N." He said to you.
You rolled your eyes and then calmed down as you turned back to the window. Your however brother kept on kicking you. "Kuro stop it." Your mother said to him. You stuck out your tongue and was about to look out the window when your mother hit you across the head. "Your a lady Y/N. Don't stick out your tongue." She told you.
You smiled which made her and your father's heart melt. "I'm sorry mother. It won't happen again." You said to her.
She smiled back at you and then made you hug her. "Y/N I'm glad your my daughter. Your so cute!" She said to you.
You smiled at her and then looked at your brother. That's one thing he couldn't deny. You are beautiful. (If any of you say that your not I won't believe you!) You looked at your mother and then smiled. That's when you came to a complete stop. You got out and then looked at the gates.
It's a test huh?
You walked up to the gate and stood in front of it. The security guard looked at you with confusion. You kicked the door and that opened three of the gates. You smirked as your brother walked up to you. "Nice. Wanna race Y/N?" He asked you.
You looked at him and then smirked. "What do I get if I win?" You asked him.
"How about your knife back?" He asked you, as he held it up.
Your eyes widened as he ran away still holding your knife. You gritted your teeth and then ran after him. Your mother, father and butler following you all shortly. As you ran you saw a little house but you didn't bother to stop. Until you saw a giant mansion. There stood 9 people. You didn't pay any attention to them only on your brother.
"Kuro give it back!" You said.
"Give what back?" He asked innocently.
"You know what!" You shouted at him.
He smirked at you as he kept on dodging each and every move you made. Until you managed to trip him up grabbing your knife in the process and held it by his throat. All nine people was shocked at what you just did. "Kuro.... don't touch it again. Understand?" You asked him.
He smirked and then flipped you. You still held onto your knife as he looked at you. "Kuro! Y/N! Enough." You heard your mother say to you both.
You calmed down and so did Kuro. That's when you realised the nine people. You looked at your brother and glaring at him. "My apologies Mr and Mrs Zoldyck." You heard your mother speak.
Your eyes widened as you moved them to the nine people right on front of you. "Oh no it's quite alright. And please call me Kikyo." She said to you.
You looked at her and then saw that she looked part cyborg. "I'm Silva. And these are my children. Introduce yourselves in order." Silva said.
"I'm Illumi."
"I'm Milluki."
"I'm Killua~"
"I'm Alluka."
"And I'm Kalluto."
(Not sure if they are in the right order.)
"I'm M/N."
"I'm Kuro."
"And I'm going to kill you." You said to your brother.
Your mother hit your head. "Ouch." You said to her. You heard laughing and it was the boy with snow hair. He seemed to to be trying to hold it in. "Oh, right. I'm Y/N." You said to them.
They all looked at you and then smiled. As they walked in your family did too. "Killua why don't you take....Kuro was it?" Kikyo asked.
"Yes ma'am."
"And Y/N?"
You smiled at her and that made all of the Zoldyck family think that it was cute. "That's correct ma'am." You said to her.
"Killua why not show them around the place. We'll explain everything when your back." Kikyo said to her third oldest son.
"Very well." He replied with and started to walk.
You and Kuro started to follow as you all made your way around the place you could see Kuro looking at you. "Kuro. If you keep looking at me I'm going to have to make you pay for each look." You said to him.
He started to laugh. Killua was holding in his laughter from a little while ago. The scene kept on going through his head. When he made it back to the living room you all walked in and then he said. "And this is the living room." He said to you both.
You smiled as you ran up your father. You brother walked over to the both of them and then sat down. You sat down on the floor in stead of the couch. Because there was no room. "So Y/N. Remember when I said that you will be getting into an arranged marriage with a Zoldyck?" You mother asked you.
You turned to her and smiled. Which made her hug you again. But you managed to tell her that you do remember. "Well the one that you will be getting married to is Killua." She told you.
And that's chapter 2 done as well. Yey!! I hope your liking it so far. I sure as hell am enjoying writing it so far.
Thanks for reading guys.
Bye for now
To be Continued!
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