{18} To
Once the guy said that you spotted two people up on a stage like thing. A girl with green hair wearing revealing clothes and a man behind her. You looked at them both and then looked at Killua. He smiled at you as he moved you closer to him. You smiled at him.
"Alright. For the next challenge....what should we do?" The last asked the man behind her.
"I'm hungry."
"Alright. You heard him. You will be cooking, we are gomaé hunters." The lady said.
You looked at Killua and he shrugged at you. Killua looked at the others and there was one person that was making fun of the lady and the man. The lady got pissed and started to have ago at the other man. "Anyway. What are you feeling like having anyway?" The lady asked man.
(I can't spell there names. And I'm too lazy to search them up. Sorry.)
"I want pig."
"You heard him! Go and get a pig. We won't just be judging on the taste. We will be judging on the presentation as well. Go!" She said.
You, Killua, Gon, Kurapika and Leorio all ran into the forest. You searched everywhere for them. All of a sudden Gon was sliding down a banking you and Killua smiled and then followed him. You bumped into Gon and Killua bumped into you. Kurapika bumped into Killua and Leorio bumped into Kurapika. "Gon, why the hell did you stop?" You asked him.
He turned his head so he could look over his shoulder. He then pointed to the huge pigs. Your eyes widened as you turned your head to look at Killua over your shoulder. He smiled at you and then nodded. You got up and started to fight the pig. However it was becoming quite difficult.
None of them was going down and they kept on attacking you no matter what. You dodged them and then looked around. "there has to be a weak point somewhere. But where? Think Y/N think." You said out loud.
You turned your head and saw Gon wack on the head. The forehead to be accurate. Your eyes widened in realisation of what you just saw. You gained momentum in your leg and jumped up into the air. You wanted to finish this quickly. As you fell down you spun a bit Scarlett red flames surrounded you and you unleashed your sword. You walked the head and that made it get unconscious. You then stabbed it and made sure it was dead.
Sooner or later nearly everyone came back with pig. Which impressed the proctors. Everyone started to grill but you sliced the pig meat up and then cooked that. You prepared alot of things to make sure the dish was not long wetting the appetite but also looks good that no one can resist it.
A lot of people went up and they got an O and a X. Then it was your turn.
You brought your food up and then placed it down in front of them. Killua watched you in suspense. That's when they both gave you a O. You was happy and you ran up to Killua and hugged him. He hugged you back with a smile on his face as well.
Gon was smiling as the both of you while Kurapika and Leorio was confused. You let go of Killua and then went up to Gon. "Gon I done it! I really did it!" You said to him.
He looked at you and then and smiled. He held his fist up and you bumped it. "That's awesome Y/N! Congratulations." Gon said to you.
Once Kurapika went up the last got pissed. She said that you all fail. All of a sudden a giant blimp came and an old man came out of it. He looked at the proctor and then smiled. "now now, you can't just go and say all of them fail. Especially when one of them actually passed. *Points to you and then turns to the proctor* wouldn't you agree?" He asked her.
"I'm sorry sir. Maybe I shouldn't be a proctor." She said.
"Hmm. Well it's a bit late to get a new one. So how's this? You keep the job but this time you take part in the challenge as well." The man said.
"Very well. But we will need your air ship."
And with that you all got on board the blimp. You looked around and then went into a room. "How about we play a game. That's all you have to do is take the ball off of me." The man said.
"Isn't that a bit harsh?" You heard a voice that sounded so familiar.
You turned around and was face to face with the person. Your eyes widened as you set your sights on the person. "mother!?" You said all shocked. She looked at you and she started to cry like anime characters. She then hugged you.
"Y/N, I missed you much. How's my precious baby girl doing!? Wait where is Killua?" She asked you.
"I missed you. I'm ok. And Killua is there. *Points to Killua.*" You said to her.
She looks at where you were pointing and saw Killua. Your mother for up and she done the exact same thing to Killua. He looked at her with a blank expression. "Killua! How have you been?" She asked him.
"I'm fine Mrs L/N. And yourself?" He asked her.
Your mother let go of him and then nodded her head at him. "Well I can't complain. Oh right Y/N!" Your mother called out.
You looked at her. You waited until she started to talk again. "Your brother will be getting married way after the exams." She said to you.
"Really!? Awesome! Can Gon come?" You asked her.
"Gon? Who's Gon?" She asked you.
You walked up to Gon and Killua and stood in the middle of them. "this one is Gon." You said to her. "and of cause Killua will come too." You said to her.
"Go where?" Killua asked you.
"Kuro is getting married and he wants us to be there." You said to him.
"Yep I'll come!" Killua said.
"Gon you will too right?" You asked him.
"Who's Kuro?"
"My brother."
"O-oh. Well if it's ok. And can Kurapika and Leorio come too?" Gon asked you.
"Mother can Kurapika and Leorio come too?" You asked her.
"And who are they?" She asked you with a raised eyebrow.
"My friends." You said to her.
"Well of cause! I'll let you know when and where ok?" She asked you.
You nodded your head and then looked at Killua and Gon.
~~Time skip brought to you by our bundle of happiness Gon!~~
You all managed to get an egg. Except from you since you passed the first round. Killua gave you some of his however. You was happy that you could make new friends and all that.
And then it was time for the third phase of the exam.
Helllllooooooo world!!
Ain't that picture cute as fuck!
(Sorry for my language!)
Like I said before instead of 5 it will be 6 so instead of you have to get 3 point you will have to get 4. Which isn't that bad. Since all of you are badass people.
Anyway I can't believe that we are nearly on our 20th chapter. Damn.
And I also can't believe that I haven't ran out of ideas yet and stopped writing for months.
But guess what I have lots of ideas and don't plan on stopping writing yet.
That's good right?
Anyway thanks for reading.
Hope you enjoyed.
Bye for now
To be Continued!
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