Three More Days
My alarm woke me up and I groaned.
Another day in hell I thought as I got out of my queen size bed. There once was pink walls and princess decoration when i was younger.
Now my walls were a deep purple with shelves full of books from manga to Steven King, posters of my favourite bands from EXO to Black Veild Brides.
Most of my room was packed up and put into the trailer in the old shed. Three more days and I would be eighteen. I would be a legal adult and can rule my own life.
That thought fills me as I shower, get dressed and put my bag for school together.
I stoped at my vanity to look at the picture of me and my parents. There were many but this was always my favourite.
"Well, I'm off." I say, blowing a kiss and double checking my outfit. I looked like the girls in Girls Generation at the beginning of Catch Me If You Can, but my gloves were black and I had a black leather bag with studs in it.
I looked a lot like my mom with the similar heart shaped face, big eyes and plump lips. I had her skinny waist and with big breasts ontop and a big ass on the bottom.
Slowly I made my way down stairs, taking the four flights as my straight blond hair that falls just above my ass flows behind me.
"Morning Blue." I greet the alpha cheerily, putting my lunch together quickly and grabbing a plate of baccon and eggs that Blue had prepared for me.
I stoped calling him alpha three years ago since he had raised me like a daughter, but refused to call him dad.
"Morning Am, what do you want for your birthday?"
My family I think longingly.
"How about a shoping spree?" I say instead, getting a smile from him.
"Okay, well I know how much you want your own place so how about I give you enough money to buy one." Blue says as I lean against the counter opposite of him, nearly dropping my plate while he surprises me.
"That would be amazingly awesome!" I practically shout in amazement as I put my empty plate down and hug the man before me.
"Thank you!" I had my own part time job at the café in town and had saved up over a hundred thousand between tips, pay check and birthday money over the years in my secret bank account that only me and Blue knew about.
If Mia or Zack knew I had money then they would take it.
"Why do we hear joy from a little slüt?" I bristled at her voice as Mia comes into view, wearing her usual skanky strip clothes.
She was a stripper at the new strip club that was built in the city two hours away, and I was the slüt?
"Mia, thats enough." Blue was using his alpha voice and I smirked from behind him. Where I got my mothers looks, Mia got my dads, including his big bone structure. She looked more manly then most of the females in the pack.
Zack knew better and glared at me instead of saying something. If looks could kill, I would be dead.
"Well I am off to school, are we going to the coffee shop as usual?" I ask Blue. Fridays was coffee days with my adopted dad, Leo joined us only to be nice but we all knew he was jealous.
Its the reason my once best friend was the mastermind behind my torture at school.
The rumours were that I would be the next alpha.
Most of the pack respected me, but the way I was treated by those around my age was like a slave when Blue and the top four had to go on pack business.
I sighed and hop onto my bike. I had my license but I liked riding the black mountain bike through the back trails to school. It kept me fit and skinny with the ammount of food I devour.
I lock my bike up on a tree, the metal fram hidden by bushes away from the school as I walk the rest of the way, my typical music blaring from the head phone around my long elegant neck.
"Hey bïtch, where do you think your going. I told you to do my paper."
I sighed and turn to glare at Leo and his jock possy that hung out on his fancy new jeep.
"I had my own paper to do, the same one you had to do since we are in the same class." I said, using the tone I use for children. That pissed him off as he stalked towards my his fist swinging at my face. I smirk and duck, watching as his momentum brings him crashing into the flag pole.
"I have class and so do you, Blue said he would take away your toys and ground you if you failed, guess what, you're failing." I say and make my way into english, taking my usual desk in the front and handing the paper that was due to the teacher.
Minutes later the other wolves filed in.
The school was called Wolf High, an elite school for werewolves. It was located in the town that was just outside three bordering packs and so all the wolves from those packs went here.
I had a few friends but non were in my pack.
The school day went smoothly and I rushed home to finish my home work before Friday coffee night with Blue and, unfortunately, Leo.
I drove down in the old cadillac I bought on my sweet sixteen and walked in to find Blue watching his son as he looked at the bandaged hand Leo was sporting.
"Do I wanna know?" Blue asked, shame filling his voice.
"Leo got into a fight with the flag pole at school, the flag pole won." I said as I sat down.
" Speaking of school, your teachers called, good work as always Amberle, they suggest that you take advance classes in university if you decide to go." The waitress came and took our orders then she left.
There was a long pause as Blue sighed and turned to look at Leo.
"You, on the other hand, have to get your work done and grades up. Until you do your gaming systems, tv and laptop are mine as well as your car. You can have them back when you improve." He was in father mode and I just sat there waiting for my delux hot chcolate and newyork style cheese cake with white chcolate drizzle.
"Its not my fault, if Amberle did my home work like I-" Leo started acusing me like it was my fault he was failing.
"You are doing his home work?" Blue cut in to stare at me.
"No, I have my own to worry about. Besides the teachers would know he was cheeting." I state proudly.
"So now your bank cards are mine and you're grounded for three month." Blue was dissapointed in Leo.
This was the reason why everyone thought I would be the next alpha.
The waitress came with our order and we went on to talk, I told Blue about how our teacher gave us a book to read over the weekend, getting a glare from Leo.
"Good, both of you can read in my study tonight. What book is it?"
"Pet Cemetery. I told her I had that book and read it already, she just smiled at me." Blue laughed at my responce as I took a bite of my cheese cake.
"I would like both of you to be in my study tomorrow so that you can read the book and I can make sure Leo is doing home work." The Alpha said and I couldn't help but sneak a peek at a pissed of Leo.
"No buts Leo. I told your coach to bench you until your grades are up."
Leo was the star foot ball player for our school, the other future alphas being the second and third stars on the team.
"You can't do that." He whined and I rolled my eyes.
"As your alpha and father I can. Being your father is my job and that means doing stuff that will prepare you as my heir." Leo stayed silent as we finished our drinks and cakes, knowing that his father hasn't changed his mind to keep Leo as future alpha.
We left shortly after, Leo taking a ride with his father because Blue had the pack's mechanic tow the jeep away.
The weekend went well and both Leo and I did the home work in the study with Blue, him helping Leo more then me since he struggled a lot.
Sunday night I layed in bed smiling, tomorrow I turn eighteen.
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