Fateful Day
I sat in the clearing in my pink sundress, letting the warm sun soothe me.
Today I was nineteen and its been a year since I became a rogue, a yrar since my heart was shattered no matter how cool I played it off at that time.
I had kept my sanity and had killed off over a thousand rogues.
More posts about me had been made since the post the Ice Alpha had made about discovering that I was a girl and my abilities.
Now when I looted it was a lot harder since people wanted to see what I was capable of.
I didn't loot much these days since I went into town to sell the things I made. I had my own bakery and gift store where I had home made dream catchers and figures I carved from fallen trees and logs.
Everything had my own brand on it, a paw inside a heart made of flames.
It symbolized my name Fire Foot.
Wolves from different packs came to my store for the sweet treats I made that included the fresh sweet berries I grew all year round in my green house that I had expanded over the year as well as for the original works of art.
I had other artisans selling their goods in my shop as well as workers who were fresh out of colunary school and needed experience.
But today my store was closed since I wanted the day all to myself.
I had food and cake at my house now and I smiled as I relaxed.
I must have dozed off because I woke up to the setting sun.
"Comfy?" I jumped up, taking out my daggers as I glared at the voice.
It was the Ice alpha and I relaxed.
"I was till you talked." I joked, getting a chuckle from him.
Slowly he walked towards me till he was standing in front, the wind behind me blowing towards him as he took in my scent.
"Wanted to thank me? I already heard it the first time." I smile, getting a bewildered look from him.
"You were there." I noded.
"Thank you for the herbs. I sell medicine I make from it at my shop, the wolves who buy them always come back."
"The only place in the town that sells those is-"
"Fire heart bakery and gift shop." I chuckle.
"Wait, are you Amberle?" His face was puzzled and I couldn't help but laugh louder.
"Yes, nice to meet you mister-"
"Dominic DeValorse."
"I think I like Ice better."
"Ice?" He was puzzled and I smile mysteriously.
"Your fur, its like mine, but like living ice." He laughs at that and we get into a comfortable position as we sit side by side talking.
"So I have to ask, why are you out here all alone?" I go rigid at his question, pain etching itself along my body.
"You don't have to tell me." He adds quickly and I sigh."
"Its been a year now. It started the night my parents died when I was nine." I started, then the story of my life unfolded and by the end of it all I was hugging my knees to my chest and watching the water in the creek bubble and slowly flow by.
"Wow." Was all he said before surprisig me and hugging me tight.
I breathed in his scent and leaned into him, taking my time to relax.
"Happy birthday by the way." He says and sending me into a giggle fit.
"Thank you." I manage to say before slipping out of his arms and standing.
"Want to come to my place for some cake?"
"Sure." He got up and took my hand and we walked in comfortable silence to my house.
We stoped just as it came into view, his face in awe, who wouldnt be impressed anyways.
The house was huge with a two hundred square feet property that had a silver fence running the perimiter of it that I had just finished building last month.
The building was in itself a mansion that was made to look like it belonged in the woods with most of the walls glass pannels to allow in as much nature as possible.
The first floor was open concept with everything in view and i had designed it so that the dining area was to the left of the kitchen since it was farthest from the window, the living room style being the closest to the wall of windows to allow in more light during the day, but a small powder room was by the front entrance as was the door to the garage and the mud room that led to my green house.
The upstairs held four bedrooms, each with their own bath room and small walk in closet, a library and studdy area with more floor to ceiling windows on the wall facing the sun, one master bed room with an ensuit that had a jacuzzi and shower, and a large walk in closet.
The basement had been worked on for the past year where I now had a large work out room, a storage area for food and a walk in fridge.
Since it was summer the garden was full of flowers and the new pool that I had built looked like a large pond with its own natural filtering that the plants provided.
I had the idea come to me from watching the pool master on animal planet.
The patio had a large gazebo over it with furniture I had made from the fallen trees over the winter in the four car garage.
But my pride and joy was my green house that was half the size of my house.
"For a rogue youre doing good for yourself." Dominic states as we continue walking.
"Thanks" I smile cheerily. I push the iron gate open since it was the only exit and entrace to my property and led him inside my house where he took everything in.
"Wow." I laugh at his expression as I cut the New York cheese cake with white chcolate drizzle and chocolate chips and place a piece onto plates before sitting down at the breakfast bar that was beside the window, giving me a view of my pool that blended into nature.
He joined me and we ate the cake as we talked, laughig and, for once, having the greatest time on my birthday since my parents death.
"I was actually glad that I ran into you." He starts as I grab more cake and lemonade for us.
"Why's that?"
"My head tracker is retiring to raise her pups and I was hoping I could run into you again and ask you to join and take her spot.
You can still stay here and run you store but they trackers normally train from fridays to saturdays, the days your store is closed." I stoped eating my cake to stare at him in shock.
I was Fire Foot, the notorious rogue, and he wanted me in his pack.
After a few seconds I smiled and tilted my head.
"One month. I will train them for one month and tell you if I plan to stay afterwards."
"Deal!" We shook hands and he left shortly afterwards.
Tomorrow I would be training his wolves.
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