Chapter 3: No headphones equal the end of the world
I awoke to the moon shining through the window, illuminating unfamiliar surroundings. Where am I?
I racked my brain, trying to remember how I'd gotten here, or what had happened before I'd fallen unconscious. I remember battling Bakugou, but I don't remember how I beat him or how I must have ended up unconscious.
All thoughts of the prior day's events vacated my mind the second I registered the growing incessant beats. Where was the constant beat I always hear, where were my headphones?
I glanced around the moonlit room and couldn't find them. I jumped up out of the bed and began tearing the room apart looking for them. I needed to find them and find them soon. If I didn't...
I wanted to sing to fill the silence, but something inside me told me it would be a bad idea. So, I put a piece of tape over my mouth and continued my search out into the hall.
Outside the room, I was in a quaint, comfy house. I didn't want to ruin it, but I needed my headphones. Ruffling through the kitchen, dining room, and finally the living room, my panic only rising.
I was vaguely aware that I'd practically destroyed the rooms, but I couldn't bring myself to care about my surroundings right now. I simply rolled into a ball on the floor and covered my already taped mouth with my hands. I couldn't let the notes out. I had to keep them to myself, for whatever reason.
At some point, the sun had begun to rise, but I stayed rolled up, keeping the lyrics trapped within me though, I did tap my fingers against the floor in a complex rhythmic pattern.
"Elloise, what happened?" A concerned familiar voice asked, and a hand tore the tape from mouth
"All the peasants bow down..." I quickly covered my mouth with both hands.
A larger pair of hands grabbed mine and slowly pulled them from my mouth. "What's wrong? Did you do this?" The voice asked tenderly, but I couldn't focus on the person kneeling beside me.
The person had my hands, and the incessant beats everywhere were begging for lyrics. The claws of them reaching down my throat to pull the words from within, but if the words were to be pulled out, then I knew this person would get hurt.
"There's no cryin' wolves now." The words were strained and barely audible, forcing their way off my lips.
"'Cause the truth has settled in." The words were clearer and definitely audible now.
"Hiding under goose down
For your nightmare to begin." Once I started, I couldn't stop. The words were starting to flow now, and I couldn't keep them from gliding off my lips into the air.
"There's no cryin' wolves now, 'cause the truth has settled in." The words came so naturally, and it felt good to let them out.
"Hiding under goose down, for your nightmare to begin." I wanted to cover my mouth once again, but I couldn't feel my hands. In fact, I couldn't feel anything. It was though I was numb to the world.
Suddenly, a hand covered my mouth, and I felt the familiar pressure of my headphones covering my ears. Loud music blasted through. I closed my eyes and relaxed, absorbing the ordered, consistent beats and the purposeful lyrics. It calmed me down, and soon, I could feel once again.
When I was finally able to focus my eyes on my surroundings, I noticed Aizawa and Present Mic kneeling by me, concern over their faces.
I sat up and took in the chaos I had inevitably created in search of my headphones. I looked down, ashamed for trashing someone's house that I didn't even know.
I thought about how my hero had always taught me to be a good guest and ask for help from others if I needed it. Adelaide used to tell me the same thing in our past life. I didn't even realize I had started crying until the tears were dripping off my face and hitting my hands.
I had to try, for them. I had to do better, or else there was no point in me living.
Quickly drying my tears, I stood up and looked at the two men. "I apologize for the mess. I'll clean it up."
Present Mic stood up and started to say something, so I lowered my headphones to around my neck. The music could still be heard clearly from them. I could dance to Ex's and Oh's later.
"Don't worry about it." He was saying. "Shouta and I will clean up with you."
"Thank you, Present Mic." I inclined my head slightly.
"While here, you can call me Yamada." He replied. "Or Hizashi." He added more as an afterthought.
I nod and put my headphones back on. I danced around as I cleaned the place, occasionally pausing to ask where certain things went. All in all, it was the most freeing thing I'd felt in a long time. I could almost muster a smile at the thought of getting to start over here.
You're probably thinking that this is sad, and you'd be right, it is. My whole life, this one and the past one have been filled with tragedy after tragedy. I've been through unimaginable things and dealt with severe neglect. I've had to re-tune myself for others. No one—not even Adelaide—has ever accepted me for who I am. I thought that if no one could accept me, then perhaps becoming an unparalleled weapon would at least grant me tolerance.
Hell, ask me one thing about myself that doesn't relate to music, and I wouldn't be able to tell you the answer. What's my favorite food? I have no clue. What do I like to do in my free time? Perhaps I'd know if I didn't spend all my time honing myself into the perfect weapon.
Yes, this is sad, but it's my life. I stopped caring for my wellbeing a long time ago, and I'm not looking for pity. I simply want you to understand that I'm trying to start over, maybe even change, and there are odd things about that.
Maybe this is me finally giving up. After two lives of molding myself into the perfect personality and then the perfect weapon and still not being accepted; I am just so fucking tired.
Whether I am accepted or not, I'm going to learn who I am, no matter how hard it is. Perhaps, this is all me just looking for closure, but regardless, I am going to change, and when I do, all those who hurt me will be rotting in their graves.
I reclined back onto the couch, closed my eyes, and tried to fathom what people who loved me for me would act like.
Soon, there was a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Aizawa staring at me. There were dark circles under his eyes, his skin was pale, his clothes baggy, but he looked...kind.
Of course, when I see a kind person that has helped me, I say, "Sweet boar heads, you need a nap!". Because that's what any sane person would do.
I sat up and lowered my headphones, BLAME IT ON THE KIDS blasting through. "Sorry, did you need something?" I asked, tapping my fingers to the beat on my headphones.
"Yes," He said blandly. "It seems the American heroes forgot to inform me on several things regarding you and your abilities, and for that, I apologize."
I sighed and leaned back into the couch cushions; my legs crossed underneath me. "It's not like it's your fault. They saw a way to get rid of me, and they took it. Not like I blame them."
Aizawa's eyes softened. "I also needed to talk to you about living arrangements. Of course, there are a few options, but Hizashi and I would be thrilled to have." He then smiled a bit. "And we'll make sure your headphones aren't taken away again."
I blushed guiltily. "I'm really sorry about that." I was sorry for Aizawa and Yamada, not aware what they were getting themselves into. "My headphones just help keep me grounded. I was told that before I got them a few years ago that some horrible things happened. I wear them for everyone's safety—including my own."
Aizawa moved to sit on the chair across from my position on the couch and sighed. "Clearly, the pro heroes in America withheld much information. I was told you wear your headphones as an excuse to ignore people, and that they should be confiscated at the first sign of slacking in the classroom."
I scoffed. "Did they also fail to tell you I blast the music so loudly that it nearly cancels out the emotions constantly being shot at me from all directions?"
Aizawa frowned. "You can feel others' emotions?"
I took a deep breath. "Wouldn't be the first time a pro hero's death was on my hands." I muttered.
"Pardon?" Aizawa asked, slightly alarmed.
"Oh, I'm joking." I laughed nervously. "They just blame me for about ninety percent of the deaths that happened in the battle.
"Anyway, what did they tell you my quirk was?" I changed the subject.
"All I was told was that you had slight emotional manipulation."
I nearly choked. "Are you kidding me?" My rage was barely contained. "I'm sorry they lied to you, and even though I don't think you'll allow me to stay with you if I tell you the actual extent of my quirk, I'm not an absolute arse. You deserve the truth.
"You see, my quirk is manipulating emotions, but it is not a slight in the least. I can make anyone feel just about anything—I didn't study the nature of emotions for nothing—and I can affect multiple people at once. As my training progresses, I am hoping to be able to make different people feel different emotions. So far, I can only do this with one person.
"Oh, and there may be another factor of my quirk that I'm not aware of. There are a few gaps in my memories from over the years, and they're all from times when multiple people suffered."
Aizawa sat there in thoughtful silence for a few minutes, and it gave me a small hope. His silence confirmed there was doubt in his mind, that he didn't believe I was a complete monster.
Finally, he looked at me. "I have a cancellation quirk, and UA has the best hero training in the world."
I cracked a small smile. "Thank you. I've always wanted training for my quirk."
He frowned. "Have you not had much training?"
"Oh...well, actually, all I do with my quirk I've had to do myself. No one's ever attempted to train me. After all, who would want to train someone with a "villainous" quirk?"
"No quirk is villainous; it's the person that wield the power that decides whether they use it for good or bad."
I nodded. "I think," I said, making eye contact with Aizawa. "you're only being this kind because you don't know who I really am."
Aizawa kept eye contact and responded in a firm voice. "Then show me who you are—not what everyone has turned you into—I want to know the real you."
His words cut deep, and I couldn't understand why, but I suddenly decided that I would die for this raggedy man.
"Now," Aizawa stood, "Allow me to show you to your room."
I have no idea what the f I just wrote. This chapter was not what I'd planned at all, but I think it turned out okay though.
First person that knows all the songs and the two TV show references can either choose the name of a chapter, the plot for a one shot, or who's going to get shipped with Izuku.
Drink lots of food and eat mounds of water!
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