Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to go over to Aaron's house today. You knew he wasn't exactly the most stable person of the bunch, but you never knew how bad it could be.
A few hours ago, you had managed to convince your mother to allow you to spend a week at his house (considering summer had just started and the two of you were practically siblings at this point), and she finally caved after two hours of begging and pleading from both parties. You were genuinely excited for it too; it's been years since the two of you had done something like this, so you were most definitely excited.
However, to the present moment in time, your current mission was trying to convince him that exploring the deep web was most definitely a horrible idea.
"C'mon, Y/N! I know what I'm doing; this isn't my first time dealing with things down here."
"That's fine Aaron, but this could get us into a LOT of trouble. Someone could come and kidnap us for snooping around!"
"Pshh, please. If that were the case, I'd have disappeared YEARS ago."
You swallowed harshly at the sound of that. Years ago? Just how long has he been doing this for? You knew this wasn't right, but you also knew he was too stubborn to listen to what you had to say about it. You comply with an anxious sigh, twiddling your thumbs around to keep you from running away.
You weren't going to abandon him in his basement like that, no way.
He grins at you, snapping his head back to face the glowing screen of his desktop computer, typing away rapidly at the keys. You could tell by the number of mistakes he kept erasing that he was super excited to show you something.
An hour and a half later, you notice look up at the screen to see a man tied to a chair, the red flashing LIVE indicator in the top left causing a chill to run down your spine. You could tell the man was distressed by his constant thrashing and grunts coming from his mouth, gag muffling a lot of his words.
"Aaron, what is this?"
"It's The Red Room!"
"The what Room??!!"
"The Red Room! I told you about this at school before, so now we're watching it!"
You start to feel queasy. Your sweet, not-so-innocent friend was wiggling with excitement in his rolling office chair over a site broadcasting live torture and murder. You felt your heart drop and you stood up to excuse yourself.
"Y/N?" He turned to you as you stood from the chair next to his, similar in fashion, but the one he sat in was black and red. The one you borrowed was a dark blue and black. "I don't think I'm going to stay after all. Sorry Aaron, but I'm not willing to do this." You begin to walk towards the basement door, but when you attempt to twist it open, you find it's locked. You turned to ask Aaron for the key, but scream in surprise when you find him two inches behind you.
"You can't go yet, the show has yet to start. C'mon, let's go sit down."
"No, Aaron! This is wrong! How could you just sit there and watch someone innocent be tortured so ruthlessly?!!" You scream at him, hoping to bring back some common sense into him. Instead, much to your disbelief, he throws his head back and cackles wildly. He wipes the tears that had built up from the corner of his eyes and sighs, grinning madly.
"It's fun to watch, that's why." He forcefully grips you by the shoulder and drags you back into the chair you had previously sat in. Before you could get up again, he ties you to the chair with a rope you hadn't noticed before, forcing your head back and tying it there so you couldn't turn away from the screen.
You begin to protest, on the verge of tears before he silences you with a harsh 'shush' and turning back to the screen. "It's starting."
You watch in horror as a man in a wolf-like mask with a dark mesh concealing his eyes from the viewers slowly walks in view of the camera, toting a cart of various tools behind him. He faces the camera and pulls out a sketch book. Flipping to the first page, he allows the viewers to see what is written there.
He turns the page.
He flips another page.
He flips the page yet again.
At this point, the flipping of the pages no longer became relevant to you.
You hear Aaron clap gleefully. He begins talking to you, not once tearing his eyes away from the screen. "He took all of my suggestions the last time, so I wonder what everyone else has to say tonight!"
You resisted the urge to sob, vomit, and scream all at once.
You tried not to focus on the screen forced in front of you, but with Aaron holding the chair and your head forced back, it was impossible to not get drawn in.
In a sick sort of way, you were enthralled with what was going on in front of you.
You focus back in just in time to see the masked man pull off the blindfold and gag of the man bound to the chair. You hear the grunting evolve into screaming and cursing, wincing slightly as the volume of the man's voice was raised significantly.
"LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" The man shrieks at the top of his lungs. You see Wolf-man (a nickname you gave him for the time being), shake his head and slump as if emphasizing that he had sighed.
He turns back to the camera, pulls out the sketchbook and a sharpie. He scribbles around on it for a little until he's satisfied with it's contents, turning it to show the audience.
He scribbles on a new page
He pauses and you see Aaron jump up quickly and begin typng away in the comment chat. The typing is too small for you to read.
It seems as though the Wolf-man had some sort of screen behind camera for him to read what the comments were because, not too long after Aaron had submitted his comment, he had turned the book to scribble some more.
Wolf-man sets the pen and book aside, on an empty part of the cart. He slowly picks up a pair of scary-looking scissors and brings up to show the camera, turning to the tied man a few seconds later.
At this point, a sick sense of fascination overwhelms you and you find yourself slightly excited to see what happens.
You hear the tied man scream at Wolf-man to back away, but his profanity-filled threat is soon cut short.
Just like his tongue.
You hear the tied man wail horrendously in agony, the Wolf-man turning and moving away to show the audience the bloody mess he'd achieved, holding the tongue out for them to see. You shudder and the feeling of nausea hits you all at once, your sensible side coming back to you in an instant.
You began to thrash about as Aaron chuckled and grinned maliciously at the screen, swiping his tongue over his teeth as if to show his satisfaction with what had happened.
"I'm glad I managed to convince him to look for my suggestions again. Of course, the price was a hefty one to pay...." He slowly turned to you, grinning wildly.
"I hope you don't mind that I sold you off to the man in the mask."
Your eyes widen in betrayal. "HOW COULD YOU?!! WE WERE LIKE SIBLINGS!" You wailed, the tears finally rolling down from your eyes. You see his lips curl into a mock frown, eyes widening to show false hurt as crocodile tears filled his eyes.
"It hurt me too, but it had to be done."
While you were screaming, you didn't notice the men who had entered Aaron's basement, and the last thing you saw before you were knocked out cold was his sneering face and the bloodied victim on the screen behind him.
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