Chapter 4
Tears poured down your face as you struggled against the binds holding you down to the chair. With a gag tied around your mouth, the only comprehensible noise you were able to make were muffled groans of pain as you wriggled around.
You don't remember how you got here. One minute, you were sitting on the infirmary bed, the next, you woke up to a plain black mask staring you in the face. You noticed tiny slits for the eyes to look through, but you yourself couldn't see the eyes of your assailant.
You continued to struggle around and pull against your bonds, but the only thing you accomplished was rubbing the skin off. You let out the loudest wail you could, hoping someone would come for you. A hand landed on your shoulder, forcing you to still your actions and cease the wailing out of shock. A noxious concoction of anxiety and rage built up inside your core, sending your mind reeling as you began to try and remove the hand from your shoulder.
You yelped as the thick rope cut into your wrists, the person behind you chuckling darkly at the sound. You felt the hand withdraw and the sound of a sharp weapon being unsheathed. You whimpered at the realization you would not be leaving this room alive. If you did, it would most definitely be in more than one piece.
You only prayed it wasn't anything majorly important.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you felt the person move around you, purposely dragging the flat side of the blade across your cheek, arm, wrist, and lap. The blade was removed and placed gently under your chin. Your head was forced to tilt up as the flat side pushed up under your chin.
"Open your eyes." You let out a soft whine, eyebrows scrunching as your lips pressed together. You heard a growl.
"Open. Your. Eyes." You obliged this time, slowly forcing them open in fear of what you would see. You were met with the same sight you had originally 'awoken' to. The only difference was the bloodied spots that formed some sort of face on the mask.
You squirmed at the uncomfortable angle your neck was forced into, eyes struggling to adjust to the direct light from behind the perpetrator. You decided to squint at them instead. He smirked and removed the blade, allowing your chin to drop back down to your chest.
"What a beautiful wall mount you'll make." You shivered at his (a conclusion you reached after listening to the sound of his voice) implications, closing your eyes and bidding your parents a final farewell, regretting ever having gone to the house of someone you once considered your best friend.
You heard the sound of the air splitting as he raised his arm in the air, stalling only when he heard a the sound of a door being rammed. You jumped in shock, not expecting the metallic creak of the door resisting the force being applied by the person on the other side.
"What perfect timing, wouldn't you say?" You could almost feel the grin based off the muffled sound of your captor's voice. You heard the - or what you assumed it to be based on the length and handle - machete cut through the air once more, only to be sheathed back into the cover that once protected it - or rather, YOU.
Your assailant moved to open the door, only to have his face be met by an axe. Your eyes widened as your captor's face was forced against the door as the axe blade made an attempt to retreat back into the other side of the door.
A laughed bubbled up into your throat as hysteria and relief filled you. The irony was too much for your shot sanity to handle, and a stream of your irrepressible giggles filled the room. As you sat in the chair, laughing hysterically, you failed to notice the door swing open and Wolf-man's entrance.
You continued to let out peals of laughter as he removed the ties holding you to the chair. You felt hands press against your shoulders, but instinct kicked in and you slapped them away. Before they could reaffirm a grip on you, you launched yourself forward and latched onto Wolf-man's torso, laughter turning into heavy, almost painful sobbing. Surprised - though not deterred by the sudden affection - and somewhat in shock, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
He rubbed your back soothingly, cheek pressed against your temple as he whispered comforting words into your ear. You weren't sure how to react; the wary and rational part of you was disgusted, but the traumatized part of you absorbed the affection faster than a dried out sponge to a drop of water. You were scared shitless - no doubt about it - and you were more than willing to stick to him if it meant you would be protected.
You had no idea how much time had passed since you were dragged off to this place, but you were quickly growing attached to the nameless man that had been awfully affectionate towards you. Though you weren't complaining, you were confused; why would someone who took apparent joy out of torturing people for the entertainment of others comfort you, coddle you in care? Then it occurred to you.
He was using you. Trying to get you to trust him, to care for him, to rely on him. He wanted to get you wrapped around his finger so he could savor the pleasure of being able to rip you apart mentally and emotionally as he literally tore you to shreds.
You no longer found comfort in his actions.
Instinct kicked in and you shoved away from him, a strangled cry leaving your throat as you stumbled backwards, anxiety cradling your heart, swaddling it tightly in a sheet made of fear and stitched together with desperation. The desperation to get away from everyone. From this hellhole you were shoved into. You felt like a child in a nightmare; unable to wake up and left horrified and in fearful agony. A fear so thick it hurt your body as it flowed through your veins.
The sound of your pounding heart filled your ears as time slowed down; the shift of his face from shock to confusion, the lowering of his arms as he recovered from what happened, the frantic rise and fall of your chest, the flickering of the light. It all became so slow as you watched his arm reach out for you. You barely registered the fact that you hadn't quite regain your balance, and your heart sunk when his fingers wrapped around your wrist and tugged.
Time sped up again and you slammed into his chest, the force causing him to stumble, but he remained upright. He clutched you to him, preventing you from pushing away again.
"That was too close..." You heard him mutter, and you were confused again. You felt him grip your shoulders and forced you to turn. You felt the color drain from you face as you finally took notice of what was essentially a wall of blades and nails just out of the reach of the light. It was too dark to see just from scanning the area, but it was the most noticeable thing there when you actually bothered to look for it.
Granted, it was still only a foot away from your face.
Chills ran up and down your spine and your fingers wrapped around your wrists, digging into the flesh. a cold sweat dripped down the side of your face and you felt your legs give out. Wolf-man caught you before you fell, sweeping you up into his arms and turning to leave the room. Out of instinct and the desire to avoid seeing the dead body on the floor, you turn your face into his shoulder and squeeze your eyes shut.
You felt like you were spinning and the nausea built up inside of you; half because it's been who-knows-how-long it's been since you last ate, half because the stress had consumed you entirely. You felt like someone had thrown you on a carousel of horrors and set the ride on as high it would go; barely gripping onto the decaying horse that represented your sanity.
Before you had even realized it, you passed out.
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