Chapter 1
To say that your head was pounding was an understatement. You felt like it was ready to explode, the pressure pressing harshly against your skull was enough to pull a few tears from your eyes. Not even the burns the rope had given you during your struggle rivaled the amount of pain your head gave you.
You attempted to sit up, but it was for naught. Your limbs were facing their own agony, making it hard for you to build the strength to move yourself upright. You whimper in discomfort, slowly moving your hands to cradle your head. Everything hurt, and there wasn't anything you could remotely do about it.
You vaguely hear the sound of a groan next to you, and the sudden adrenaline rush caused your arms to force you upright, the pain temporarily nonexistent. You notice a set of bars next to you, a man laying on the floor, shuffling around. To your horror, it was the man Aaron forced you to watch earlier.
As if by a script, he craned his head up to look at you, only he would have if his eyes were still there, with the way his head bent, his mouth remained agape and the cauterised stump of his 'tongue' peered out at you. Your voice froze in your throat, eyes locked onto his empty sockets. He froze for a second, gasping heavily. Then, out of nowhere, he let out an ear-piercing wail and began wiggling around. He managed to flip over onto his back, revealing his slashed shirt and missing leg as he waved his mid thigh-stump around.
You felt the color drain from your face, your voice finally returned to you and you shrieked, crawling backwards on your hands until your back hit the wall. You curl into a ball, sobbing into your knees, arms wrapped around your legs to make yourself as small as possible. You could tell that he wasn't wailing anymore, the only sound to be heard was your own hiccups.
Your nose dripped with mucus, eyes swollen and puffy from crying. You could feel the stiff mattress under you, caked with what you could only assume was layers upon layers of dried blood. A violent chill ran down your spine at the realization that you were not the first - or the last - person to stay in this cell.
You heard the man grunt and attempt to talk, despite the lack of his tongue.
"Hewwo?" You heard the pain in his voice. Most likely from screaming his throat raw.
"H-Hello..." You sniffed, cringing when all you managed to do was make a weird sort of squeak through your nose.
"Who ahw yew?"
"I'm Y/N..." you fiddled with your fingers. 'I'd return the courtesy and ask you, but I'm afraid you'd just have trouble pronouncing it.'
"Oh." You could tell he wanted to say more, but his words would be incomprehensible.
The area was silent, exception to your sniffling and his labored breathing. You could feel the exhaustion taking over you, but the paranoid part of your mind kept you awake despite your body's protesting. You stood up - albeit like a newborn folly - and stretched, sighing as you allowed your muscles to slowly relax.
Before you could really take in your surroundings, the metal door slammed open, a small cry of shock leaving your lips and sending your pulse skyrocketing. Your eyes widened when you saw the familiar mask of Wolf-man. The blood drained from your face, forcing you to your knees when you became to lightheaded to stand. Your eyes filled with tears again when he kneeled on the other side of the cage, staring at you intently. Though he couldn't reach you through the bars, you couldn't help but feel terrified.
You felt sick all over again.
You scurried over to the corner and forced the mattress out of the way, emptying the stomach acid from your body in the now-empty spot. The tears that had formed rolled down your cheeks and you felt the bile burning the back of your throat.
You panted heavily when you could no longer throw up; your eyes were sealed shut as the tears squeezed passed them. You heard the sound of writing on a book, so you turned around to face Wolf-man.
You sucked in a breath and shook your head violently, sliding to a cleaner part of the floor and pressing your back against the far wall. You noticed the way he gripped the notebook, making it very clear he was extremely unhappy with your response. He flipped around the notebook and began writing again.
You took note of how dark the word 'now' was in comparison to the first two, the messy underlining showing that he - despite the fact that all you could see was his lips pursed together tightly - was growing impatient. You curled into a tighter ball, gritting your teeth as your jaw locked shut out of instinct.
Of all the things that had to be a nervous quirk, going mute under stress was probably the most inconvenient.
You felt as though your throat had swollen shut, but your breathing was just fine, aside from the fact that you were now hyperventilating. You squeezed your eyes shut and nuzzled your face into your knees, arms curled around your legs once again. You quaked in your spot on the ground, the air in your lungs refusing to leave as you heard the jangling of keys from outside your cell. You jumped when you heard the cell door squeal open as Wolf-man forced the rusted barrier open.
You sobbed silently once more, praying for a miracle.
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