First Day At Hogwarts
It was September 1st. It was summer still. Still hot outside.
"Wake up Juliet! It's the first day at Hogwarts! Get ready! Your suitcase needs to be packed." My Mum yelled, shaking me.
I sat up on my bed.
"I'm getting up!!" I yelled at my Mum.
My Mum raised her eye brows and slapped me across the face.
"Don't speak to me in the tone of voice missy!! Now get dressed!" My Mum yelled.
My Mum left the room and closed the door.
I was left in my room. My eyes watering up. Tears falling down my cheeks. I dried my tears.
I got off my bed, walked to my door, locked it, and walked to my dresser and closet.
I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a light blue and black plaid shirt.
I got dressed.
I grabbed my brush and brushed my long hair. And put it into a pony tail.
After I did that, I walked over to my bedside table and opened the drawer.
I took out a box. It had a necklace in it laying on a soft, cushy sponge.
It had a Peter Pan saying on it.
"Never Grow Up" all in cursive.
I took it out and put it around my neck.
I then lifted the soft, cushy sponge and took out razor blade.
I lifted my sleeve.
I pressed the sharp blade against my skin. And slid it deep onto my wrist. I did three more times. But deeper by the cut.
A tear dripped down my left cheek.
I whipped my cheek and put the razor blade back into the box and covering it with the sponge.
I had tissues on my bedside. I took a few a cleaned myself up and made sure I wasn't bleeding anymore.
I grabbed my big suitcase and packed my robes, cloths, shoes, undergarments, hygiene products, etc.
I grabbed my black and grey owl, Smokey and headed down stairs.
Breakfast was made. We had pancakes, bacon, and orange juice.
"Thanks Mum!!" Maggie and Nikki said in synce.
"Thanks Mum." I said.
Everyone finished eating.
"Okay. Time to go!!" Mum yelled.
Everyone grabbed their suitcases and pets and got in the car.
When we finally got to the train station, we went straight to platform 9 and 10.
"Okay Maggie. You go first." Mum said.
Maggie ran straight through the wall.
"Okay Nikki. Your turn." Mum said
Nikki ran straight through the wall.
"You know what to do Juliet." Mum said
She ran straight into the wall.
We were on Platform 9 3/4.
I spotted my two sisters and caught up to them.
We put our suitcases and pets where they needed to be at.
We walked to the train. It said, in bold lettering, "The Hogwarts Express" on the front and side of the train.
Me and my two sisters got onto the train.
They had seen two of their friends sitting. They were identical twins too.
Their names were Fred and George.
They have came over to our house before to hangout with Maggie and Nikki before, but I never really met them.
I walked off from Maggie and Nikki heading to find an empty spot where no one was sitting.
They all were either full or had a few people in it.
I walked towards the back of the train to find a place where only one person was.
He looked about the same age as me. He had red hair. And blue eyes.
"Hi. Uhm. Can I sit with you? All the other seats were full." I asked
"Sure," He said smiling, "I'm Ron Weasley."
"I'm Juliet West." I said.
"I've never seen you at Hogwarts before. I'm guessing you're new, but you don't look like a first year." Ron said
"Well, I first lived in Ireland with my Mum and Dad. But when I turned seven, they went missing. I was sent to live with my Aunt Delilah for four years. Then she died and I was sent to an orphanage. The orphanage and my aunt didn't want me to go to Hogwarts. I found out that I was a witch when I was 10. The orphanage and my aunt hid the letters from me.
On June 20th, I was adopted. I'm 13 and going into the third year. But my older sisters have taught me 1st and 2nd year magic over the summer in less than 2 months. It was a lot of work, but was worth it." I explained.
"Bloody Hell." He said shocked.
I couldn't help but giggle.
Once Ron heard me giggle he giggled too.
Me and Ron talked and talked and talked. All the way until we got to Hogwarts.
Me and Ron walked off the train.
A very tall and big man with black scruffy hair was yelling, "First years come over here!! Come on now!! Come on!!"
Me and Ron walked up to him.
"Hi Ron! This must be Juliet!" He said
"This is Hagrid. He's the games keeper at Hogwarts. " Ron said
"Hi Hagrid. And yes. I am Juliet." I said
"Well. Yer gunna love it here at Hogwarts. Follow me. Yer going to be sorted into your house first."
Me and Ron went our separate ways.
I followed Hagrid and the first years.
"So. I've seen you've met Ron." Hagrid said
"Uhm. Yeah." I replied
"He's a good kid. He's friends with Hermione Granger and Harry Potter." He said
"Who's Harry Potter?" I asked
"Yer dunno who Harry Potter is?! Well he's defeated you know who o' course." He said
"Who's 'you know who'?" I asked very confused
"His name is Voldemort." Hagrid whispered.
"Why'd you whisper?"
"No one likes saying or hearing his name. He's a disgrace to the wizarding world." He replied
"Oh." I said. I felt stupid.
We finally made it to the castle. Hogwarts.
Hagrid had took us to Miss. McGonagoll.
She led us to the Great Hall where there was 4 very long tables set up with people sitting at them.
"Miss. West, please come sit on the stool." Miss. McGonagoll said.
I went up to the stool ad sat down.
She put a big grey pointed hat on my head.
"Ahhh....Miss.West. You are very strong. Both mental and physical. You have a good heart. Very brave. You would do good in Slytherin. But better in Gryffindor." The hat said
"Please be Gryffindor. Please be Gryffindor." I whispered to myself.
"GRYFFINDOR!!!!!" The hat yelled.
There was very loud clapping and cheering coming from the Gryffindor table.
Miss.McGonagoll lifted the hat off my head and went to the cheering table.
I seen Ron. He saved a seat for me.
I ran over to him smiling and all excited. I sat down.
Miss.McGonagoll went on calling the first years up and putting the sorting hat on them.
When they were done we had a big feast. There were tons and tons of food. Like chicken legs, ham, turkey, vegtables, and a lot more.
"This is Juliet guys. Juliet this is Harry and Hermione." Ron said pointing to a boy with black hair, and a girl with bushy brown hair.
"Pleasure. I'm Hermione Granger." She said
"I'm Harry Potter." He said.
"Hi." I said smiling.
"I'll show you around school," Ron said, "so you don't get lost like me and Harry did on our first day in the first year."
"Thanks." I giggled.
"We know you. you're Juliet." Two twins said in sync.
"Hi." I said confused
Everyone was done eating and we were sent to our dorms.
"I'll show you where the girls Gryffindor dormitories are." Hermione said
"Thanks." I said
"You're welcome." She replied back.
We walked up the stairs to a big picture with a fat lady in it trying to make a very high pitch note to break a wine glass.
"Fortuna Major."Ron said
"Shhh." The fat lady said
"Fortuna Major!" Ron said again.
"Shhhhh." She said again.
She went on trying to break the glass with the high pitch note.
She finally broke the glass against the brick wall and said, "Awww."
"Fortuna Major." Ron said again
"Oh fine. Here." The fat lady said and she let us in.
"Thank you." I heard a bunch of other students say.
"This is the Gryffindor common room. The girls dorm rooms are over here." Hermione said.
"Thanks." I said smiling.
"You're welcome." She replied smiling
"I'm going to go to bed. I'm really tired." I said to Ron yawning
"Okay. Uhm. Goodnight. And wait for me in the common room so I can show you to your classes." Ron said smiling.
"Thanks. And goodnight." I said smiling back.
Me and Ron took one last look at each other, smiled at each other, and went our separate ways.
While I was starting to walk up the stairs I heard Harry say, "Oooooo!!!! Ron's got a girlfriend!!"
"Bloody hell Harry!! Shut up!!" Ron said
"I can hear you Harry!!" I yelled
"Not like you weren't supposed to!!" Harry yelled back.
I shook my head smiling and ran up the stairs.
I opened the door and seen my bags and my owl by a bed.
I walked over to my bags, grabbed my pj's, got changed, brushed my teeth, and went to sleep.
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