After twelve hours of flight to America, we were now driving down the lamp-lit streets of New York. The weather here was just as cold as the weather in Europe. It was early into the fall seasons. On a good day, we might go without a jacket, but tonight there was a chill in the air.
I sat in the limousine's backseat that came to pick us up at the airport. About thirty bodyguards came with us, including Silas. They drove in separate bullet proof vehicles and surrounded the limo.
I got zapped into the red crystal almost the entire flight, but appeared just in time. When I apparated, I found myself in the limo's trunk. After some hard knocking and kicking, the limo came to a stop. A few minutes later, a displeased Atlas opened the trunk.
Sitting next to him, I turned my head to look him over. He changed into a black suit with a black dress shirt underneath. Three buttons on top have been unbuttoned, exposing his pectorals. A pair of dark sunglasses hung from the opening of his shirt.
Atlas looked all fine and relaxed. I adjusted my leather jacket over my body and crossed my arms while leaning back in my seat. Looking out one window, I admired the city streets. My attention is captured by how much has changed in fifty years. The styles of the building, the people who walked on the streets, and the air.
"It's beautiful," I whispered, and pressed my palm against the window.
"On the outside, it is beautiful, but hooligans, rogues, and rebel shifters overrun this city. Sanitation is low. You can smell the stench of rot and death from a mile away," Atlas said from behind me.
I turned to look at him, but already found him staring at me.
"How many times have you been here?" I moved closer to him.
"Over the hundred years that I lived, I have been here ten times. I don't understand why Lazarus enjoyed living in these conditions. Nothing here is pleasurable. It hurts my nose to breathe polluted city street air."
I scoffed at his blatant disgust.
"Ophelia, Lazarus is well known in our world because of his strong connections to the shifters and the human world. He is skilled in technology and keeping the health of our community up to date. He is a force to be reckon with. He may be loyal, but I've known him to be manipulative and domineering."
I leaned back in my seat and tapped my chin with one finger. "Hm... so, you're saying he is my type."
Atlas growled and grabbed my wrist. It stopped me from tapping my chin.
"I'm kidding!" I huffed and yanked my hand back. "What is wrong with you?"
"You promised to behave, Ophelia," he warned lowly.
"And behave I will be." I nodded my head.
Not long after, we arrived at an enormous mansion. From my vision, I could see Silas stepping out of the car to talk to one guard before the gates opened. Silas got back inside and our cars moved again. We pulled into a very large driveway that ran almost half a mile long before it curved in front of the mansion doors.
In the middle of the curve was an enormous water fountain with lights inside. Several well-dressed men stood at the stairs and waited. In the middle of everybody, there was another man. Before I could look at him better, Atlas moved to block my vision.
"Ophelia, stay close to me. You're in a place filled with unknown vampires and your scent will call out to them. If anything, they'll think I brought you to them as a gift. If you don't want to be sucked dry as you say, you'll stay close." Atlas threaded his fingers through one of my hands and squeezed to get my attention again.
My eyes flew to him.
"You are mine, Ophelia." Power and possessiveness reflected in his crimson eyes, and then he blinked and it disappeared. "If they ask who you are, say you are mine. Do you understand?"
"Ok," I replied.
Atlas stepped out first before I slid across the seat in my black denim skinny jeans. When I reached the passenger door, his hand was already waiting for me to take it.
I slipped my hand through his and stood up. Atlas led me to the man I saw earlier. He stood as tall as Atlas.
"My King." The man bowed respectfully and everyone followed suit.
"Lazarus," Atlas greeted with a nod.
Lazarus lifted his gaze from the ground to look at Atlas before settling on me. Lazarus had platinum blonde hair and skin as white as Atlas. His lips were just as dark and his irises were bleeding red.
"And this is..." Lazarus returned his gaze to Atlas.
"Mine," Atlas replied with one word, but it was enough to raise the hair on my body.
Lazarus smirked. "Of course, my King. May I ask what we should address her as?"
Atlas squeezed my hand. I looked up at him and saw that he wanted me to speak. I turned to Lazarus and replied to him.
"You can call me Ophelia." I put my hand out for him to shake.
"Lady Ophelia, what a pleasure to meet you," Lazarus's eyes twinkled with a playful glow and one corner of his lips lifted. He reached for my hand and instead of shaking it, brought it to his lips, where he brushed his lips over my hand gently. I felt him inhale before he released my hand and stood to his full height.
Altas was gripping my other hand. I looked down and saw how white his hand was. The imbecile would snap my bones into a million pieces. In an attempt to stop him, I placed my freed hand over hours.
Instantly, he stopped. I felt Silas and the rest of our guards moved to stand behind us.
"Let us go inside and discuss the schedule for the next few days," Lazarus formally invited.
We went up the steps together. Lazarus glanced in my direction again before speaking.
"I'm surprised you brought a human," Lazarus chuckled.
Human? He didn't know I was a witch or at least felt that I was a witch. I didn't correct him, nor did Atlas. For some reason, I didn't want to reveal that fact yet. I don't know this man. It was better to be safe than not.
"She's compliant and available. It is more so for convenience," Atlas replied.
Lazarus broke into a hearty laugh just as we entered the foyer of the home. My eyes wandered over the white walls and marble flooring. It was not like Atlas's home. It was almost constantly dark with torches lit. Lazarus's home was bright. It has very few paintings hanging on the walls. In the middle was a small round table with a glass vase and flowers. A chandelier hung on top of the foyer. Two spiral staircases leading to the second floor. Between the two staircases was a pair of white-gold double doors. To the left was a sitting area and to the right was another pair of double doors that were closed.
"If that is the case, I have plenty of humans who are more than willing to provide you with blood. You didn't need to bring your own." Lazarus caught Atlas in his lies. He knew I wasn't just a mere human that Atlas brought. There was a reason I was here.
"It is the case, Lazarus, Atlas and I are in a mutual understanding. I am here to provide him with my blood and in return, I gain what I need."
"And what is that you need?" Lazarus grinned.
Atlas's hand tightened around mine. I felt his eyes burning to my side.
"Sex," I lied.
Lazarus's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect that answer, but even so, it stopped him from asking further. I risked a glance in Atlas's direction and he looked about ready to bite my head off. Silas covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing.
"Interesting, indeed," Lazarus replied, but pushed no further. Turning to Atlas, he glanced between Atlas and me.
"Ah, well, how about Lady Ophelia resting while you and I discuss the schedule?" Lazarus offered. "I'll have Victoria lead her to your quarters."
A slender woman emerged from the sitting area. She wore a black bodycon dress that reached her mid-thighs. Her long brown hair here was iron straight and cascading down her back. She bowed her head at us.
"Lady Ophelia," she greeted with a head bow before lifting her eyes to meet mine. They were as red as everyone else's. Her cheekbones were so defined and prominent.
Atlas let me go. I watched Lazarus leading him past the white-gold double doors between the spiral staircases. After they disappeared, I turned my attention back to Victoria.
"This way..." She walked up the right steps up to the second floor.
The second floor split up in three directions. The hallways were long and wide. Victoria led me down the middle hallway.
"This is the guest floor. The two sections to your right and left are forbidden for entrance. If you need a staff to assist you or have a question, you could always pick up the phone in your room. Hit option one to connect to the staff room."
"Are we allowed to explore?" I couldn't help but ask. We passed several white doors.
Without turning to look at me, she answered, "Yes. You may explore the main level. The basement is off limits. The garden in the back is available for you if you would like some fresh air."
As we walked further down the hall, I couldn't help but notice how grand Lazarus liked to live. The President of the United States could very well live in this mansion.
Victoria stopped at the end of the hallway. It was not like the other doors. Instead, it was white double doors. She grabbed the gold knob and twisted the door open.
Inside, I couldn't believe how beautiful the room was-absolutely breathtaking. Everything was white-the floors, bed sheets, bed comforter set, pillows, walls, and ceilings. A large white hide rug laid out at the end of the bed. White sheer bed curtains that hung beautifully down from the bedframe. The vaulted ceiling has a chandelier hanging from it.
"Your luggage will be brought up shortly. Please let me know if you need anything else." Victoria lowered her eyes and waited for further instructions.
I shook my head, still breathless from the view. "No, thank you."
After Victoria left, I explored the room. I looked into the large walk-in closet. Pulled out drawers and cabinets. I looked into the bathroom that had a large Jacuzzi, porcelain bathtub, and a shower of its own. Everything was so extravagant, I couldn't believe it.
Atlas lived so frugally and enjoyed it. His home was comforting and reminded me so much of home. However, Lazarus's mansion was a different story. I have seen nothing like it in my 400 years. I lived in shitty cabins, apartments, and other kinds of homes, but something as luxurious as this was new.
I couldn't wait to test out the shower. Stripping out of my clothes, I tried the shower immediately. The feel of the water on my skin was refreshing, and I couldn't stop from sighing out loud. Lazarus was smart to install a head shower and a wall shower. I enjoyed the feel of the water hitting my back and running down from my head.
I don't know how long I stood inside the shower, but when I came out, I dried myself with the towel they provided and put on the nearest silk white robe that they provided.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I took another look in the room. I noticed Victoria had dropped off my luggage that had my red crystal and also dropped off Atlas's luggage.
I ran and jumped onto the bed. Grabbing one end of the comforter, I rolled to the other side of the bed. I felt like I'm being wrapped up in a cloud. It was that soft. Rolling back to the middle, I stared at the vaulted ceiling.
A second later, I felt the bed move and Atlas appeared above me.
"I see you are enjoying the perks already." His reasonably crimson eyes were darker than usual, and it sent an electrifying shiver down between my legs.
He tugged the comforter off my body before taking his time to look down on my body. The robe had come undone because of my aggressive rolling around.
"This is my bedroom," I protested.
"You're not sleeping alone, Ophelia."
"But-"He stopped my protest with a yank on the knot on my robe. It fell apart and my eyes flew to his.
"There is something I have to do." His hand touched the skin of my chest before caressing its way to my shoulder. He slipped his fingers underneath my robe and slipped it off.
"What?" I asked, breathless.
I've slept with men before, but it's been so long. At first, teasing him was funny. However, it wasn't funny now. Atlas had a feral, hunger look that sent my insides on a circus ride. I wanted to see how far he would go.
"I need to scent you, Ophelia. If I don't, other male vampires will consider you a fair meal and I don't like sharing my meals. You're mine."
His body covered mine completely as he buried his face in my neck.
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