The Power
Tears stung my eyes, and my heart was full of pain. My joints were stiffening and my head was slowly growing numb from the pain in my arm, I looked up a Persephone who of course looked just fine.
"How did you know where I was?" I said like a dagger cutting through the silence, she looked my way then back at our path.
"I've been watching you Nico, ever since you agreed to go on this stupid quest. I told your father it was a bad idea telling you about the Rebellion, do you think he listened? No of course not." She sounded agitated, not the fearful voice of the woman who had saved me from my prison.
"Thanks, for you know saving me." I mumbled, my eyes to tired to look her way. The stone under my feet flew up with each step I took, after hours of running we finally made it to the path leading to my father's castle.
"Don't mention it kid, for a second there I thought you were going to stay there." I could feel her eyes on me.
"I didn't say I didn't want to stay, that life was perfect. I just knew if I did stay I would have died, and when this is all over I'm going to leave for once and for all; so far even Lord Zeus himself can't find me." Persephone sighed, the silence crept back into the air making it cold.
"I know you haven't had the easiest life Nico, but running away wont solve the problem; only make it worse. Your only 15 years old, now is not the time to make important life decisions."
"I'm actually in my 80's." I could almost feel Persephone roll her eyes.
"That's not the point Nico, the point is running away wont do you much; probably get you killed at least." She didn't even look at me this time.
"Aren't you a ray of sunshine." I coughed into the air, clearly seeing how ironic it was. Persephone side eyed me then gave a sly goddess smile.
"Very funny Nico, I see you gain more things from your father than your powers and head shape." Just like that the normal Persephone came back.
"Also I wouldn't be a smartass with me, I can get you something no one else can." I ran my fingers through my hair still getting over the "you have your fathers head shape" thing.
"What is it? A puppy?" I laughed, something I thought I might never do.
"No something better, something I know you want." I looked at her hearing how sinister her tone got.
"Revenge on William Solace." That name rung in my head like bad song, but a moment ago Persephone didn't even want to say his fathers name in front of me. I guess my jokes pushed kindness out the window, but the sound of revenge made the sting hurt a little less.
"What kind of revenge?" this topic had managed to peaked my interest.
"The best kind, one that will kill him inside out." I could feel a wicked smile grow on my face.
"Were going to poison him? Because I can probably do that myself." Persephone laughed, the laugh she only does when she is around when Hades is giving punishments.
"No silly, death is too quick. What he disserves is something worse." I liked where this was going.
"Nico what did William do to you, making you feel this way." The knife William put in my back got deeper with her words.
"He broke my heart, and pretended he actually liked me." She didn't say a word, merely smiling, almost amused about what I had said.
"Well then I guess we will have to do the same to him." Her voice was as cold as ice, and I liked it.
"How are we suppose to make William fall in love, and who can we find to even be the bait?" I looked ahead to the darkness in front of us with only lanterns of Greek fire keeping the path visible.
"Easy I'm looking at him." I froze, Persephone turned around.
"No it can't be me, William knows all of my secrets, all my hopes and dreams. He will use them agents me, or worse what if I fall for him again!" She put her hand on my shoulder, and smiled sympathetically.
"Nico I know its tough, but don't you want to see him crumble; because of you. Make him beg for you like a dog for you, make him go insane; watch as you slowly break his heart, the way he did to you?" As harsh as it sounded, that is what I wanted; for William Solace to feel the pain he caused on me.
"I'm starting to see why you and my father are married." I snickered.
"Well someone has to help him come up with new punishments for the dammed." She winked at me, the air between us got cold; like it knew what our plans were.
"Where is my father anyways? I haven't heard from him in a while." It's been almost a month since Hades told me about the Rebellion, when I was only taking on a few rebel bases; not the whole army.
"Busy dealing with rebels who managed to sneak in, even though when he found out about William he wanted to strike him down where he stood."
"Why didn't he?" My arm stung as the words left my mouth.
"Because William sold his soul to the Rebellion, meaning your father can't touch him." William sold his soul? He never seemed the type, but he also didn't seem like the type of person involved with the Rebellion in the first place.
"Also your father has this whole let the fates do their job attitude."
"Is that why you looked scared when you rescued me, because my father wanted me to escape myself; and you intervening would be disobeying him?" She laughed.
"I'm not afraid of your father Nico, but I am afraid of what would happen if I got his only son killed." That's literally the nicest thing she has ever said to me.
"So you actually care about me?" I said with skepticism in my voice.
"You're not the worst demigod I have met, plus you always cook when you come over." That's literally the nicest thing she has ever said to me, even though when ever I cook she always makes me only use "healthy" foods which always effected the taste. The grim glow of Hades castle, with red hot iron gates guarding the perimeter; and hellhounds patrolling the grounds.
"Great more hell hounds." I thought bitterly, as we walked through the door decorated with the bones of souls my father torments, and Medusa's statues staring at me with faces of horror; it basically looked like Halloween threw up on my dad's lawn. Persephone took her coat off and threw it on a statue of a soldier that her and my father use as a coat hanger. I closed the door and went strain to the fire, the only perk about living in the Underworld was how it was never cold.
"You should go take a shower, then we will start with our little plan." I rushed upstairs, wanting to get out of these horrible clothing my fake family gave me. The cold water shocked my body, but after awhile it felt good on my sore muscles. As the water fell on my head washing away all the blood in my hair and from my wound, there was probably enough to fill the tub it looked like. When I got out I wrapped the towel around my waste and dried my hair with a stepparent towel, it felt good not being covered in my own blood it smelled a lot better to. I slipped into my room and closed the door behind me, throwing the towel on the bed. I basically had no clothes down here, when ever I did come here I always brought clothes. I eventually found some dark wash jeans and a red plaid shirt (I only kept them down here because Hazel forced me to buy them and I never wanted to wear them.) the outfit hung off me it was almost two sizes too big, but I really wanted to hear how we were going to make William suffer.
I flew down the stairs feeling a little bit better than usual, where I saw Persephone reading a magazine. She looked up to see me, and laughed.
"Oh I forgot about those clothes, do you really have nothing else to wear?" I raised my brawl, showing how much sarcasm I was fighting.
"It was either this or a shirt that stupid Hawaii shirt." Persephone smirked at the mention at what she called the "Margarita shirt", she patted the seat beside her where I sat. Her feet were on the coffee table, she took them off and sat up.
"So Nico I think I know what to do with you, so you can drive all the boys mad while still being able to kick some ass." She had a grin from ear to ear, I felt like I should be afraid.
"Um what is it?" My voice sounded a little fearful.
"Oh don't worry it wont change you physically much, maybe a little taller." I gulped, but I have been the same height since I was like nine so I always wanted to be taller.
"And more importantly it will give you the ability to control nature, and since your powers are based off darkness these powers will those ones more stable." My mouth dropped to the floor, did I hear her right.
"Your giving me nature powers?"
"Well yah, you need all the help you can get. Plus, usually I only give this to my own child and technically you are my step kid so why not?" She smiled.
"How will this help with William though?" Persephone laughed.
"Oh Nico, simple, simple Nico. With these powers you will look like someone strait form a movie, and you will have so many tricks up your sleeve; and don't worry you will still look like you, just older." I didn't like to be called simple, but I was curious.
"But I thought you said this would drive William crazy?" I put my legs agents my chest, making myself into a little ball.
"Trust me Nico, he wont be able to keep his eyes and hands off you." Her hands were glowing ready for me to receive the power, she raised them I took a deep breath. I wanted William to suffer, if I actually look good and more powerful I can play him on then crush him like he did to me. I placed my palms on top of hers, and made my mind empty. Like a wave of ice, it crashed inside me I screamed in pain; Persephone moved her hands as the magic changed me.
"Oh yah it might hurt a bit." She said aloofly, as I fell on the floor screaming.
"It feels like Death!" I screamed, Persephone picked up her magazine and started to read.
"Yah I thought that might happen." She didn't seem to care.
"What's happening to me!" The pain was unbearable, and I know pain.
"Don't worry you will be fine, want to watch Netflix?" She grabbed the remote a put in the password, I continued to scream.
"Do you wanna watch a movie or TV?" My head felt like it was going to pop off, I could see my limbs growing and my bones cracking.
"Oh I didn't know they had Mean Girls, gods I love this." Tears stung my eyes, sweat was dripping down my forehead. My body began to glow and heat up to what felt equivalent to the sun, I grabbed at my stomach trying not to vomit.
"How's it going Nico?" instead of replying I just screamed and rolled on the floor as pain filled my body.
"Don't worry not much longer, you wont regret this. Also do you want popcorn I picked a movie?" I gasped for air, like it was being sucked right out of me. I was starting to consider if it was worth it, but as soon as I came it left me tired and sweaty; then it went dark. When I woke up Persephone was watching TV munching on popcorn, when I noticed it; my clothes fit.
"Oh hey your awake, go check it out even though it made you look more like your dad; but hey genetics." I ran to the mirror to see for myself, there I was but that wasn't me. This person had long dark hair and dark eyes, olive skin, with pale pink lips, and at least 5,6. I lifted my shirt and saw a six pack much more present than my last one, it looked like everything got bigger and I mean everything (cough* cough*)
"Oh my gods." I whispered, even my voice had changed. My Italian accent had returned and it was less pitchy then I remember, and flowed a lot better, I laughed at the sight.
"Hope you enjoy your last days of happiness William Solace, because I'm coming for you." I snickered, William will rue the day he broke my heart.
End of Chapter Nine
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