The Hero
As the demigods ran to safety, as vines and grass kept trying to grab at them. Their screams and cries soon faded away, knowing that they would explain what I did to the one-armed boy; so, I had to act quick to one to avoid my harsh punishment, but phase three of my plan had to start as soon as possible. I sprinted to my cabin where I had to do something I vowed I would only do if necessary, while my breath ran low in my lungs I reached the menacing Hades cabin; where redwoods were starting to sprout at the back of cabin. The groaning and creaking of the mighty trees could easily be heard for at least three cabins in both directions. The clock was ticking while rehearsing the enchantment found in the book of spells, when I shut the door behind me I try to calm my thoughts; when ever I try this without a clear head. things go south fast.
Once my mind was calm I sat down on my bed with sword still in hand dripping with blood that made the blade steam. I've casually done this spell in the past once for that roman kid during the final fight with Gaia, but I could only change the mood not physically enter the boys head. Like storm shutters my eyes shut, whispering the words of Hypnos as I could feel my mind drifting from my own body into the air above me. As the moon took over the sky and slumber infected the camp, I knew most would be asleep; and for those traitors who tried to take my life they would now feel docile and sluggish. As my whispers turned into mumbles, the room felt like it was miles away like I was at the edge of the Earth. Now to select my targets, the weak and vulnerable; those I can create leverage with. As the words fell silent I focused on my enemies, I focused on their fears, their hopes, everything that made them who they are. So, I can tear them apart.
"You dare enter my realm, where I am king." Whispered eerily through out my head.
"Your daddy cannot save you here, run son of Hades before you can't escape." Despite my detachment from my body, a smirk could still be felt upon me.
"Oh, Hypnos such imprisonment of me cannot be achieved, you know as much as I that you cannot lay a hand upon me. If you do try you will have not only my father to answer to, but also the council of gods who banned such traps when you became a traitor. So, until you find your way around that, this realm belongs to whom ever seems fit; and since I am a king. You bow down to me." My voice couldn't be heard, but the words flowed through ought the void like boiling water in a freezing stream. No response from the God, but submission was found; the realm of dreams opened up to me as if it were my own. Soon they appeared like stars in the night, the individual dreams of thousands stretching farther than the horizon. Limiting my search to those in my area cut the amount by over half, the rebel in my area were entering this realm with every second that passed with new lights turning on.
"Time to see what makes you people tick." Like traveling at warp speed, I flashed into a new world, one where I could not interact; but certainly control. A fairy tale gone wrong is how I would explain my surroundings. What looked like a once peaceful place was now scorched, the only thing that seemed intact was a gleaming pearl castle, with golden flags flapping in the smoke glazed air. As I got closer the more off key this place seemed. Without delay I flashed inside dissolving through walls like a ghost; more people were in there than expected; hundreds of men, women, and children all wearing upper class Victorian outfits. Everyone was laughing and smiling, but something seemed off; it made me feel sick, like the room was spinning. Small children were chasing each other with flags in their hands, just like the ones that were on the castle roof; a small logo could be seen but I didn't want to focus to much on extras when I was looking for my main character. As a floated through the room the crowd all of the sudden went quiet, loud foot steps could be heard as the crowed gasped in what sounded in delight. What I saw puzzled me, it was peculiar. A tall man wearing a velvet royal purple suit with a brown leather top with looked like a crown on the brim, and rose coloured sunglasses, spinning a bejewelled cane in his hand whistling danced in. He raised his arms and like he was about to say something revolutionary.
"Good morning my people!" He screamed in a husky voice, the crowd lost their minds over the words that left this mans mouth. "Hush my people your ruler isn't done in lighting you," he said like a hippy who just got off a bus in New York. "We all know why we are here, in celebration the victory of the Rebellion and me." Oh yeah, he was defiantly my guy, I tried to watch his every move seeing where I could hit him the hardest. He took of his glasses reveling an offspring of Areas, James Cline to be more accurate; he was always a little nutty, and that saying something coming from me. As the crowed cheered two gold banners swung down both with the symbol of that god-awful organization, two traipse artist swung throwing rose petals and what looked like shards of glass at the crowd; but no one seemed to mind they all kept cheering. "Yes, I know I am your hero and you all owe a great debt to me, that even in your entire lives you won't be able to repay. So, in honor of myself and your new god I have a sacrifice to not only please me, but you; my followers." He made a grand hand gesture towards those who clearly worshiped him, as if on cue two guards wearing nothing but loin cloths pulled out someone weak and feeble; ribs were visible through his clear skin, his head was shaved but stubble was growing. Tears dripped down his cheeks as screams were muffled due to the gag in his mouth, he tried to escape his bonds but he was not strong enough. I wanted to help, but I needed to keep watching; this is just a dream there are no real consequences. James walked over to the poor soul and raised his head, it was badly mangled like plastic surgeons practiced on him for fun; half his face was put in a permanent smile, the other frowning. His right eye was plucked out of their sockets and his nose was dripping with a combination of blood and snot. The crowed laughed at him like he was freak of nature, even though it was clear they were the cause of his disfigurement.
"The king has fallen, and a god rises." Laughed James, as he stroked his face. "Tonight, we shall finally be rid of the overrated king of the ghosts!" He screamed, as couples kissed and children threw the shards of glass at the tortured man. "Good night and sweet dreams Nico DiAngelo, may your suffering never truly end!" He snickered, fear jumped in me; but there was nothing I could do, just watch. James took of the gag and all I could hear was my own voice begging for life, but was drowned out by the crowd and James laughing; with a kick in the chest the dream me was on the floor sobbing, with an axe that seemed to come out of no where the head that is connected to my neck was not rolling on the ground in a puddle of blood. The crowed decided to toss it around like a beach ball at a concert as insanity was the only thing that could be detected, trying not to remind myself of how this was 'just a dream' when my severed head reach the stage once more James picked it up and placed the gag back in my mouth. He glided to a spike and jammed it where my neck would usually be, as the distorted face looked down at the crowed; like you could still hear the muffled screams.
"Down with the King, rise with your new god." I couldn't take it anymore I needed to leave, I couldn't stand t watch this sickness. With this though I instantly returned to the vastness of the dream realm, where each dream was a star and the void around it was begging for light. Taking a deep breath processing the nightmare I had just witnessed, trying not to release the contents of my stomach. James and I were defiantly going to have a stern conversation after this, I had to choose a new dream to enter my eye caught on one that seemed harmless from this distance, but in all fairness so did that first one.
This world was much more calming and bearable, much like the real world with no Victorian costumed ceria killers, or at least I hoped. As my mind wandered through the serenity to what looked like a group of kids, hopefully not murdering me. As I got closer I saw them smiling and singing, but not as harshly as in the previous dream; they were all confirmed rebels in the group so I couldn't tell who I was supposed to pay attention to. That's what I hate about going into a large collective of dreams you weren't always 100% sure who you would be spying on, unless you focused on them, and them alone. As the songs, abought rivers and sunshine were genially flowing through the air some of the teens who wore flower crowns and mood rings began to speak.
"Oh Kristina, you are wonderful, and I wanted to tell you how much I love you." Smiled a boy from the Hermes cabin, I looked down at all of their shirts were the bronze pins of the Rebellion.
"I love you guys to, your all like family to me." Kristina giggled, I've never really spoken to her before; I knew she is a red head child of Dionysus who never really talked much, and when she did it was never with conviction. As I floated around the group, more of them spoke.
"Oh Kristian, how on Earth do you look so amazing every day?" Smiled a daughter of Hesta smiled, as she petted Kristina's head.
"Oh, you know just wash, rinse, repeat." They all smile and laughed, while the songs seemed to flow like honey over me. For a moment, I forgot this wasn't reality, like the void was calling me. All of the sudden one of the boys stood up, as his crown almost slipped of his curly brown hair; the group laughed at his difficulty.
"Whoops, almost had a disaster here." They all smile, the son of Athena extended his hand to the blushing Kristian; who looked like she was about to burst into song.
"My dear Kristian, please take my hand for my speech. You give me such courage that no one else can, you are my cherry blossom." She took his hand, and took a deep breath.
"I would like to thank the almighty Rebellion, for giving me the chance to get to know this princess." The group cheered in unaccent.
"So, what I'm trying to say is Kristian Agatha Smith will you marry me? It only makes perfect sense you are, my best friend." Tears rolled down her pale freckled skin, as she twirled her hair with her fingers.
"Well if your wish to marry such a divine creature because she is your best friend, then I should marry her also." Said the daughter of Hesta.
"I want to marry her to, I love her like no other!" They all asked for her hand in marriage, which made the red head have tear of joy.
"Yes! I want to marry you all, I love you guys and I don't ever want to leave you." I couldn't help but feel pity for the girl, in reality she didn't have this. In her eyes this was paradise, maybe if I had just spoken to her she wouldn't have taken such a path. Some rebels were defiantly craving the taste of blood, but some seemed to want compassion, which the Rebellion was not the answer to. As the songs and laughter continued, I wondered if I could save some of them; those who are kind and gentle beings. As the dream carried on nothing seemed to happen other than wedding plans, which was a nice change of pace. This dream was calming compared to the last, but in all fairness basically anything was better than what ever the hell that was. The sky seemed to have no faults everything was reality perfect, until all of the sudden one cloud glided towards us blocking the sun; soon a whole army of grey clouds followed behind, each with a bucket of rain and a thousand-watt lightning bolt ready to fire from each.
"What is going on?" Mumbled Kristina, the rest of the group stood still; with stoic expressions carved on their faces.
"No!" She screamed, almost like she was begging for something. As the rain fell it felt like acid, trying to wash me away, the others didn't fight the toxic downfall; they didn't even make a sound.
"No please, don't do this to me; I can't be alone again, please not again!" Her voice echoed, in what was now turning into darkness with points of light; it seemed the dream realm had taken over this dream collapsing it. As the rain fell and the dark grew near, the demigods who once stood around the weeping girl were melting away. She tried to grab them, to save them from what ever was happening but the odds were not in her favor, I wanted to scream and tell her that this wasn't real; how she didn't need to fight this. Then it hit me like a cold breeze does when you walk out of a warm house; she did know. She knew this was fake, how none of this was true how when she wakes none of this will matter. In the day, she was lonely and ignored but at night while she slumbered she was loved beyond compare. With sorrow in my heart the dream evaporated, she must have woken up or something; all I knew was more dreams needed to be examined.
A new star came into focus, one that seemed to sparkle. With concentration, I was in a new world; like an apocalypse had swallowed the camp I call home. Strong metal gates and concreate pillars with harsh spotlights shinning down, clearly a person but for who? As I transported in guards could be seen with rifles and daggers, all wearing that signature black and red uniform; with bronze hellhounds asking you if its really worth it. This place had no hope or promises, this was a place where nights were everlasting and day is when you feel exposed; as I looked around banners with the hound could be seen, unlike the previous ones these were older and had been through some shit. They were torn and repaired with red brown splatters across the bottom, like under them were executions; no civilians could be see, the only true remained of the camp was the golden magical barrier but even then, it had been dulled down to a lack luster shimmer. The world seemed to be covered in misery and dread, where the point of return was no longer in sight; in seconds a new location was found one with people, demigods to be more specific. They all wore pale yellow jumpers, covered with mud and blood; all of their heads bowed down in defeat, they looked like they were tired and close to breaking down in tears.
As guards watched and tormenting the quivering bodies, one guard stood in front of them. He eyes cold, and oil slicked hair; his uniform was the opposite of the rest red chest plate and pants with black trim. He didn't look familiar to me, this made me think of Kristian how maybe this boy was like her. He pulled out an old timey scroll and unraveled of what looked like thousands of feet of writing, he coughed preparing his voice for communication.
"Attention peasants! Your leader will now speak to you!" A boy close to the age of seventeen wearing a much darker shade of red, with silver plates for protection. He wore a silver chain around his neck with an emerald chinning on, he had a stern look on his face like it was made of stone.
"Thank you for your attention, for years I have been pushed in the side lines; well no more! Today you will know what it feels like to be powerless, useless, and most importantly not important; I've lived in all of your shadows, being less well no more!" He was no longer stoic his eyes were full of rage and revenge, he was full of hatred. Two guards walked to each side of him, both with sneers and weapons. I looked in the crowed some faces I recognized, some I wish I didn't know. The seven were there, they looked so; broken. Like they knew what was about to happen, that I wished they would let me in on. I was tempted to help the shaking Hazel who had tears running down her cheeks.
"Today you will remember my name!" His name didn't stand out, we did talk on occasion but he was always so passively aggressive towards me. He always would hit that I wasn't worthy of my powers, what I do remember about him is that he was the son of some minor god and didn't have any powers or special abelites. Unlike a child of Athena where wisdom is their strength, he had no genetic traits to the gods; he wasn't the only one it is possible to not have powers, he was just the only one who was bitter.
"So, tell me what is my name! He sneered, no one spoke they all just kept to themselves. The guards took out the weapons and swung at those on the edge of the crowd, I felt the urge to grab my sword but my sword along with my body.
"Eric Wagner." They all said in unaccent, all with hopelessness in their voices and souls.
"Well I think those are pretty good last words don't you think?" With a signal hand movement, the guards to fire, with blood on the spilled and my sister laying dead. Trying to keep my rage in check, but seeing her and my friends laying in their own blood. As the dream started fading I knew I needed to leave so I could squeeze in one more dream, assuming that the whole camp was banging at my cabin door wanting to 'talk' about the whole removing arm thing. So, in an instant I was back in the cosmos of fantasy, one star compelled me; so, it was time for the final dream.
I was in a forest, it was dark and foggy; the entangled of the trees made it look like a nightmare. A faint noise could be heard so that's where I went, three figures could be seen one obviously down on his or her luck; because one of the figures was clearly running from the other two. As I got closer the two figures look, familiar. The powerful but thin, holding them self like they knew best in all situations. The other had a distortion on the back with shoulder visible, but something else was going on back there; he was taller than the first man but not as much power. The third was weak, cowering on the ground so helpless and frail; all you could feel was pity towards this person. I got closer and closer with more detail could be shown like how the moon seemed to bath the trees and letting some of its milky light seep through. When I was closer enough I could feel my heart drop, I defiantly knew these two men, they were my father and Death with weapons drawn. With heartlessness in their eyes and mercy wasn't in their vocabulary, my father wore his usual black robe but he also wore his Helmet of Darkness that he usually keeps in a safe in the basement.
He held a sword that looked like my own, as he walked like a hunter stalking his prey. Death looked like he just killed one hundred men, with that malicious smile; like he was about to kill someone he wanted dead for a very long time. He even wore his fancy cloak coloured with the blood of his enemies, he even had his favorite quiver for his arrows which looked recently polished. The consistence thing between them is they both looked thirsty for blood. Then there was the cowering smaller figure was wearing what looked like a night gown, hair tied back into a ponytail. When his voice finally came, I was familiar with who was the cowering boy, it was a vulnerable version of myself less gruesome than before but this was not as shocking as expecting. Yet I still listened I was begging and as usual it was pathetic.
"Please, what did I do wrong? I fought for you, I trusted you!" I begged with tears beading in my eyes, my father looked down at me and sighed.
"Oh Nico, you did absolutely nothing wrong; your just not useful anymore. So, we need to kill you." He raised my sword ageist me.
"Don't worry little Nico, its only going to be painful and horrifying." He pulled back the string to his bow.
"Someone help me please!" I screamed into the night as the moonlight dripped on my face like my single tear rolling down my cheek.
"No one will help you, and Nico; tell your mom I say hello." He lifted the sword and off the sudden two beams of light impaling them, they collapsed as golden blood spilled from the wound. While I was currently taking deep breaths, a golden chariot with pearl accents; different designs all resembling the sun covered the main panels. As this mystical chariot flew to my rescue, the driver was tall with white leather armor without sleeves reveling tanned arms also golden helmet covering his face; the logo of the Rebellion stitched in like I've never seen before. While holding a bow still aimed at the fallen god, I kept whimpering clearly still frightened. He jumped of the chariot and extended his hand toward the shivering son of Hades, despite better judgment I leapt into the stranger's arms. He took of his helmet to reveal long golden hair, freckles, and an incredible smile that's wasted on him.
"Shhh, Nico your safe now, you are with me." William whispered into the trembling version of myself.
"Oh William, you're my hero." I cried into his shoulder, as he stroked my hair.
"You were right William, you were right about everything. Please forgive me!" I whimpered as his arms wrapped around me, his hands tracing a little heart on my back making the fabric of the night gown wrinkle. His touch must have been comforting me because the shaking slowed and my tears dried.
"Come on, let get you out of here." It was like watching a movie, seeing William pick me up bridal style genially putting me in the glowing chariot. My own heart beat was starting to calm, seeing William act so nurturing ever since that day I saw him wear that black and red uniform; he was only a monster in my eyes now he seemed like a saviour. As the chariot gained height the illusion of myself nuzzled into the chest of the driver, a part of me was jealous. With a rush in my veins, the murky forest turned into clear night sky with the moon being our guide; William's armed wrapped tight around me. In what felt like a perfect moment, our altitude started to decreases at a steady pace; as the stars dissolved as a golden arch slowly appeared with beams of sunshine stretched across the ink black sky. When the wheels touched the still cold grass, an icy shiver dripped down my spine as I watched William wrap both arms lovingly around the blushing version of myself. The sun created a halo around me in its comforting light, while William traced his thumb on my jaw bone taking in every detail of my face; angling my face at a tilt as he leaned.
"You're my hero William Solace." I said fluttering my eyes, William's sky blue eyes light up.
"That's all I ever wanted you to say." His eyes closed slowly as our lips made soft contact, as William slowly pulled me closer; his hand ran up my nightgown as he rubbed my back. It was so nice I didn't even notice the dream altering, what was once the place of fantasy turned into a place I never wanted to be again; that horrible hallway where William broke my heart. His white uniform turned darker as the red outlines wrapped around his body, as mine seemed to shrivel up and become pale as a ghost as the trail of blood followed me from behind.
"There is one problem." I said in a trembling voice.
"What is that my love?" William's voice was so loving making any greeting card a run for its money.
"You are a traitor." I whispered.
"What was that?" His tone quivering ever so slightly.
"You betrayed me, you are a traitor!" I screamed, Will let go and I hit the floor.
"No, I did not betray you, I did it for you!" His screams muffled with tears. "You have no idea what I've been through Nico, this is the only way we can be together forever; I'm your hero remember?" That last phrase had hope like he was rewriting history for me to forgive him, but when he reached out to touch me like a broken record it was on repeat.
"Don't touch me!" I screamed as the guard's foot steps could be far but they seemed to be moving at a slower pace than the original. "You broke my heart William, I hate you!" I screamed, William's expression looked like every drop of sunshine had been poured out of him in an instant.
"Nico please, you don't mean that!" He begged getting on his knees so we were eye level. This part was defiantly new. "I love you Nico please, I didn't want to hurt you I swear; this wasn't part of the mission all I want to do is make you happy." Tears ran down his flushed freckled cheeks like a waterfall.
"You are a disgrace to me and I hate you! You betrayed me and I will never, and I mean never love you! You deserved nothing, you are trash; I hate you." William couldn't look up but all I could hear was sobbing, his meek voice spoke up.
"I know I'm trash Nico, I know I don't deserve you but please you're the only thing that makes life worth living; don't leave me I'm nothing without you." His words hung in the air like smoke.
"Then you should have not betrayed me." I spoke firmly, as the dream began to fade away my voice echoed like we were in a tunnel. "Traitor!" each time sounding like nails on a calk board, with a whimper after each time; sounding like the cries of the dead except from someone who was not dead on the outside but within. As I was in the realm of dreams I couldn't help but feel pain, I wanted to hate these people, they gave me more than enough reasons; and some clearly wished for my death. Yet this nagging sensation pulled at my heart strings, but I decided that I was better off cutting the strings. Feeling was dangerous the last time I felt something it didn't end up so well, the scars weren't close to be done healing. The world of dream soon swirled around me like I was in a funnel, my head slowly returning to my body. As I got closer a banging noise could be heard on what sounded to be my door. Most likely the rest of the Camp with their pitchforks and torches, getting ready to storm the castle that is my cabin. My eyes fluttered open what felt like hours possibly days was actually a fraction of that, my eyes stung and my neck felt like stone. My sword still in hand but the blood drips staining the floor made me feel sick, at this moment all I wanted was my hero.
End of Chapter Thirteen
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