The Calling
I was thrown from the darkness, with no air in my lungs and sorrow in my heart. I had no idea where I was, and I didn't care.
"Far away." I whispered, I looked around me. All I could see was a dirt road and an old barn, with a small farm home not to far away. The cold was bitter and was like Death's breath upon my neck, my hand was throbbing from the weapon that took a chunk out of my left hand. Luckily I used my right hand for sword and other types of combat, I only write with my left hand. Blood was soon covering my skin, to the point my hand was only red. For a moment I stared at it in awe, like I was in a trance of pain. Then the throbbing started once more. What was not covered in blood was losing color. I took the sleeve of the shirt I was wearing and ripped it off as a wrap for my hand, I gently put it on the wound.
"Just like Will taught me." I thought, the memories of William taunted me. I fought back tears, or any other emotion for that matter. I looked up, the sun was glaring in my eyes, but I could tell the sun wouldn't be up much longer. I grabbed my backpack and I started walking towards the barn. I didn't feel safe out in the open like this, like I was being watched.
"Probably the gods" I could hear the mocking tone in my voice, sometime I felt like the gods felt pleasure when horrible things happen to me; like some weird form of entertainment. Most likely called: "How Much Longer 'till Nico Has a Mental Breakdown!" or "Lets make Nico's Life a Living Hell!" I once heard rumours that the gods even had bets regarding me. Right now I felt like all of Olympus had their eyes on me; waiting for me to fail. I kept walking closer to the old barn, it was stereotypical looking: faded red paint that was peeling, white roof with multiple patch marks from previous storms, and tangled weed that climbed up the side. Yet it also looked warm and mildly safe. I got to the doors, I thought they might have been locked and I would have to break in, but the doors swung open with ease. I took a step, peering my head in just in case, But then I noticed something. A small candle was lit in the corner of the barn. It was hypnotising and put me in a trance to walk towards it, like a calling for me. Like it wanted to take my sorrow away, how the luminous flickers of the flames were trying to help me; heal me. Soon William's face was nothing but a distant memory quickly fading away, where the only thing in the world that mattered was this candle. My mind was slowing down, my nerves going numb; time froze around me. I was soon one step away from the candle, memorizing every detail.
"Hello there." A cheerful voice spoke behind me, I turned slowly not because I was scared. Just because I did not wish to look away from the candle and its mesmerizing light, finally my eyes could no longer see the light.
"Hello" she said again, she had old farm dress on the kind you only see in old movies, the dress was a pale blue with little white flowers covering it. Her hair was in pigtails with a yellow ribbon holding them in place, freckles covered her face which had a slight tan on it; her smile was kind and soft.
"I've been waiting." she smiled.
My mind was still filled with clouds. My words refused to come out, like my throat was filled with honey.
"Oh your hurt!" she looked at my bandaged hand, she slowly put her hand on my shoulder, her eyes twinkled like the stars in the sky.
"You don't want to sleep in this barn." She said cheerfully.
"Come inside the house." She smiled with glee, she seemed so "Old School" like she was from the same generation as me. Like from the 1930's, but I didn't care, her wish was my command; if she wanted me in the house I was going in the house. We walked out of the barn to the old house, she led me up the steps to the front porch and opened the barley hinged door. I walked in the whole place smelled like apple pie and lavender, and it was so warm all of my angers and sorrow were completely melted away.
"You're filthy." She proclaimed.
"Go take a bath and I'll patch you up, and give you come clean clothes." She showed me the bathroom, and took my dirty clothing. A shower was nice right now more pressure than expected, but I managed to get clean with only one hand. When I was done I took the towel she placed for me, and wrapped it around myself; I walked out to the room she said I could sleep in. There was an old pair of blue stripped pajamas waiting for me, along with boxers and socks with old slipper by the bed. I dried my hair then got dressed, I walked in the living room to see her with a first aid kit.
"Thanks." I said tranquilly.
"No problem, now come sit here." Her voice was smooth and full of light, I walked over to her and sat down.
"Now let's see that hand." I put out my hand out as she laced her hand around mine, she unwrapped it and begun stitching me back together.
"You're lucky your shadow traveled here Mr. Di Angelo." She spoke as she worked, for a moment I was still in my trance where I was nothing but air. Then something pulled at me, something felt off.
"I never told you my name, and how do you know I shadow traveled here?" I questioned.
"The Rebellion knows a great deal about you, and how to manipulate you." Her smile seemed more wicked this time, her kindness now had a bitter after taste, she appeared more sinister.
"The Rebellion." I whispered, the words were meaningless for a second; then they regained meaning. My hand started throbbing again, pain shocked my system forcing me to think clear.
"Yes the Rebellion, we knew you would try to leave you precious camp. So we sabotaged your ability to shadow travel, we made sure you were under a spell 'till we told you." She was completely calm; like she knew she won.
"Spell." My mind was fighting to stay on track.
"The candle!" I shouted unable to move, no wonder I let my guard down. I hated spells I was more susceptible to magic, ever since that horrible hotel; I had zero tolerance to mind control.
"Very good Mr. Di Angelo!" She sounded full of glee.
"We knew you would also follow me if I looked like I came from your time!" She looked like she was having fun. I couldn't move, I tried to struggle but for some reason my body was refusing my orders.
"Oh don't worry, the Rebellion needs someone like you; someone powerful." She beamed joy and admiration.
"Flattering but no thanks." I tried to sound tuff, but to be honest all of my senses were on reboot mode.
"Mr. Di Angelo, you don't really have a choice. Plus, we will give you the life you deserve; the life where you rain supreme!" Her eyes were focused on me, waiting to see what I would do or say.
"What do you mean, don't really have a choice?" my mind slowly returning, but still struggling.
"Just in case." She beamed, giving me a wink.
"I don't know who you are, but I will never join the rebellion!" My voice becoming weaker, the world was spinning around me; my vision was blurred then it went dark. Then the nightmares started, I was at camp but there was something off. The sky was stormy and no one was around, I called for someone anyone; but no answer. I ran to the infirmary to look for William but no trace, I turned to look in the mirror to see my worst fear. It was a goriest version of me, making me look like the living dead. With a crown upon my head and sword in hand, with blood covering me head to toe.
"Help me!" A voice screamed, it sounded like Will.
"Please someone help!" It called again, I ran towards the voice in a full sprint. Then I saw it, William in chains with a bloody nose and fat lip.
"William!" I cried, I needed to help him. Barbwire fence and thick chains that looked red hot wrapped around him, he looked so much in pain; so helpless. Tears in his eyes, scratches all over his body; like he was tortured.
"Help." His screams faded into nothingness till he was silent.
"William!" I could feel tears running down my cheeks, he had no pulse his soul was gone. All of the sudden his eyes busted open, but they weren't his eyes these were milky pure white.
"Monster!" He screamed in a harsh voice.
"You could have saved me!" His eyes pierced my very soul.
"Your fault!" His voice sounded far away, then he was gone. My eyes snapped open, I was in a bed and drenched in sweat.
"They have William." I got up ready for a fight, now it was personal.
End of Chapter Three
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