JesseSprague of Spider's Game
Hello everyone!
Today we have @JesseSprague the writer of Spider's Game with us.
Warm regards Jesse. Welcome to an official interview from @TheCRYPTIC_ . It's our honor to interact with an inspiring writer like you. We hope that you'll have a great time.
First of all, tell us how you stumbled upon Wattpad and when.
Actually I had met with an indie publisher who wanted to take on one of my books. That opportunity didn't end up panning out, though I am forever thankful to him for noticing me at all! But one of the things he advised I do was start trying to build some sort of online platform. I stumbled on Wattpad as I was looking around and posted a novel that had been sitting on my computer for a long time unfinished, figuring, maybe having an audience would make me finish...well, it did. I finished Deprivation and by the time that was done I realized that Wattpad was so much more than just building a platform. It's a family.
Wow! So what do you think about THE CRYPTIC's theme? What are your views regarding dark fiction?
My husband and I sort of joke that we read so much 'dark' fiction that we can't even tell it is dark anymore. The only time I notice is when I pick something else up...and realize that I can barely stay interested without the grit. I live off of that wicked undercurrent in literature. It's a safe way to explore those hollow lost places inside us...without actually losing ourselves in the dark. Does that answer your question? It's the best answer I have.
What do you like to read? Do you have a favourite genre or any specific likes?
I actually go through phases. Mainly, anything speculative and not YA...Thought there are even a few exceptions on the YA front. At the moment I'm mainly into horror. But before that I was in a scifi phase. And before that it was fantasy. Who knows next week I could be wanting nothing but paranormal!
What compels you to pick up a pen and scribble down your thoughts? Do you have any inspiration or motivation?
The stories in my head. They have to go somewhere. Some nights they talk so loudly I get back out of bed and have to write for another hour or two before attempting to sleep. I guess it's the only thing to do with the screaming voices in my head.
Being a writer, what's the easiest part of writing and which aspect do you consider the most challenging?
I'd say the easiest part is running with a story idea. Pursuing those down the rabbit hole always feels as easy as falling.
For hardest, it's more difficult to answer. Since for me the toughest part isn't actually a part of the writing, the toughest part is the constant rejection that comes with writing and trying to make it a living. Even at the stage I'm at now, which I'm blessed to be at, I still hear no WAY more than I hear yes. And it breaks part of me every time I get a rejection letter, or fall into that nasty pit of comparing myself ot more popular authors, or don't win a contest I desperately wanted to win. I can say that Wattpad helps immensely with all this. Its nice to have other people I love that I can root for, that way even when I lose something, I don't come away broken hearted. Because Wattpad allows me to know the amazing people who do win...which makes it impossible to begrudge them.
What kind of environment do you prefer to write in?
Depends for drafting, I need my notebook. And if the stories coming easy I can be anywhere as long as I have pen and paper. But if the story is struggling inside me I write in bed or in a coffee house. After that first draft though I'm at my computer with Spotify running.
What's your first piece of writing, if you can remember? What thoughts does it bring to you when you look back at it?
In kindergarten I wrote my first book. Called Plans (but I meant it to be plants.) But if you mean first novel, I wrote that in third grade and I don't recall what it was called but it was about a vampire woman and her daughter living in Ireland. I admit I can't think of either without smiling. I just recall being so serious about them...but looking back... well, the first one I misspelled the title and the second one was written in a spiral notebook and came to 53 pages (yes I recall the exact number.) But at the same time, thinking about that always reminds me that this was the only thing I ever really wanted to do.
Tell us about your growth as an author.
The past three years after hitting Wattpad have been amazing for me. Partly because its when I realized my life was empty without writing (I'd stopped after college, and then with the birth of my son.) And I was mature enough to realize that if I was going to do it, I should do it full throttle.
So I started entering contests. And joined crit groups. I started submitting to agents. Since then I've been published by Gallery books (Thanks to Wattpad and the Once Upon Now contest) and included in an awesome scifi anthology called Nemesis on Amazon. Plus winning some awesome awards, including a Watty for Spider's Game. It was slow going at first, but it feel like every year I get a bit further.
Do you have a favorite author or book?
Tanith Lee. I know probably no one knows who she is anymore, but she's the author who made me as a writer. She did dark fantasy...and I mean always bordered on horror. Her series Tales of the Flat Earth... Oh my God, those books are amazing. I must have read that series twelve times and many of her other ones more than three.
Besides writing, do you have any hidden talents?
Nope. I'm pretty much a one trick pony. Sad right?
You're sitting in front of a brand new aspiring writer, what do you say?
Finish your book. Don't edit. Don't revise. Don't stop. Finish the book. People learn by doing and if all you do is rewrite your start fifty times you will never know how to write anything but a start. Revise only after you have finished.
Oh and no first draft is perfect.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Don't be afraid to tell us something funny, we won't tell.
Hmmm...I sense a fib. I'm sensing that you will tell, you're naughty that this is an interview. I like doing jigsaw puzzles and watching movies (at the same time) and I like going to wine tastings with my husband...even though he always wants me to play cards with him.
Now, the most awaited question of every young reader, do you have any childish habits? Do you like cartoons or chocolates?
I actually hate cartoons. And I wish I was kidding. It would be far easier living with a five year old if I liked them, but they drive me batty. I do adore junk food...but doesn't everyone?
Again I wish I could think of one but the truth is I don't remember having many childish habits even as a child. My friends in Jr. High nick named me Mommy, because I was the one they all came to if they needed someone to take care of them. I was the one who always followed the rules so I was never in trouble. My husband jokes that I'm an old soul, we met when I was 21 and he was 26 and he laughed about it because even then I always felt like I was older to him!
Do you prefer sweet or salty?
It used to be salty all the way. Then I had a baby. Now it's sweet.
It was nice talking to you. Thanks for your precious time. We really appreciate it and hope you'll prosper leaps and bounds.
Tired of dwelling in the bowels of the galaxy's most infamous brothel, Silvia plots to escape her bonds, setting in motion the resurgence of a race of spiders thought extinct. As Silvia, the spider queen, and her mate claw and kill their way to freedom, some of their victims refuse to stay defeated.
Police Chief Berrick Trehar and his family begin the spider's game without knowing the rules. But after a brush with Silvia, he learns the consequence of losing. Survival is the goal, galactic dominance the prize and failure is death.
All the players must walk the line between playing to win and getting lost in the game.
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