Sexualities is the plural for sexuality. This chapter will break down the 4 core sexualities to help better explain what sexuality is.
As I explained in the last chapter, sexuality is what determines if you are physically attracted/aroused to men or women.
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the quality or characteristic of being sexually attracted solely to people of one's own sex.
^ This is the definition of homosexuality. Also referred to as gay or lesbian, depending on the sex of the person. Breaking down the definition:
Homosexuality is where you are only physically aroused by the same sex.
A homosexual/gay man will only get an erection if he has a sexual encounter with another man.
A homosexual/lesbian woman will only get wet if she has a sexual encounter with another woman.
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the quality or characteristic of being sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender.
^ This is the definition of bisexuality. Also referred to as bi. Breaking down the definition:
Bisexuality is where you can get physically aroused by both men and woman.
A bisexual man can get an erection when in a sexual encounter with either a man or a woman.
A bisexual woman can get wet when in a sexual encounter with either a man or a woman.
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the quality or characteristic of being sexually attracted solely to people of the opposite sex.
^ This is the definition of heterosexuality. It is also referred to as straight. Breaking down the definition:
Heterosexuality is where you are only physically aroused by the opposite sex.
A heterosexual/straight man will only get an erection when in a sexual encounter with a woman.
A heterosexual/straight woman will only get wet when in a sexual encounter with a man.
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the quality or characteristic of having no sexual feelings or desires.
Asexuality is where you are not physically aroused to either men or women.
An asexual man would not get an erection when in a sexual encounter with either a man or woman.
An asexual woman would not get wet when in a sexual encounter with either a man or woman.
I hope this helped clear some things up!
Here are some random facts that you may or may not know:
Homo means "same."
Hetero means "opposite."
Bi means "two."
A means "not."
That is why those are the prefixes before "sexual" or "sexuality," depending on what term you are using.
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