Fight Of Perverted Puns/Jokes
(("Ello' Bros, my name is AUTHOOOOR-CHAN! And welcome to: PERVERTED PUNS 101!"
what have I done.. xD))
Error: "sO iNk..aPpArEnTly tHeRe aRe sToRiEs oF uS..tHat aRe cAlLeD lEmOns.."
Ink:"really?" O.O
Error:"yEp..i GoT cUrIoUs aNd rEaD oNe..rIgHt aFtEr tHat a UnIvErSe gOt dEsTrOyEd.." (:
Error:"tHe bOok wAs wEiRd..bUt iT wAs aLsO sExY." -3- "SIKE! nOt!!"
Ink:"heh..i bet there are more stories of me than there are of you." *smirks*
Error: -_- "wOuLd yOu lIke tO kNoW a cAlCuLaTiOn oF hOw mAnY sToRiEs tHerE aRe oF mE cOmpArEd tO yOu?"
Error:"a ToTaL oF 1 oUt oF a BilLiOn.."
Ink:*jaw drops* "t-that isn't fair!"
Error:"pEoPle mUsT rEaLlY tHinK i'D wAnT tO tOuCh tHeM.." :^)
Ink:*jealous face* "shut up.."
Error:"bUt wHaT cReEpS mE oUt iS tHe fAcT tHat i'M sHiPpEd wItH bLuEbErRy."
((I don't have anything against people who ship the two :3 because if I did then I'd be against myself xD))
Ink:"um.." *looks it up on author-chan's computer* "people ship us together as well along with me and you.." *mentally grossed out face*
Error:*glitches* "sOrRy wHaT wAs tHat? i GlItChEd oUt fOr a sEcOnD tHeRe..cOuLd yOu rEpEaT tHaT?"
Ink:*glares at Error* "stop being a sarcastic jackass.."
Error:*glitched chuckle* "fInE..wHatEvEr.."
*Ink and Error try thinking of funny pick-up lines for themselves if they were trying to get laid*
((What have I done.. xD))
Ink:"hey girl you're one fine piece of work, come with me and we can get inky~"
Me:*face turns red* "Uh.."
Error:"aRe yOu a GlItCh? bEcAuSe i cAn'T sEeM tO fInD wHaTs bUgGiNg mE~ ♡"
Ink:"are you fire? because you're smokin' hot~"
Error:"hEy gIrL, cOmE wItH mE aNd I cAn sHoW yOu a gOoD tImE~ ♡"
Ink:"if you were a piece of paper, i'd paint all over you~"
((Good god xD))
Error:"wHaT hApPeNd tO yOu? bEcAuSe tHaT's oNe sExY pIeCe of aSs yOu gOt tHeRe~ ♡"
Ink:"hey baby, lets get creative~"
Error:"dO yOu wAnT tO bE gLiTcHeD?~ ♡"
Ink:"who created you? because i want to paint you white~"
((THAT'S IT! NO MORE BRUH, NO MORE! Unless you guys want me to write more xD))
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