''What was with that guy back there? Why was he being so pushy?'' I ask Ethan as we walk back to Crimson.
He looks at me quizzically. ''What? Why are you staring at me like that?''
''Uhhh....... nothing. Are you sure you're okay Athena? If you want, we can go back......''
'' no no I'm not going back there. That guy is creepy. He called me love; like seriously, who does he think he is?'' I shout exasperatedly but immediately regret it as a wave of uneasiness hits me.
''Whoa there Ena, take it easy, you just woke up from a three-day coma,'' Ethan says and puts his arms around me.
''I'm sorry what now? A three-day coma? You're joking Ethan, aren't you?'' But he doesn't answer me.
''Let's say for arguments sake I was in a coma; how did I even get here?''
He pinches the bridge of his nose and takes in a deep breath and sighs heavily, ''come on let's get you home, we will talk more.''
''Yeah we should, I bet dad knows how I got here; he always knows everything,'' and with that we walk to Crimson.
Ethan chose to stay quiet the whole way he also looks tired and exhausted so I didn't push him any further.
As soon as we get to the house I rush in, ''Mom!! Dad!! I'm home!!''
''Athena stop shouting,'' Ethan scolds me. ''Mom is in her room, and she doesn't want to be disturbed.
''Oh please Ethan, I'm sure she will be happy to see me after 8 yrs,'' I reply as I walk to the fridge and grab a bottle of cold water.
''Wait what?! 8 yrs....Athena....'' he calls out but I'm already half way up the stairs to my parents' room.
''Mom?'' I knock softly on the door. No reply. ''Mom?'' I ask again and this time push the door open.
Mom looks up at me with puffy red eyes. She looks tired, weak and.....uhh broken. ''Athena?'' she manages to croak out. I walk up to her and kneel by her side. She raises her hand and places it on my cheek and I see tears filling up her eyes.
''My baby, you're awake.... I thought.... I thought I'd lost you too.''
''Mom, I'm right here. You haven't lost me...I'm sorry I stayed away for eight years but I'm here now, back home to you and dad,'' I whisper sweetly to her but her cries become louder.
''Mom! Mom stop crying; I'm here now.''
But she doesn't stop and clings to me, ''he is gone Athena......he is gone...I don't know what to do. It hurts so bad,'' she says in between sobs.
''What are you talking about mom, who is gone?'' I ask her as confusion floods me when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.
I let go of mom and stand up to face them. I see Ethan and oooohhh that must be Axel, he looks good but who is that girl standing next to him. ''Uhh hi?''
''Athena, we need to talk,'' Ethan starts and walks in to the room, Axel and the curly haired girl follow him in. '' Uhh Ethan, who is she?'' I ask.
Both Axel and the girl widen their eyes in shock, ''man you were right,'' Axel whispers to Ethan but I hear him very clearly.
''Right about what?'' Mom says from behind me. ''You're going to want to sit down for this Ena,'' he advises. A frown makes its way on my forehead but I oblige by him and sit on the nearest couch.
Ethan starts fidgeting and rubs his hands together, ''okay, so how do I start...''
''There are two things you need to know Athena, but first promise me that that you will be calm,'' he starts and Axel chuckle,'' Athena and calm, never has that happened.''
''I know right, it's good she has Theo,'' the curly haired girl replies.
''and who are you again?'' I quiz her with a raised brow. She looks at me shocked but quickly recovers. What's up with everyone getting shocked when I ask them who they are.
''umm...I'm Nadia, Axel's mate, you don't remember me?''
''Was I supposed to? Because I'm seeing you for the first time in my life,'' I reply and see her eyes get watery.
'' I don't think so,'' she sniffs and buries her face in Axel's shoulder.
''Congrats on finding her Axel,'' I tell him and he gives me a small smile while rubbing Nadia's back.
''Ahem.... If you're done, maybe I can continue with what I wanted to say,'' Ethan announces.
''Ohh.... yeah...sorry. You were saying?''
''it's about dad, Ena....'' He starts.
''Yeah where is he by the way? it's not like him to not come meet me,'' I say with a laugh and mom starts crying again.
''Athena, listen!!'' Ethan shouts and grabs me by the shoulders, ''dad is no more, he passed away three days ago.''
''Ena? did you hear what i just said? Ena? Ena?..... Athena!!'' Ethan shouts. I jump from his sudden outburst, ''Nooooooooo.... you're lying!!'' I shout at him after keeping silent for a few minutes.
''Is this some kind of sick joke? Because it's not funny okay!! I want to meet dad. Where is he? is he hiding somewhere?''
''he is not lying baby,'' mom whispers from her position on the bed. Our gazes meet and I see the truth in her eyes.
''Oh my'' I clutch my forehead in distress. ''How, when...and why don't I know this?'' Tears start flowing down my cheeks. My dad. My dad is no more. Oh goddess.
''Because there is more Athena and the second part might hit you really hard,'' He says and approaches me cautiously.
''Just say it Ethan, nothing can be worse than finding out your dad died and you weren't even present!!'' I yell.
''Remember I told you that you were in a coma for three days? Well the reports have come through from the doctors have lost your memories of everything that has happened the past year.''
''That is absurd Ethan, I haven't lost any memory. I remember you guys don't I?
''That's because you know us from your childhood Athena. You have no memory of anything that happened to you this year, no memory of the people you met, nothing,'' Axel advises.
''This is some crazy shit; I don't believe this. Which doctor even told you that? if it's the one who I saw with the creepy guy back there then it's definitely bullshit!''
''Creepy guy? Who is she talking about?'' Nadia asks, ''Theo,'' Ethan replies and Axel stifles a laugh.
''Ena, what is the last thing you remember?''
''let's see...umm...'' I go through my mind and squeeze my eyes shut, it, I booked a flight to Vancouver and texted dad that I'm coming home.''
Ethan sighs heavily, ''Oh goddess, Athena. A lot has happened after that and you have no memory of it at all.''
''I can't believe this.... this is too much, I... I can't stay here sorry. First you tell me Dad is dead and now this! I can't. I'm leaving this place,'' and with that I run out of the room.
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