Chapter 8
''What do you mean we go there?'' Charles asks, staring at Ashton on bewilderment.
''I believe I said it in plain English, which part of it did you not understand Charles?''
'' now he jokes,'' Charles throws his hand up in frustration.
''Look guys.... it's not a bad idea okay, but not all of us can go. We do have responsibilities here as well.''
''Yes. That's why it's not wise for you to go Ethan, if she sees you there, she will lash out at you and probably kick you out. Again.''
''I'll go.'' I speak up from my position.
''Well duh... of course you are going Theo, the question is who will go with you?'' Olivia asks as she looks around the room.
''Me.... if there is anyone helping Theo in getting Athena back; it should be me. After all, and let it be heard loud and clear...... I am her best friend and not Sebastian.''
''Charles.... dude.... how is Sebastian even included in this? The man is dead for crying out loud!''
''Yeah...whatever. I just thought everyone here should know,'' he says and looks at Olivia in particular.
''Gosh, you're a child!'' she scoffs.
''it's settled then, Theo and Charles are going to Toronto to get Athena back,'' Ashton announces.
''When do you guys plan on leaving?'' Michelle turns to ask me.
''As much as Athena is important to me I cannot leave immediately; I'd say in two weeks' time. I have to look at my pack too. Once I wrap things up here and instruct Ray and Noah, only then can I leave.''
''2 weeks should be fine. Ethan, you need to stop yourself from going to Toronto every now and then, you're just angering Athena.''
''Ohh trust me, I'm not going there again, she already kicked me out once. I have self-respect man.''
'' I guess we are done here.''
''Yeah...we should take your leave,'' Michelle says as Ethan holds his hand out for her and they both walk out.
''We should be going too, come on Charles,'' I proceed to stand up but Ashton stops me, ''Theo? A word please?''
''Yeah sure.... i'll see you back at home,'' I tell my beta and he leaves.
Ashton leads me to his office and Olivia goes her own way to give us some privacy.
''Theo.... i cannot even begin to fathom what you're going through, but I've got to ask.... how do you plan on getting her back? it's not like you can just storm in there and throw her over your shoulder.''
''I wish it were that easy Ashton,'' I chuckle,'' but knowing Athena, she'd find a way to get out of that one too.''
''I know do you have a plan?''
''I think I do....''
''Care to share?'' he raises an eyebrow in question.
''A few days ago, I contacted my team in Toronto in regards to buying a new factory. I'm guessing someone leaked it and it's now all over the news.''
''So you're going to act upon the news and actually buy one?''
''Why not? And I will be targeting upcoming designers who wish to manufacture their clothes.''
''And by upcoming you mean Nightshade?'' he smirks knowing where I'm going with this.
''You know it brother, I plan on going into business with my mate.''
**two days later**
''Ready to blow them away with your new designs,'' Nancy asks as we walk to the board room.
''You know it girl,'' I give her a smile and the both of us walk in to an already filled up room. My gaze meets Leo's who is sitted at the far end in a dark grey suit. He gives me an encouraging smile and winks when I return a smile of my own.
''Well...well...if it isn't fifty shades of....'' Nancy starts to whisper in my ear.
''don't you dare complete that sentence Nancy,'' I warn her and she shuts her trap instantly.
I see Leo smirking in our direction and look away immediately. Damn wolf hearing.
'' good afternoon everybody. Thank you all for attending today's meeting. We would like to showcase our designs for the 04th line of collection, so I would like our head of the art department, Rebecca to take the floor.''
I walk to my seat and feel a pair of eyes on me but shrug it off. The lights then dim and Rebecca starts the slide show and her presentation.
As soon as the presentation is over, loud claps are heard and we all turn to look at Leo who looks impressed. ''These are amazing!! We need to start the production as soon as possible.''
''I agree Leo.... Athena, these are indeed amazing!'' A voice says from a few seats behind me.
Scott? He is here too. How did I not see him? I turn back and see him smiling at me.
''Scott! Hii... I did not realize you're here!''
''Well I do know how to blend well into the background, '' he chuckles, ''these are really good, you've outdone yourself Athena.''
''Why thank you...I'm glad you liked them. I shall ask Nancy to prepare the necessary documents and send them over to your office, sound good?''
''I believe I'm not the one you should be asking that?'' he smiles playfully and I have to avert my gaze from the tooth gap.
'Umm... right will take time getting used to it,'' I reply and walk over to Leo who is talking to a few people.
''Excuse me, mind if I borrow him for a second?'' I ask. They politely nod and leave.
''If you wanted me all to yourself, you should have just said it Athena,'' he chuckles.
''Haha...very funny.... I actually wanted to ask you if we can send over the necessary documents latest by tomorrow so that the manufacturing process can start? I can ask Nancy to start preparing them.''
''Or I can go with the papers today and start the processing first thing tomorrow morning,'' he counters my proposal.
''Leo, getting the documents ready would take almost an hour or maybe even more. What will you do until then?''
''Well, I believe you and I have a pending coffee date so......''
''Ohhhhh right.... coffee. Like right now? Umm today?''
''Am I getting the documents today?'' he asks and I nod in response, ''then yes, we are going for coffee today and I'm not taking no for an answer.''
I take in a deep breath, ''Okay...fine but first let's listen to Scott, seems like he has an announcement to make.''
We turn to face Scott who clears his throat to gain attention, ''Ladies and gentlemen, on Friday next week we are hosting a party in honor of our new owner Mr Leo Grey and it will be our greatest pleasure to have you all attend it.''
The whole room breaks in to a round of applause at this and I turn to Leo. ''A party huh?''
'''Yeah...and it's all Scott so get ready for an extra dose of extraness. Make sure to bring your A game to it,'' he replies.
''Well thanks for letting me know in advance, I should hit the mall soon.''
''Oh, you wouldn't wear one of your designs?''
''I have not reached the level of designing yet. If this party will be as extravagant as you say, then I need to get something of that caliber.''
''Well whatever it will be, I'm sure you will look amazing,'' he whispers lowly. I have to look away to hide the incoming blush.
''Ummm.... excuse me I need to get these Nancy to the papers...'' I say and make a move to leave.
''I think you mean these papers to Nancy,'' he corrects me. ''Yeah...whatever. Catch you later?''
''I'll be waiting in the lobby Athena.''
''Shit.... shit...shit.... control Athena.... control. Don't make a guy get you so flustered up. You're stronger than this.''
''Well would you look at that!'' Nancy says as she walks up to me from behind.
''Where the hell were you? I didn't see you during the presentation.''
''Of course you didn't, since you were so busy making googly eyes with Mr. Grey,''' she snaps.
''Oh please, I was not okay.... here take these, go to Rebecca and get the rest of the documents prepared. Leo wants to start production first thing tomorrow morning. I want them on my desk as soon as I get back.''
''Where are you going...I thought we were going to work on your memory problem?''
''I'm going for coffee with Leo. Maybe we can try working on my memory tomorrow.''
''What!! You have a date! OMG! Finally, after all these years, you've finally shown some remote interest in a guy. Go get it girl!''
''Nancy, keep your voice down. Someone might hear you,'' I scold her.
''Oh let them...I don't care; you are finally going to get some girl. Everyone should know that.''
''Ughh I'm not getting anything Nancy. It's just coffee.''
''Everyone knows it all starts with coffee, soon you will start going on dinner dates then accompanying each other to parties and then poof you're in a relationship and then marriage and then in a few years you'll be popping out babies!!'' she squeals.
''Whoooaaa.... excuse me.... calm down girl. It's just coffee!!''
'' keep telling yourself that. Now go. I will take care of these,'' and she leaves me standing outside my cabin.
I take my handbag and coat and walk to the lobby, where I'm met with a very patient Leo. ''Heyy...I'm ready, let's go.''
''After you,'' he says and we both walk in to the elevator.
We walk to the nearest café which was not crowded thankfully and order our coffees. Not knowing what to say to each other.
''Sooo...are we going to continue sitting in an awkward silence all evening?'' Leo speaks up.
''Ahhh...i... honestly though...I was thinking the same,'' I chuckle.
''You should visit America you know; I think you'd like it there.''
''You're from there?'' I ask him as my eyes widen in shock.
''Yeah.... i thought you knew...I mean, we met months ago for the alpha meeting right here in Toronto.''
'''m sorry but I don't remember it at all,'' I look at him in confusion at the same time trying to rack my brain if i can get myself to remember anything but it's to no avail and the only thing I manage to get is a migraine. Damn it, I should have known.
''Oh,'' I clutch my head in pain and grip the table hard.
''Athena.... Athena what's wrong are you okay?''
''My. Head. Hurts,'' I manage to say in between pants.
''What can I do?'' he asks worriedly. ''Heyyy...heyyy...look at me,'' he tilts my head up and his eyes widen when they meet mine. ''Shit!!'' I hear him say.
He envelops me into a hug making his scent overwhelms me. ''We need to get you out of here,'' I hear him whisper.
The pain gets intense and I feel like ripping my hair off my head. ''Oh goddess.... please make it stop!''
Leo pulls me inside a taxi. ''Athena you need to regain control,'' he whispers.
'' I can't...this migraine.... it's making me lose it. I need to go home.''
''Athena.... you can't.... i can't let you go in this state.''
''I need to go home NOW!!'' I growl out inhumanly. The taxi driver turns to look at me in fear but Leo hugs me again, hiding my face from him.
He directs the driver to my building and pays him. ''Keep the change man,'' I hear him say.
''Athena.... what floor is your house?''
''07th Floor.''
As soon as we get inside.... i rush to the bathroom and splash water on my face and wet my hair. ''This has got to stop.''
After a few more splashes the headache starts receding, I clean myself up and walk out only to find Leo waiting for me with his arms crossed.
''Mind explaining what the hell that was back there?''
Above is Athena's outfit.
Thoughts on Leo? Also will Athena confide in him?
What do you guys think, let me know in the comments below.
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