Chapter 57 - Part I
The outskirts of the city are a place where no respectable person ever goes. It's the domain of the vampires. It's where they strive, it's their turf, and we were about to walk into it. The closer we got, the more my anxiety grew. I could sense his presence, he was here.
''Theo?'' I mind-link him, ''If you can hear me, I'm coming for you, just hang in there. I love you.''
''Athena what is it?'' Charles looks at me in concern. I'm guessing he saw the worried expression on my face.
''I was just trying to mind link Theo. They are here.'' I glance around at the multiple pairs of eyes looking at me.'' I can sense his presence. Nancy is there too, I just wish Theo would-'' I stop mid sentence as I felt buzzing sensation in my head.
''Athena?'' I hear his voice.
My whole body shook, and my eyes closed, relishing in the sound of his voice, even though it was weak and strained. A lone tear rolled down my cheek and I suck in a breath.
''Love, is that you?''
''Yes, yes, Theo it's me. I'm coming, j-just hang in there okay?''
''It's too dangerous love, they are too many.''
''I don't care! I'm almost there. Is Nancy with you?''
But I don't get a reply. The connection faded and the link was cut off. ''Damn it!'' I curse.
''What was it Ena?''
''Theo managed to reach out,'' I wipe the tear off my cheek. ''He's really weak, we need to get there as fast as possible. I cannot afford to waste more time.''
''Neither can we,'' Michelle adds. ''The warriors are all in standby, as is Sean.''
''Sean's here?'' I look at the ginger haired woman, who is staring back at me.
''Yes, and let me stop you right there,'' she glares at me. ''No one wants to hear your lecture. There are already here, and are waiting for your signal.''
''Okay fine, '' I roll my eyes at her. ''I wasn't going to say anything anyway,'' I grumble the last part.
''You are one heck of a woman, Michelle Reed,'' Leo glances at her and smirks.
We all notice how Ethan's hand immediately reached out for Michelle's and he entwined his fingers with hers. Talk about being possessive. Like hello, we can all see the mark on her neck. I chuckle at the pair of them. Charles on the other hand, is glaring at Leo and mumbling something about how he needs to stop hitting on taken women and find his own mate.
''Guys, it's almost midnight,'' Hazel whispers sharply. ''We need to get going.''
''Uhh, not to be the one who is always that person,'' I start and look around at the lot of us, ''but don't you guys think all of us walking in there at the same time is not a good idea?''
''I agree with you,'' Leo nods and sends me a small smile.
''No surprise in that,'' Charles grumbles once again. A sharp nudge from Ethan though shut him up.
''Athena's right,'' Noah chimes in. ''It is not wise for all of us to march in there. Who knows what's waiting for us, it could be a trap.''
''I'll go with alpha Athena,'' Jayden offers.
''Absolutely not!'' I almost yelled. My voice came out harsher than expected and the boy immediately backed down.
''It's only fair that I go with her,'' Charles speaks up. I'm surprised he didn't mumble since that's what he has been doing for the past fifteen minutes or so.
''You're staying here Charles.''
''I'm your beta, Athena.''
''Yes, and that's why it's an order. You're staying here, Hazel's coming with me,'' I face the pack warrior, who is also my friend, ''will you come?'' It's the twenty first century and consent is important people, especially if you're asking your friend to walk with you into the jaws of death, among other equally important stuff of course.
''Yes,'' she puffs her chest out in pride. ''Let's go, as it is the stench is getting stronger and I'm sure it'll worsen the closer we get.''
We are about to walk out of our hiding place, which was behind a huge column of marble a few meters away when a gasp stops us. Hazel and I simultaneously turn at the sound.
''They are here,'' Selene gasps. ''She brought them here.''
''What are you talking about?'' Charles quirks an eyebrow at the witch.
''The children I had taken under my wing. I can sense their magic, they are so close and so is he,'' her face scrunches up in mild disgust. ''I should have known she would bring him here.''
''What's she talking about?'' Jayden whispers to Noah.
''Beats me,'' he shrugs.
''Can you trace their exact location?'' I ask her and she nods.
''I can try.'' She then fishes out two necklaces from her pocket and hands them to us. ''Put these around your neck, the talismans will help in concealing your scent.''
''Are these the same ones-'' I stop mid-sentence and glance up at her.
''The very same ones,'' she confirms. ''They helped Sebastian then, they'll help you today. Now go, before someone comes.''
Hazel and I easily maneuvered away from the rest. We somehow managed to climb the huge stone wall unseen. It was only when we were about to jump down to the other side, did we see the vampires surrounding our friends.
''We have to help them.'' The words were out of my mouth and before I knew it, I was one right foot away from jumping over the wall again.
''Are you freaking crazy?!'' Hazel slaps her hand on my leg and pushes it down. ''We need to move forward. We can't go back.''
''They are our friends and in case you didn't notice, they are surrounded by a hoard of vampires.''
''And they will get out. '' She says. ''You need to get to Theo and Nancy. Let the others focus on the vampires.''
''But what if they need help?'' I look at the pack trainer worriedly. Those are my people out there, the fact that they have to face those vampires alone didn't sit well with me.
''Trust them to fight their fight Athena.'' Hazel places her hand on my arm. That was when I realized we were still hanging from the wall and that Hazel had great core strength, especially since she was holding herself upright using just one hand.
''You're right. They can do this.'' I nod. ''Now let's go before we are spotted. Though something tells me Amunet already knows we are here.''
''I don't doubt that.'' She agrees.
On the count of three we both let go and jump down the wall. Thanks to our reflexes, we landed on the ground graciously. I tuck the talisman under my t-shirt and scanned the area. ''Keep your claws ready, I don't want us getting caught in an ambush.''
''Way ahead of you alpha,'' Hazel smirks, showing me her sharp canines and extended claws. I do the same and partially shift, letting my wolf see what I was seeing. Thank you moon goddess for enhanced vision.
''We are in her gardens. Do you think we are going in the right direction?''
''Yes, we are.'' I reply to her. ''We are close too, I can feel Theo's presence more and more.''
We continue keeping to the shadows, but I somehow felt like we were being watched. It was only when we reached the end of the gardens, did we realize that we were indeed being watched, otherwise it wouldn't have been that easy to get here. It was also weird that up to this moment, no one had attacked us yet, but we continued nevertheless.
His scent hit me before anything else, and it was closely followed by the stench of blood, fresh blood. I drew in my wolf and claws and ran, Hazel at my heels.
''We're certainly not in the garden anymore,'' she observes after we come to a halt. ''It's more like a backyard, and are those,'' she squints her eyes, ''knights in armor? Who even has knights in their backyard?''
''Hazel be quiet!'' I scold her as I continue my search. ''This way, come on.'' I push a loose branch out of my way and step into what looks like a clearing.
How I wish I had not done that.
How I wish I could rewind time for even five seconds so that I could prepare myself to face what was in front of me. I felt the ground beneath me give away, I think my heart stopped for a second as I took in the mangy sight.
''Athena, wha-'' Hazel's voice comes from behind me, but I'm guessing the bloodied sight stopped her too.
''I think I'm going to throw up,'' she blanches. ''Are you okay?'' she then places her hand on my shoulder and squeezes it.
Was I okay?
No. I don't think anyone would be okay after seeing their mate chained to a stone wall, shirtless and covered in his own blood while he struggles to stay alive. I was glued to my feet, afraid to even take a single step forward, lest something happens to him.
He was alive, but barely.
He had marks all over his chest and back, whip marks to be exact. And not just any whip marks, but a whip that was surely dowsed in wolfsbane. The faint smell of it lingered in the air mixed with the smell of burnt flesh. Next to him was Nancy, who unlike Theo was not suspended from a wall, but was chained to a post like a witch on trial in the middle ages. She was not bloodied and beaten up like him, but had a wound to her head, she looked pale and lifeless, and had bite marks on her neck. The bastards were feeding off her! It's a miracle that she was still alive.
''A-A-Athena, is t-that y-y-you?'' Theo's raspy voice breaks my gaze off from Nancy, he must have sensed my presence through the mate bond.
Without thinking twice, I run up to him but stopped just as I was to embrace him. Up close, the marks were even deeper than I had imagined. A sob escapes me as I look at him properly. His usual luscious brown hair that I really loved, is now matted in sweat and blood. In fact, there was so much blood seeping from the countless wounds on his body, I could not even catch his scent.
All I got was blood.
''What did she do to you?'' I try to reach out to touch his face, but drop my hands at the last moment, afraid that I'll cause him more pain. My wolf also felt the pain of seeing her mate in such a state, but instead of feeling bad about it, she was ready to roll heads.
''I'm fine,'' he manages to force a chuckle. Hell, even his teeth were bloody. From the corner of my eye, I saw Hazel approaching Nancy and she tries to free her.
''I'm going to kill Amunet. I swear I will.''
''Nah, I really doubt that you will,'' a thick accented voice from behind me makes me turn on my feet. I was so concerned about Theo, that I did not even hear her approaching. My hands widen by instinct around Theo as I stand in a protective stance in front of him.
A vicious growl escapes me as face her, my nemesis.
''Hello Athena, long time no see,'' Amunet smirks. Her tall, lean form walking towards me in a graceful manner. She had on a long black overcoat that made her look more ominous than ever.
''You will pay for this!'' I growl out, my wolf taking over. My eyes flashed and all I could think of was spilling blood, Amunet's blood to be specific.
''Athena?'' a small shriek makes me turn to face the owner of the voice, Nancy who is staring at me in horror, and behind her was Hazel, who had a blade placed to her throat by a vampire whose hair was darker than the night.
''I see your friend has met mine. Bring her forward Lilith,'' Amunet beckons the vampire.
''Athena, what's going on? Where am I? Who are these people?'' Nancy begun bombarding me with questions. ''A-and, and your eyes!'' she gasps, ''why are they red? Have you been possessed by the devil? Oh, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!''
''Ohhh wow, I knew I'd like her,'' Amunet laughs and claps her hands. ''She is a delight!'' and before I or anyone else could blink, she was in front Nancy, staring her down as her eyes turned black and her fangs elongated.
''Jesus is the last thing you need to worry about, dearie,'' she hisses in Nancy's ear who tries to squirm away from her but fails miserably.
''You need to leave,'' Theo whispers weakly from behind me.
''Not a chance,'' I whisper back harshly.
I march up to the two females and using my strength push Amunet away from Nancy. She flew across the backyard. I expected her to clash and fall into one of the knights placed at the end of the wall, but she managed to stay upright and landed straight on her feet.
I must have bruised her ego, as not even a second later, she whooshed right at me and hissed in my face. ''Is that all you got?''
''I was just warming up,'' I tilt my head and smirk, unfazed by her little show. ''You should not have taken them.'' I stalk towards her one step at a time, keeping an eye out in case any of her minions decide to jump out of the bushes.
With every step I took forward, she took one back.
''Make no mistake, I'm going to kill you Athena,'' she whispers darkly. ''Remember, it's the price you will pay for killing my brother, Kovar.''
That made me stop in my tracks. ''That was his name?''
Judging from the way she stopped abruptly, squinted her eyes a little and tilted her head, I'm guessing she wasn't expecting this kind of a response from me. ''So you do know who I'm talking about.''
''Yes, I do, and all this,'' I wave my hand around, pointing to Theo and Nancy behind me, ''Is your way of avenging him, isn't it?''
''You're smarter than I thought alpha female,'' her lip quirks upwards just a little and her eyes held, wait, was that respect? No, that's impossible. This woman wants me dead. She has been attacking me since the beginning of the year, just because I accepted the blame, doesn't make it any better.
''I'm sorry for your brother, but anyone in my position would have done the same.''
The little show of respect left her eyes and was immediately replaced by anger. Before I knew it, her hand was clasped around my neck and she had me pinned against the stone wall that separated the gloomy manor from the rest of the grounds.
''Say that again, I will break your neck,'' she hisses.
Even though I was currently in a chokehold, I couldn't help but chuckle. It was weird, I know but then again, so was I. Mila said it herself when we were in New York.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Theo struggle against his restraints, but it was just causing him more pain. Damn ropes were dipped in wolfsbane too.
''I got this, don't worry.'' I wink at him and before Amunet could catch my actions, I balled my fist and punched her hard in the stomach. Her hand left my neck immediately and with it the talisman Selene gave me. She fell to the ground for the second time tonight with the necklace clasped in her hand.
Hazel took this as an opportunity and bit down the raven-haired vampire hard. Her scream echoed through the night as the poison begun to mix with her blood. I smirk sadistically and extend my claws as I shift partially. My wolf wanted full control, but I couldn't give it to her, at least not yet. We were just getting started after all, she will get her chance soon.
Amunet's eyes widen as she lifts herself off the ground. ''Lilith!!!'' she screams and tries to rush to her friend who is writhing in pain, but I cut her path mid-way.
''Hello there,'' I smirk at her again, my eyes flashing red and my canines out. ''Going somewhere?'' She tried to throw a punch at me, but thanks to my vigorous training with Theo, I saw it coming. Before she could land a hand on me, I blocked her punch and kicked her in the stomach, this time I used a hell lot of strength and she literally flew back, and crash landed on one of her precious armored knights.
''Athena are you okay?'' an awfully familiar voice says from behind me.
''Charles?'' I turn to face my beta, who is being flanked by my brother, Michelle, Noah and the rest of the gang.
''What are you guys doing here?''
''We are here to help,'' Jayden replies as he steps out in the light.
''You are? But you were- uh those vampires-you all, umm, you're all okay?''
''Wow, it's like you expected us to be dead or something.'' Selene remarks.
''I just-uhhh-oh goddess- those were a lot of vampires,'' I breathe out, ''How?''
''I don't think you should be worried about that right now,'' Michelle says, her eyes however are focused on something behind me. ''Look behind you.''
''Oh shit,'' were the first words to leave my mouth when I turned. Vampires were pouring in like flies from all over the boundary walls and they were being led by Amunet and another male who looked he just walked out of a fashion magazine.
''Ethan, Charles,'' I call out. The two men are at my side immediately. ''Call in the cavalry. Leo,'' I turn to American alpha, ''keep your people on standby.'' He nods and moves away to mind link someone. I move on to instruct Noah and the others, when Michelle grabs my arm and stops me.
''Athena go to Theo, we'll keep the vampires at bay.''
''No buts. Go Now!'' Normally I would have argued with her, but now was not the time. ''You're sure you can handle it?''
''Yes, we can,'' Hazel steps forward and joins Michelle. ''Go, he needs you.''
We exchange smiles before, Michelle calls on her wolf. Her amber eyes, the eye color of a Luna's, glow as she fully transforms and walks up to her mate majestically. Ethan, who was still in human form puts a hand on his mate head and whispers something to her as they all stood in line, preparing for the oncoming attack.
''Selene, Jayden!'' I call the last two people of the group. ''Come with me.'' We rush up to the wooden post where Nancy is tied. I instruct Selene to put a up a barrier around us so no one can enter. Unlike the last time, she managed to conjure one up in a matter of seconds.
''The dark magic's helping I see.''
''I try not to use it frequently, but I fully intend to today,'' and with that she marches forward to Theo and with a snap of her fingers loosens the shackles around his hands and feet. I immediately grab him before he hits the ground.
''It's okay, I got you, I got you.'' I slowly rest his back against the wall and push the hair out of his face. ''Theo, can you hear me?''
''You came?'' his voice but a raspy breath. ''I thought I was hallucinating.''
''Of course I did. I could never leave you.'' I whisper and kiss the top of his head, then face the witch who is kneeling next to us. ''Can you heal his wounds?''
''Yes, I can start the process, but Athena, these cuts are deep. The wounds will heal but the scars will remain.''
''I understand. Do whatever you must.''
''Love?'' I hear a soft whisper.
''Yes?'' I place my hand on his cheek. ''I'm here. Theo?'' I call out after he doesn't respond.
''I can see my father,'' he suddenly says and lifts a finger. A wave of fear passes me as I fathom what he was trying to say.
''No, no, there is no one there! Okay, look at me. Look at me Theo!'' I grab his face with both of my hands and force him to look at me. ''It's me, Athena. No one else is here, okay? Theo? Theo?''
''He's calling out to me,'' he opens his eyes a little more and looks at something behind me. ''He's asking me to take his hand.
''Selene!'' I look at the witch in fear, tears flowing down my eyes. ''What do I do?!''
''Divert his attention, I'm done with the smaller wounds. He'll be out of danger in a while, but you need to stop him from talking about his dead father,'' she tells me as I notice her hand glowing with light. Well, at least she's not using dark magic to heal him.
''Aiden is here too, he looks different,'' Theo continues talking like he is in some trance. ''He's hair is shorter now.''
''Okay, okay, I can do this, I can do this,'' I whisper to myself. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it lightly. ''Theo, babe can you hear me?''
''Athena.....'' he whispers, though he was still not looking at me. ''My father wants to meet you.''
''Theo, remember that time we went on a date and you hired a yacht for the evening?'' I ask him, hoping against hope that this works. Please moon goddess let it work. ''That's the day I told you I didn't like fish, remember?''
He remains silent for a few seconds, still looking behind me. ''Selene, I don't think it's wo-''
''You looked so beautiful that night,'' he speaks up all of a sudden, his eyes however still locked on the invisible beings behind me.
''Did you like the cufflinks?'' I ask him as Selene continues her healing. She nods at me to go on. I tune out the shouting and screaming behind me as well the look of horror on Nancy's face as Jayden guarded her.
Theo doesn't reply to my question, but what he said next almost knocked me off my feet. ''I was to propose to you that night,'' his chocolate brown eyes, that most people would find boring and normal, bore into my forest green ones. His words even shocked Selene who stopped her chanting for a few seconds and cocked an eyebrow at me.
''Wow,'' she mouths before returning back to her chanting.
''I-I-I –'' I couldn't form a coherent sentence. He wanted to marry me. He was that sure of me, even though we had known each other for a couple of months only. Do werewolves even get married? Would I have said yes? Knowing me, I would definitely have said no. But things have changed now, if he were to ask me right now, I would say yes, I'm sure of it. Or am I?
Theo places one of his bloody hands on my cheek, breaking me out of my thoughts. I suck in a breath as the strong metallic smell hits me. ''You're overthinking it, aren't you?'' he chuckles, but it quickly turns into a painful grunt as he clutches his side.
''Theo, stay still please. Selene is not yet done.''
He ignores my plea and with a few painful groans and grunts, manages to sit upright. He does look slightly better than he did before, but he still had a long way to recover fully. ''Would you have said yes, love?''
His question once again caught me off guard. ''W-what?''
''Would you have said yes, if I proposed to you that night?''
Selene, who is now working on his back, tilts her head to the side, her lip quirks upward in a challenging smirk. It was almost like she was daring me to answer .
''I-I ahemm-'' I clear my throat, ''Now isn't the best time Theo, we will talk about this some other day, okay?'' I kiss him softly on the lips, so that his bruised lip doesn't hurt too much.
Now would really be a good time to cause a distraction moon goddess, I send a silent prayer, my eyes not leaving Theo's and his boring into mine as well. I'll take anything right now, anything.
''ATHENAAAAAAAA!!!!'' I blood curling scream breaks me from my staring contest with Theo. So the moon goddess does hear our prayers, only sometime she chooses not to act on them. Not fair, but who am I to judge.
''Go, he's out of danger now,'' Selene tells me.
I nod at her and push Theo's hair out of his eyes, ''I'll be right back, stay alive, will you?'' I turn my back on him and face the chaos that is ensuing outside of the protective shield we're in, when someone tackles me to the ground. I land on my butt ready to kick my attacker but stop when I realize its Nancy. Jayden had somehow untied her from the post.
''Athena, I'm scared!!! What's going on? Who are these people? What are they? I need to go home, please, please – '' she grabs me by the shoulders and shakes the life out of me. ''ahhhhhhhhh!!!'' she screamed again as a vampire was flung towards the shield and immediately burned to ashes. ''WHAT WAS THAT?!?!''
''Nancy, I need you to calm down.''
''No!! You need to tell me what this freak show is!!'' She yells at my face. ''Look at my hands, look at them!''
''Shit,'' I breathe out as the smell of raw flesh and blood hits me hard. Her hands are chaffed and there are deep cuts around her wrists from the thick rope that was tied to her hands.
''Look at my neck! They have been drinking my blood. Who in their right mind does that?!''
''Umm, vampires.'' Jayden steps up and replies to her.
''Those don't exist.,'' she whispers mostly to herself, but Jayden and I heard her clearly.
''So you're telling me that after seeing all this, you still don't believe that the supernatural exist? There is literally a fight going on between werewolves and vampires right in front of you, '' I point to the chaos outside, ''and you- goddess I don't believe this,'' I pinch the bridge of nose.
''Humans,'' Jayden snorts and eyes Nancy with mild displeasure.
''I just – I thought I was having a nightmare all this time and that I would wake up and be safely tucked in my bed, but then you showed up and all this started and now I don't – I don't know what to believe.''
''It's okay, I can understand what you're going through,'' I smile at her a little. ''I promise to explain everything to you, okay?'' she nods at me and look outside, her eyes that were beginning to look hopeful just seconds ago, now fill with fear again. ''Don't look there, just turn your back to it all, you're safe inside here. I promise to explain everything to you once we get out of here.''
''Okay,'' she sniffs and clears her throat, ''aren't you staying inside the dome?''
I had to give to Nancy, even though she saw me partially transformed with eyes as red as fire, she somehow found it in herself to ignore it all and see me as a friend she can trust.
I get up and face the ongoing fight. ''No, it's time for me to get out there and end this once and for all.''
Theo, who now looked much, much better save for the ghastly scar that is running down from his left ear up to the base of his neck and crossing right over where I had marked him, limps up to where I stood. ''Courtesy of Amunet herself,'' he says when he notices me looking at it. ''Selene said it's not going anywhere. I'll have to leave with it forever.''
''It's okay, it doesn't bother me.'' I whisper and snake my hand around his head and pull him down for a kiss. He responds back fervently and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. ''I need to go,'' I reluctantly break the kiss and put some distance between us.
''Let me come with you then. We'll put her down together.''
''You're not at full strength Theo, I cannot risk having you out there especially in this state.''
''But Athena-''
''No Theo,'' I shush him, ''You need to stay here, for my own peace of mind, please,'' I press when I notice him trying to talk me out of it. ''Please, Theo.''
He sighs deeply, ''Okay, but you come back to me Athena Robinson, or so help me God.''
''Always.'' I kiss him one last time, and nod at Selene to open the barrier for me to walk out.
And that is the final chapter part 1......'
I know i'm a little late in updating but its here now.
Hope you guys like it. Please vote and comment, it means a lot when you do.
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