Chapter 56
The air in Toronto was different, there was something sinister about it. Everyone felt it as soon as we got off the plane. The hair on the back of my neck rose and my whole body stiffened. We were at the arrival gates now and were waiting for Michelle and Noah, who were still getting their luggage.
''Can you all sense them?'' Ethan asks. Before we landed, he had the idea to form a type of group link where we could communicate with each other efficiently rather than having to repeat one thought multiple times. It is usually easier to create if everyone is part of the same pack, but after putting much energy into it, Ethan managed to do it. Save Selene, the rest of us were all part of it.
''I think I may have spotted a few too,'' Sean replies.
''Do they have to smell as disgusting?'' Jayden says and makes a face.
''Control that face boy, you'll offend someone!'' Charles scolds the young wolf when he notices a few passers by looking at him in concern. Jayden immediately composes himself and looks down in shame. That caused a laugh to escape me.
''Come on, let's go.'' I put an arm around the young boy and lead him away from the mean looking beta. ''Have you ever been to Toronto?''
''Uh, no. It's my first time,'' he replies shyly.
''Ohh. I wish it were under better circumstances. Don't worry though, there's always a next time.''
I continue making small talk with Jayden, all the while keeping an eye on my surroundings. I'm sure the others were doing the same too. My only worry was Selene, the woman was a wanted face in the vampire community. If even one of these blood sucking devils recognized her, chaos would ensue.
''Psst....'' someone whispered from my left. ''Psst, Athena, Athena?'' the same someone pulled my coat from behind making me stop in my tracks. I turn around only to come face to face with an unfamiliar face, and yet somehow, it felt familiar.
''Do I know you?'' I cock an eyebrow at the stranger. Although that is arguable.
''Guess?'' the woman smirks devilishly. I take in her scent. Maybe that might help me remember, but I get nothing.
''Umm, Barbie but shorter?'' I take in the woman's appearance. Tan skin, beach blonde hair and sparkly baby blue eyes.
''What? No, it's me,'' Barbie wannabe whispers harshly.
''Me, who?'' I lean down to her height and whisper back.
She smirks at my reaction and reaches down to her jacket pocket. Again, that jacket looked vaguely familiar. I notice the rest of the group staring at us, knowing smirks playing on their lips. Hmm, what do they know that I don't?
''Do you see this?'' the short woman shows me an old mobile phone. One with the keypads and dial buttons. ''It's a sel, a SEL!''
''Umm, no. That's a cell and that too an outdated one.''
''Athena, sweetie,'' Michelle walks up to the pair of us, ''It's a Sel,'' she widens her already big green eyes and slowly nods her head.
Why was she acting weird?
''A Sel, Athena. A Sel.''
''Ohh!! Yess!! It's a Sel indeed,'' I finally understood them. ''But how?'' No one bothered to answer me, and they began walking ahead. ''Okay then,'' I purse my lips and follow the rest of the gang out.
''The stench is getting unbearable. Let's get out of here as fast as possible,'' Noah whispers harshly and starts to fast walk out of the airport. It took us more than fifteen minutes to get to the main exit gate. Some of the few disadvantages of having a huge airport. Sometime in the future after all this, maybe Theo and I can get ourselves a private airstrip.
If you will have a future that is.
The vile snake like voice at the back of my mind hissed. I shake away the thought and focus on the task at hand, which was to get inside the parked SUVs and head home. I could feel the eyes of the vampires on my back as they watched all of us getting into the vehicles. Ethan, Charles, Selene and I were in one car while the rest followed behind in the second one.
Once we were completely out of the airport parking space and on the road, everyone collectively released their breaths and Selene's disguise magically dissolved. ''Whew, that was exhausting,'' she sighs and leans back dramatically on her seat.
''What was that you did, it sort of changed your whole appearance?'' I ask her.
''It's called glamour. It changes your appearance, but not for long.''
''Like an hour?'' I ask her again. My interest in this whole glamour thing suddenly peaked.
''Depends on your strength really. It takes practice.''
''Hmm, interesting,'' I tap my chin and look out the window at the now approaching building. The driver swerved left and entered the building parking lot, closely followed by the second car. Ethan had considered it safe for us to be dropped inside the building rather than outside, lest we be ambushed. Smart thinking from his side, didn't know he really had it in him.
''Did you all see the number of vampires crawling the airport? And that too during the day!'' Hazel gasps as soon as we step out of the cars. ''This people are not here to play.''
''Geez, thanks. That makes me feel loads better,'' I reply dryly.
''Oh, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it that way,'' she apologizes quickly. I just smile at her and pick my luggage up. The rest quickly followed and filed into the elevator to the lobby.
''I for one think we are too many inside here.'' Michelle comments from somewhere on my left. She was not wrong though. We were all cramped inside the elevator, luggage and all. At some point, someone even put their bag on my head. I'll bet a hundred dollars it was Charles.
''Do you think it will even move?'' Jayden asks from my right. ''What if we are stuck here the entire day and no one comes to help?'' The boy genuinely looked scared.
''That's why there's an emergency button dummy,'' Charles slaps the poor boys head just as the elevator whirled to life.
'''Watch it Charles!''
''Sorry Athena,'' I heard a muffled apology. ''For laying a hand on your son,'' and the last part too.
A son. My heart fluttered at that and my mind begun picturing me, Theo and a little bundle of joy in our hands. I want that. I want to have that happy family. I'd like a son of my own. Maybe we will in the future, but not the far future, the near one. I want kids with Theo, and once I get him out of here safely that's exactly what we will do.
Before any evil thought filtered in my head, the sound of the elevator door opening tore me away from my daydream. Slowly by slowly each of us walked out of the elevator. The two drivers had taken the stairs and were waiting for us in the lobby with another man who was facing the main entrance.
I immediately knew who he was. The jet-black hair and the tall, lean, but muscular frame was a giveaway. He turned around as soon as he heard us approaching him. A friendly smile graced his face, but it did not quite reach his eyes. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Selene and Hazel exchanging knowing glances.
Yes, Leo was a good-looking guy. Really good looking. Mate or no mate, we women appreciate a man with looks. I nudge them both quietly and smirk.
''So hot,'' Selene mouths.
''Shut up,'' I scold her and walk ahead, leaving the two of them behind.
''Damn girl, you dated that!'' Michelle mind links me.
''Big mistake on my end, but yes.'' I reply. Carefully maintaining my poker face so as not to give away any emotion.
''Yeah but- I mean look at him!''
''You do realize my brother is your mate, right?''
''This conversation never happened!''
We closed the link and walked up to the waiting alpha. ''Leo Grey,'' Charles nods curtly at him, not even bothering to shake his hand.
''Charles Morgan,'' Leo replies, returning the same amount of animosity. Oh goddess, men and their egos. Get over it already!
''Thank you for sending over your men Leo, appreciate the help,'' I smile at him.
''Anything for you Athena. Here, let me take y-''
''I will take that, thank you very much!'' Charles grabs the bag from my hand before Leo could, and begins marching towards the elevator.
''Umm,'' the American alpha looks at me flustered.
''I'm really sorry about him,'' I apologize to Leo, ''We are talking to some facilities,'' and with that I followed my beta to the elevator. Ethan, Michelle and Hazel were already in, and as soon I entered, Charles pressed the close button down so hard, I thought it would break.
''What is wrong with you?!" I flicked his forehead as soon as the door behind us closed and the whirring begun.
''What's wrong with you?'' he counters. ''You were flirting with him!''
''I was not!''
''Yes you were! Thank you for sending your men,'' he imitates me and pushes a fake strand of hair behind his air. ''What was that about?''
''That's not how I sound!''
''Dude, that's not how she sounds,'' Ethan and I both say at the same time. I send my brother a grateful smile and scorn at Charles.
''I know what you're doing,'' I glare at him, ''and I need you to stop. I have a lot going on right now and my top priority is finding Theo. We all need to work together, okay?''
''Okay, Athena. But-''
''No buts Charles, we are all adults here. I don't want you engaging in some silly rivalry contest with Leo. Especially when he doesn't seem to care about it at all. Can I trust you to handle this maturely?''
It took him a minute, then he finally nodded. ''Cool, I'll just pretend that you two never kissed.''
''Come on man!''
''Charles, why?''
Everyone present in the elevator groaned in protest.
''Was that really necessary Charles?'' I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow.
''I think it was, but I promise to be cool about it now,'' he replies. ''I'm serious this time.''
''Thank you,'' I smile at him and pat his arm. Although a part of me knew he won't fully act on it.
The elevator dinged open and we all stepped out to make our way towards my house. I fished the key out of my handbag and turned the lock. The three of them followed me in, our senses high on alert. I wouldn't put it past Amunet to have sent a few of her men to break into my house.
Surprisingly, the house was intact, not a single thing was out of place. Outside however, was the different tale of its own. We caught a glimpse shadow leaping over the roof of a building across the street and in a flash of a second it was gone, but not before glancing up at us one last time.
''He's gone to her, hasn't he?'' Michelle turns to me.
''You think?'' a grunt escapes me.
''What baffles me is how they can walk about freely during the day. Aren't they supposed to burn or something?'' Hazel asks as she makes herself comfortable on one of the couches.
''I believe I can answer that,'' Selene replies as she walks in the house, the rest of our small group following her in. ''My sister,'' she simply states.
''Weirdly, that explains a lot,'' Charles walks away from the window. ''No offense, but your sister was a bit, how would someone put it politely?'' he looked around the room for help, but everyone ignored him.
''She was crazy. You can say it Charles,'' Selene replied. ''Too consumed by dark magic and power.'' She shies her gaze away from everyone and wipes the corner of her eye. ''Anyway, we are not here to talk about the past. We need to find the alpha and get him out of Amunet's clutches.''
''She's right,'' I announce. ''We cannot waste more time. Let's do this, everyone can settle in. Charles will show you around.''
''What about you?'' Leo asks.
''I, umm, ahemm, I have something to do.'' I pick my bag up and head to my room. As soon as I walk in, I'm hit with Theo's scent. The bed looked like it had been slept in, even his stuff was scattered around the room. Tears welled up in my eyes as I took in the scene in front of me. I cupped a hand on my mouth to silence the whimper that escaped me. ''Oh goddess, please, please, please let him be okay, I cannot lose him, I cannot. Please moon goddess, '' I whisper a prayer.
''Ena?'' I heard Ethan approaching my room. ''Come out, we need to talk to you. Ena? Ena, can you hear me?'' He repeats after I don't respond.
He was now just outside the door and I was leaning on the other side of it. He will hear any sound I make very clearly. I quickly wipe my tears, clear my throat, and compose myself. ''Yes, I'll be out in a second.'' Drawing in a deep breath, I put a smile on my face and swing the door open. ''Hey what's up?''
''Where are you going?'' Oh wow, okay. My brother sure does not waste any time.
''Doesn't matter.''
''Athena, not this again. Why do you keep doing this?''
''Fine. You're coming with me then. Let's go.''
That shut him up. Looks like he expected me to argue more with him. Normally I would, but sometimes its okay to just let things flow their own course. As soon as I walk in the living room, a chorus of complaints and shouts arise.
''Where do you think you're going?''
''You cannot go out there alone, you will be a dangling bait!''
''I will go with you.''
''The hell you will. He's not going anywhere with you!''
It doesn't take a genius to figure out who the last two were. I wait for their shouts and arguments to die down before speaking up. ''If you're all done, Ethan and I would like to leave now.'' The looks on their faces were priceless to say the least. The satisfied smirks on mine and Ethan's face as we exited the building were totally worth it.
''So where to?'' he nudges me.
''Kovar.'' I simply reply and hail a cab.
''Athena you can't be serious,'' he sidesteps me just as a cab came to halt. I open the car door and slide in, Ethan following suit. ''That's the belly of the beast.''
''Where to ma'am?'' The driver looks over his shoulder, looking at my brother skeptically.
''Kovar, main office please.''
''Okay. Fasten your seatbelts please.''
''Ena, come on. You can't just walk into her office like that,'' Ethan tries to reason with me.
''Well brother,'' I face him. ''How else do you want me to? Should I crawl or should I slide?''
The driver snorts a laugh at my reply and smirks at me through the mirror. ''Nice one girlie.''
''Thanks.'' I smile, then face Ethan who is has his hand under his chin as he looked out the window deep in thought. ''Well?''
''Guess that's the best plan we have. Just walk into the lion's den and make demands,'' he replies, voice dripping with sarcasm. We spent the rest of the short ride in silence. Him, looking out the window while I tapped into the mate bond for the umpteenth time.
''We're here,'' the driver announces after a few minutes. I paid what I owed him and we both step out of the car, onto the pavement looking up the humongous building in front of us. The huge, bold 'K' looking down on us.
''Talk about going big,'' Ethan murmurs under his breath.
''Tell me about it,'' I snort. ''Come on let's go. I have a feeling the receptionist is going to love us.''
Ethan throws a confused glance my way before following me in. The security guards at the front desk, who were surprisingly humans allowed us in. We took the elevator up to Amunet's floor where the receptionist was waiting for us, her perfect wrinkle free face crunched up in disgust.
The thing was, she was the only one present here. Which meant, no Amunet.
''Thought I'd smelled trash.''
''Back at you bitch.'' I stride up to her desk and look her in the eye, trying my best not to think about the rotten smell coming off her. ''Where is she?''
''I have no idea what you're talking about,'' she ignores my glare and focuses on the computer in front of her. She had a big, ugly ring on her forefinger which reflected the light off the ceiling.
''You better start talking or else-'' Ethan threatens her.
''Ohh would you look at that, the little alpha female cannot hold her own, always needs a man to support her! Afraid to face a vampire alone, are we? Aren't you supposed to be strong, or is it just a lie your kind spread to spark fear?'' Her snide remark was like fuel to the already burning fire inside of me. Before she could spew any more garbage out of her mouth, my hand shot across the desk and found her throat.
''uggh-nrnnk-guhhh,'' she choked as I continued applying pressure on her neck.
''What was that you said?'' I cock my head to the side. ''I can't hear you.''
''Athena, you'll kill her,'' Ethan warns me, but I paid him no heed. The past twenty-four hours have been hell for me, and I'm not going to stand still and watch while this useless excuse of a person talks shit about me.
''Athena....'' Ethan warns me once again after a small crack is heard. ''Put her down, you're killing her.''
''I honestly don't care if she does,'' I growl, my eyes flashed red while hers flashed with fear. Her porcelain skin was cracking, and the sword of death was dangling over her head.
If she dies, you won't know where Amunet is.'' Ethan reasons with me. ''Put her down, Ena, now!''
Damn it, he was right! If anyone, it's this woman who can tell me where Amunet is. I loosened my grip around her neck and dropped her to the floor. She gasped for breath, though I felt she didn't even need it. The crack that had formed at the base of her neck, gradually begun healing.
''Where. Is. She?'' I enunciated each word and glowered at her.
''N-n-not in the city for sure,'' she replies after a few seconds, her voice scratchy and hoarse as she rubbed it.
''Then where?'' My chest rumbled and a low growl escaped me. She flinched, I smirked. ''Where?''
''I-I-I-I- I don't know! All I know is that she anticipated your return and told me to tell you to wait for her call.''
See! How hard was that?'' I raise an eyebrow at her. ''Now why, pray tell could you not tell me that when I asked you first?''
''Because then I wouldn't -'' she had stood up now and was dusting herself off, ''-have enjoyed doing this!'' her fist flew and she punched me in the face.
''Athena!!'' Ethan yelled as I staggered backwards holding my cheek. Blood begun dripping down the plush carpet, staining it red. The bitch had cut my lip using her ugly, humongous ring.
Then chaos ensued.
The vampires' eyes turned black, veins appeared under her eyes and her fangs elongated. The gorgeous model-like secretary was replaced by a horrendous monster.
''Ena, watch out!'' Ethan jumped in the middle and pushed me behind him. I landed on the floor with a thump, and my head hit the wall. That's going to leave a bump. I watched as my brother fought the vampire, his eyes flashing red and his claws out.
The blood on my lower lip had now dried and the cut had healed. However, the fight still ensued. Blows were exchanged and so were kicks. That was until Ethan lifted her by the neck and threw her across the lobby. The vampires body hit the wall and fell to the ground in a sickening crack. Her neck had snapped.
''Ena, you okay?'' My brother ran up and helped me stand up.
''I think I have a concussion,'' I grumbled. ''Oh, and by the way,'' I point to the body on the ground, ''that one, not dead.''
''Her neck snapped. How can she not be dead?'' he asks, looking alarmed.
''In case you forgot, she was already dead.''
''Yes, but-'' he whipped his head around, ''are you sure?''
I look him straight in the eye and without even a single trace of laughter, answer him, ''dead sure.''
''Was that a pun?'' he chuckles.
''Maybe, I don't know,'' I shrug my shoulders. ''Come on, let's leave this place before someone comes.''
''Yeah,'' he agrees, ''but first, let's make sure this one actually dies.''
''Come on Ena, she deserves it.''
''Can't say she doesn't,'' I nod. ''Go ahead, do your worst.''
He grins like a maniac, showing off his sharp canines. ''A little bite won't hurt, or will it?'' He takes the vampires hand in his and leaves a nice werewolf bite on it.
''Imagine her reaction when she wakes up,'' he looks at me, his eyes full of malice. ''She's going to die from shock or the poison, whichever hits first.''
''Who are you and what have you done to my brother?'' I look at him in shock as we walk into the elevator.
''Hey, the moment she landed her hand on you, I had to kill her. No one hurts my little sister and lives.''
I couldn't help but smile at that. However, me being me had to ruin it. ''I could have handled her you know, you didn't have to swoop in like some hero.''
''Just shut up,'' he puts an arm around my shoulder and squeezes it as we walk out the building casually. ''So, what now?''
''Now we-'' I was cut off by my phone ringing. ''Hang on let me take this, must be the others asking where we are,'' I answer the call without looking at the caller id. ''Hello, you guys-''
''Athena hi, it's me! Listen, can you talk, it's really urgent?''
''Rebecca?'' I finally look at the caller id. It was indeed a call from my office.
''Yes, it's me. Athena, we have problem.''
Oh goddess, what now? As if I don't have enough on my plate at the moment. Can't I for once, just catch a break?
''Hello, are you there?'' I hear Rebecca's flustered voice over the phone.
''Yes, yes, I'm here. What has happened?''
''Nancy hasn't shown up to work today. We fear something bad might have happened.''
That is what she's calling me for, just because one employee hasn't shown up to work? ''Are you out of your mind?!'' I yell at her. Some passers-by look at me weirdly before Ethan drags me to an alley where I can talk freely. ''Why is this urgent?!'' my anger had reached its height and I was visibly fuming.
''Athena, this has never happened before. Nancy has not missed a single day.''
''Then maybe she is sick or someone in her family died! Why are we even having this conversation Rebecca, when it's Nancy you should be calling!'' I throw my free hand in the air in exasperation.
''We tried calling her, but she's not answering. I'm telling you Athena, something bad has happened,'' she sounded worried and scared too.
''Why would you say so?'' I asked her quietly this time as my anger begun to simmer down.
''Two nights ago, she thought someone was following her home. She had not been sleeping well since she thought she was being watched. She said she did not feel safe in her own home.''
''Oh my goodness,'' I gasped as realization hit. ''Rebecca, send me Nancy's home address now, I'm going there.''
''But Athena, aren't you in Vancouver?''
''No I'm here. I just flew in this morning. I have some uhh- family matters to take care of.''
''Oh umm, okay. Just hold on, I'm sending you the address right away.''
''Great thanks. Make sure everyone is safe and minimize the number of people walking in and out of the office, strangers especially. Close the doors too if necessary.''
''But Athena-'' she starts, but I cut her off.''
''Do as I say.'' I heard a message come in as we were talking and checked to see if it was from her. '' I've got the address, thanks.'' I cut the call before she could reply and faced my brother. ''I think Amunet-''
''I heard, let's go now. I've hailed a cab already.''
He grabbed my hand and we rushed to the waiting cab. I all but shoved my phone in the drivers face. ''This address, fast, please.''
It took us more than the usual ten minutes to arrive as per Rebecca's text. She was kind enough to tell me the shortcut we could use to get there faster, unfortunately for me an accident had occurred on that route and we had to wait for another ten minutes until the police came and separated the two people involved.
Nancy's building did not have an elevator, so we had to climb up the stairs, two steps at a time. ''House number 6. Ethan, it's here, and, oh goddess,'' I gasped as I pushed the slightly ajar door open. The rotten stench that followed did not help either. It almost brought up the croissant I had on the flight earlier.
''This place is a mess,'' my brother observes from behind me as he scrunches his nose up in disgust as well.
''They must have broken in and taken her too,'' I mused while kicking a broken vase and some cushions drenched in water.
''What are we going to do Athena?''
I stand in the middle of her small living room and place my hand on my waist as I sniff around the place, trying to catch a scent, but I all it got was dead vampire stink. ''They sure did a good job masking her scent,'' I mumble to myself.
''Ena did you hear me?'' Ethan says loudly.
''I said, what are we going to do?'' he joins me in the living room.
''I- I- I honestly don't- arrrrggghhhhh!'' I suddenly screamed and bent down in pain.
''Ena!!!'' Ethan yelled. ''What? What happened?''
''I don't know, I was just standing and all of a sudd-aaaaahhhhhhhhh'' another piercing scream escaped me. I look down at myself but there is no wound or blood for that matter. I look up, meeting my brothers' gaze, and we both knew.
''Theo,'' we whispered at the same time.
''Come on,'' Ethan immediately gets up and helps me too. ''We need to get back to your place and regroup. We've wasted enough time as it is.''
I oblige by him and follow him out of the small apartment. ''Ummmphhhh,'' I grunt as I felt another jab of pain.
''Ena, you okay? Do you need me to carry you down the stairs?'' Ethan stops and faces me.
''Are you out of your damn mind, move?! And get us a cab, I'm right behind you,'' I hiss at him, still clutching my right side in pain. As soon as I emerged from the building, Ethan already had a cab waiting. I quickly slipped in, well as quickly as I could in my state, and gave the driver directions to my apartment building.
I leaned against the headrest and took in deep breaths all the while ignoring Ethan's worried stare. ''Stop staring at me like that, I'm not going to disappear,'' I chuckle half-heartedly. The pain had gone just as suddenly as it came.
''No it's just, uhh, I feel bad for you man, ''he whispers, ''I mean, you have been through so much in less than two years than I have been through in my thirty years.''
''Maybe that's why I am who I am,'' I reply, making sure he understood what I was saying without revealing too much. As it is, the driver was already looking at us suspiciously.
He ponders over my reply for a few seconds before nodding, ''Maybe you're right. If it were any normal person, they might not have survived through all this.''
''Mhmm.... maybe not even you, '' I jokingly nudge him.
''You're right.'' He surprises me with his reply, ''You do you Ena, and know that I will always be on your side, always.''
''Oh, you better be,'' I chuckle. ''Till the....''
''End of the line,'' we both finish at the same time.
We were met with the rest of our group at the penthouse, all freshly showered and changed in combat friendly clothes. ''So, you got anything?'' Charles is the first one to ask us.
''Yes, two things, '' I sigh deeply, ''one, Amunet is not in the city and two, she also has Nancy.''
''What?!'' Charles exclaims.
''The human girl?'' Hazel cocks an eyebrow at us.
''Your secretary?'' Leo steps forward and looks at me, I nod solemnly at him.
''Wait, who is Nancy?'' three confused voices ask, as they look around the room.
''Nancy is my assistant, more of a friend too. I honestly don't know why Amunet-'' I was cut off by the shrill sound of my phone ringing. I fished it out of my back pocket and looked at the caller id. ''It's an unknow number.''
''Answer it and put it on speaker,'' Leo tells me, ''everyone else be quiet,'' he signals the room. No one missed the looked that Charles gave him, except him of course.
''Athena......'' A heavily accented voice fills the room, ''I've heard a rumour, that you've been going around town looking for me.''
''You!'' I growl out loudly, ''What have you done with my mate?! Where is he?!''
''Ohh, you ask too many questions darling,'' she scoffs. I could almost picture her waving her hand in the air like the freaking queen.
''And you better start answering them, or else-''
''Or else what, Athena?'' she cuts me off. ''You are going to come for me? Do you even know where I am in the first place?''
''I can always find you,'' I hiss at her, having already killed her a thousand times in my mind.
''Have you then?''
''Have I what?''
''Found me yet,'' she cackles over the phone. ''Tell you what, I'm sending you an address, why don't you meet me there as soon as the clock strikes midnight. Let's see who you'll save, your mate or your precious human friend.'' Before I could respond she ended the call, leaving the echo of her malicious laughter ringing in my ears.
I was angry, so so angry. Not at anyone else, but myself. How could I have let this happen? I couldn't protect my mate nor my friend, I have failed, failed miserably and now Amunet has both of them in her clutches. I dropped to the floor on my knees, the phone rolling off from my hand as I thought about every wrong thing and every mistake I had made.
''Athena?'' Michelle came forward and crouched down next to me.
I faced her as tears begun welling up in my eyes. ''This is all my fault,'' I whisper.
''I'm not one to sugar coat stuff,'' she releases a sigh, ''but yes, it is. However, sitting here and wallowing in guilt is not going to help. You need to get up and fight. You're not alone Athena, look around you, you've got all of us. We are here to help you.''
''I know,'' I sniff, ''And I really appreciate it, but Amunet-''
''-has just texted the address,'' Jayden picks my phone up and hands it to me. ''Sorry.''
Everyone gathers around to me to take a look at the text the ancient vampire sent.
''Oh shit,'' Leo curses, ''not that place.'' Eight pairs of eyes simultaneously turn to the American alpha as he stares at the cell phone in horror.
There you have it!
Hope you guys liked the chapter. Please vote and comment too.
The chapter after this will be the last one before the epilogue. Athena's story is finally coming to an end, thank you all for being a part of it :)
Much Love,
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