Chapter 55
I couldn't think, I couldn't function. I didn't know what to do. All I felt was fear. Utter and undeniable fear. Theo was in danger and I'm here, miles away from him trying and failing to get into contact with them.
I tried calling him, his phone was off.
I tried mind linking him, but there was no response from his end.
I finally tapped into the mate bond, pushing my fear of not sensing his presence at the back of mind. I closed my eyes and focused on the bond. It was only until I felt the low hum inside of me that I released the breath I didn't know I was holding.
He was alive!
Weak, but alive.
''That's- that's okay. It's okay.'' I controlled my ragged breathing,'' at least his not-'' I could not even bring myself to say it. I knew him going to Toronto was not a good idea. I should have trusted my gut feeling instead of paying heed to Charles.
Speaking of......
Two minutes later I was outside his door, not caring that it was a cold morning, and I was barefoot.
''Charles! Charles! Open the damn door!''
Looks like he didn't hear me the first two times. ''CHARLES, OPEN UP!!!''
I swear to the moon goddess, if he hadn't opened the door when he did, I would have broken it down.
''When did you lose your mind, Athena? Please tell me. I really want to know.'' He swings the door open and send me displeased look. His hair was disheveled, and he was struggling to stay awake.
''Charles, Th-''
''No, no, no Athena. No baseless explanations. Just tell me. I promise, I won't se to a nuthouse,'' he interrupts me and hold his hands up, one of which had his fingers crossed.
''Charles, I'm not crazy. Listen to me.''
''Yes, because I'm the one who is standing in the cold with nothing but a night dress on.'' He stifles a yawn. ''Athena you seriously need-''
''Shut up! Shut up and listen to me!!!'' I yell to his face. ''This is no time for jokes Charles. Theo is in trouble!''
That made him shut his trap. He immediately straightens his back and is now on full alert, all the sleep gone from his eyes. ''What?''
''Something has happened to Theo. I don't know what it is, but it's bad. I can feel it.''
''You need to come inside.'' He pulls me inside the house and closes the door behind him. ''How did you manage to stay outside for so long dressed like that?'' he points at my outfit, or lack thereof.
''That's the last thing on my mind Charles. My mate is in danger. Do you really think I care about what I'm wearing!?''
''Whew, we've come a long way,'' I hear him mutter.
''Charles,'' A warning growl escapes me.
''Sorry.'' He immediately stands on alert. ''Have you tried calling him?'' I give him an 'are you serious look' to which he just shrugs. ''Worth a try.''
''Where is Mila?''
''Oh you don't know?'' he chucks a blanket at me.
''The reason as to why I'm asking, dumbass,'' I wrap the blanket around me and heave an inaudible sigh. I'd die rather than admit to Charles that my feet were freezing out there for the past ten minutes. We may have a tolerance to cold temperatures, but no one is immune to it, especially when they're bare feet.
''Olivia went into labor last night. So Mila rushed to Eclipse pack to be by her side.'' He explained.
''Ohh I see.'' I nod in understanding.
We sat in silence for about ten minutes, each of us leaving the other to their thoughts. I constantly tapped into the mate bond just to feel his presence. It was still there, that was what was keeping me sane.
Charles was pacing around the house. I could see the wheels turning in his head as were mine. The silence prolonged for another five minutes. I could not take it anymore, so I made a decision.
''I'm going to Toronto.''
Charles' head whipped in my direction. He looked at me incredulously. ''Are you out of your mind?''
''No I'm not. But I cannot sit here and do nothing. Which is what I've been doing for the past fifteen minutes,'' I added quietly. Thankfully, Charles didn't hear me. Or maybe he did but just ignored it.
''You can't go Athena. That's not up for discussion.''
That stirred something inside me, and neither I, nor my wolf took it well. ''You should watch who you're talking to,'' I walk up to him and look him in the eye. A spark of anger flaring inside of me. Anger for not listening to my gut feeling, anger for being so helpless, anger towards Charles who dismissed me. Maybe that was more of a pride thing but, nevertheless.
He immediately realizes his mistake and lowered his gaze. ''uh- I'm sorry Athena. I shouldn't have said that. I wasn't thinking.''
''Damn right you weren't.'' I nod. ''I'm going to Toronto Charles, and that's final.''
''I know there is no stopping you from going Athena, but would it kill you to wait for everyone to wake up. We need to inform Lila.''
I whip my head around, glaring daggers at him, ''and what will she do, huh?''
''Athena, she's his mother. You'd think she would want to know if her son's life is in danger. What's gotten into you?'' he approaches me cautiously.
I jerk my hand away from his before he could hold it. ''I'm going for a run, I need to be alone for a while. Let me know when everyone is up, also start preparing for my departure, I will be leaving sooner or later.''
He made the wise decision not to argue with me this time and simply nodded his head in respect. But before I could leave the house, he stopped me.
''Here take his,'' he offers me a jacket. ''You'll need it, its cold out there.''
''No need for it, I'll be on fours.''
The corner of his mouth lifts up a little, and he puts the jacket back on the coat rack.
As I ran past Selene's cabin towards my spot, I caught a glimpse of the petite witch standing by the window looking uncomfortable. Stressed out over my own tensions, I didn't pay much heed, and with a quick wave in her direction, I rushed to the hollowed tree.
I was out of breath by the time I got to there. My heart was beating too fast for my liking and the fear that had been gnawing at me from since morning finally made its way out. With a loud gasp, I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach tight. Tears that I had been holding in began to flow. ''Theo,'' a whimper escapes me. ''Where are you?''
After another failed attempt to mind link him set me on edge even more. I should be there, I need to be there. But then again, Charles is right. I can't just show up in Toronto, especially without knowing what exactly I'm walking into. But then, I can't just sit here and do nothing too.
The cold had seeped into my skin now making it numb. If it were a normal human, they would have bundled themselves up in clothes. Being supernatural had its perks, but even those perks had limitations.
Without thinking too much, I called my wolf forward, not caring that my nightdress would be ripped to shreds. Once I was fully transformed, I let out a long howl before sprinting down the narrow path. Giving my wolf full control, I retreated my conscious to the back of my mind. She needed this, she needed to let out the pain of knowing her mate is danger and not doing anything about it.
Just before I reached the lake downhill, I heard another howl reciprocating my own. It was Charles'. He knew what I was feeling, and this was his way of letting me know that he's here for me.
I ran even further into the forest, away from the pack, away from everyone. I dashed past the lake where Theo and I usually rested after our trainings and runs. After an hour of running around the thick forest of Vancouver, my thoughts consumed me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep my mind off my mate.
Where is he?
What condition is he in?
Who is doing this to him? Although, I think I know the answer to that. No, I don't think so, I know so.
Rage surged through me like a wildfire. I'm going to kill her when I see her next. A fierce howl escaped my wolf as she shook in rage. A howl that promised revenge, a howl that promised blood. Blood of the enemy. Blood that I- no, we were going to spill.
Amidst my rage of fury, I hadn't realized that I was at pack borders, and a lot of wolves had heard my howl. It took me a minute to realize that the border I was at was not even mine. Unfamiliar wolves begun to appear from every corner of the small clearing where I had stopped.
A quick count confirmed that there were five of them. My wolf sniffed the air, taking in their scents. Her mouth curled in an animalistic grin, exposing the razor-sharp canines and she rose to her full height, showing her dominant status over the lesser ranked wolves.
Out of the five, three of them backed away and retreated to the bush. The other two however, who were considerably bigger than the rest stalked forward, ready to attack. A warning growl escaped my wolf as she eyed the two smaller wolves, gammas probably who think they can take on an alpha.
My wolf pawed the ground, her claws out, ready to tear into oncoming attackers' throats when a loud howl interrupts us. The two wolves immediately back away from me and focus their attention on the wolf who interrupted us. From my right I saw a huge form jump out of the bushes. The two lower ranked wolves retreated even further and bowed their heads low.
My wolf and I watched with curiosity as the wolves communicated with their alpha. The alpha in question was almost my size, maybe a tad bit larger than me. He had a reddish-brown fur and striking green eyes which reminded of-
''Athena?'' A remarkably familiar voice filtered in my head.
My wolf's head snaps to the side observing the young alpha who is now looking at us curiously. ''Sean?''
''Yeah. What brings you here? Are you okay?''
Holy shit! Did I just run a full circle from Crescent pack? Wow, I must have been so consumed by my thoughts to not have realized this.
''Athena!'' Sean's voice barked in my head, snapping me back to attention.
''Yes, uhh sorry. I was - you know what, never mind. I'll just head back.''
''Nonsense! You must come with us back to the pack. You never visit.'' The red wolf takes a step forward and indicates me to follow him.
''Not today Sean,'' I take a few steps back. ''I must leave.''
''What's wrong Athena? You sound apprehensive.''
''It's complicated.''
''We like complicated!'' The excited young alpha's voice rings in my head. ''Please do come, Athena. Mother would love to meet you.''
I contemplated on his offer for a few minutes, I really wanted to go back, but the excited grin his wolf was giving me made me cave in. ''Okay, fine.''
''Great! Let's go. I'm already fed of talking to you this way.''
Begrudgingly, I followed him and his pack members back to their pack. A few moments later we arrive a barn like structure where a few pack members are gathered. I recognized one of them as Taylor, Shadow packs beta. She's holding a pair of yoga pants and a hoodie in one hand as she makes her way toward us.
''Alpha Athena! It's Alpha Athena!'' She squeals in delight and points at my wolf. I stop next to her and nudge her leg playfully. She rubs her hand on my fur and hands me the clothes. ''You can go behind there and shift,'' she points to a spot.
I welcome the feeling of my bones cracking as I turn back to my human form. Once done, I don the clothes Taylor had given me and join the others who were waiting for me by the barn.
''Athena, do not have shoes on!'' Sean exclaims as soon as I join them, before throwing a glare in Taylors direction.
''Oh umm, I'm really sorry,'' the young girl quickly apologizes and rushes inside to get me a pair. ''Truly sorry alpha Athena, I was just so excited to see you. I'm really sorry.'' She continues apologizing as she hands me a pair of boots.
''Its no big deal really. Thank you though,'' I smile kindly at her. From the corner of my eye, I see Sean giving me a look. Before he could say anything more, I begun walking towards their pack house. ''So, how is Emily?''
Luckily, he took the hint and in a few long strides caught up to me. Over a few months Sean had really grown. He was almost as tall as Charles, but slightly more buffed. Moreover, the childlike innocence he had was almost gone. Now he was a man, an alpha ready to lead his pack. ''So,'' he nudges me,'' I heard about the whole spell. So lucky we got you back. Don't know what Theo would have done if things had gone south.''
My heart clenched and I once again tapped into the mate bond. I knew he was alive, but I had to make sure. Just for my own peace of mind. The mate bond was buzzing. It had life, but just barely. My heart hammered inside its ribcage, sweat begun to form on my upper lip and forehead. I was suddenly feeling really hot and my head was spinning.
''Athena? Athena, are you okay?'' Sean's voice came from afar.
''I- I need to go! I have to go!'' I managed to stay upright thanks to a huge tree that was nearby.
''You're sweating Athena, are you sure you're okay?''
''YES! I'M FINE!!'' I snapped. The poor guy, he was just trying to help. I took in deep breathes and put some distance between us. Leaning against the bark of the tree, I took in one last breath and exhaled. Wiping the sweat off my brow, I looked at the young alpha who thankfully, kept his distance. ''I'm sorry, I really need to get back to Crescent. Is there a shortcut?''
'''But, my mom is-'' he starts but a glare from me makes him stop. ''Ahem,'' he clears his throat. ''Yes, let me show you.''
He leads the way and I jog behind him. Some of the pack members who were closely behind us exchange looks of shock and surprise, but none dared to speak a word. After a few minutes of jogging, we reach their border. ''This is it,'' he shows me a narrow winding path, which doesn't look like it's frequently used. ''Just follow the path and you will be at Crescent borders in less than ten minutes.''
''Thanks.'' and without giving him another look, I rid myself of the borrowed clothes and shoes and call my wolf forward.
In less than a second, I was darting toward my pack. My mind concentrated on one thing and one thing only, Theo. I was almost half way to Crescent when a buzzing sensation filled my head. I allowed it and a worried voice filled my head.
''Where are you?''
''What is it Charles?'' I question him back.
''You need to get back here now!'' There was an urgency in his voice.
''Is it about Theo?'' I asked him, although a part of me knew it was.
''Just get here as fast as you can. Someone wants to talk to you urgently.''
''I'm on my way. Give me two minutes.'' I closed the link between us and increased my speed. Everything was a blur, the trees, the animals, the insects, everything. My sole focus was getting back to the pack.
And get back to the pack I did. I reached the border in record time and was welcomed by a worried Lila, a flustered Charles and a very sleep deprived Mila. The latter hands me clothes and shoes and I immediately shift back. I didn't even get a chance to get my bearings right when I was engulfed in a bear hug.
''Oh honey, do you know what has happened? Where is he? How is he doing?'' Lila cries out, and I couldn't even blame her. She's already lost one son. The fact that she's not throwing a fit, shows that she's stronger than I give her credit for.
''I uhh, I don't know Lila. All I know is that he's in danger and I need to help him. I have to, I can't lose him. I won't lose him.'' I take her hands in mine and squeeze them lightly, not once breaking eye contact with her.
That seemed to give her some kind of hope. She hugs me one more time before looking me square in the face, her eyes shining with unshed tears. If you looked closely, there was a spark of fire in them. ''Do what you need to do. I trust you,'' and then she kissed my forehead.
''Normally I would not interrupt this cute mother-daughter moment,'' Charles interrupts as usual, ''but we have got to get going and Athena,'' he hands me something, ''you need to be here when your phone rings the next time, I'm not your damn secretary!''
As if on cue, my phone rang. Only, I wasn't expecting this person to be calling me. Charles, Mila and I exchanged looks. ''Answer it Athena,'' Mila urges.
''You don't think he knows, right?''
''You won't know until you answer, right?'' Charles gave me look that clearly said, 'duh'.
I hesitantly tap on the green button. ''Put it on speaker,'' Mila whispers quietly.
''Athena, thank the moon goddess you answered. I've been trying to call you for the past hour.''
''Oh sorry about that, I just had a lot on my mind and went for a run. How-uh how is everything there? How are you?'' I ask just for the sake of. In true honesty, I cannot wait to end this call, I need to start packing, I should be leaving for Toronto instead of answering calls from previous boyfriends.
''None of that's important. You need to know something.''
''Leo, look I appreciate you calling, but now is really not the right time. I'm in the middle of-''
''I know where Theo is,'' he cuts me off before I could come up with some useless excuse.
''You what!'' I almost dropped my phone. ''Where is he? Is he okay? Who has him?'' Hope flared in me and in everyone else who was listening. Charles and Mila leaned closer to the phone and Lila sent a silent prayer to the moon goddess.
''Okay calm down. I don't know where he is exactly, but I have an idea.''
''Okay Leo, anything will help us right now. What else do you know?'' Charles questions him this time.
''Is that your beta?''
''Yes, just answer him,'' I reply impatiently.
''Remember when we spoke last, and I'd mentioned increased night activity?''
''Is he seriously talking about prostitution?'' Mila almost cocks an eyebrow. ''Oh my, you don't think Theo.....''
Luckily for her, she didn't complete that sentence, and If looks could kill, she'd be six feet under by now. It was not me she should be worried about though. Lila looked like she was ready to skin Mila alive for even attempting to say something like that about her son.
''Who said that?'' Leo's voice resounds over the speaker. None of us missed the light chuckle that followed, but he quickly got back to his serious mode. ''Athena, remember?''
''Yes, yes, I do. It's them isn't it?'' I pinch the bridge of my nose.
He sighs heavily. ''Yes, it's them. I'm afraid she really hit you close this time. Really close.''
''Athena! Athena who is this man and what is he talking about? Who hit you close? Who is he talking about?'' Lila suddenly went into panic mode and grabbed my arm. The phone slipped from my hand and fell to the ground in a thud.
Charles and Mila exchanged knowing looks before meeting my gaze. I freed my hand from Lila's grip and looked her in the eye. ''Can you hold the fort?''
''W-w-what?'' she blinks her eyes multiply.
''I'm going to Toronto and I'm going to bring Theo back. Can you take care of the pack while I'm gone?''
''Y-yes, yes of course. But what about?'' she gestures to the beta couple.
''Charles is coming with me of course. Mila?''
''Uhh, I'm conflicted really. I don't know what to do.''
''Decide amongst yourselves and let me know as soon as possible. I've got to address the pack members. They need to know.''
Lila and I left the two of them at the clearing near the cells where we had trapped Sebastian and made our way to the pack house.
Fortunately for me, quite a number of members were awake, and some were even having breakfast. As soon as they saw us approaching, they stopped whatever they were doing and paid their respects to us. Some looked at me in shock since as per the norm, we are to have breakfast with the pack tomorrow. I walked to the front of the room and faced the people. An encouraging nod from Lila gave me the push and courage I needed to tell them the bad news.
''Ahemm,'' I cleared my throat and looked around the room, gaining the attention of the few who were talking and whispering amongst themselves. I clenched my hands into fists and with whatever courage I could gather, spoke up. ''I come bearing grave news. As you all know, your alpha Theo left for Toronto yesterday on business, however it was a trap, and he is now in the clutches of a vicious vampire.''
The silence broke, there were gasps and shouts. Everyone started whispering, someone even teared up. That was until a man, who looked like he was in his mid-sixties, but in reality was much much older, stood up. ''How is that possible alpha Athena? We have maintained peace with the vampires for centuries, why would they do something like this?''
That stumped me. Why indeed. Why would the vampires break a centuries old treaty and kidnap an alpha?
Tell them Athena, tell them why. Tell them that all this is happening because of you. A voice inside my head tells me. I shuddered at first, not from fear but from shock. That voice was mine, only it sounded way more sinister and darker. Could it be my subconsious?
''Well alpha? Do you have an answer?'' The old man asks again. This time a series of 'yes tell us' and 'we want to know' followed his question.
Do what is right princess, own up to it.
This time it was my fathers voice that filtered in. I whipped my head around to look for him or at least feel his presence maybe, but the spot next to me was empty what with Lila standing to my left. I took in a deep breath and faced the crowd.
''The kidnapping is my fault.'' I announced. ''Last year, I did something terrible and now Theo is paying the price for it.'' The looks that I received from the pack members made me want to bow my head in shame, but I couldn't afford to look weak and pathetic. I was an alpha!
''I knew she was not fit to be his mate! Look at what has happened to him because of her selfishness and carelessness!'' A shrill shout, almost like a banshee's was heard from one corner of the room. It did not take a genius to guess who that voice belonged to. Before Elena could say anything more, Hazel was at her side in an instant and had her pinned to the wall.
''You better show some respect, that's the alpha you're talking about!'' she growled at the doe eyed banshee.
I sent a grateful nod in her direction and faced the pack once again. ''I'm aware of how this makes me look, however, I'm leaving for Toronto immediately and I promise to bring Theo back, even if it's the last thing I do.''
I expected the pack the go against me like Elena did and throw insults. What I didn't expect was complete silence. No one spoke for almost two minutes until a freckled faced, green eyed boy stood up and came forward. I recognized him, it was Jayden. He smiled politely at me before speaking up. ''You cannot go and face the vampires alone alpha. You'll need help.''
''I'm aware of that Jayden.'' I smiled back at him. ''That's why Charles is coming with me and Lila will be in charge until we get back.''
''You cannot possibly expect the two of you to fight a hoard of vampires, do you?'' Hazel, who had pushed Elena back on her seat and made her mate stand guard behind her, came forward to join Jayden.
''That's the plan,'' I nod at the pair.
''That's an absurd plan! Athena you can't- uh I mean, alpha Athena that's impossible! You will need reinforcements.''
''I do not wish to cause any more harm to my pack, and I will not endanger any of your lives.''
''But-'' Jayden speaks up.
''That's my decision and it's final.'' I snap back. ''Now I must leave, I will be back only after I have Theo with me safe and sound.''
I walk out of the pack dining hall with Hazel at my heels. None of the other members dared to question my authority. ''Athena you're being unreasonable.''
''I'm not. I'm making sure the pack members are safe. You don't know what we are up against.''
''Then tell me! Who is this we are up against and why don't you want our warriors to go with you?''
I stop in my tracks and whirl around to face her. ''You really want to know?''
''Hence the asking. Who is it?''
''Her name is Amunet and she is a very ancient vampire.''
''The fashion mogul who changed her company name to Ko- something this year. She's a vampire??''
''Yes her, and it's Kovar, renamed after her late brother who I killed last year.'' I cross my arms against my chest and look at her. ''See why I don't need to involve others, this is my mess.'' I continue walking towards my house, leaving Hazel to her thoughts but she had other ideas. She quickly caught up to me.
''Wait a second. You said you killed her brother, but if I remember correctly, it wasn't you alone.''
I pretended to ignore her statement and continued walking. The house was visible now and I quickened my steps towards it. I felt multiple presences in the house before I even got to it. ''What now?'' I grumbled to myself before climbing the steps to the porch, Hazel following me closely.
''No, no, no, no! Absolutely not!'' were the first words that came out of my mouth the moment I walked in.
Ethan, Michelle, mom and Sean were all present in the house together with Charles and Mila. From the looks on their faces, they knew, and I also knew what they were all thinking, hence the no.
''Yes, Ena. You can't stop us.''
''I can and I will, Ethan.'' I walked up to my brother and stood tall. Damn him for being taller!
''We are coming with you Athena,'' Michelle, the voice of reason speaks up.
''As am I and Noah.'' Hazel pipes in. ''And Jayden too.''
''What? No, he's not! He's a kid!'' I glare at her. ''And besides, you haven't asked him.''
''He just mind linked me,'' she smirks. ''He wants to come.''
''You could have said no!'' I yell, ''and what do you mean come? None of you can say come expect Charles and I. only we are going.''
''You can fight it all you want, Ena. Michelle, Sean and I are going with you. As are Hazel, Noah and Jayden is it?'' he looks at Hazel who nods.
''Ten of my best warriors are coming too,'' Sean pipes in.
''A few of ours too,'' Michelle adds.
''So you've all decided you're coming? Has nobody understood what I've been saying for the past fifteen minutes?!'' I throw my hands in the air and yell at the small group.
''We have, but no one is going to heed you. We are coming with you Ena,'' Ethan approaches me and puts his hand on my shoulder. ''And it's final.''
''You realize there are countless flights departing from here to Toronto. If we're not in the one with you, then we'll be on the next,'' Michelle replies this time, and everyone one else nods at her suggestion.
''Fine,'' I heave a sigh. ''Let's all go!'' Leaving everyone behind in my living room, I walked up the stairs, two steps at a time. Unbeknownst to me, my mom followed me in my room. I had just removed my travel bag and was packing some clothes when she walked in.
'''Honey, you okay?'' he approaches me with caution.
''I need to pack mom.''
''Athena, look at me.'' She closes the distance between us and stops me from putting more clothes in the bag. ''What are you feeling? Talk to me.''
''What do you want me to say mom? Huh, what?! Do you want to hear me say that I feel helpless? Broken? Confused? Scared? What, what is it that you want to hear?! My mate is in danger, he could be dying for all we know, and you want me to talk!!!''
''But honey, that's not what I meant,'' she takes a few steps back and gives me some space. I immediately felt guilty at my actions and words.
''I'm- I'm sorry mom,'' I massaged my forehead, ''I shouldn't have yelled at you. Its just-''
''I know, I know what you are feeling. I've been there, multiple times,'' her voices breaks as she speaks.
''Mom....'' My voice breaks too as I grasp her hands. ''I don't know what to do. I-I-I'm putting up a brave front for everyone, but I'm so scared. Goddess forbid, but what if-''
''Hush now, no,'' she clasps her hand over my mouth, tears rolling down both of our cheeks. ''Don't say stuff like that. You will bring him home. You will bring all of them home.''
''All of them.''
''What if I don't know what to do? What if I make the wrong choice? What if I can't save everyone?''
''You will know what do. You have it in you. You're strong, powerful and intelligent. Go save your man,'' she smiles at me through her tears and kisses me lightly on the cheek, ''and remember you father is watching over you,'' she whispers and leaves the room.
I stood there transfixed. Did she know that I could hear my dad's voice in my head sometimes? She couldn't possibly know, right? Or could she?
I broke out of my thoughts and continued packing before I wasted more time. I washed my face and changed into a fresh set of clothes. Grabbing my jacket and bag, I walked down the stairs to join the others, who are already packed and ready.
''Took you long enough,'' Charles comments as usual. ''Let's go the cars are waiting.''
''Once last chance you all. I look around the small group. Are you sure?''
''Yes, Let's go!'' They all yelled collectively.
''You're wasting time Ena,'' Ethan said as he passed me out the door.
''What about the warriors?'' I ask Noah.
''They will journey through the forests in their wolf form. Some of them have left already.'' He replies.
''We cannot afford to have a large group of wolves landing at Pearson airport, it will alert the vamps,'' Ethan adds.
''Smart thinking,'' I smirk at him. ''Let's move.''
I did not take us long to arrive at the Vancouver airport. Luckily for us, Charles had secured us first class seats. The seven of us passed the people who had queued and went past the priority gate. In less than thirty minutes, we were checked in and were now in the lounge, waiting to board.
I look around the small group of people who are scattered across the couches and my eyes land on Jayden. The boy was so young and yet he insisted on joining us. He has so much to see, so much to do. He hasn't even found his mate yet. Neither has he experienced heartbreak. He is not supposed to be here, he should out with other young wolves enjoying and living his life.
It was at that moment I felt a sense of protection towards the boy, like I would toward a younger sibling, like Aiden, and that's when I vowed to myself that I will let no harm come to this boy. He will not die young like Aiden did. I will protect him.
Like I should've protected Aiden when we were both up against Celeste.
I shook my head and threw those words out of my head before I begin dwelling too much on them. That was when I realized that it was eerily quiet around the lounge. For some reason everyone had stopped chatting. And the reason for the silence was currently standing in the middle of the room. Her bag at her feet, one arm perched on her waist, her eyes holding fire as she glared at everyone.
Since no one wanted to ask the obvious, I decided to do it. ''What are you doing here Selene?''
''How could you possibly think of going there without me?'' she focuses her blazing glare on me.
''I- uhh- I, well you are here now, aren't you?'' I shrug. Truth to be told, taking her with us had not even crossed my mind. It wasn't until she showed up here that I realized how much of an asset will be to us.
''How did you get in here, do you have a ticket?'' Jayden asks her.
''It doesn't matter Jayden,'' I stepped in before she could even think of a reply. ''She's here now and goddess know we'll need all the help we can get.'' I put an arm around the petite witch and face my comrades who all looked convinced except Charles, who has a 'what's going inside that head of yours' look.
''Uhh Athena, I kind of just teleported here.'' Selene looks up at me, ''I still need a ticket.''
''Ohh, yes of course,'' I chuckle. ''Charles,'' I fish out the credit card from my handbag, ''here, please get her a ticket.''
Luckily, there were a few seats still available on first class and we managed to get one for her.
We all sat quietly and kept to ourselves through the entirety of the flight. That's four hours of silence. At one point I even dozed off, but the sound of someone calling out my name weakly jolted me awake.
Oddly enough, the voice sounded a lot like Theo's, and from the fear of not wanting to hear his voice in that way again, I didn't even dare to rest my eyes until we landed in Toronto.
There you have it guys!!!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, we are almost at the end of the book a few more chapters to go and we're done!
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