Chapter 53
Chapter 53
Almost everyone had gathered at the cave where the coven of witches had died. There was tension in the air, everyone present there knew what had gone down last year. Everyone except me, that is.
Nadia stood so close to Axel, there was barely space to pass a feather between them. The effects of last year's trauma was clearly visible in her eyes. Ethan was trying to look brave, but deep down he feared for me, his sister. Mila had a solemn look in her eyes as she tried to ignore the memories of last year and focus on the task at hand, which was to help Selene.
''The moon is almost at its apex, are you ready Athena?'' the witch in question asks. She swept her eyes around the open field, unshed tears in her eyes as she remembered her fallen sister, Celeste. She will always love her, but she did not agree to her ways. When Celeste had cast the memory spell on me, she, Selene, wanted no part in it. It was never her intention to harm me in such a way, but she was bound to Celeste who has channelling her power and had no other choice at that time, but now she does. Now she has the chance to right her sisters' wrongs and save whatever is left of her and the new coven she intends to build. Her actions proved to me that she will do what needs to be done.
She will correct the wrong.
''I will do the right thing,'' she whispers to herself before focusing her gaze on Theo, Charles and I. Her lip quirks a little, though the smile never reached her eyes. I watch as she climbs the alter and signals Mila over.
''You ready love?'' Theo asks as he puts his arms around me and hugs me tight. I mimic his actions and breathe in his strong scent. ''You'll come back to me?''
'Always,'' I whisper and let go of him. ''I love you,'' I kiss him softly on the lips before walking up to where Selene is. ''Let's do this.''
''Athena, honey,'' Mom steps forwards and embraces me, ''You come back to me okay, promise me you will. I don't want to lose you too.''
''You won't. I promise mom, I'll come back.'' I wipe her tears and steps up to the alter.
Throwing a quick glance at my brother and the rest of my family, I take in a deep breath then focus my gaze on the witch. A sharp nod from me sends her into work mode.
''Okay, first you need to lie down on this alter,'' she instructs. I do as she says and lie down. She then places four candles at each corner of the alter. Two by my feet and the other two on either side of my head. ''Athena, I need you to relax and calm your mind.''
''Here goes nothing,'' I mutter to myself and take in a long deep breath as I attempt to calm my mind. I close my eyes and focus my hearing on the sound of Theo's heartbeat. He reaches out to me through the mate bond and the feeling of calmness envelopes me, but it only lasts a second. Even before I could register the pain, the metallic smell of blood hit my nose first.
''I'm sorry Athena,'' I heard Mila murmur an apology. She kept my hand upright while Selene sliced through my palm. I winced and kept my eyes shut, just nodding a little to let her know I heard her, and I was fine with it, but someone was not.
''Haven't you drawn enough?'' I hear Theo's raspy voice. He seemed to be having trouble with the amount of blood being drawn.
''Now I have,'' Selene replies, after a minute or so.
''If anything happens to her Selene, I swear-'' He begins, but he's cut off by I'm guessing Charles and Ethan.
''You need to relax, Theo,'' My brother tells him. ''She'll be fine.''
'''Do you wish for me to continue, or are you still not done threatening me?'' Selene questions my mate. I could almost picture her sassy look in my mind, the whole crossed arms and raised brow thing she usually has going on, which is usually topped off with a glare.
Everything went silent for a minute. Complete silence, until the wind suddenly picked up. It started as a slow whistling sound, the rustling of the leaves on the grounds, the flailing of the tree branches. Slowly by slowly it began to increase. The wind was now howling and with that, Selene's chanting got louder.
''Athena, whatever you do, do not open your eyes!'' I heard Mila shout through the wind. It was faint, but my advanced hearing picked up on her voice.
''Brace yourself Athena,'' Selene managed to speak to me in between her chants.
And then it came.
A surge of pain so strong, my whole body jerked up. My ears picked up a familiar sound. Yelling. Yes, that's what it was. Someone was yelling, although it was more like a scream. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was me. I was the one who was screaming. The pain went just as fast as it came. I felt my stomach drop. My whole body was shaking. I tried to flicker my eyes open, but a sharp voice from behind me stopped me.
''Do not open your eyes!''
''That's it? Is it done?'' Someone asked Selene. I couldn't make out who it was, the voice was strained and muffled.
''I'm just getting started, boy.'' She replied, and then it happened again.
The searing pain, started as a throb at the back of my head, then moved down to the neck where it branched into two and flowed down my shoulders. Little by little my whole body was engulfed in pain and all I could see was darkness, only plain darkness.
That was until I saw a crack, and behind that crack was light. It was small at first, but it gradually begun to widen when I saw a shadow approaching the light. There was someone there, I couldn't make out who, but whoever this person was, they were in a hurry to get to the light. I tried stopping them, I screamed, I shouted. I even flailed my hands like a mad woman, trying to stop the shadow from going into the light.
But alas, they didn't listen to me. And with one foot in the light and another in the dark, the shadow finally noticed me and turned.
''Holy shit!' I gasped.
It was me, the shadow was me. The same hair pulled tightly into a neat bun, the same forest green eyes, staring into mine. ''Don't go in there,'' I whispered. But she just ignored me and did it anyway, she was me alright. I watched helplessly as she went deeper into the light. The crack begun to narrow down, like it was closing. It started to get darker and darker, it almost felt like my eyes were closing, but I was awake. At least I thought I was.
And then it was pitch black. Darkness, total and absolute darkness.
Screaming, so much screaming. That is all I could hear. Screaming, yelling, screeches and echoes. I felt like I was falling, but I was not. Something inside me was nudging me to open my eyes. I tried to open them but failed at first. After a few more attempts I manged to pry them open.
''Ohh shit, shit! Big mistake! Shouldn't have done that, I should not have done that. Stupid sun.'' I blink rapidly and look away from the sun and try to focus on the ground. Wait a second, why is there a sun? It's supposed to be night-time. ''What just happened?'' I look around, expecting to see Theo, my mom, Ethan, Charles or anyone else, but there is no one. Not a single soul in sight. Moreover, even the alter was gone.
''Where am I?'' I get up and dust the dry leaves and gravel off me. ''It looks familiar. It feels familiar.'' I continue looking around until my eyes land on it. ''No, it can't be.'' I move closer to inspect it. ''But it looks like it.'' I continue whispering to myself. There was so much foliage and mulch around it, but after clearing it away, my suspicions were confirmed. It was the cave, the same one where everyone was gathered for the spell. But this one looked like it was yet to be discovered.
So that means, I am closer to the four packs. ''Hmm, let's see.'' I ponder to myself on which path to take. One thing is for sure, whichever one I take, it will lead me to at least one of the packs' borders. For some reason I decided to not overthink and go with my gut feeling.
''This one it is.'' I chose the narrow winding path that was the furthest from where I stood.
After trekking for about ten minutes, a remarkably familiar meadow came into view. ''Crimson pack,'' I smile elatedly. It looked gorgeous, from this end. ''Wow, how comes I've never come around here, it so different and fresh.'' I continue admiring the view, my eyes roaming over the plush field of daffodils until the land on something, or should I say someone. There was movement on the opposite end of the meadow by the rock where Ethan and I used to hang out.
My feet carried me closer to where the said person was, turns out they were more than one, and they looked like they were arguing. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was Ethan, but who was the girl he was yelling at?
''Throw a tantrum, really Athena, what are we twelve? You were the one who left!'' I watch him scoff and walk away.
Did he say Athena, no it can't be? He didn't say Athena did he? I must have misheard. I'm standing right here, how could I be there too? It's impossible.
''What witchcraft is this?'' I cry out aloud. I expected Ethan and other Athena to hear me and turn around. They would spot me for sure, it wasn't like I was hiding or anything. But nothing happened. The two of them continued arguing as if nothing had happened.
''Um, excuse me?'' I approached the both of them, which I realized a second later was a very stupid idea. Thankfully neither of them noticed and continued their argument.
''I'm back now and I don't intend to run away anytime soon,'' I said, or rather the other Athena said.
Ethan smiles a little and a victorious smile forms on other me's face. ''Ahh, she knows she's had him. Classic me.'' I chuckle to myself.
The two continue talking, while I admired the daffodils, trying to figure out what exactly Selene did and how comes I don't remember having this conversation with Ethan before, when I noticed a third person approaching the duo.
''Oh look, Axel!'' I clap in delight. Of course, none of them heard me. I watch him look all flustered and nervous as he checks other me out. ''Eww, that's so uncomfortable,'' I cringe as I watch the exchange between us. ''When did this happen and why do I look so flustered too?''
It took a while, but it finally struck. Holy mother of the moon! What? What the- Of course, these are my memories! These are the memories from last year! How could I have not realized it before?
''So I did walk into that light.'' I murmur. ''This is Selene's way of showing me my memories.'' I turn to face the trio. ''I'm going to follow me.''
As soon as I see other Athena go towards the house, I quickly rush up to her. ''Hah, if only someone could see me now, they'd think I have a twin.''
Other Athena steps up the porch and walks into the house. I'm about to go in too, but a sudden gust of wind blows and the whole scene gets blurry. When the wind calms down and my vision clears, I realized that I'm still standing on the porch, only that the sun is no longer shining, but instead, the sky is lit with millions of stars and of course, the moon.
The door behind me opens and the face of the one person who I've been yearning to see comes into view.
''Dad?'' my voice falters. ''Dad!'' Tears fill my eyes as I watch my father smile at other me and take her on a walk. I quickly run ahead of them and stop just to watch me and him walk and talk. ''I miss you so much dad. I'm so, so, so, sorry. There are not enough words in the world to describe how terribly sorry I am, I was such a bad daughter to you. I wish I could take it all back. I really wish I could.'' I start walking backwards as the pair begun to get closer, the tears still flowing.
The wind suddenly picked up around me and my vision turned hazy. ''No, no, please not now, please. I need more time. Dad, dad, no, please! Selene, please don't.'' I scream, but my plea fell to deaf ears. In a matter of seconds, the scene around me changed.
Thank the goddess for the huge stump of tree I appeared next to, otherwise I'd have fallen down the narrow winding path. ''Hey, this my spot!'' The sounds of footsteps coming from the other side stopped me from exploring further. I peeped and saw other me in her wolf form, trying to shift back. It took her more than it normally would and from the way her face contorted, I knew she was in pain. ''Need to shift more,'' I heard her mutter under her breath as she walked past me.
I followed her and watched from a safe distance. She entered inside the house and exchanged some harsh words with mom. Which wasn't something new, I still do it. A few moments later, Mom, Ethan and I walked out of the house.
''Where's dad?'' I heard her ask mom.
''He's already at the pack house, now come on, we're late.''
Dad was angry at me for wolfing out and going for a run. I could see it in his eyes and from his tone, but he didn't want to make a scene in front of the whole pack, specially when he's about to announce something. The whole thing was big, I felt my heart swell with pride and love when dad officially welcomed me back in the pack. I knew I had felt this way before, but just seeing it again made me so happy. The gust of wind came earlier than I had anticipated and in a matter of seconds I was transported elsewhere.
I was back in the meadow watching myself and Axel having a picnic. ''Ughhh, why did I do this, this is so wrong.'' I gagged at the interaction between him and me. ''Ew, ew, ew no, don't kiss him, don't kiss him! Hey wind, now would be a good time to take me away, I've seen enough of this.''
If only that could work. Unfortunately for me, I had to sit through another three minutes of watching Axel and I in what I would deem the most cringe worthy date of all time. For once I was glad that my vision begun to blur and the trees around me begun to rustle. ''Oh, about time.''
''Ooh a party!'' I look around in glee to where I landed this time. I snoop around and try to find myself. ''Where are you? Where are you?''
I spotted Ethan who looked all dapper and head the alpha's staff in his hand. ''Oh goddess, it's Ethan's coronation. So if he's here, I must be somewhere nearby.'' As I continued to look for other me, I walked past Charles who was having a friendly conversation with Dad and Ashton Walker. I wanted to eavesdrop, but then I spotted myself leaving through the side doors. ''Damn it!''
I followed other me outside, where all the dining tables were lined up and the caterers were setting up the food. ''Come to have a little bite before everyone else, have you?'' I smirk at my past self. Turns out she wasn't there for food. In fact, she looked a little uneasy and dare I say, scared.
I watched as Axel walked out of the shadows and begun pestering other me with stupid questions and statements. ''Seriously Axel, not cool.''
All of a sudden both of them froze. I saw other me, looking at someone, her eyes wide and in shock. Axel seemed almost paralyzed. All that because of the sound of one man. I followed their line of sight and there he was, my mate, Theo.
''Oh mama,'' I shiver in delight. ''He looks so good in that suit. What the hell are you doing Athena, go to him!'' But no, other me stayed there, clinging on to Axel like her life depended on it. ''Throw him away and go to your mate, you idiot!'' I watch in anticipation as Theo takes a step toward me. It was like I was watching a movie. All I needed was a tub of popcorn and some soda. ''Come on, come on.'' I chant, waiting to see what my past self would do when the wind picked up.
''Oh come on! Why? Why must you do this?!''
Okay, so I think this time the wind heard me complaining or was it Selene maybe since my landing was not so great. ''Fine, I will not complain again,'' I grumble while standing up and rubbing my behind. I'm at my home, in Crescent, in the living room to be exact, having breakfast with Theo. ''Aw isn't that romantic?''
I watch myself converse with him but felt that maybe I could have put in more effort. I mean, the guy was trying really hard. Wow, I really was problematic. How did Theo even fall in love with me, most importantly how did he stay in love with me especially after the whole memory block thing?
Guess I'll have to ask him when I get back.
After that I saw loads of other memories. Sometimes they were long, sometimes short. I saw Hazel, Cathy and Rachel. A guy called Caleb, who was like the biggest douchebag I've ever seen. I was so glad I got a chance to witness my duel with him. I saw how I gradually got used to Theo and fell in love with him. It was all so surreal.
And then came him. Sebastian Argent.
Apart from my father, this guy was the other person I really wanted to know more about. From the very few times Theo even spoke about it him, I had sensed hostility and now I know why.
The guy was a creep. How did none of us realize this? Also, the problems started the moment he showed up, of course he had to do something with it. Were we that naïve?
''Hello darling,'' he sneaks up to my past self and whispers.
''Uh excuse me sir, personal space much?'' I try to push him away from my past self but it was like trying to catch thin air. ''He's bad news Athena, stay away from him.'' I shout in my past self's ear, hoping that maybe, just maybe she could hear me.
But that didn't happen, since the wind begun blowing and I was transported elsewhere. This time we were all gathered in a clearing and that was not all, the council was present too. Five men dressed in suits staring down at the lot of us. There was authority and power about them, although one of them looked pretty weasel like.
Turned out weasel face's name was Jonathan, Caleb's father. ''Ahh no wonder.'' I whisper to myself. Leaning against the bark of a huge maple tree, I watch as Theo and my father, speak to the councilmen.
''Oh Alexander!'' I exclaim in delight as soon as realization dawns on me. ''Wait what, did he just call me a little girl! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind when I see him next.''
''With all due respect sir, I am not a little girl,'' my past self walks up to him.
''You go girl!'' I cheer for from the side lines. ''Tell him!''
Soon enough, mom and dad show up and Alexander begins to grill both them. Ughhh, can he just stop it with all the giggling and making googly eyes at Ethan. I watch in outrage as dad practically begs them to let me live. ''No! No! Stop it, stop it!'' I shout, but of course no one heard me. My gaze drifts to where my past self and Theo are standing. I notice her stance. Her whole body is rigid, one foot forward, ready to attack, but something is stopping her. Actually, not something, but someone.
From the look Theo was giving other me, I knew we were mind linking. ''I'm sure he's asking her to calm down.'' I mumble to myself. Then douchebag of the year's, douchebag father decided to open his trashy mouth and that was it. ''Stupid idiot, '' I grumble as I watch my past self scare the wits of out of Jonathan, I was enjoying myself until Alexander announced that I can't live.
''Umm, excuse me, last I checked, you were not the moon goddess. You have no right to decide whether I live or die.'' I walked up to where he was standing and spoke. Oh, if only he could hear me. But then, other me gave the whole council a very convincing speech and they finally agreed, however trouble came knocking as usual when a guard ran up to us and said something about an attack.
I wanted to listen closely, but the wind picked up. ''Alright, let's go. I've learnt not to ask you to let me stay any longer,''' I slump my shoulders and wait for the haziness to set in.
This time I appear smack in the middle of what seemed to be fight. I look around and notice someone crying and screaming. ''Cathy?'' I walk up where she was, when I saw it. ''Oh my,'' I gasp. Cathy was holding Rachel's limp body. There was a huge gash on her head and blood was beginning to pool around.
''I can't watch this.'' I move away from there then watch as it all unfolds. Everyone gathered around the body, my past self not able to contain her grief over the loss of her friend, but where was Theo?
And then I saw him emerge from the other end of the field, with a few warriors on his tow. He had his worried look plastered on his face. His eyes were roaming around the clearing looking for me, i'm guessing. I almost ran towards him before remembering that he cannot even see me and currently I'm not the one he's looking for.
''I can't wait to get back to you,'' I whisper to myself as I watch mate embrace my past self and console her.
Did I feel jealous? Yes. Even though I know I shouldn't be and that is me he is hugging, but still, I couldn't help it. Luckily for me, the wind picked up at that exact moment and I was whooshed away from the clearing.
I managed to catch a glimpse of the sibling bond between Theo and Aiden as I watched them argue over who was smarter than the other. A lone tear drops from my eye as I watched the younger Argent. ''He was so full of energy. Why did you take him away moon goddess?''
Expecting an answer would have been mere stupidity so I just let the wind whisk me away, this time to Theo's office in the pack house where Charles was being the sane one?
''This is new,'' I cross my arms and watch the scene unfold in front of me. Theo and Aiden arguing, Charles making reasonable suggestions. I almost thought this was not one of my memories until Charles said something stupid. ''Ahh now I'm convinced.''
I lean against the large window and marvel the site below me. Snow-capped mountains at back, lush green trees towering so high, some narrow and some wide paths that lead deep into the forest usually taken by the pack members when they go for their runs. All the cabins, our house, Charles' house, the pack hospital, training grounds and so much more was visible from where I stood.
I'd lost track of the conversation behind me until I heard someone say Sebastian. I whirl around and perch myself on the edge of Theo's desk. 'This should be interesting.''
Two minutes later and I was screaming and yelling at the top of my lungs. ''No, no, no, that is a stupid idea. Athena cannot go with the swine. Did I say no?! Why would anyone want to go with him, and why was I even friends with that leech?''
''Why were you even friends with him!?!?'' I march up to my past self and yell to her face. Ohh if only I could grab her shoulders and shake some sense into her.
All that and no one to hear me rant. That's how the wind found me when everything begun to swirl around. ''A bit slower next time please,'' I growl as I'm deposited like a bag of sand on the floor of my house.
''What do we have here,'' I walk towards the men, eyeing them curiously. Theo and Axel seem to be in some sort of stare down. The tension between them so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
And then the devil himself walked in.
I roll my eyes as I watch him swagger around the room, greeting everyone like he's some president. ''Hello darling,'' he smirks at my past self and eyes her from head to toe. I resist the urge to barf and look away.
''Still don't understand how I liked this guy.''
I continue watching as the pair of us walk outside. Glancing around the room, I see the look of worry on three men's faces. Theo's was the worst. He had this pained expression on his face, like he knew there was something not right about this whole situation, but he quickly masked it. I wanted to follow Sebastian and other me outside, but my vision begun to blur, and the furniture started flying.
The rest of the journey through my memory was faster than before, I spent lesser and lesser time in one particular memory and sort of just glided past them. I did however see a lot. Namely, the time when we rescued Nadia and met the witch sisters for the first time, or when Sebastian showed me the bloodroot and when past me showed it to everyone and they doubted Sebastian's intentions. They were not wrong though.
I saw how much time we spent, worrying about when the witches will attack, our increase in training sessions and most importantly the search for the blue eyed wolf. I have a feeling I know who it is already, but I could be wrong. The most surprising revelation though was of Aiden's love for Chemistry. The way he managed to use the bloodroot to fashion different poisons for the witches. He was so talented but was constantly overshadowed by his older brother.
And then I was whooshed away to Charles behaving like a maniac. Yelling and banging doors early in the morning. He looked hurt and deranged, but it seemed like he had something important to tell Theo and I.
I watch the exchange between the three of us in our shared study slash my old room. ''Cut it with the dramatics Charles and get to the point.'' I roll my eyes at the beta who is doing everything else but not dropping the name.
''It's Sebastian!'' he yelled and looked at the both of us, his eye wide and hopeful.
''I knew it!!'' I punch the air. ''I freaking knew it!'' I glance around the room looking at my past self and Theo staring at Charles like he finally dropped the last screw and lost his mind completely, until other me finally spoke up. ''Babe, we're late for our run, we should go.'' She said, completely ignoring the bewildered beta.
''What, no Athena, listen to the man, he's not lying!'' I yell and try to stop the pair from leaving, but they just walk through me, like I was nothing but thin air.
''It's impossible,'' I heard Theo say.
''No it's not. You guys are making a big mistake!!'' luckily for me, Charles is not one to give up. He dragged the both them to Sebastian living quarters. I of course gladly followed, ready to prove that Charles was right. ''Ha ha ha,'' I laugh to myself, mentally preparing to see the look on Sebastian's face, but it all went down the drain when the culprit in question walked out with not a single scratch on his well-toned body.
''What! What! WHAT!''
The three of them walked away, but I did not miss the look past me gave Charles when she told him to rest and she'll listen to what he has to say later. ''Thank the moon goddess I'm smart.'' I breathe out a sigh of relief.
When the wind picked up this time, I was dropped near the huge, hollowed tree smack in the middle of an argument between Theo and I.
''Why would Charles lie about something like this?'' My past self asks Theo.
''Oh so you believe him now, you believe my brother is the blue eyed monster?'' he shouts.
''Um, first of all, he's your cousin and second of all, yes you have to believe Charles because he is right and also because he is your beta, duh!'' I comment from my spot on the ground. ''Is he for real?''
''But Theo-'' Other me tried to reason with her mate, but he brushed her off and walked away, leaving her standing there, with tears brimming in her eyes.
''Don't worry, I make him pay for this,'' I smirk from remembering my behavior towards him after I woke up from my 'coma'.
The next memory I was shown was of the two of us at pack breakfast, still fighting. ''Great.'' I mumble to myself as I scan around the dining area, my gaze lands on Hazel, Cathy, Noah and Devin, the pack doctor and Cathy's mate. Finally, it lands on Sebastian, who has a smug look on his face that I'd very much like to wipe off. As if the day was not going bad, Elena Cavanaugh sauntered up to the alpha table, trying to entice Theo as usual.
''One day I'm day I'm going to break this woman's' bones and feed them to her.'' I growl possessively.
Theo ignores her advances and leaves the table. She then turns to past me and sneers. ''One day Athena, I'll be sitting there, mark my words.''
Surprisingly, other me decided to be mature and kept quiet.
''Bitch please,'' I snort. ''I can kill you in my sleep.'' So glad no one can hear me right now. I hang around the breakfast table for a while, but not because I wanted to. Somehow, the wind took its precious time in transporting me to the next memory.
I flashed through the memory of us making plans on how to reveal Sebastian's true form. I was glad Theo finally came around and agreed to help us but was bummed when I was the chosen one to inject him. Since according to Charles, Sebastian trusts me and wouldn't see it coming.
Talk about stabbing someone in the back, literally.
''Ugghh, look at me, behaving like a perfect welcoming housewife,'' I gag as I watch myself preparing dinner and welcoming the devil inside my house. The three of us start with making small talk, until Sebastian started asking questions.
''Uh oh,'' I sit on the edge of my seat and fiddle. ''Is he onto us?''
But then a very fluent lie spills out of Theo's mouth and boy was I even more impressed with my mate. Luckily, other me caught on to it and added in a few lies of her own. ''Very well done you two,'' I slow clap.
The dinner progresses as does my boredom. ''Where is the action? Why am I not injecting him?'' I fidget on the couch waiting for my past self to do it. I think I even dozed off at one point. It wasn't until dessert that I felt the tension in the room build, as my past self walks up to Sebastian and injects him with the wolfsbane. Just then the wind around me picked up but before I was whooshed away, I saw the look Sebastian gave me, the look that screamed, 'traitor.'
''We shall see about that.''
The memory of him transforming in that cell and breaking the glass to escape flashed through my eyes. I almost jumped a step back in fear. I knew it was him, but seeing it live was a different experience altogether.
The blowing wind around me finally died down and I'm thrown on to the ground like a rag doll. ''Huh, and here I thought we were becoming friends.'' I get up and dust myself off. ''Where the hell am I?'' It was dark, the moon was high up in the sky but there was an ominous feeling about it.
''Let me out Sebastian!!!'' I heard an awfully familiar voice yelling from a distance. Curiosity got the better of me and I begun to follow the sound which led to where this whole journey of mine begun, the witches clearing.
I saw myself standing in a circle of salt as well as Theo who was trying his level best to get past the salt barrier. Everyone I knew and or met was present, watching the scene unfold in front of them in horror.
''Oh moon goddess, what now?''
Just as I said that, Sebastian walked in the circle, a vile smirk playing on his lips. ''Oh no,'' I facepalm just as the wind around me begun howling.
The memory of Sebastian telling me his whole plan flashed in front me, how he waited, how he carefully planned each and every step that led up to where we were then. How he singlehandedly managed to round up over five hundred rogues from all over the world and have them at his beck and call in an instant and finally how he got Selene and Celeste involved.
When the howling wind died down and my vision begun to clear, I realized that I landed smack in the middle of another fight, except this time, it was just starting. I saw myself gearing up to fight with my dad by my side.
''Until the very end, dad?'' my past self said.
''Until the very end princess,'' he replied. I immediately knew what was going to happen and I know I couldn't stop it, no matter how hard I tried. You can never change the past, but you can learn from it. A sob escapes me as I follow my past self and dad. ''I need to be strong.''
The fight ensues, heads were being rolled, limbs were being ripped apart. Packs members and rogues all going in for the kill. We were on the winning end as more rogue bodies littered the ground compared to pack members, when a loud gut-wrenching howl pierced through the night.
''Oh shit.'' I whip my head towards the sound and run as fast as I could. ''Benjamin,'' I whisper as I see the old man lying on his deathbed. Meanwhile, Theo and Sebastian are neck to neck with each other on the other side of the field.
My past self almost got mauled by a rogue and his machete, but Ethan intervened and ripped his limbs apart. More and more rogues continue to pour in, and then came the vampires. Pale as the moon, their skin was white and smooth, their eyes blood red and fangs protruding from their mouth.
The all looked the same, except one. A male. He looked younger than the rest, but he emitted a strong sense of power and authority, almost like an alpha. His eyes though, they weren't red like the others, instead they were hazel, a very striking hazel color, they almost looked gold. Seeing those eyes brought only one name to mind.
''Amunet,'' I whispered to myself. ''He's Amunet's brother, Kovar.'''
I watched in horror as the vampires begun their attack, one by one they were brought down by the wolves. All except Kovar, who naturally was the strongest and also one other vampire who I noticed slipped away into the shadows. I turn my attention back to Amunet's brother, who was being attacked from all sides by me, Charles and Hazel. It took the combined strength of the three of us to finally put him down. I watched as his head rolled away from his body.
A feeling of dread begun to set inside of me, I almost felt bad but before I could dwell more on it a scream broke my thoughts.
''Aiden no!!!'' Someone screamed.
''Ohh shit, no!'' I want to go to him but then I noticed rogues latching on to Theo like leeches. ''Oh goddess, this is too much,'' I could feel a headache coming from all the running around.
Suddenly, a crack of light forms up in the sky just like the one from before. It took me while, but I then realized that I'm the only one who could see it, everyone else was still busy fighting. It begun to widen but ever so slowly, like it was giving me time to continue watch my memories unfold especially the one that was about to come.
''Dad!!!!!!!'' was all I needed to hear to confirm my fear. I staggered my feet to where the heart-breaking screaming originated from. I fell to the ground in tears as soon as saw my past self clinging to my father's dead body, trying to shake him back to life, but it was of no use. His heart was lying about ten yards away from his body.
And then rage overtook her. She marched up to where Celeste was standing next to a cowering Selene, who looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but here. She started exchanging words and blows but the latter was much stronger and more experienced.
The thing that surprised me the most was Aiden walking up to face the older witch, ready to take her down, but she disposed him off like she did my father. Another scream from me and a deafening roar from Theo echoed through the night as Aiden's limp body fell to the ground in a thud. His heart rolled down the slope and came it a stop right next to where I stood, watching it all unfold.
''The one time I wish I didn't ask to get my memories back.'' A sob escapes me as the crack of light now begins to widen, and then I felt it coming, the mind searing headache which knocked me off my feet. I fell to the ground writhing in pain. My vision began to blur, however I did manage to make out the figures of Celeste and my past self, neck to neck. I also saw the tip of the bloodroot dart ready to be injected before the light became brighter and unbearable.
Someone yelling my name was the last thing I heard before I was consumed by the light.
''I think she's waking up,'' I heard someone whisper. That voice was awfully familiar, soft yet shrill. ''Theo, you stay right here, she'll need you as soon as she wakes up.'' The voice instructs my mate. I heard the shuffling of feet and then heavy footsteps making their way towards me.
The closer he got, the faster my heart kept beating. The more the need to wake up and embrace him grew. ''Come back to me love, you promised.'' He says. His fingers graze my skin, lighting it up like a fire. I felt myself shudder under his touch.
I don't know whether it was his presence, his touch or just my sheer will to be with him that did it. But in the next moment, my eyes flew open and I shot up, gasping for air.
''Breathe, Athena, deep breaths, deep breaths,'' Selene cooed as she rubbed my back.
I do as she says. My hand however was tightly grasping Theo's. ''How are you feeling love?''
''Like I just got back from watching a really long movie,'' I reply in between gasps.
''So it worked,'' he's eyes light up and he looks at Selene, waiting for her to respond.
She in turn looks at me and asks, ''So, does it look like you'll be getting headaches anytime soon?''
''Highly doubt it, though there is a lingering pain at the back of my head.''
''It will subside in a few days,'' She gives me friendly smile and pats my back. ''Welcome back, we've got work to do.''
There you have it!!!
Hope you all liked the chapter, please vote it really means a lot.
Athena finally has her memories back, so what's going to happen next?
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