Chapter 47
I apologized didn't I? I told him I wanted to tell him about it, and yet he is still miffed. I just hope I can talk him into letting us do this. I maybe too proud to admit this openly, but Amunet is too strong, taking her down will not be easy and so we need all the help we're getting. Besides, Selene pledged her loyalty to us, so she's on our side.
''Theo?'' I push the door to the house open.
No answer. But, I could sense his presence inside the house.
''Theo, come on!''
No answer.
''I know you're in here. Look, can we please talk about this?'' I try to reason with him, but still, no answer.
Okay then, normally I would hate to do this, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I take in a deep breath, and using all the skills I managed to garner over the years, do my best impression of a helpless damsel.
''Theo, please, please don't shut me out,'' I somehow managed to speak up in the most broken, helpless voice. ''Talk to me, please.'' And to top the act off, I sniffed.
Not even two seconds, and the door, to what I'm guessing was the library, swings open, and out walks my mate, a worried look plastered on his face.
Shit, I'm good.
I quickly put up my mask of helplessness and desperation and look up at him. Now, if only I could somehow manage to conjure up a few tears.
''Athena, are you okay, love?''
Sold! Who needs tears anyway?
In four long strides, he closes the distance between us. He grips my shoulders tight and looks at me carefully. ''Were you crying?''
Was I? No
Was I trying to? Yes.
''Can we talk, please?'' I look up at him with the saddest face.
''Athena, I-''
''Please,'' I grip his shirt tight. If the puppy dog face worked on Ethan, then why not on Theo?
''Yes, yes of course.'' He takes one of my hands in his and pulls me towards the couch. ''But first tell me, are you alright? Did someone hurt you?''
I try to suppress the grin that is threatening to form on my face and purse my lips tightly. Theo sits on the couch and gestures to the empty spot next to him. Oh no, no, no. I could not afford for him to walk out of this conversation once I begin. So, I dropped my hand from his and straddled him.
''Athena, what? What are you doing? I thought you wanted to talk! And why are you smirking like that?''
I made myself comfortable on his laps and when I was completely sure that he was not going anywhere, I dropped my act.
''What is the problem with you?!'' I slapped his bicep.
''Did we not agree that you would never shut me out just this morning?''
''Athena, I thought, you were crying, I thought someone hurt you, I thought you were –''
''Helpless?'' I cut him off. ''Tell me Theo, off all the times you've known me, when have I ever shown that I was helpless?''
''So all that was just an act?'' he cocks an eyebrow. I watch as realization sets in. ''I don't have the time for this.''
He tries to get up, but I'd planted my feet into the sofa corners and using my core strength, managed to keep us in place. ''Oh no you're not going anywhere mister. We are going to sit here and talk about this, like mature adults do.''
''Oh really? Mature adults, Athena? You did not even tell me you wanted your memories back. Isn't that something that mature adults would want to talk about?'' he crosses his arms across his chest.
''Okay,'' I sigh deeply. ''I wanted to okay, I really did. But when you told me that you don't care and that you're happy with the way things were going, I couldn't bring myself to tell you what I wanted.''
His eyes soften at my confession. ''You looked so happy and content and I just- I couldn't do it,'' I whisper.
He lifts one of his hands and caresses my cheek. ''I wish you did. In fact, I wish I'd asked you what you wanted. I just assumed you were okay with it.''
''You see. You see why it's important for us to talk about stuff, Theo?'' I lean my forehead against his and close my eyes.
''I do now,'' his hand drops from my cheek and he begins to rub my thigh slowly. I get a feeling of distress coming from him and snap my eyes open.
''What is it?''
''What is what, love?'' He stops his actions on my thigh and studies me.
''There is more, isn't there? Theo, what are you not telling me?'' I press.
He hesitates. He actually hesitated. I hold his face in my hands and look him straight in the eyes. And that's when I saw it. Fear. Amid all the emotions he was feeling, fear was standing out. ''You're afraid.'' I whisper softly.
''Athena......I. Please, just-'' he grips my wrists and tries to pull away, but I hold on to him, not letting go.
''No Theo, please. We're in this together, until the very end. Tell me, why are you afraid?''
After a very long silence, his eyes finally meet mine and he speaks up.
''I can't afford to lose you again Athena,'' he starts. ''You don't know what I went through when you left. The reason I left the dining hall this morning was partly because of that. You heard what Selene said. Athena, the thought of losing you shakes me to the very core. I don't think I have it in me to go through it again. I'll go mad.''
Ohh Goddess, that's what he is worried about. He loves me that much?
''Theo, you're not going to lose me.'' I rub his arm slowly.
''How can you be so sure of that? Selene said it's going to be painful for you. And to top it all off, we don't even know that the spell will work. What if it doesn't work?''
''What if it does?''
''You can't say that, love.''
''And why can't I?'' I scoff at him. ''You can be negative about this, but I'm not allowed an ounce of positivity?''
''That's not what I meant. What I'm trying to say is that, the risk is too high.''
''And since when has that bothered you? Theo, you're a business man. You take risks day in day out.''
''Yes, but not when it involves you, love. You are the one thing I can't risk.'' He pushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
''You won't lose me. Not this time.'' I whisper.
''How can you be so sure about that?''
''I just do. I promise you I will come back from this, please Theo, I need this and I need you to be on board with it.''
''And what if I'm not?'' he cocks an eyebrow at me. I knew what he was insinuating, and I also knew what he wanted me to say. But when have I ever done what everyone expected me to do?
''I will still do it. I didn't come here to ask for your permission. I came here to tell you what I want to do and how much I'd like for you to support me.''
His big hands grip me tight and he pulls me even closer, my chest flush against his. ''Why can't you be like all the other females who do as they're told?'' he growls lowly.
''Where's the fun in that?'' I wink at him.
His lips are on me in an instant; I was taken aback by the roughness of the kiss and would've fallen over, if it wasn't for Theo's large hand holding me upright. Never has he kissed me like this, not that I'm complaining, but Theo's kisses have always been soft and loving. But this, this was an intense, passionate kiss. If I didn't know better, he was showing dominance. He was letting me know who's in charge.
Oh well, I'll let him have it today. Only today.
We break away from the kiss, both of us panting for air. I look into his eyes, which are a shade darker than usual. ''So?''
''Fine. Have it your way.''
I smirk. I knew letting him have control of the kiss was a good idea. It soothed his ego just enough for me to have my way. Ahh men, so gullible.
''Great. So Selene has already started working on the spell. I have stationed two warriors to be with her constantly, they will provide her with whatever she needs as well as keep an eye on her.''
''You don't trust her.'' Theo murmurs.
''I never said I did. Just because I smiled and was cordial towards her, doesn't mean I trust her.''
He looks at me with what seems like pride and admiration before lifting me from his lap and putting me down. ''I take it back. I'm so glad you're not like the other females.''
''Hey, don't hate on them. It's only about time women know what they're actually capable of.''
He raises his hands in mock surrender. ''Sorry, love, I should know better than to say anything against women.''
''Speaking of women, want go down to the training arena to see how the pack warriors including the female guard train?''
''You have a female guard?'' I snap my gaze towards him.
He inclines his head to one side, then chuckles. ''Sometimes I forget you don't remember any of this. So, you wanna go?''
''Hell yes.''
I skip out of the door, yes actually skip out of the door behind Theo. He extends his hand towards me. I entwine our fingers and we walk towards the training area. It took us about ten minutes to get there since, if I've never said it before, let it be heard, this pack is huge!
From a distance I could make out the figures of people and wolves alike. Some were running, some were in wolf form, some were engaging in hand to hand combat. Which made me realize that I haven't trained in like forever. My skills would be rusty by now. Granted I fought the two vampires just recently, but I feel that I need to sharpen my skills, especially if I'm going to go up against Amunet.
''What are you thinking, love?'' Theo asks.
''That I need to start training again in combat.''
''That can be arranged.''
''Yeah. Meet me outside our house today evening. I know a place.''
''Great,'' I smile at him. ''But, umm, Theo? My clothes, I need......''
'' not worry about that. Mila has already spoken to Ethan's beta. Your bags will be delivered soon.''
''Oh, Axel? It's been a while since I've seen him. I half expected him to come with Ethan last night,'' I say.
Theo stiffens by my side and his grip on my hand tightens. I hear his jaw tick. Wait, did I say something wrong? Why does he suddenly look annoyed? I'm about to ask him, but we're interrupted by a man.
''Alpha Theo, Alpha Athena,'' he nods in respect.
I look at the man, he is fairly tall, blonde hair and coffee brown eyes. His hair is jet black and cut short, but man is he ripped. I could see his muscles bulging through his t-shirt. The mark on his neck shows his mated. Hmm, lucky girl.
''Noah,'' Theo nods. ''Athena,'' He turns to me. ''This is Noah, our pack trainer, mate to Hazel. I believe you met her when you were here last?''
''Uhh, oh yes, yes. I remember Hazel. It's nice to meet you, Noah,'' I extend my hand forward for the man to shake.
He looks taken aback at first but quickly smiles. ''Always a pleasure. It's truly great to have you back.'' I notice his eye glittering with moisture. Are those tears? Oh goddess, is he crying?
He quickly turns his back to us and marches towards the young wolves who are huddled around chatting and gossiping. ''Get your asses on the field, now!!''
Oh well, guess I'll never know.
The closer we got to the dueling arena, the more people begun to notice us. Slowly by slowly all eyes were on Theo and I. The chatter had died down and from the looks of it, everyone was communicating either through their eyes or minds. I noticed two young girls who looked around fourteen years old, pointing at me and giggling. Slowly, members started coming forward and showing their respect to us. Whispers begun to erupt.
'It's her, it's Alpha Athena!'
'She's back. Alpha Athena is back.'
About time the Alphas came back.
And my favorite of them all.......
'What will happen to Elena now that Alpha Athena is back?'
Huh, what will happen to her indeed. I resist the urge to smirk. Years and years of practice helped me in maintaining my bitch face.
Speaking of the bitch, who is she?
What does she even look like?
Theo came to a stop and naturally did I. He faces the onlookers and speaks up. His booming voice ringing all over. ''Resume your training. Your alpha, my better half is back and this morning, we will watch over your training.'' Different series of murmurs and whispers begun to erupt as soon as he finished.
A couple of females walked up to us. ''Greetings, Alphas. It's really good to have you back Alpha Athena. We look forward to having you back in training.'' One of them says after her friends nudge her forward to speak.
''Yes, and also dueling with guys like Caleb,' and putting them in their place,'' Another one pipes in excitedly.
I tilt my head to the side. Me training them, really? I face Theo, who seemed to know exactly what I was thinking. And who the heck is Caleb?
''Later,'' He mouths.
I nod at him and face the girls again, ''Likewise.''
They all smile widely at me and nod their heads vigorously. ''Thank you, alpha.'' And they walk away.
Watching the pack members train, stirred up something in me, I felt happy and content. I felt like I was watching my family, my people. Looking around the training area, I saw a lot of young talented fighters. So much potential. All my fears from last night dissipated. These people love me! To think I was expecting them to pelt me with stones.
My eyes caught Hazel's a few times during the whole hour Theo and I spent at the grounds. She looked like she wanted to come up to me and talk. I noticed her take two steps towards me a few times, but then she stopped and retreated. She would then look at Noah, the two of them would have a silent conversation and then she'd go back to her training.
Hmm, weird. Wonder what it is they're talking about.
''Well, love. I guess we've seen enough for today.'' Theo's voice makes me look away from the pair.
''Yeah. Come on, let's pay Selene a visit.''
''I just have this feeling that she has something to say to us. Call it intuition.''
''As you wish love,'' he takes my hand in his once again and we walk towards the houses, away from the training area. Luckily, we met Charles on the way and he led us directly to where Selene was. She was given a small cabin not too far away from our house, but far enough from the pack house and the other pack establishments. As ordered, the two guards were positioned just outside the door, keeping a keen eye on the witch.
The both of them bowed their heads in respect to Theo and I as we approached the cabin. So far, things look good. None of the pack members I've met have been hostile towards me like I expected. Apart from the stares and whispers, they've all been quite nice.
Guess, I was scared for no reason.
''Ahh you're here!'' I hear Selene's shrill voice. ''I was about to ask one of these mighty fine men to call you.''
I give Theo a smug look. ''See, intuition.''
He chuckles lightly and puts his hand on my back, guiding me inside the house. As soon as we walk in, he immediately stiffens behind me. His gaze travels around the small cabin taking in each and every detail, as well as looking out for any signs of trouble.
He doesn't trust her and neither do I, but if I have even a slightly higher chance of winning against Amunet, I will take it.
''And what was it you wanted to tell us?'' Theo asks her in a cold, harsh voice.
''Ohhh!!'' she exclaims. ''I was most certainly not expecting you.'' She lowers her gaze to me and smirks playfully. ''You managed to get him on board after all.''
''That I did,'' I smile at her. ''So what do you have for us?''
''I have almost everything ready, save a few things. But I'm positive I shall have it before the day of the spell.''
''And when will that be?'' Theo asks, his grip around my waist tightening.
She shoots him a disapproving glance and focuses her gaze back on me. ''Five days from today, during the full moon. But, I need to be at full strength for this and I will need space to prepare myself.''
''Isn't five days enough?'' I quirk an eyebrow at her. ''And if by space you mean, letting go of Mike and Jonah here, then it's a no.''
''Okay. It was worth a try,'' she shrugs her shoulders. ''You need to be at full strength too Athena, from what I've managed to decipher from my sister's spell books, the spell will take out quite a lot from you.'' Theo, who had almost begun to relax, stiffens beside me once again. His hold on me tightens even more. I could sense his emotions through the mate bond. Anxiety, and fear being the strongest.
I try to reassure him as best as I could. I even squeezed his hand lightly but it was to no avail. ''Theo?''
He lowers his gaze to me. ''Athena, are you absolutely sure about this? I don't like it one bit.''
''Yes, I'm sure.'' I squeeze his arm again before turning to face Selene. ''I'll do it. Do you need anything from me?''
''Yes, of course. I'll need your blood for the spell,'' she replied casually.
That did it.
One second I was standing in front of Selene, and the next I was pushed back. My view of the witch blocked by a huge wall of a person. ''You will not touch her!'' I hear Theo's low growl.
I get that he is concerned for my well-being, but he didn't have to push me behind him like that. I can take care of myself, thank you very much. I drop the hand circling me and walk out from behind Theo, just in time to see Selene roll her eyes at him.
Okay, the woman's got guts. If anyone would show this kind of disrespect to an alpha, they would have paid a heavy price. It's mostly some days in isolation or banishment from the pack if the deed is much worse. I know this from when my father used to teach Ethan and I the ways of the packs, back when we were kids.
''Relax, Alpha Theo,'' she tells him in a surprisingly calm and steady voice. Which, to say the least, shocked me. With the look Theo was giving her, she should be quivering, but no, this female was headstrong and met Theo's fierce gaze with an equally unbothered one.
''All I'll need is a drop or two. I don't intend on draining her out, although Amunet does. '' She chuckles dryly then looks at me. ''Do you know why she wants you dead?''
''No, I don't. It's something that has bothered me from the moment she started her attacks.''
''All the more reason for you to get your memories back,'' she tells me as she picks up some rolled up herbs which looked like dried up dead leaves. She uses her magic and slowly a flame forms around the edges. I stare in fascination at this. Smoke starts to gradually rise from the herbs she's holding and a light fragrance fills the room. Selene waves her hand around the room letting the smoke from the leaves waft around.
''It's sage,'' she finally speaks up. ''Helps to clear negative energy.'' Her gaze lands on Theo when she says that.
''You know why Amunet wants Athena dead.'' Theo states rather than asking her.
''Yes, I do.'' She nods.
''And?'' Theo presses. While I on the other hand, am looking back and forth between my mate and Selene.
Will she say it or will she not?
Will I finally know why that ancient wench wants me dead?
After what felt like an eternity, when in actual sense, it was only a mere few minutes, Selene finally reveals the reason. ''Amunet claims you killed her brother.''
On my right, Theo stiffens even more.
Hope you guys liked the chapter.
Let me know in the comments as usual.
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