Chapter 37
-Third person POV-
Somewhere off the coast of Casablanca, Morocco, a 600-yr old vampire and her right hand man are seen leaving the just landed plane from Toronto. ''Are you sure the information is correct, Estaban? I will not have someone lead me on a wild goose chase, when I should have been in Toronto ruining that alpha female's life,'' Amunet grumbles in displeasure to her right hand man.
''No, my queen, the information is correct, I have reason to believe it,'' he replies stoically and starts walking ahead.
She follows him towards the parked SUV that was waiting for them. They are then ushered in the car by the waiting driver, who is also a vampire. By the looks of it, quite a young one, 100-yrs maybe or less. With spiky blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.
''You really need to re-visit your hair stylist, boy. That hair is so 2008,'' she scoffs at the young vampire.
''Ignore her, Cyrus, she is in a mood. She'd rather be somewhere else,'' Estaban gives a friendly pat to the young vampire, who suddenly looks self-conscious and insecure.
Cyrus drives them away from the crowded airport, towards a lavish mansion situated on the outskirts of the huge city.
" Well, isn't this quaint?'' Amunet observes as she walks into the foyer, the judgmental tone in her voice very evident.
''Nothing ever satisfies you, does it, Amunet? Although I was expecting more disdain from you. So I'd like to guess it's not that bad,'' a man's voice echoes over the empty walls of the foyer.
Amunet follows the voice and her eyes land upon what could be the most gorgeous man. Tan skinned, ocean blue eyes and shoulder length brown hair, which is dripping sweat. From the looks of it, he was in the middle of a workout. She eyed his chiseled torso as he walked down the stairs to greet her.
''Is it me, or he is really walking in slow motion?'' Estaban whispers from her left.
''Shut up, will you? and while you're at it, might as well pick up your jaw from the floor,'' she scolds him.
''Put on some clothes will you Raphael? I'd like to have a decent sleep without nightmares,'' She says.
''Oh come on, Amunet, like you haven't had a piece of this?'' Raphael smirks as he comes to a stop opposite the pair.
''Something I'd rather not do, ever again,'' she rolls her eyes at him, before breaking into a smile. ''It's being long my friend.''
''It has indeed. When did we last see each other?'' Raphael asks as he takes one of her hand and places a light kiss on the back of it.
''A few hundred years, I presume. Ahh, how time flies by, especially if you're immortal,'' Amunet replies and they both burst into laughter.
A young human girl, with a dazed look in her eyes walks up to them and hands Raphael a white shirt. ''Thank you my lovely. Would you and a few others join me in the parlor after ten minutes?''
''Yes, Master,'' she replies robotically and leaves.
''Why will the human be joining us in the parlor. You know I have no love for them,'' Amunet scoffs in disdain as she looks back at the human girl who scurried away.
''You must be exhausted from your journey, Amunet. I'm sure you'd like a drink or two, three even?'' Raphael replies and smirks at her, his sharp fangs glistening.
''Ahh, I see. You get it directly from the source don't you? Very clever,'' she chuckles and walks into the parlor. The two men follow her in. Amunet walks to the bar and pours herself a drink.
''Oh sure, please, make yourself at home,'' Raphael says sarcastically.
''Ohh Raph darling, you know I always do,'' she smiles, waves her hand dramatically and takes a seat on the couch.
The two other men pour their drinks too and take a seat. A few moments later a group of humans walk in and stand in one line. ''Ladies first,'' Raphael gestures to Amunet,'' take your pick.''
Amunet eyes all the girls and selects a short pixie-haired girl, then beckons her to join her on the couch. ''I hope she doesn't resist; I'd hate to create a mess.''
''Oh don't worry, they've been compelled to feel pleasure even in pain,'' he winks playfully at her and grabs one of the girls.
''Estaban, go on, we have much to do later and I want you to be in full strength, '' Amunet tells her right hand man before she punctures the poor girls throat with her fangs.
After their 'dinner' the three of them clean themselves up and let the freshly compelled girls go.
''Ahhh, the power of compulsion. If I had to pick a favorite vampire perk, it has to be compulsion. Having the power to make someone do something against their will, it just gives me a rush,'' Raphael says while he wiping the blood off his lips.
''The best part is, that the supply is never ending. The more humans continue populating, the more food for us,'' Estaban smacks his lips.
''Well, all that is very nice to hear, but we're not here to celebrate the existence of humans, ''Amunet sighs. ''So, how about we all go and rest. Tomorrow morning we leave for Fes. I want to get over this and go back to Toronto as soon as possible, I have an alpha female to kill. I hope the information is correct Raphael, I'd hate to see this beautiful mansion bathed in the blood of your coven.''
''Trust me, that's not going to happen,'' Raphael re-assures her, ''You're going to like what I have for you. So, tell me more about this alpha female. From what I have learnt, they're quiet powerful, although a lot of them were killed, I'm surprised this one was allowed to live. You do realize, she won't be easy to take down Amunet,'' he advises.
''You think I don't know that?!?!'' Amunet spits in anger. ''It will be hard to break her down, but we have an advantage, in fact we'll have two if everything goes right tomorrow,'' she smirks.
''Then we shouldn't be wasting anymore time, should we? I shall see you bright an early tomorrow. Oh, don't forget your daylight rings,'' Raphael smiles down at the pair and leaves the parlor.
''You don't think he is bluffing, do you?'' Estaban turns to look at Amunet, who seems to be deep in thought.
''Hmmm?'' she blinks. ''Oh no, Raphael knows not to cross me. Besides, he wouldn't have insisted on me flying all the way here if he wasn't 1000% positive.''
''Very well then, I'll take your word for it,'' he replies and gets up. ''Goodnight, Amunet.''
''Just because he is helping us doesn't mean you should trust him. Remember what I taught you?''
''You don't trust anyone, not even your closest friends,'' he says the words out loud, like a mantra of some sort.
''Good. Now, go, go on, I'll see you tomorrow morning,'' she waves him off.
''What about you? aren't you going to your room? I heard the servants say Raphael has given you the best bedroom in the mansion.''
''I think I'll stay down here for a while. He's got good alcohol here,'' Amunet downs her drink and reaches out for the now almost empty bottle.
The morning comes by quickly and the trio are now back on the road, after a good breakfast. Straight from the source, as Raphael likes to say it. The Casablanca airport comes into view after a forty-minute drive.
''Ughh about time. I hope your people are ready for us in Fes, I don't want to waste a single second as soon as we land there,'' Amunet grumbles, fanning herself due to the intense Moroccan heat.
''Don't worry my dear Amunet, everything will be ready for us,'' Raphael replies from the front seat.
''And you better have a private jet Raphael, I cannot bear to stand in a queue in this heat, with the smell of human sweat getting up my nostrils,'' she scrunches her nose in disgust and pulls her sunglasses down. ''And also, I'd hate to roll your beautiful head across the terminals.''
''Cool with the death threats woman! If it bothers you so much, then you should have brought your own jet. I'm sure a super successful woman like you has one.''
''Well, of course I do, but my pilots were not available. Estaban, you have the blood-roots with you?''
''Yes, my queen,'' he replies and pats his jacket.
They all get down and walk towards the departure terminals. ''This way, you two,'' Raphael guides them to a private area.
''Now this is what I'm talking about,'' Amunet claps her hands in delight.
''Glad you like it. Now come on. The flight is about an hour or so.''
The three of them settle in their seats and after a few minutes the flight takes off.
''So...'' Raphael starts, ''......tell me more about this alpha female. You had mentioned she has a memory spell on her, I'd like to know more about her.''
Amunet raises her eyebrow at Raphael's sudden interest in Athena. ''Why are you so interested in her?''
''Well, surely you don't expect me to be on sidelines if it comes down to a fight, do you? the more I know about her, the easier it is for me to pinpoint her weakness.''
''It won't come down to a fight Raphael, if everything goes as per planned today, it is Athena's funeral that you'll be attending, '' she smirks.
''I, for one think that you're underestimating the girl. Before you interrupt me,-'' he holds his hand up to stop her, ''- I'm sure she has family? Friends? A mate even, if she's lucky. What makes you think it will be so easy to end her?''
''Oh yes, she does, she's got them all. And mighty fine mate too,'' Amunet replies, taking a sip of the whiskey the crew served them a while ago.
''Why do I sense a 'but?' '' Raphael asks, copying her actions.
''But, she is very stubborn and impulsive, also pretty heroic, which according to me is just mere stupidity. She has been pushing all of them away for months now. She's not even in talking terms with her family. Ask Estaban here.''
''It's true, you know. I was following her a few months ago and her brother visited her. Ohh, the things that went down in that apartment,'' Estaban chuckles.
''And you've been keeping tabs on her daily?'' Raphael asks Estaban.
''Well, not exactly. After that day, things got boring, so I left. Besides, Amunet needed me to execute something else.
''And what would that be?''
''Surely, you don't think keeping an eye on her is the only thing we do,'' Amunet scoffs. ''When I say I wanted to destroy her I just don't mean physically. I also mean mentally and financially. The little bitch really takes pride in her business.''
''So you want to ruin that too? all that for him?'' Raphael stresses.
''Him? Him? HIM?!?! HE WAS MY BROTHER!! And that bloody alpha female and her friends killed him, ripped him apart like he was nothing!''
''Okay, okay I get it, calm down. I get why you are out for her blood, but why didn't you just kill her and end this? I'm sure you had a lot of chances?''
''Oh I did, trust me, I did, but in the past 600 hundred years, I have killed a lot, so now just killing someone is too basic,'' Amunet shrugs, ''so, I decided to have a little fun with this one, play around and toy with her before I finally rip her jugular out and feed it to her mate.''
''Okay, that's dark, but I like it,'' Estaban chuckles.
''To the oncoming death of the alpha female,'' Raphael raises his glass.
''To the oncoming death of the alpha female,'' Amunet and Estaban chime in as the three of them clink their glasses in toast.
''Sirs, ma'am, I would request you to fasten your seat-belts, we will be landing in a few minutes,'' A crew member tells them.
''Damn, that's a pretty little thing, ''Estaban smacks his lips, ''Do you mind if I, you know, have a taste? the vein in her neck is beckoning me to take a bite.''
''Estaban, behave, didn't you have your fill this morning?''
''Fine,'' He grumbles in displeasure. ''400 hundred years and yet you still treat me like a child.''
''That's because you always give me a reason to,'' she replies.
Soon the plane lands and the three of them get off it. They walk towards the parked Range over a metres away. ''I hope we are going to the place directly, I don't want to waste another moment,'' Amunet exclaims as they all get in the car.
''Don't worry, we will be there soon. I already have my people in place, on my command they will have the witch surrounded.''
''I just hope they have enough blood-root.''
The drive to their location was quite short and it really pleased Amunet. ''Ohh, I cannot wait to get my hands on that witch,'' she growls out.
''She has set camp in the middle of this forest, follow me,'' Raphael calls out and whooshes away in full speed. The other two follow him and in a matter of seconds they are standing in what looks like a ruined campsite.
''What happened here?'' Estaban asks, as he looks around the camp.
''Spread out, try looking for scents,'' Amunet orders the two men. They both nod and each of them wander off in different directions.
''I found something,'' Estaban shouts out after a while. The other two vampires follow his voice and speed towards it.
''What is it?'' Raphael asks as Estaban brushes away the vines and moss to reveal a door.
''Now what could be hiding inside here? break it open, Estaban,'' Amunet orders.
The man does as orders and kicks the door hard. A series of screams and cries echo the forest as a bunch of children rush out of the hiding spot.
''Children? What the hell are children doing inside here?'' Raphael cries out, his dislike for children visible on his perfectly carved face.
''Wait,'' Amunet holds up a finger, ''listen, they're not normal human spawns.''
The other two men focus their gazes on the now huddled children. ''Ohhh,'' Raphael gasps in realization, ''they're witches, I can sense their power.''
''Now, what are a couple of baby witches doing here in the forest?'' Estaban voices out as he takes a dangerous step towards the children.
''I could ask you the same thing,'' a voice from their right calls out. A few seconds later, a woman comes into view, her hands raised up facing the three vampires. She begins chanting something under her breath and the vampires clutch their heads in pain.
''Come now, get behind me,'' she gestures to the children with her free hand. They all run towards her, but one of them was too slow.
Amunet, being the oldest and the strongest, recovered from the aneurysm first and managed to grab the little girl. ''Is that the best you can do, Selene? I mean, come on, show me some respect. I'm 600 yrs old for crying out loud! You think your little headaches will affect me, I have mastered that art,'' she smirks, as she tightens her grip on the girl.
''Let her go vampire!!'' Selene shouts, ''or else I'll- I'll kill you all.''
''Oh, is that a threat? 'cause it doesn't sound like one!''
''What- what do you want?'' The witch stutters, trying to look brave, but failing miserably.
''Beautiful children you have here,'' Amunet says, ignoring the question the witch posed. ''Hmm, I wonder,'' she muses dramatically and fishes out a blood-root flower from her leather jacket.
''No! No! No, please don't, please don't do that, she is a child!'' Selene cries out in fear. But Amunet ignores her cries and glides the flower down the cheek of the blonde-haired girl.
A burning stench fills the air as the girl falls to the ground clutching her now burnt cheek. ''You vile woman! You will pay for this!!'' Selene screams and starts chanting furiously as the ground beneath her starts shaking.
The children cower behind her and move away, Estaban and Raphael notice this and flash towards them.
''Hello, human spawns,'' Raphael flashes his fangs and grabs two kids, one boy and one girl. Estaban grabs the other two girls and the all walk towards Amunet, who is sporting a victorious smirk.
Selene, who just realized what transpired, stops her chanting. Her eyes widen as she takes in the image before her. She drops her hands down and looks at Amunet, defeat clear in her eyes.
''Great! Now where was I? Ahh, right!'' Amunet chuckles and picks the girl up by her collar. ''How about another round of this, sweetheart?'' she waves the flower in front of the child's face.
''No please, please don't hurt her. I will do as you ask, I beg of you,'' Selene cries out and takes a step forward.
''Oh well, that was easy. I honestly thought you'd put up a bigger fight,'' Amunet shrugs.'' I liked your sister more, she had spark, too bad Athena killed her.''
''You, you know Athena?'' Selene looks up at Amunet.
''Well, of course I do. Who doesn't, right? Now, how about my friends take these little people away from here. Don't worry, they won't hurt them, unless I ask them to. But I doubt it will come down to that, right?'' She presses, looking down at the witch with malice in her eyes.
''Yes. Yes, please, don't hurt my children. I'll - I'll co-operate,'' Selene whimpers.
''That's like a good witch. Now come on, let's take a little walk. Estaban?'' she turns to her right hand man, ''I'll see you all by the car.''
The two men grab the five kids and take them away as Amunet walks in the opposite direction, Selene following her begrudgingly.
''Very beautiful weather, don't you think?'' Amunet asks as she crosses her arms behind her.
''I'm not here to discuss the weather with you. You're Amunet aren't you? I've heard of you, the things you have done to human, werewolves and witches alike. You don't even spare your own kind''
''Oh great that you have! I'm so glad I don't have to do the whole introduction part,'' Amunet claps.
Selene glances at the vampire next to her and senses the craziness. 'I'll have to be careful around this one.' She thinks to herself and takes a deep breath. ''Why have you come here?''
''Why, for you of course,'' Amunet looks at her blankly. ''I thought you'd be smarter than that Selene.''
''Why me? what do you need me for? I have not broken any rules, I have not interfered with the balance,'' Selene questions her, trying to pinpoint the reason why this vampire tracked her down.
''Who cares about the rules and balance? All that is hogwash,'' Amunet waves her hand as usual. ''What I want to know, is if you can modify a memory spell and make it, more permanent?
''What?! No, no that is crazy, you can't do that! That is tapping into dark magic, advanced dark magic!'' Selene cries out in horror.
''So there is a way,'' Amunet smirks and looks down at the witch menacingly.
''You cannot make me do that!! I will not tap into dark magic!!'' she shrieks and runs but she couldn't get far as Amunet flashes in front of her, blood-root in her hand. ''Where do you think you're going?''
''Y-you-you can't threaten me with that. I-I-I will not help you ruin Athena's life more than what my sister did.''
''Oh, so there is some smart in you! Honestly, I was starting to regret my decision of coming here. Tell me this, didn't doing the spell require you to do dark magic? Or blocking people's memories is one of your 'light magic' tricks?
''C-C-Celeste did it,'' Selene stutters as she quivers in fear. ''She, t-t-tapped in to the dark magic and siphoned my magic. I am not tainted with it and I have no desire to either,'' she finally gathers her courage and speaks up.
''Pity, because you have no choice but to do it. You're coming with me to Toronto and you will work on mastering that spell. And if you don't, the heads of those children will roll and their blood will taint the very ground you worship,'' Amunet sneers.
''Please don't, please don't harm those children, I will do as you say,'' Selene begs, the thought of those innocent children haunting her.
''That's more like it, now let's get out of here and get you to safety before the wolf packs get here. I'm sure Raphael's men have been keeping them busy. Personally, I hope their dead,'' Amunet tells Selene as she grabs her hands and leads her out of the forest.
So, what are your thoughts on the chapter?
I decided to shed some light on Amunet's revenge. Let me know your thoughts on the comments as usual.
Don't worry more will be revealed soon ;)
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