Chapter 33
I hear two soft knocks on my door and immediately know who it is. A small smile appears on my face as I bookmark my novel, grab my sweater, put it on and walk towards my bedroom door. I open it and come face to face with my mate who is holding what looks like an ice cream tub and two spoons.
''Seriously? It's five o'clock in the morning. Who eats ice cream at this time?'' I ask him as I close the bedroom door behind me and following him to the balcony.
''Well, us apparently,'' he replies and seats on the now repaired balcony sofa. He pats the empty spot next to him. ''So?''
''Okay fine. Which one is it?'' I sit down and try to look at the flavor.
''Chocolate fudge brownie. Your favorite.'' He replies and hands me one spoon.
''How do you.... you know what? Just forget it. Of course you know,'' I wave my hand in dismissal and lean back on the sofa.
Theo just chuckles and digs into the tub as I do the same.
Things between him and I have changed ever since the run that day. We've gotten closer and I'm starting to feel comfortable around him. Especially after the breakfast we had later that day.
''Hey, you've got umm.... you've got some ice cream on your face,'' he points out after a while.
''Ohhh! Where?'' I ask, trying to wipe it off with the back of my hand. ''is it gone?''
''Yeah,'' he chuckles. ''So, what's on today's agenda?''
''The shoot is today so I'm pretty excited about it. What about you?'' I ask him as I manage to score a big chunk of brownie from the tub.
''I don't have much today. Mind if I come with you to the shoot? I promise to behave,'' he says and shoots me an innocent smile.
My heart warms at this and I couldn't help but agree. ''Sure. The shoot starts at nine so be ready by 8:30. That okay with you?''
''Yeah sure,'' he replies.
We sit in a comfortable silence; a cold wind suddenly blows my hair all over my face. I sense Theo's sharp intake of breath as my scent hits him. I smirk a little then try to get the hair out of my face.
''Here, let me help you with that,'' he offers and puts his spoon down. He leans forward and starts clearing the hair off my face. As soon as my vision clears I'm met with his brown eyes boring into mine.
It was then that I realized how close we actually are. My breath hitches as his leathery, musky scent hits me.
I bite my lower lip nervously and follow his gaze as it falls onto my lips. I hear his chest rumble, a low growl escapes him and he dips his head. I part my lips and am about to lean in when we hear a loud crash from the kitchen, thus, ruining our moment.
Theo literally jumps back and storms inside. I gather the spoons and ice cream and follow him.
''What is wrong with you?????'' he shouts at Charles who is now on the floor picking up pieces of glass.
''Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you two up?'' Charles says, looking between the both us, his eyes then land on the ice-cream in my hands. ''Ohhhhh, I see.''
''Are you hurt?'' I ask him while placing the spoons and tub on the counter, before I carefully walk towards him.
''No I'm not. I moved away just in time. Thanks for asking, at least someone cares,'' he rolls his eyes and glares at Theo.
''Athena, love, get away from there you might get hurt,'' Theo says as he approaches us. ''You too Charles. I'll get someone to clean this up.''
Charles and I both get up and leave the kitchen. ''Where's Mila?'' I ask him.
''In the shower,'' he replies. I look at the clock and realize it's now 6AM. ''I should start getting ready. And you should too,'' I point at my mate who is currently glaring daggers at his beta.
I stifle a giggle before heading towards my room. To think I almost kissed Theo! Oh moon goddess help me.
I put on my navy blue suit and suede white heels. I grab my bag and double check if all my stuff is in there. I then put on my eyeliner, mascara and don my go to brown lipstick. I part my hair from one side and let it flow naturally.
The other three are now sitted on the kitchen chairs having their breakfast. ''Who cooked?'' I ask as I place my files and bag on one of the couches.
''Charles did. As a way of apologizes for the ruckus he created this morning,'' Theo grumbles as he takes a sip of his coffee. Clearly, he is still pissed at Charles for ruining our moment.
''It was one glass!'' Charles shouts while sliding a plate of scrambled eggs to me.
''You ruined the set Charles!!'' Theo yells back. Mila and I exchange glances and then burst into fits of giggles.
''What so funny ladies?'' Charles props a hand on his waist whilst holding a spatula. The giggling now intensifies and both men look at us confused.
''Ohh, if only you guys could see yourselves right now. You look like a bunch of housewives arguing over whose cutlery is better,'' Mila manages to speak in between laughs.
''I know right. Please continue. Theo, what was it you were saying about him ruining your glass set?'' I laugh as I slap my hand on my thigh. ''Oh goddess, I cannot with you two.'' I say while wiping imaginary tears from my eyes.
''Yeah.... yeah whatever. Come on love, drink your juice, we are getting late,'' Theo grumbles.
''All done,'' I say after a few minutes. I clean up and grab my keys from the stand, ready to walk out the door when Theo interrupts me, ''Ahemmm...Athena? aren't you forgetting something?''
I turn around to find him holding my bag and files in his hand. ''Ohh,'' I slap my forehead then take them from his hand.
''Thanks. So just to uhhh-clarify. The warriors are not coming with me today right? Since you know, you are?'' I ask Theo as we walk out of the penthouse.
''Yup. There's no need for them to. Don't worry love, they've been informed already,'' he smiles at me.
''So efficient,'' I mumble under by breath as I try to conceal my smile.
''What is that you said love?'' he asks, nudging me.
''What? Nothing! I didn't say anything. Why, did you hear me says something?''I reply, my voice raising an octave.
''I think I did. But I'll let it slide. Now, who is driving and which car are we taking?''
''Can you drive please? I'm really not up for it today,'' I tell him, my shoulders slumping.
''Sure. No worries love. Come on, it's over there.'' He points towards his Porsche parked a few meters away.
It was a fifteen-minute drive to the venue, giving me enough time to go over my files one last time. I notice Theo throwing glances at me from my peripheral vision every now and then.
''Eyes on the road mister,'' I scold him, without even looking up.
''They are my eyes and I will look at whatever I wish to and whenever I wish to, love,'' he replies then looks away.
''And you're free to do that but not under the expense of my life and yours too. Once we've reached our destination safely, you're free to look at whatever you want. But right now, focus on the road.''
''Fine,'' He sighs in annoyance and puts his shades on. I chuckle at his antics and go back to my work.
''Well, here we are,'' Theo announces after a few minutes. I re-arrange the papers, close the file and grab my bag ready to get out when Theo grabs my hand. ''Wait.''
''Wait, what?'' I call out but he doesn't reply and gets out of the car. I stare at him through the windshield as he walks round it and opens the door for me. I grin and shake my head at him. ''I could've done that you know?''
''I know. But as long as I'm with you, you're never opening the car door,'' he replies while shutting it behind me. ''Or any other door for that matter.''
''Do I get a say in this?'' I look at him, raising an eyebrow.
''Absolutely not. Now come on, you've got work to do, ''he replies and places his hand on my lower back. Normally I would've slapped his hand away but I welcome this new feeling of warmth flowing in me and continue walking.
''What in the world......'' Theo curses as his feet splatter, I look down and see a pool of water forming around my feet too.
''Where is the coming from?'' I wonder out loud as he pushes the door to the studio open and we walk in. What I see, makes me lose my balance. Thank the goddess for Theo being by my side since he grabbed me before I could hit the now muddied watery ground.
''I got you love,'' he whispers and steadies me.
I blink thrice and look around trying to take in my surroundings. I spot Nancy sitted crossed legged on one of the chairs, her face contorted in disgust. Leo in the same state as well.
''Can someone explain what happened here?'' I yell at the two of them.
''Long story short Athena, we are doomed!!'' Nancy yells back from across the studio. I spot the photographer crouching low in the corner with his head between his hands.
''Julio? Are you okay?'' I wad through the water and go to him, not caring about my shoes getting ruined in the process.
''Okay?! Okay?! Do I look okay to you?'' He cries out in his thick Spanish accent. ''I had to cut my trip short so that I could do your shoot and this....... this is what I get? Your whole studio is flooded! Your backdrops are RUINED! You're lucky I did not bring in my equipment yet or else I would have SUED YOU!!!!'' He points his finger at me.
Theo is by my side in an instant, ready to take him down, but I grab his hand and stop him before he could harm Julio in anyway. Not that he would, but one can never know.
We exchange glances. I send a subtle nod in his direction and he backs down. He takes two steps back and stands behind me. His chest flush against my back. The fact that I can feel his muscles through his shirt indicates how close we really were.
I try to throw the unholy thoughts that are beginning to form in my mind and focus on the task at hand. ''Julio....'' I take in a deep breath, ''I am really sorry for this, I don't know how any of this happened. But be rest assured, I will pay what I owe you. I'm sorry again,'' I apologize to him.
''You're lucky I'm not suing you,'' he says and walks out of the studio, muttering profanities under his breath, splashing water as he goes.
I turn to Nancy and Leo who are looking everywhere else but at me. ''Ahemmm,'' I clear my throat, trying to get their attention.
Two pairs of eyes simultaneously turn to look at me. ''Explain.''
''How about we get out of here first?'' Leo speaks up for the first time since we walked in. His gaze lingering on me for a few seconds before moving to Theo.
I notice his gaze harden and immediately I feel Theo's muscles tense behind doesn't take a genius to know that he is glaring at Leo too.
Nancy clears her throat, breaking the stare offs between the two alphas. ''Mr. Grey is right. We should get out. Your shoes are ruined Athena.''
I look down and realize she is right. My white heels are now soaked in the filthy water. ''Yeah, we should. But first, where are my models?"
''They are backstage getting ready,'' She replies timidly.
Anger flares in me when she says that. ''Then what the hell are you doing here? who is going to tell them to stop? Me? Go now and tell them all to leave!!''
She squeaks in fear and runs towards the backstage. I wad through the muddy waters and walk out of the studio, Theo and Leo following me closely.
''Damn it!!!! Damn it to hell and back!!!'' I shout furiously, kicking a nearby trash can so hard it flew and crashed against a brick wall.
''Athena you need to -'' Leo speaks up but I cut him off.
''No! Don't tell me to calm down. Because I sure as hell won't! You and I both know who did this!!''
''As much as I hate to agree with Leo, he is right love. You do need to calm down,'' Theo says as he walks up to me and takes the files and IPad from my hands. He then tugs my bag from my other hand, walks up to the car and safely puts everything on the back seat. Lest I throw those too.
I watch him curiously before he turns around and faces me, ''but knowing you, you wouldn't do it. So go on, let it all out. Break a few things too if you want to. Neither of us will stop you. Once you've calmed down, You and I are going to sit down and talk about how to solve this.''
I place my hands on my hip and squint my eyes at him. I wanted to say something sassy, i wanted to shout, to scream, to rip someones head off but one look at Theo's face and it all vanished. I shake my head and laugh humorlessly. ''That bitch got me good.''
My head starts clearing up and the anger in me resides. ''Done?'' Theo asks.
I look up at him and smile softly at him. ''Yeah,Done.''
I notice Leo shifting gazes between the two of us before he speaks up. ''So what now? The whole thing got ruined. You have to pay Julio, your models, and the venue people. Amunet attacked you right where it hurt.''
''You think I don't know that?'' I snap at him, my eyes glowering in anger as my wolf threatens to take over, ready to kick this males ass, who is rubbing salt on my wounds.
''Athena, no!'' Theo warns and grabs me by the waist before I could attack Leo.
''Sshhh, shhhh love, calm down, calm down,'' he whispers sweet nothings in my ear all the while rubbing his hand on the small of my back in an effort to calm me down. It works, as I lean into his touch and relax.
''Okay, so now that we all don't want to kill each other, temporarily. Let's talk about how we can solve this problem,'' my mate says.
''Look Argent, there is no nicer way to say it but, none of this concerns you,'' Leo states, the mirth in his eyes betraying his words. God damn males trying to one up each other.
''Of course it does. Anything that has to do with Athena concerns me,'' Theo replies, his voice posing a challenge for the other alpha.
As for me, it was a whole different story. His deep voice sent a series of shivers down my spine, as unholy thoughts filtered through my mind. I had to close my eyes and shake those thoughts away, unaware of the two males who have now stopped talking.
''Athena, are you okay?'' Leo asks. I snap my eyes open at the sound of his voice, my gaze meeting his as he looks at me in concern.
Theo drops his hand from my waist and bends to look at me in concern too. I immediately start missing his touch. I'm tempted to grab his hand and put it back on my waist. I almost did it if it hadn't been for Nancy who walked out into the clearing, shouting my name.
''Athena!! Athena!!'' she jogs up to the three of us and comes to stop. ''Wait.... just.....umm....phew,'' she places her hands on her thighs and pants. The two males look at her, curiosity burning in their eyes.
''You got tired just from running up to here?'' Leo asks. From the look in his eyes, I could tell he was judging her. Before I could say anything Nancy snapped up, a glare burning in her eyes. ''Well excuse me for not being a runner. Tell me Mr. Grey, how many Olympic gold medals do you have hanging around in your house?''
Her response had both me and Theo chuckling. I threw her a proud smile and she winked in response. Leo glared at us, but nothing could ruin that moment for us. Nancy had bruised his ego and one thing we all know is that there is nothing bigger than an alpha males' ego.
He walks away from us grumbling incoherently, probably trying to get his wolf in control. I turn to look at Nancy who looking between Theo and I. I sense the wheels in her head turning and shake my head, indicating her to shut her trap.
''Nancy, you wanted to tell me something?'' I take a step forward and grab her hand squeezing it lightly, just in case she didn't get my first warning.
''Ohhh yes!! Sorry. I spoke to the models. Some took it well and left but a few others didn't like it Athena. There was some swearing and cursing too. They are demanding to be paid! One person went further to say that we've wasted her time and she had better places to be at. What are we going to do Athena?''
''I-I – I don't know. I time need to think Nancy. Listen, go back to the office. Get the department managers and available board members ready. I'm calling a meeting with all of them. Right now it's-'' I look at my watch, ''-Okay, get them ready. I will be addressing them at 11:00. Go!''
She nods her head in response and immediately leaves. I turn to Theo, a look of defeat scarring my face. ''What am I going to do now? How will I recover from this? Amunet has ruined me!?'' I cry out, tears threatening to fall. ''I will be left with nothing after I come out of this!''
Normally I would never let my emotions get the better of me but i had reached a point where I was completely out of options. Never have I ever encountered someone so formidable. She has shaken me to the core, stripping me bare in front of the world. If word gets out about this, Nightshade will be on the verge of closing down.
''Athena! Athena!'' his voice breaks me out of my musings. ''Hey, look at me, look at me,'' Theo grabs my face between his hands, forcing me to look at him. ''We'll get through this together okay? I will not let any harm come to you or your company, love,'' he says and hugs me tight.
''And what do you plan on doing, Argent? Buying her company?'' Leo walks up to us and asks. I release myself from Theo's arms and turn to face my production partner.
''I believe that is none of your concern, Grey. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Amunet also your client?'' Theo's smug voice resonates from behind me.
Leo's eyes widen at this and for once he doesn't have a reply. I purse my lips tight, a feeble attempt to hide the oncoming smirk.
Leo clears his throat, ''Ahem- I should leave. I still have the samples with me. Would you like them to be delivered to your office or should I hang on to them?'' he now looks at me.
''Keep them for now. I will contact you once I've made a decision.''
He nods and walks towards his car. ''Good riddance,'' I hear Theo mutter under his breath.
I slap his arm playfully. ''Don't be rude. Now come on take me home, I need a drink or two, three maybe and a plan.''
''As you wish ma'am,'' he mock bows and opens the car door for me. As we drive out of the venue my phone rings. I remove it from my bag and look at the called id.
''Amunet,'' I whisper.
Theo and I exchange glances. ''Put her on speaker,'' he demands.
I do as he says and answerthe call. the thick accented voice drawls over the phone, ''Hello princess.How was the shoot?''
So, thoughts? i told you guys the crazy will come. Amunet ruined her entire photo-shoot! How do you think Athena is going to recover from this huge blow?
Let me know in the comments as usual.
And don't forget to vote too :)
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