Chapter 23
I walk up to the security guard as soon as I get to Grey's office. ''Hello, I'd like to see Leonard Grey.''
''I'm sorry sir bur Mr Grey won't be seeing anyone today,'' he politely replies.
''And why is that?'' I inquire.
''I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say so sir,'' he replies again.
''That's unfortunate. However, I do need to see him so would you be kind and inform him of my arrival?'' I tell him.
''But sir....'' the guard says.
''Please, I insist,'' I give him a small nod.
''Okay umm...let me see what I can do.'' He then picks the receiver and calls Grey. ''Sir, I know you asked us not to disturb you but there is a gentleman here who insists on seeing you. Yes, sir.... just a minute sir. Excuse me? I didn't catch your name?''
''Argent. Theo Argent.''
''Okay thank you. Sir, yes, he says his name is Theo Argent,'' The guard states. ''Okay sir, sure sir.'' He then puts the receiver down and ushers me towards the elevator. ''This will take you to the private floor at the top.''
As soon as I get to the top floor, I pick a faint scent of wildflowers and passion fruit. ''Why was she here?'' I wonder out aloud to myself. I'm met with the secretary who then leads me to Leo's office.
''Be warned he is in a mood,'' she whispers softly before flashing me a flirty smile and placing her hand on my forearm.
''I'll take my chances,'' I reply while pushing her hand off my arm then walking towards the large grey office. Wow, the guy sure does take his name seriously.
''I was wondering when you'd stop by,'' Leo speaks up from his chair while twirling a paper weight in his hand.
''You know it makes me uncomfortable that you think about me,'' I reply as I sit on the visitor chair opposite his.
He chuckles at this and sits up, ''What, did you both plan to visit me on the same day during one of your pillow talks?'' he asks looking at me slyly, clearly trying to rile me up.
''Sadly you don't qualify to be part of our pillow talks, it's a big turn off you know,'' I smirk in response and watch the smile fall off his face.
''I assume you're here for a reason?'' he changes the course of the conversation.
''Yes actually, I thought it was high time you and I had a talk.''
'Aand by that you mean Athena right?'' he tilts his head in question.
''Among other things,'' I fold my hands in front of me and lean back on the chair. ''I for one, would like you to stop doing business with her. Stop manufacturing her clothes, break the contract,'' I tell him in a serious voice.
He laughs out loud at this and thumps the table. ''You're joking right?''
''Does it look like I am?'' I look him straight in the eye, showing no emotion whatsoever.
''Ohh. You're serious. Look, you and I both know that's never going to happen. Why do you think I would hurt Athena like that?'' he questions.
''Well, you surely didn't think you were hurting her when you broke up with her a few days ago. So this should be a piece of cake for you,'' I retort.
He looks at me tongue tied, knowing that I played him well there.
Theo -1, Leo- 0.
''Let's say for argument's sake I do break the contract, she is the one who will pay a heavy penalty you know, not me. The price for breaking that contract is too high.''
''Name it. Name your price and I'll pay,'' I place my offer to him, thinking that he will take it but he is smarter than I gave him credit for.
''Oh I see what you're doing there Theo. You're cunning aren't you?'' he laughs. ''But no. Tell me this, do you think Athena would want you buying her out? We both know how independent she is. She would never take the money from you.''
''I'm well aware of that. You forget that I'm her mate,'' I state, trying to hide the proud smile forming on my face. ''Which brings me to my next matter of discussion.'' I straighten myself and glance at him. He seems to be on edge now as he averts his gaze from me and looks elsewhere.
''Why do I feel that that's the main reason you're here?'' he squints his eyes at me in suspicion.
''You've got good instincts haven't you? it's a good quality, especially for an alpha. Which makes me wonder where your instincts were when you started dating my mate, knowing fully well who she was, where she comes from and what that mark on her neck stands for,'' I ask him calmly, my voice however,laced with anger.
''I...I...ummm...look Theo, I admit I was wrong but I'm not going to apologize for dating Athena. I didn't force myself on her. The feelings were mutual,'' he defends himself.
''No, no you didn't. but that doesn't make it right does it? Athena has no memory of me, of us,'' I tell him morosely, '' but you knew, you met us during the alpha meeting last year, yet you still went ahead and dated her, didn't you feel an ounce of shame?''
''To be honest, I was skeptical at first. And yes I saw the mark, I knew she was mated to you. Call it as you would like it Theo. I was selfish, I like her, I saw an opportunity and I took it okay! There it is, is that what you wanted to hear?'' he shouts, throwing his hands up in the air.
''Precisely,'' I reply then get up from my chair.
''That's it? You're leaving?!''
''I believe my work here is done, so yes, I'm leaving. Unless you have something more to say to me?'' I quirk an eyebrow at him.
''Goddess! You two are made for each other, how much vaguer can you both be?'' he says in frustration.
''Well, at least there is something that we both agree on,'' I smirk.
Leo sighs and runs a hand over his head in frustration. ''I never stood a chance, did I?''
''The sad part is, you thought you did,'' I reply and walk out of his office.
''I heard you were working this weekend? Boy am I glad I was off,'' Nancy smiles at me when I walk in the office on Monday morning.
''Heyy...morning. How was the trip?'' I smile at her in return. ''Okay......what just happened here? it's still morning isn't it? Why are you in a good mood?'' Nancy follows me in.
''Well for one, I had a very productive weekend and secondly, I had an eye opening revelation,'' I tell her.
''What did you smoke Athena? how high are you?'' she whispers lowly.
''I'm perfectly fine Nancy. If anything, I'm high on life,'' i smile widely at her.
''Okay then, let me make your day even more better. Just a second,'' she says and walks out.She comes back a few minutes later with a bag in hand, ''Leftover lasagna for you,'' she hands it to me.
''Eeeehhh thank you,'' I squeal in delight. ''I promise to call your mom and personally thank her.''
''She'd love that I'm sure,'' she smiles then goes back to her desk. I put the lasagna in my mini fridge lest it goes bad. I would be a wasted of that delicious sauce.
The rest of the week goes on well and by Friday morning we were ready to perform at the awards. My office would rival a fish market in its current state. Everyone was going up and down. Our clothes were ready to be sent to the venue tomorrow. The models were in check and so was the whole team.
Now we wait for tomorrow evening. I just hope everything goes as per what we've planned.
I wake up to my phone blasting off on Saturday morning. ''Hello?'' I answer groggily while rubbing my eyes. ''Athena? were you sleeping?'' Nancy shouts from the other side of the line.
''No, I was scuba diving! Do you have a death wish Nancy?'' I grumble in annoyance.
''I'm sorry, I'm sorry Athena. but I'm here at the venue with some of the helpers, uhhh, there is something you need to know. We are...ahemmm.... we are competing against Kovar among other designers.''
''We are what?'' I screech and shoot up in my bed. ''Yes, their team is here setting up. The main ceremony starts at 07:00 so you'll be here by 05:00 right?'' she asks worriedly, with hope in her voice.
''Yes, yes, I'll be there don't worry, think positive okay, we'll do good, we're prepared,'' I try to console her. Truth to be told, it was for me really.
''Great then, I'll see you soon,'' she replies and disconnects the line.
''Ugghh, there is no way I can sleep now,'' I grumble and get out of my bed. I wash my face and freshen up a bit before walking to the living room and grab a bowl of cereal.
I was in the middle of pouring milk in my bowl when I hear a soft knock on the door. It took me less than a second to realize who it was. The musky scent hit me so hard, I had to grab on the counter for support. My heart starts beating a mile per minute and so does his, since I can hear it from where I am.
''I know you're in there Athena,'' he says from the other side. I take in a deep breath, compose myself and open the door.
''Hiiii,'' I say in a shrill tone. Ugghh, seriously. Way to make a fool out of yourself Athena.
''Umm...hey, can we talk?'' he asks rubbing the back of his head nervously. My gaze falls on his face, his light brown eyes shining from the sunlight reflecting from my window. Holy crap, stop Athena! I mentally scold myself.
''Ahemmm.... yeah, um...come in,'' I offer and move aside to give him way.
He walks in, hands in his pockets as he looks around the house. ''Your house is nice,'' he compliments. ''Umm.... thanks. So you wanted to ask me something?''
''Yeah. So......I wanted to ask...ahemmm, if, you would like to go to the awards together this evening?''
''Ummm...Theo- I......''
''As friends though. Nothing else,'' he quickly adds before I can refuse. I position myself behind the kitchen counter, trying to keep a distance between us. I wanted to say no to him first but his words from the other night ring in my head.
''I think that would be nice. I'll go,'' I smile lightly at him.
He looks shocked at first but covers it quickly with a smile. ''Great, so what time do I pick you?''
''Right, about that......I'm actually a presenting company in the function, so I have to be there early, like at 05:00,'' I tell him as I take a spoonful of my cereal, ''breakfast?''
''No thanks I'm good,'' he declines. ''That's fine by me, so I'll pick you up at 5?''
''Are you sure you wanna be there that early? You'll be bored,'' I reply.
He chuckles lightly and runs a hand through his hair, ''Trust me when I say this, it's never a boring moment with you. So I'll see you at 5.''
And with that he leaves my apartment. ''Ummm okay, so i guess that's how it is.''
I spent the most part of the morning on call with Nancy and the others. Everything seems to be going well for us. Our outfits will arrive at the venue before six o'clock. I can't risk having them there early especially with Amunet being around.
I sit down to do my makeup and hair. I opt for an evening look and a bold lip. I do a side part on my hair and let it flow naturally. Once done, I grab my dress and put it in a garment bag together with my silver strap heels and jewelry.
At exactly five the doorbell rings, I gather my stuff put on pair of flats, grab my coat, phone, keys and clutch. I look at myself in the mirror one last time before swinging the door open.
''You look umm....''Theo starts not knowing what to say as he looks at me from up to down.
''Save it for later, I need to be backstage first. Can't risk spoiling the dress.''
''You do know the red carpet is at 6 right? I mean it's just an hour,'' he says like it's not a big deal.
''Just an hour! Wow, you're such a guy,'' I shake my head and laugh. ''Come on, we're getting late.''
We get into Theo's black Porsche and make way to the hotel. I immediately rush backstage, showing the security my pass with Theo in tow.
''Athena thank god you're here,'' Nancy says in delight, visibly relieved. ''Here let me take your dress in the green room we've been assigned, mines also there.''
She then notices Theo behind me and a surprised smile forms on her face. ''Hello...umm...I'm sorry I...''
''It's okay, I believe we haven't been formerly introduced. I'm Theo Argent,'' he politely says and extends his hand out to her.
''Oh sweet baby Jesus!! Theo Argent! It is such an honor sir. Oh wow,'' she starts fan-girling.
''Ahemmm,'' I clear my throat. "Nancy, a word please?'' I grab her upper arm and drag her away to the green room.
''Are you effing kidding me! Theo Argent is your date! My god Athena Robinson. First Leo now Theo. Ohhh you naughty girl,'' she smirks slyly at me.
''Nancy, cut the crap will you! Theo is......he is...umm....''I struggle with my words not knowing what to say. ''He is...ahemmm.... just a friend. Right, yeah he is a friend and we've come here as friends.''
''Sure, whatever you say boss,'' she teases.
''Okay now come on. Let's get to work.''
We both walk outside only to be met with Theo, patiently waiting for us. ''Oh hey, you're still here?
''Where else would I be Athena?'' he tilts his head at me playfully then winks. Oh Goddess, why? Why does he look so hot doing that!?
''Well since you're here, you might as well help,'' I compose myself and tell him,well, more like order him.
''Yes ma'am. Whatever you say ma'am,'' he mock salutes.
''I like him, let's keep him,'' Nancy whispers to me.
''Shut up, he can hear you,'' I whisper back as lowly as possible.
Our clothes arrive soon. Once the garment racks have been rolled in, we call in the models and the make-up artists to start working their magic. I notice Theo lounging in one of the chairs, some of the models surrounding him, batting their eyelashes and flirting with him.
I have this sudden urge to smack the back of their heads and tell them off but I control myself. Instead I choose to observe him from a distance. He doesn't look even mildly interested and completely ignores them as his eyes keep searching the area until they land on their intended target, me.
His face lights up when he sees me and he smiles widely. I couldn't help but return the smile. We held each other's gazes for a while until I was rudely interrupted by Nancy's voice through the wireless earpiece. ''Athena it's almost time for the red carpet we need to go change. Oh and also Kovar have arrived and their spot is just next to ours.''
I break the staring contest with Theo and walk away from there. ''Let's not pay attention to them. They will of course be showcasing their fancy gowns and suits, while we will stick to our hits. Let's focus on us okay?''
Nancy and I go over a few details and check up on the models before going to change. ''Hey everything okay?'' Theo walks up to me as I make my way to the green room.
''Yeah all good. Just going to change, I believe people have started arriving,'' I look over his shoulder and see some top designers and celebs posing for the red carpet. ''Well you better hurry then, I'll wait for you here.''
I wanted to tell him to go ahead but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He has been so nice this whole time and hasn't bothered me, not even once. So I just nodded and walked off.
''Holy shit Athena! you look amazing!!'' Nancy squeals once she's done zipping me up. I look into the mirror and couldn't help but agree. ''You're right, I do.''
My midnight blue, spaghetti strap glitter dress with the slit running up mid-thigh. ''You look great too. Red is definitely your color,'' I compliment her as she twirls in her figure hugging red dress with a big bow on the left shoulder.
We both walk out of the green room and meet up with Theo who was busy adjusting his tie. ''Wow! You look beautiful,'' he says looking directly at me first then averting his gaze, ''you both look great,'' he smiles.
''Thank you Mr. Argent. So I will see you guys at the table,'' Nancy says and tries to leave but Theo stops her. ''Wait a minute, you're going out there alone?'' he asks.
''Yeah, it's no big deal. Anyway I'm just an assistant, the cameras won't focus on me at all,'' she shrugs.
''No, no, no come with us,'' he offers making me raise my eyebrows in question. ''You're not just an assistant Nancy, you're Athena's friend and as of this moment mine too. So come with us, will all walk the carpet together.''
''Mr. Argent, I'm...I'm really not sure,'' She replies, suddenly feeling embarrassed while I stand there observing Theo silently. More like admiring.
''Oh come on, Athena tell her,'' he turns to look at me.
''Huh? What?'' I break out of my reverie.
''Shouldn't Nancy walk with us on the red carpet? It'll be great, don't you think? Us friends walking it together?'' he questions.
''Yeah, yeah totally. It'll be awesome. Come with us,'' I tell her. She hesitates at first but then gives in.
The three of us walk towards the camera flashes together, the paparazzi calling and shouting our names. Some of them expressing awe towards Theo for walking down the carpet with two women on his arms.
''So this is why you wanted both of us on each arm. Aren't you an attention seeker,'' I whisper lowly to him amid the camera flashes and shouts.
''I'd like to invoke my right and choose to remain silent. Anything I say can and will be used against me,'' he smirks playfully and looks at me.
''Seriously? Like seriously?'' I look up at him too. I see a camera flash from my peripheral vision and quickly look away.
Once we are in, Nancy and I head to our assigned table while Theo goes to his which is two tables down ours. I finally release the breath of air that I didn't realize I was holding.
''Hey you okay?'' Nancy places a hand on my shoulder and asks me. ''Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Let's hope all goes well.''
The ceremony soon starts and we rise up for the national anthem. A few singers come upstage and perform their greatest hits. It all seems to be going well until Nancy grips my arm tight in fear.
I catch a whiff of her scent from across the room and scrunch up my nose in disgust. my eyes sweep across the room and finally come to a stop when my gaze meets hers. Anger starts boiling in me as I glare at her. She smiles at me sadistically then waves.
What is this woman up to?
''Athena? Athena?'' Nancy's voice breaks me out of my glaring contest, ''we need to get backstage, now!'' she says with panic in her voice.
Hiiii guys. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I know it's very late but the update is here.
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.
Thoughts in the comment section as usual and don't forget to vote!😊❤
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