Chapter 17
''Athena watch out!'' A voice calls out from my left and I turn just in time to dodge an incoming sword attack.
''We need to work on your defense skills,'' Leo says as he walks up to me.
''We need to work on my sword skills in general. Like seriously who uses swords to fight these days?'' I complain as we walk to the corner of the training room for a break.
''It's called fencing Athena not sword fighting, we are not in the medieval times,'' Leo replies with a shake of his head.
''Yeah whatever, the concept is still the same isn't it? How is this supposed to help me?''
''You won't know now but all this is helping in nurturing your skills. Your reflexes are great naturally, your hearing is great too, obviously. So it's supposed to be very easy for you to defeat your opponent. Want to go for another round?'' he suggests.
''Not today Leo, I need to get home and start getting ready for work, I have a feeling this is going to be a very long week,'' I sigh and start removing my gear. I kiss him goodbye and leave.
As soon as I walk into the building an uneasiness sets in. It happened first when I woke up this morning but I just ignored it but now it's back. The closer I get to my apartment the more uneasy I feel. Like something trying to awaken in me.
As soon as I get off the elevator a strong scent hits me knocking me off my feet. I have to grab the walls to stagger to the door. ''What the hell is this and why is it so familiar?'' I mutter to myself as I rush into my apartment,slamming the door shut and gasp for air. ''Holy crap, I need fresh air.''
I run to my bedroom and open the windows wide, leaning out trying to take in as much fresh air as possible.
After about 10 minutes, I recover from my breakdown and walk into the shower. I get ready for work, grab an apple, take a deep breath in, open the door to my apartment and sprint to the elevator before an episode like the previous one happens again.
''I need to speak to the building manager regarding this, there seems to be something in the air,'' I mumble to myself while scratching on my lower neck, ''why the heck is this so itchy!''
When I walk in to the office, I'm met with an unusual silence which is very weird. There is usually a lot of chatter going on, everyone's discussing about their weekend shenanigans. Like who went where, who slept with who, who got drunk and passed out on the pavement and what not.
But not today, today an eerie silence has enveloped the whole office and the reason behind it is currently sitted in my office, behind my desk. On my chair!
''What in God's name are you doing here and what have you done to my office?'' I bellow, my blood boiling as I glare at the 600 yr old vampire lounging in my chair.
''And lovely morning to you too Athena,'' she drawls in her thick accent.
''Get out! Now!'' I growl out in anger.
''And why would I do that, when my presence here is enough to rile you up,'' she smirks, twirling a pen she obviously picked from my desk.
''Security!! Security!!'' I shout, trying to call the guards to throw her out.
''Ohh don't bother sweetheart, they're not going to come,'' she says with a wave of her hand.
'Oh and by the way, burgundy is so not your color,'' she eyes my attire and scoffs.
Stupid bitch, how dare she!
''What did you do to them. Oh goddess did you have them for breakfast?'' I gasp.
''Ohh please, what do I look like to you, a cave woman? I had my breakfast before coming here. A healthy dose of AB+ might I add,'' she smacks her lips.
''Eww, gross. Okay, since you're already here and have no intention of leaving, mind telling me what it is you want?'' I cross my arms and stare at her.
''Well I'm glad you asked that,'' she gets up from the chair and claps her hand. ''I received your gift,'' her eyes turn dark as her gaze meets mine.
''Glad you liked it, '' I smirk at her cockily.
''I didn't. You cost me a coven member,'' she hisses.
''Then you should not have sent them to kill me in the first place,'' I hiss back. ''Which I don't even understand, what have I ever done to you, like seriously, I didn't even know you existed until the party. So tell me Amunet, what's your deal?''
''Ahh hahahahhaha, brilliant! This is just brilliant!'' she starts laughing like mad woman.
I squint my eyes at her. ''Did I miss something here? because I don't remember telling a joke,'' I point out.
In a flash of a second she has me pinned against the glass window. ''A little more effort sweetheart and I will throw you out of this building to your death,'' she whispers lowly in my ear, the hair behind my neck standing up.
''But you won't,'' I smirk and lock my hand around her neck, squeezing it tight. She doesn't react at first but the tighter I squeeze the more her grip on me loosens.
Once she completely let's go of me I push her away and she stumbles on the floor. ''I don't care whether you're 600 hundred or 6000 thousand, no one and I mean no one walks into my office and threatens me, do you understand?!!'' I crouch down to her and snap my fingers in front of her face, ''cause you better do. Now leave, I don't want my office to reek of you all day.''
She is up in a flash and whooshes out of the building. The moment she leaves, it's like the entire office wakes up from a trance. A smile forms on my face as the chattering resumes and I see Nancy making her way to me.
''Athena hii...I did not see you coming in. How was your weekend, how was the date?'' she asks, quirking an eyebrow suggestively.
''I'd rather not say, now come on we have loads of work to do,'' I usher her out of my office and close the door behind us.
''Just tell me Athena, was it like good, really good, if you know what I mean,'' she winks,'' or was it bad.''
''I'm not telling you Nancy. Now, first stop is the Art department. I need to approve the outfits that we will be sending for the photo-shoot,'' I glance at the message on my phone.
''Leo tells me the soft copies have been mailed to the art guys already. Come on.''
''Leo told you? Athena please don't tell me that you were talking about work on your date,'' she tells me, visibly shocked.
''What! No, are you crazy? Of course we didn't, '' I chastise her. ''I'm not telling you what we talked about either, now stop asking me about the date,'' I add before she could say anything more.
She makes the wiser choice and decides to shut up about it. ''Hey did you notice the crowd gathered outside the building opposite ours, looks like some grand opening or something,'' she speaks up after a few seconds.
''Don't know, don't care,'' I reply nonchalantly without glancing at her.
We make our way down to the art department and I glance at the display stands, which are now empty of course. The third line did get sold out although we didn't mint much profit out of it. But this time it will be better. I can feel it.
''Athena, you're just in time, we got the samples from Mr Grey's office. Let's go through them and select which ones to showcase,'' the art manager, Rebecca tells me.
''Sure thing, let's get to it then,'' one of the helpers pulls up a chair for me and they start the slideshow.
''Wow...these are amazing,'' I say after the slideshow ends. ''it's going to be difficult choosing outfits here.''
''What now Athena? We need to approve these and send them by the end of the day,'' Nancy says.
''I know, I'll just go have a look at these in my office once again then give you a final response,'' and with that I leave their office and make my way up to my cabin with Nancy at my heels.
As soon as I pass the reception area, a strong leathery musky scent hits me and my insides twist. I grab onto a random desk for support.
''Athena? Athena, are you okay?'' I hear Nancy's faint voice. The mark on my neck itching and only one-word ringing in my head, 'Mate'.
'' god no!'' I say in between gasps. ''Athena, Athena, look at me. What's going on? Are you having a panic attack?'' Nancy asks, her grip on my shoulders tightening.
I need to compose myself. I'm not letting this get in the way of my life. I take a long deep breath, pushing away all the uneasiness and rising above it. I flash my eyes open only to find myself staring into Nancy's wide ones. For a second I thought she'd freak out, thinking that my eyes are red but she instead sighs in relief. ''Ohh Athena, you're okay, thank God. I thought you were going to die!'' she exclaims.
''You won't get rid of me that easily,'' I laugh weakly and attempt to stand up. I breathe in and the scent hits me once again, but not as intensely as before. I feel something awaken in me making a small smile appears on my face, which I immediately stop. 'I don't have time for this shit,' I mumble to myself.
I take in a deep breath and push away the growing urge and hold my head up high.
''Okay, you're behaving weirdly. Are you sure you're okay?'' Nancy asks me.
''Positive. Now let's go. We've got work to do,'' I order her.
''I'm going to kill that sick bastard,'' I tighten my fists, the urge to punch someone growing. That someone being a certain blue eyed alpha.
''Get in line man,'' Charles pipes up from his spot on the couch. ''Honestly I can't wait for Athena to get her memories back, I'd like to see her put him in his place. Speaking of which, any news on Selene?''
''Not yet, Ashton and Ethan have taken the lead on tracking her down. But, I've got to tell you man the chances are very minimal that's why I'm here with a backup plan,'' I tell him.
''and what is that plan pray tell?''
''If I can't get Athena's memories back then I will make new ones with her, I will make her fall in love with me,'' I say with conviction.
''Okkkkaayyyy.... cool story bro, but I think you're forgetting a teeny tiny detail here. Athena is currently dating Leo and she hates your guts,'' Charles says.
''It doesn't matter Charles, I'm her mate. She can date all the Leos she wants, but none of them will make her feel like the way I do.''
''Ah hah! That, you see that right there, that's where you are wrong brother. You know Athena more than anyone else, she is a self – dependent woman, she can function well on her own without you or any other man. If you go walking in there claiming your right as her mate, all you will be doing is pushing her away. Let me give you some advice man. Women like Athena; don't need men, they just want them, so don't go around thinking that you're going to make her life better just by waltzing into it.''
''Damn Charles, when did you get so smart?'' I look at him shocked.
''Very funny. I always was smart, that's why I'm your beta,'' he winks. ''Look Theo, you're getting a second chance at winning your mate, not everybody gets that, do right by her. Also here are some words that will motivate you further,'' he clears his throat then speaks up, ''mate or not, if he had met her first, Sebastian would have been her endgame,'' and with that he walks out of the living room.
''Charles that was way too harsh man!'' I shout at him.
''Think about it Theo and do the right thing this time,'' he calls back.
I take a seat on one of the couches, Charles' words ringing in my mind. Looking back at everything that has happened Charles could be right, Athena and Sebastian really did get along, although it was platonic from her end.
Was the mate bond the only reason Athena stayed with me? did she even love me? Goddess, what if she doesn't. I remember her not wanting to come with me in the first place. But she is my mate and I love her. I'm going to win her back and this time I'm going to do it right.
The next morning I'm up by 05:00 am, holding a cup of coffee and standing by the wide window looking down at the city when I hear the door of the opposite apartment close shut. I know it's her since her scent hits me like a truck, I inhale it like my life depends on it. Wildflowers and blueberries with a hint of passion fruit.
I control myself from bursting the door open, running after her and claiming her back. ''Deep breaths, deep breaths,'' I continue doing this until I hear the elevator ding, signaling that she is on the ground floor and leaving the building. I continue watching her from the window, when a white BMW pulls over.
I see Leo Grey come out from the driver's side, she hugs him and he opens the passenger door for her to slide in, they share a quick kiss before he goes around the car and they drive away. I try to calm my wolf down who is ready to shred the other male to pieces for touching his mate.
''Theo! Man you're bleeding!'' I hear Charles shout from behind me. I look down and see blood dripping on the floor, I had somehow crushed the coffee cup in my hand.
''Dude what the hell!'' he shouts. ''Just go, I'll clean this up.''
So what is on our agenda today?'' Charles asks me as we munch on our pancakes after cleaning up and showering.
Well first things first, we will be meeting the team at the new building, of course there will be a media presence. Once that is done, I'd like to get settled in my new office. I hope everything is just the way I wanted?''
'''s all in order. Your office is on the 18th floor directly perpendicular to hers,'' he says, a knowing smile playing on his lips.
''And the windows?'' I ask him, sipping my coffee. ''Just like you had asked, only the person inside can see what's going on outside. From the other side, it's all opaque.''
''Very well then, we should be leaving for the opening,'' I grab my blazer and the both of us walk out.
The whole opening was a big fiasco, a lot of people had stopped by, the media, paparazzi, even some celebrity friends who I'd always avoid. With the kind of lives we live I'd rather not be seen hanging out with them, who knows what can happen. I pose for the shutterbugs for a while then proceed to go up to my office.
''Well looks like you've made the headlines. Your face will be all over the news by lunchtime today,'' Charles announces as he waltzes in my office and takes a seat.
''That was the whole point of it Charles,'' I smirk as I lean on to my chair. I look out the window and my gaze directly falls on Athena's office. ''I wonder why she opted for transparent glass windows.''
''Who cares, so long as it's advantageous to us right?'' he says with a shrug of his shoulders. ''Okay, so now that we have ticked this off our list, what's next?''
''Next, we pay our neighbor across the street a little visit,'' I smirk as I swivel my chair to face Athena's building.
''Whoa Theo, are you sure? Isn't it too soon? You do realize she will react to your presence don't you? You will awaken the mate bond.''
''I know and that's exactly what I want, she needs to know that I'm in the picture. I can't just keep watching her from the sidelines. So let me know when it's okay for us to leave,'' I tell him and he nods in response.
As soon as the office has settled down and the work is in motion, Charles and I leave the building. We cross the street and walk into it, taking the elevator up to the 18th floor, straight to the Nightshade offices.
''I still can't get over the fact that she named her company Nightshade,'' I chuckle and Charles side eyes me, ''it's better than Argent group of companies. At least she got creative.''
''Yeah right,'' I chortle a laugh. Her presence starting to affect me. At least I know she is in the vicinity. I take in a deep breath, my eyes on the lookout for her. I'll finally be seeing her today.
''Theo, you alright man? You look a little blue,'' Charles says worriedly. ''I'm fine man, come on let's go.''
We stand by her office next to what I'm guessing is her assistant's desk. I hear a clinking of heels against the floor, the sound getting louder by the second, the scent hitting me like a truck, my heart starts beating a mile per minute. She is coming.
''Calm down man, I can hear your heartbeat so loudly. For a second I mistook it for mine,'' Charles scolds then turns to look at me, ''also, shut your trap. Do not talk, you don't want to piss her off, got it?'' I just nod, not able to form any coherent words.
''You're Charles right? what are you doing here?'' a voice that does not belong to Athena says.
''Nancy! Hiii.... i just thought of stopping by,'' Charles answers her casually.
''I strongly advise you to leave, she is in a mood today and it's not a good one,'' she whispers to him.
''I can hear you Nancy. Get in here and shut the damn door. Charles, not now, I'll talk to you later,'' Athena calls from inside her office, her eyes not leaving the laptop.
''What? Is she for real?'' Charles yells. ''I'm sorry,'' Nancy mouths and walks in the cabin.
''What the hell just happened? she flat out ignored me, how was she able to resist the mate bond?'' I ask Charles quietly after I pull him away to a secluded corner.
''I don't know man; she shouldn't be able to do that. what do we do now?''
''I'm not leaving this place until we are formerly introduced,'' I say and take a seat in the lounge. My eyes trained on Athena inside her office, working.
She looked so beautiful, burgundy really is her color. She looked like she belonged, like she knew what she was doing. Like the boss that she is.
A proud smile makes its way to my face as I watch my mate in action.
Athena's outfit as above.
Soooooo...what did you guys think of this chapter? Most importantly of Theo and Athena.
Let me know in the comment section below.
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