Chapter 11
''I need to think of something,'' I say to myself as I walk into my home.
As soon as I'm done showering I pour myself a glass of wine and make myself comfortable on my chaise. ''what.... can...I do? What can I do? This Amunet woman is starting to become a real pain and what's her problem with me?'' I grumble to myself as I down my drink and pour myself another.
Speaking of having problems with me, I should probably call my brother. Now where is my phone?
I get up and grab it from the counter and dial Ethan's number. He picks it after a few rings.
''Well...well.... well ...didn't expect to hear from you so soon Ena.''
''Hello to you too brother. Listen, I'm not going to waste any time here and get straight to the point. Have you heard of a vampire called Amunet?''
''Amunet?? I'm not sure I have but I could ask around. Are you okay Ena? Why are you asking? Have you gotten into some trouble with vampires? Do you need help? I'll try to come as soon as possible.''
''Calm your horses down Ethan and please don't come here. Also, I haven't gotten into a fight, I'm not stupid,'' I roll my eyes.
''Okay, then why do you want to know about this vampire?''
''Nothing you should be worried about brother, just a simple business rivalry. Anyway thanks, bye. Give my love to mom,'' I reply.
''Hold on Athena. Your business rival is a vampire? Of all the things and creatures in this world, a vampire? Don't you think this is a coincidence? And knowing you, you are already thinking of ways to bring her down aren't you''
''So what If I am Ethan, I can't let my business go down just because of some vampire bitch.''
''I'm not asking you to do that. If you're going against a vampire, you're going to need help...''
''Okay......I'm going to stop you right there Ethan. I'm not going to war; we are not going to be fighting with each other with swords and shields or claws and fangs for that matter. It's a business war and last I checked, you were not into fashion. So tell me brother, how exactly can you help?''
''I might not be able to, but I have friends who are in a similar line. Maybe I could speak to them, see if they can help and who knows, you might just come out on top,'' he says.
''Appreciate the concern Ethan, but this is my fight not yours. Thanks though, I've got to go now. Bye,'' and with that I cut the call.
As I lay in bed that night an idea pops in my head that I plan on running by the office first thing tomorrow morning.
''Nancy, call the accounts department. I need to have a word with them now!'' I order her as soon as I walk in the office the next day.
''Yes, boss,'' she mock salutes and proceeds to call them. ''Umm Athena?''
''Not now Nancy.... I need this sorted first,'' I reply hastily. I go through my emails first, reply a few when Nancy walks in, '' They're ready for you Athena,'' she announces.
''Great, come on, let's go.''
''Ms. Athena, good morning. It's not every day that the CEO visits us,'' Mr. Reginald the financial controller greets me. ''Morning to you too. I guess I should make these visits a habit now,'' I reply back and take my seat.
''So what do you wish to see today? our profits, losses, sales?'' he asks.
''Actually I'd like to see the budget for the 04th line of collection. I want to see the costs of manufacturing, producing, advertising, the photo-shoots, and everything else.''
''If I may ask ma'am, what would you do with those figures?''
''I'd like to see if we can reduce the prices of the clothes by a certain percentage when we release the 4th line. And these figures will help me determine how much profit we can make if I choose to do this,'' I reply.
''Very well then, give me until this afternoon and I shall have the reports on your desk. Is that fine?''
''Should not be a problem. Thank you Mr. Reginald. Good day.''
''Athena, you phone has been ringing incessantly, someone desperately wants to talk to you,'' Nancy tells me as I walk towards my cabin.
''Okay, thanks.... anything else?'' I ask her. ''Umm yeah...Clarissa called, she needs to speak to you about the situation?'' she says air quoting on the word situation.
''So that's what we are calling it now?'' I scoff and she shrugs in response. ''Unbelievable.''
I then spoke to Clarissa, who of course expressed her worries after Amunet pulled that stunt. I managed to convince her that I've gotten it under control and after a very lengthy conversation the call finally ended.
''Goddess.... I feel we even get sick?'' I mumble to myself when my intercom buzzes.
''Athena...Mr. Grey for you on the other line,'' Nancy says. ''Yeah...connect me,'' I sigh while rubbing the temple of my head.
''Hey you,'' I hear Leo's voice from the other side of the line. ''Hey, when did you get back?''
''Early this morning. I saw what Amunet did. How are you taking it?''
''Like I've been punched in the gut. She wants to bring me down, heck she wants to bring all THE designers down,'' I reply.
''I saw the way she was glaring at you at the party. Pretty sure you're the one she wants to bring down.''
''Yeah well...not before I do,'' I say and he chuckles, ''yeah...that's like my girl.''
''What? Your girl? When did that happen?'' I ask him.
'' that's not what I meant Athena, I'm sorry.''
''it's worries. So remember I wanted to talk to you at the party?''
''Yeah...yeah I remember? Want to swing by my office later where we can talk about it freely?''
''Umm...not today Leo, I have a lot I need to sort out. How does tomorrow sound. Say 10:00am, your office?''
''Okay great....10:00 am. tomorrow, it's a date,'' he replies. '''s not a date if we are meeting in your office.''
''So what you're saying is that if we were to meet at a restaurant or a cafe then it would be a date?'' he asks suggestively.I can picture him smirking as i bite my lip trying to contain my laughter.
''I'll see you at 10 o'clock tomorrow Leo. In your office,'' I reply then whisper, '' also...uhhh. It's about that other thing about us so I hope there is privacy?''
''Yeah Athena, there is privacy. Unlike you, my office doesn't have glass doors and windows. I'll see you tomorrow and maybe by then you'll have an answer to my question. Bye, have a nice day.''
''Same to you. See you then,'' I reply and put the receiver down. A smile forming on my face.
''Now that is a look I haven't seen in a long time,'' Nancy says as she walks into the office.
'' smile okay?'' I reply with a wave of my hand.
''Yeah...but not like that, you look...dare I say...cute,'' she laughs. ''Cute, seriously?''
''Yea cute.... what's wrong with being cute, guys dig it,'' she clicks her tongue.
''We are not in high school Nancy; I don't care what guys 'dig' '' I sass her.
''Yeah whatever...did you check your phone?''
''Nope, why?
''That was Mr. Grey calling you. When he couldn't get through he called the office and I informed him you were in a meeting.''
''Oh, '' I reply and grab my phone, '''Ohhhhhhhhhh!!'' I exclaim, my eyes widening in shock.
''Yeah...he called...a lot of times,'' Nancy murmurs while rolling her eyes.
''Okay.... those are a lot of missed calls. He was worried wasn't he?''
Nancy crosses her arms and looks at me, ''you're asking me?'' she raises her brow.
''Piece of advice Athena, give the guy a chance. Who knows maybe he is the one,'' and with that she walks out of my cabin.
''he is not the one Nancy. If only you knew how it works with us,'' I say softly. My hand instinctively rubbing the mark on my neck.
Crimson Pack, Ethan's office
''You look worried hun, everything okay?'' Michelle asks Ethan, who is sitted in his office with his head in his hand.
He looks up at her and she walks around the table, ''Move.''
He wheels his chair back and she plops down on his laps. ''Talk to me Ethan.''
''It's Athena. She...she has got some sort of business rivalry with a vampire and it's worrying me. It's too much of a coincidence don't you think?''
''Or maybe.... the said vampire is just into the same thing your sister is and you my love are overthinking this. It's a curse you Robinson's carry,'' she chuckles and kisses him softly.
''I don't know Michelle. I spoke to Athena last night and when she asked me about Amunet, I sensed worry in her voice.''
''Amunet.... hmmm...'' Michelle muses in thought. ''You know her hun?''
''I don't know her but I've heard of her. Ethan, she is very strong. I mean very very strong. From what I know she's 600 years old.''
''600 yrs!! What is this girl getting herself into! We need to go there and help her out.''
''Ethan.... relax. For all we know this could be nothing but a business rivalry. I know vampires are our sworn enemies but they won't do anything unless provoked. And Athena is smart, she knows better than to provoke a 600 year old vampire.''
''Does she though Michelle? I mean it's Athena. She is impulsive and competitive she will end up doing something which might not end well.''
''Then you have to trust her to the right thing. Besides I thought the other alpha's told you not to contact her,'' she questions him.
''Oh please.... you think they can stop ME from talking to MY sister. Although I'm not the one who called her. She did,'' he looks up at his mate.
''Okay then.... here is what I think you should do. Remember Theo Argent? Tall guy...brown hair.... striking brown eyes.... sharp jawline...... oh yeah...and your sisters' MATE! Remember him now?''
''Apart from your very vivid description of Theo, what's your point?''
''My point is Ethan.... that you need to speak to Theo about this. Now I understand that he is planning on going to Toronto next week, why don't you tell him this so he is in the loop and he can also protect Athena from Amunet if need be.''
''Never say that last part in front Athena if you wish to live another day,'' Ethan says as he gets up and lifts his mate bridal style.
''Your sister doesn't scare me, '' Michelle scoffs.
Ethan makes his way towards Theo's office in Crescent pack when Charles joins him.
''You called her didn't you?'' he smirks.
''I don't know what you're talking about Charles, but I need to see Theo urgently.''
''He is in a conference call right now with our team in Toronto. We fly next week.''
''That's what I want to talk to him about. He needs to fly out as soon as possible.''
''What? Why? Is something wrong? is Athena okay?'' Charles asks worriedly.
''For now yes,'' Ethan replies stoically. ''Whhhat...what do you mean for now?''
''Charles....I want to speak to Theo. Now.''
''This way.... come on.''
As soon as they get to the office, Theo senses the urgency and closes his laptop. ''What?''
''It's Athena,'' Ethan says somberly. ''What happened is she okay? is she hurt in any way?''
''Not yet Theo but what I know is that she is not safe. There is a business rival who, from my point of view has something else on her agenda,'' Ethan starts.
''Who is this rival?'' Theo asks as he leans back on his chair.
''A 600yr old vampire,'' Ethan announces.
''A WHAT!!!'' Charles screams, ''A vampire! Seriously? Theo man this is not good. We need to go to Toronto asap!''
''A vampire who is in the same line of business as Athena. Why do I feel there is more to this than a business rivalry?''
''I feel the same way too man, there is more to this.''
''Okay.... okay.... if we are done feeling things, can we please start packing we need to leave, stat. '' Charles says.
''We are not leaving yet Charles,'' Theo says in a calm voice.
''How can you say that Theo? Athena is in trouble!''
''She is not in trouble Charles, not that we know of. Yes, the vampire poses as a threat but until she does something to hurt Athena we can't just barge in there and try to save her. Athena does not need saving. At least not for now.''
''He is right man,'' Ethan says from his spot, ''going there to save Athena will just push her further away from us. Especially since she has not even asked for it. Theo is right. We are thinking way too much into this.''
''So what, we just sit back and do nothing while my cookie gets targeted by an ancient vampire!''
''All these years Charles, all these years Charles and yet you fail to understand how I work,'' Theo smirks at his beta.
''Why are you looking at me like that Theo?''
''Because, you my friend, are going to Toronto. Tonight.''
Charles is going to Toronto!!!!
what do you think of this guys? Let me know in the comments.
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