Chapter 21
Summer is almost coming to an end. August is down to the last week. Funny though, this is the time where fall is on the precipice of arrival. I took a walk downtown, and officials are getting ready to decorate each of the four quads. Starting with North, then East, then West, and finally South. The reason the officials are decorating every quad with huge banners, firework-like confetti, and festive promos. The commemoration has started. It's the official start of the preparation for Dawning's anniversary. The prep will continue the final days of August and end on September 2nd. That day is forever known to us as Forging Day.
This year's Forging Day will celebrate the 284th year of Dawning's birth.
Almost two and half centuries ago, it was on that second day of September where Dawning was formed after the ashes of the war. The war where our ancestors fought so hard, how they honestly believed the mages drove Old America to its grave. But they do take solace that it was because of the war, Dawning was conceived right after.
Dawning is Our Beacon.
A Beacon for Everlasting Hope...
For Prosperous Times...
And a Better Future.
That was the first words Director Rodliss said about the city. He then said three words that til this day remained the city's motto. Keep Dawning Strong. All directors preached that. They end most of their speeches with that, even the local reports end with it. This was what elevated Dawning as the shining capital of Neomerica. Historians made a lot of agreements that Forging Day to us was what Independence Day was to Old America.
And since the fifth year, officials have celebrated the city's birth with parades and festive balls. I remembered I attended a few of the parades that the city hosted the last few years. Aunt Verdi had some fondling over them.
When I was twelve, it was my first time knowing the importance of this holiday. Aunt Verdi was at work. So I spent time with Mr. Cree and Rufus. We went to South Dawning's entry area, where the parades mostly took place. The parades circled around the entire main road that carried all four quads. The Crees and I had a good spot, so when we got to see the parades. Rufus and I were ready to get some of the parade prizes. Throughout Forging Day, there are fifteen parades. Each parade held up to ten floats. Every year, the parades represented elements, the city's past, the war, and other themes. I managed to stay up and watched up to twenty. Each one bypassed South. I had gotten some toys and treats. It was fun. But what made the 280th Forging Day, something engrained in my mind. Was that of a teen male named Kue.
Kue was eighteen. I heard about it from the Dawning Report, which aired that next day. But on that Forging Day, Kue stopped the parades. I listened to a lot of people yelling for him to get out, and allowed the floats to continue. However, Kue had a purpose for being there. He screamed, "If I'm not a part of this. No one should." Mr. Cree had a bad feeling about that, and he quickly escorted Rufus and me away. There was a good reason Mr. Cree did that. Kue was a mage. He casted a spell which caused an explosion. Not only he killed himself, but he injured several crowd goers and killed at least eight—two of them being a child and a toddler. Similar to the one that happened this year.
The officials didn't like that. Director Vartwild issued a series of promos condemning the actions of—in her words—"a misguided, reckless youth." I was twelve then, and still found it repulsive to hear. I wanted to puke. She insisted vehemently, magic will not be allowed anywhere or anytime. Anyone caught showing magic on future Forging Days, will be imprisoned indefinitely. I heard from rumors, that Kue was Ellis Shaw's son. Kue did this for his father and wanted to show all mages, that magic should be open for everyone to see. And thus, Shaw created M.A.D.O.O because of his son's defiance.
Even right now, I seen a bunch of M.A.D.O.O supporters telling mages don't celebrate Forging Day because shortly after the forging of Dawning was completed, the Anti-Magic Act was initiated soon after.
Vartwild continues her promos, promoting this upcoming Forging Day. In these one-minute promos, she gives out quick speeches—and other times Joa acts as her proxy. In those speeches, she ushers mages that are living in Dawning to celebrate. They just can't use magic. She preaches a lot that security will be the upmost during this time. Centurions will be guarding furiously, observing any mages doing magic or disturbing the peace.
If there are signs of malefics, I feel Vartwild want the Shadowhawks to handle those threats and make sure they won't intrude on the special day.
Emmet had gotten better during his time in the Infirmary. But The Orre's body was burned due to it being his wishes. Emmet felt it was in the best of his heart to burn his friend. I wished I could be there, but most of my time during August was trying to readjust to the life I know and love. During the first three weeks of August, I hung out with my Glider buddies, Pratt and Zip. We did some challenges again. One of them was racing around West Dawning, teasing some people, and other silly stuff. I missed doing this. I felt so happy to get back on my Glider side.
I helped my sister continuing her readjustment back to life. I even helped out my aunt. I wanted to be me again. The person who I was before Raudan, before meeting Terra and the other Shadowhawks, and all of the malefic stuff I learned these past few months. However, something was missing in being part of me.
I don't know how, but Addie ran away. Aunt Verdi told me she left him at her place alone. It was during the same time I was at Ferrum dealing with The Orre's secrets and those bygors. But after I decided to dedicate more time of being who I am, my buddy left me. Merissa wanted me to forget the dog. Even Aunt Verdi agreed. I refused to believe them. I loved Addie. Addie had been that brother-figure I always dream of having.
He's still my dog.
As much as it pained me, I had Dawning officials helped me out. They had resources to find lost pets. Yet my friends, Pratt and Zip, also came to help find Addie for me.
But during the past three weeks in August, Addie is still missing. My buddy hasn't come back since he mysteriously ran off. I already lost Anita and Rufus. I don't want to imagine losing my buddy. Addie has much of a big piece in my heart like my sister and aunt. It will be devastating if I never see him again. I need him back.
Trying to refocus, I head back to the bookstore. Back to work. Strange enough, Declan, Viola, and Bertrand don't criticize my absence. They rather help out the customers. I guess The Orre's spell is still highly effective even in his death. I sometimes see Emmet, but he gives off an icy cold distance from me. He shares few words, but is mainly heading back and forth to the storage door. For me, this time I decide not to let the allure of the Shadowhawks get to me. The door tempts me a lot, but I always ignore it. I continue helping customers while looking at the floor below. I usually do.
Beneath the floor, Terra and the others probably are plotting to get their hands on Raudan.
For me, I stay here. Plotting to see which customer needs my help.
It's a Saturday. Five days until Forging Day. Reaching back inside my apartment, I open the door. I bypass Addie's doggie bed and bowl. I shy away from seeing that, with him still out there missing. Praying Raudan didn't get his grimy hands on him. I wait until I hear good luck.
If I would only reach out to the guys back in the Basement, have them help me. Have The Gentleman help me. But I fight myself wondering why I don't want to. Even if I decide to seek the guys help, they're probably being ordered by Emmet to guard this city from any malefics. The Pentacle may not want The Gentleman to help me find Addie.
Yet I check up with my sister. She's ready to begin a new lease on life. She has been searching for jobs and as well the other half-stone piece, both with no results. She has been fighting hard. And that I'm proud of. So when I step inside my bedroom-now hers for the time being, I look to see Merissa hiding some type of black long, octagonal box tuck inside the closet.
"What is that?" I ask. I wonder could it be what I think it is. However, she does give me her response.
"Oh!" She continues as she straightens herself up, she smiles. "It was something I got from an old friend. It seems dad gave her the box before the fire somehow. She kept it hoping to remember me. But when I came back to see her, she was surprised. And then she gave me the box back."
"What's inside?"
She walks to the bed and sits down on the top edge. "The box is not your concern right now."
"What is?"
"Finding the other stone piece."
I walk forward, sitting down next to her. Confused, I glance back at her hazel eyes. "Please sis, I'm already dealing with enough confusion. I don't need more."
Merissa laughs and then reveals. "During my search, I come upon a fact that is essential to our destiny. If we want that superior power, the two pieces need to be one."
I'm curious over what is this so-called superior power, but then I really get perplexed. The two half pieces must become one, a full tablet. I have my doubts about this, yet the way this is going. I feel the closer I could get to understand the truth.
"Listen lygerfish, we need the power. I don't know why, but I sense this power will bring back what was taken from us."
I then look startled after hearing that. I heard that a lot, and then my head bends down. I guess we should explore the fact. If I can finally get what was taken from us, the better our future will be safe from any more danger. I glance back at her. "So where's the other piece?"
She grabs hold of my hands. "Back home." She grins.
Back home?
I mention that it's inside Dawning, somewhere in the wooded area. But I felt strongly, it may not be in Dawning. And to answer my concern, she shakes her head. Giving me the no response. She then leans close. She's confident what she said is the absolute truth. I decide to take upon her word. And then the next thing, she reaffirms a nagging thought I have.
It was never in Dawning.
I close my eyes. I force myself to see the fire images. The burning wooden house and the trees in the background. And then as I see it clearer, the trees are familiar. I have seen them from before. The Forbidden Woods. I tell her the proposed place. She nods, agreeing with me.
But I don't have the fifth harpy with me. It's still back in the Basement. I wonder how we should get there, even though those woods have a lot of threats that could attack us—just like those bokogoblins. We may need the Shadowhawks. I offer it to her, seeking the others to help us. However, Merissa doesn't want their help. I bluntly ask her why.
She tells me she can get transportation. We can get to the woods.
"How?" I question.
"From Dawn One." She says.
I pause, my eyes widen in shock. She's getting help from a friend. And that friend is the one person I at least expect, coming from my sister. I know who her friend is. Merissa doesn't have to tell me the name.
Director Vartwild is ready to help us. But I wonder is Vartwild actually helping my sister. Or is she using get to me.
Renting two Dawning-issued hovercycles both having the Dawning symbol—the sharp edged sun with a ring in the center—marked on the cycle's body. We were able to leave through the wall doors. The doors are only opened for storage, shipping, arrivals, and forced exiles. It was the first time I went through. Bypassing the two large, iron-concrete doors. I spotted centurions on both side signaled us to exit. And that we must come back before sundown. Once out in the outskirts, I noticed the Arc was temporarily off. All laser rocket turrets bent down. Last time, I ventured through the Arc my own way. I almost got hit. Yet with Vartwild's assistance, she doesn't want me harmed this time around.
For a few hours, Merissa and I eventually ride to the woods' northeast entrance. Both cycles park a mile away from the entryway. We both hop off. I hold firmly on the satchel bag, its strap around my back. The half-stone piece resting inside, waiting to be reunited with the other piece. I begin to follow Merissa through the dense trees. Thinking what happened months ago, I walk pass the area in the woods where Terra and the others faced those creepy bokogoblins. I even look up to spot to see if any bokogoblin is up there. I sigh in relief there are none.
However, I hear an intriguing hoot. Still looking up, I stare right above me near the left side. Sitting on top of a hanging branch is a light brown, black-highlighted owl. Its talons grip the feeble branch. On its belly lies an upside down, black crescent shape. The black, oval eyes glance at me. I don't know why, but I feel something odd about that owl. And then without a flinch, it flaps its wings hooting and flying away. Something about that bird makes me nervous, but I don't have time to think about it further. Merissa wonders if I'm standing for nothing. I shake my head, resuming our path down the forest.
Soon we make our way back to an area I always knew I will return. Back to the shrubby wall, I momentarily pause knowing what happened the last time. Suddenly, my chest bursts in a crisp pain. Fallen to one knee, I bend myself over grimacing in agony. I hold my yells. I don't want to worry my sister. Yet she comes anyway, trying to help like Terra before her.
I never told Merissa about my burn mark. I should have. But as she pushes me to get back up, I thought the burnt mark was a daily reminder of the fire, a physical nuisance.
However, I sense now the mark is part of me. A different side of me.
Battling through the pain, I let Merissa know I can walk on my own. She wants to help me on the other side. But I don't want her to. She reluctantly accepts and heads out first. Following her, I slowly go through the shrubby wall. Seeing the thorny leaves piercing my skin, I try to avoid the ones that could land contact. Yet some do, I feel little pricks slicing my arms. Little creases of blood coming out. The pricks I can handle, not the burn mark tearing apart my chest cavity.
Across the shrubby wall, I finally make it to the other side. It's an open field. Some of the trees circling the field are scorched. Few miles ahead right in the center of the field are few more trees and many pieces of burnt wood. We quickly rush to the center. And once we make it yards away from the remains, I collapse on the ground. The pain not of my chest, but of my past has come full circle. Suddenly the nightmare I had since that awful day is real. I can sense it now. I can still smell the burnt wood. Remnants of the lost childhood.
"This isn't it." I state unsure.
"Oh yes, little brother. This is our home." Merissa says firmly.
So we are home. She's right. Our home we spent our childhood is here, the first time I seen this since the day it burnt down in flames. Still kneeling down, I then hear Merissa confessing to more things I didn't even know she done. She reveals she has been here several times, seeing the old relic of our childhood. A forgetful treasure.
I'm shocked why she would say that. Even more, I cogitate further about those other times. Maybe she has convinced Vartwild to fund in her secret trips here to find the other piece. Something I have no idea about. But it has to be here. I tell her. She confirms it. The other piece is here. I get myself up using the grassy ground as support. I pass the broken wooden frames, picking up pieces of the burnt wood. Wonder it could be here. But what felt like an hour, Merissa stops me. She looks at me folding her arms. She smirks. She wonders why I'm scavenging through the remains.
I thought she said it was here.
She is certain it's here. But then I'm surprised when she walks to a dying tree with the branches leafless. Then I look baffled when Merissa is down to her knees, digging with her hands.
I wonder what actually happened when Raudan had her. She still hasn't told me her captivity. How long she was down there in that nest cave. She was probably kidnapped and tortured by Raudan to get to the other piece. She refused to give up the location. I felt bad for her.
But she's safe now. I watch how brave and tough she is, similar to another young female I know. And then she hollers at me. "Naven, come here!"
Smiling happily, I rush to her, kneeling down few feet from the tree. I discover the second stone piece, same edges as with the first one. But has a one word answer. It's not my name. It's something else. I reach the bag over to my lap. I take out my piece. I see my name on this piece, yet not on hers. I question why she doesn't have my name. Why she didn't ask about the fire.
However, she never asked her piece who started the fire. She asked about the superior power, wondering what it is. That was what she asked. And the answer the piece gave her was one word.
Desperate to find out what was taken from us, I inform her we should join the pieces. In a second, we carefully match the serrated edges. Once it unites, it glows brightly; the edges meld together creating solidity. The two pieces are now one.
I look amazed. Merissa grabs hold of the tablet and tells me that this whole piece is the Veritas stone. I ask what it does. She tells me that it's better to see it. I look on and stare at the symbols—now a series of long, curvature lines. She then wants me to see beyond the lines, what the image shows me really. She then gives me the tablet. I hold onto the thick stone slab. Focusing on the lines, I gander. What do these lines show me? And then as I hear Merissa's words roaming in my head.
I look astonished. Beyond the lines it forms a unique shape. That of a curved labyrinth. I glance back at my sister. I see her eyes. Veering back down at the stone, this isn't an ancient carving. I think I understand what my sister is feeling about this.
What's really beyond those lines lies within, etched on the stone.
A map.
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