Chapter 1
I whistle as best as I could.
His name dances around the edge of my lips. My mouth's partly down. Shouting his name, "Addie, come on!" I wish he can talk back. But he can't. His shiny, black and silver coat bounces up and down. Those icy blue eyes sharpen his focus onto me.
Calling out his name in a repeated fashion, the silence I have hoped set between me and my dog, is only hindered by the boisterous group of mages-protesting their abhorrence towards their magic being restricted because of the Anti-Magic Act.
Their feverish yells of "Let Us Go!" and "Free Magic!" echo amongst the market streets of South Dawning.
I stand amongst the clustered crowd, my feet stuck to the graveled ground as I wait for Addie. My hands hold onto the burlap bag I carry around, tuck to my waist. The long strap tightens over my loose, olive green sleeveless shirt.
I survey around the crowd quickly, most of them raising their signs. Their hands holding firm on the post, giant painted words of 'Mages Need Magic!' and 'Repeal the Law!', and other anti-law signs. Typical members of the M.A.D.O.O organization. I can see a lot of them having their magemarks. The mark has a striking resemblance of the letter M with black dots around. To Dawning, they see these marks as the mages' birthmarks. But to the mages themselves, they see those markings as Dawning's property.
Every mage including the ones that are born as humans with magical abilities, are required to have the magemark. It's an ID to differentiate from us norms, humans with no magical blood. I look back around to the crowd of mages. Being a mage is like becoming a separate entity.
I heard a lot from friends and read a lot from school books that mages practiced magic constantly. Before the war, magic existed in this part of the world. There was a time that magic mysteriously open up to all norms. It was a hard time for mages to get along with norms. But the war happened. Many historians blamed mages for the war, so now magic is banned.
I veer across a Dawning poster plastered on a warehouse wall outside the edge of the crowd, a few feet away. I try to peak closer to see the sign.
Before I have time to puke, a spot a young male mage secretly twirling his fingers; and then suddenly the Dawning poster is engulfed in a small pyro. The male shouts euphoric. With his hands up, he rushes back within the growing crowd of mages.
If any mage gets caught, they could face exile or worst execution. Lucky that male mage didn't get spotted by the group of centurions looking on from a mile ahead. All of them dressed in armored navy suits with gold highlights. They're essentially Dawning's soldiers. Since there's no war, the centurions are only used to police Dawning interior-which is all of the four quads and as well the exterior, the giant concrete city wall blocking us from the horrors of the other side.
I don't know why, but I have a sudden angst over all of this. Almost all mages I seen and heard detest Dawning's stance for them banning public magic, however since the war ended and the newborn country affirming its rule. No ordinary citizen of Dawning wants to see anything magic. People want to avoid another twelve-year war.
The Anti-Magic Act was activated by the first Director of Dawning, Thom Rodliss. Twenty directors after, and the current director and first female, Director Iris Vartwild, is still standing by the act. The act has never been repealed since it was literally created after Dawning was built. It was magic that ruin Old America.
In school, instructors unknowingly teach us hate towards the mages; even though some of us could possibly be those beings. I feel for the mages, even though I never been one. I don't know how they see the whole city turn against you. I have a particular liking to mages like many of my peers at school. Never had a fully fledged relationship with one, and yet I'm defending them.
The bag still nestled to my right side. I pat the lumpy side of the bag. I know what's inside. But I look around swiftly.
Are they here?
I know who is. Addie finally comes to me. Sweat reaches down my face. Addie attempts to lick the perspiration flowing down my fingers. His slobbery tongue pecks my tawny skinned hand. Which is kind of nasty, but that's what dogs do.
Then I spot someone coming by me. I turn to see a young kid, almost looks younger than me. I guess fourteen. He heads off following a female deep into the expanding crowd. The kid looks very similar-even same age-to a missing friend of mines. Rufus Cree.
I wished he was Rufus. But the day after my sixteenth birthday party, which happened a month ago, Rufus mysteriously left and haven't been seen since.
It's not like him.
He's my Aunt Verdi's neighbor's only child. Trying to forget it, I turn to see a Black man with freckles walking away from the mage crowd. I take a peek to see its Rufus' father. I want to wave at him, but he ignores me and keeps walking away. He already lost his wife, and now this.
My aunt used to watch Rufus a lot when Mr. Cree had to stay across the massive city of Dawning. And vice versa when my aunt worked as a medi aide in this quad, and maid in East Dawning. To her she loves living in South, but I can't stand it. Thank goodness, I'm not currently living here. I'm only here to do a favor.
Glancing back at Mr. Cree, he doesn't dare to see me. I hope he finds Rufus soon. I really missed him. He wants to act as a little brother to me, but I pay no attention to that notion. I then see Mr. Cree posted papers of Rufus's face around other warehouse walls, showing that he's still MISSING. I quickly rush towards a spot where I grab one of the flyers and cram it down in my right beige, long short pocket.
Then I halt to hear a giant ruckus back at the crowd.
A couple of mages are acting a little bit chaotic causing a bevy of centurions-led by a mooseface man with hair as snow, dark blue eyes, and a nasty mark on his top forehead-attempting to suppress the small conflict before it can spread.
I kneel to one knee petting Addie's neck. Addie begins to lick my face, trying to deviate away from it. I then take notice as mooseface is watching me like a swirling vulture. His creepy eyes and moose-like nose slowly turns away. I gulp in fear, wondering why that centurion is looking at me. I'm no mage. I'm just an innocent kid hanging around with my border collie.
So not taking any chances, I force myself up. I then pull Addie's dark blue collar my way, as we try to walk away from the growing crowd. Getting a good headstart, I give a quick gander at my black wristwatch for a moment. The wristband held firm on my light brown skin. If I take it off, it leaves a whitish tan mark. I already had enough marks etched on my body, I don't need more.
My legs furiously push forward seeing everything as a blur. And then out of nowhere, I hear a loud THUD!
I look back up and to my surprise. I had bumped into a female by mistake. Taking another look at her, she looks different. She has some sort of odd wonder about her. She has this long reddish-black hair, her model-like face, and emerald eyes so entrancing. I honestly never had seen that brightness. She looks fierce with all her attire; wearing a charcoal-colored polyester shirt, black cargo pants, and black boots.
She glances at me. I continue to stare at those eyes. How mesmerizing they are.
Feeling a little bit dazed, I manage to speak up. "I'm sorry."
However in a strange gesture, she doesn't reply back. I wonder is she going to let that sly. I bumped her. So she had to be angry or something. But then I hear a male voice yelling out a name. It's Terra. The name sticks to me. But as soon as that name's called, the unknown girl with the emerald eyes is gone.
Could that have been her?
Bigger question is why she would be here. Around this rising group of mages, the other mages look like us norms with plain clothing you get from clothing stores. But that girl...presumably wearing something that looks like she's a fighter. She's definitely not a centurion. There're no females suited up as centurions.
I stand still while Addie rest by my left leg. As he pierces his sight to me with those droopy eyes, I rub his muzzle slightly. And then beyond the crowd still screaming for magical independence, I hear a voice hollering at me I think.
I startle turning around only to smile at the end. It's my two Glider buddies, Zip and Pratt. Hearing that word Naveman, I know it came from Zip. He calls me by my first name, Naven, but since being friends in the sixth grade. We shared a lot. He occasionally calls me Naveman. I didn't like the nickname at first, but I came to enjoy it eventually. And sometimes he had to egg me to appreciate the value.
Zip looks skinny, almost thinking he has fragile bones. His red afro hair is so bushy, I sometimes called him Mushroom. He's wearing black trim eyeglasses. He's the same age I am. Looking like a nerd, wearing nothing but bright colors.
"You got it?!" He asks.
"Of course." I crack a grin.
The other guy is Pratt. He's tall, average build, comb over brown hair, and is a year older than me and Zip. He has those good looks, his green eyes and olive skin rivaling to my black eyes, tawny skin, and Mohawk fade hair. We both like to tease who can get a different girl. Usually he wins, I tend to back down. I do it because I already have a girl.
"I almost thought you forgot." Pratt says.
"I didn't." I state.
As we back away from the protest, we reach over to a small resting area of elongated benches. I grab hold of the burlap bag I have carried for a couple of hours. I open up the pouch. And inside are a bunch of honey oranges, the delicious goldish-orange fruits I stole from Mr. Chandler, the wise grizzly merchant who runs the fruit stand.
I had to use Addie as a distraction to steal the oranges. Mr. Chandler didn't like that, and was furious we ran away. Thank goodness we lost him amongst the crowd of surly mages all being pumped up by the head protester, who looks middle age and a key member of M.A.D.O.O.
Tossing an orange to Pratt, I toss another to Zip. I then throw one over to Addie, who makes a crazy leap to catch it. We all react awestruck that he did that. I see Addie munching on it. I grab the last one and then lay the bag near the bench. I sit down as Zip sits on the same bench. Pratt sits on top of a barrier protecting a tree behind us. Now that the challenge is finally over, it's time to enjoy the rewards.
Biting a large part of the orange, my teeth tears off the soft goldish-orange skin.
Whoa! The tanginess gives off a very sweet feeling. I taste the spiciness as well, must be a secret seasoning Dawning do all their fruits. No wonder it taste so delicious. That amazing aroma, I peel of another layer to smell the fruit. It literally tastes like candy. My taste buds are so numbed right now. Even though I had one, I can't eat another.
I feel satisfied I completed my part. I lounge back a little. Pratt trying to make fun of me, I playfully hit him, almost hitting Zip. I try to apologize yet Zip doesn't mind. Addie is a yard away, lying down in his lazy mode, I like to call it. He keeps on chewing his fruit. Eating the fruit makes you want to get another, but I had to get four. We all try to look away from the protest, but it's the only interesting part that is good to watch.
Mages still quarreling their push to repeal the act while the centurions look on to see if any of them will slip. I even hear Pratt betting us, one of those mageheads he likes to call them will mess up so badly. Those two forces will duke it out. I will love to see that.
Briefly I turn to my left. Hesitating to see another man right next to me. The unusual male keeps staring at Addie, with an eerie smile.
The man looks so well-dressed in a casual beige jacket, pressed suit pants, and brown dress shoes. He's wearing dark, round glasses, and a brown boulder hat. His purple tie seems to have a white five-pointed shape etched on the center of the tie. I try to lean close to see what else is he holding, and then I notice the marble cane. The man holds it up. He then shifts his focus to me.
He nods by tipping his hat. I look a bit surprised. Quickly turning to see my friends are chatting. I pivot back around to see the well-dressed man. However, before I can get a grip of why he's staring at us. The man's gone. He's nowhere to be seen. I shoot up to check to see if he's somewhere around. But he's nowhere. He just vanished. How is that possible? I just saw him.
He was right there.
I hear the others checking up on me perplexed.
"You're okay bro?" Pratt asks.
"I'm...I'm fine." I mumble.
I try to reach back to my seat to relax, ignore the confusion, and just concentrate only one thing, relax. I suddenly stop when I hear frantic yells. Glancing back at the crowd, a female's screaming for help.
"I think we should go." Pratt mentions.
"Go?!" Zip looks puzzled. "Why?"
Pratt could be right, something is not right. I look back at him and nod at what he just said. "Good idea. We should just meet each other back at the café."
I observe Zip still confused, but doesn't argue or fight. Strangely he follows through. Pratt then mentions, "Let's go then, before something crazy happens." And then I see Pratt saluting us adieu until next time. Then he runs off down the tight avenue. Zip stares at me.
As that same woman is still yelling, I don't know if she's in pain. The other mages pay no attention and continue their protest. I look bewildered, something's fishy. And then I glance back at Zip.
"Zip, see you there."
He fights with his lips, squirmy to push a syllable. He laughs it off and lets me know he'll be at the café. We both dap our fists as I spot him heading the opposite way, exiting the market. I soon clap my hands at Addie as he treks to my legs. I rub his forehead and let him know, we're almost out of this dump.
I then look back at the other bench to where that well-dressed man with the cane was, and wonder if he has returned. But he's still not there.
As Addie and I attempt to walk out, the female mage that was yelling hectically suddenly trudges her way out of the crowd. She screams for her son. She calls out his name, "Mire!" As she looks around, she then spots me. She gives me a fringe look. I don't know what's going on. But I push Addie to go forward.
And then the next thing I know, a giant explosion rocks the foundation of the marketplace. The large bang shakes the ground, causing me to fall to my knees. I lose sight of Addie for an instant, as the mages rush towards me. Hordes of mages fleeing in horror and pain. People knocking me back down. I fight my way as I holler for Addie. Hoping he's okay.
But as I finally get through, there are three mages lying on the battered ground...dead. One of them is that same boy I saw earlier...must have been that female mage's son. Then I spot the other two mages, one elderly male and a teenage female. I then look over albeit centimeters to the dead mages is one centurion dead.
Staring deeply at it, sudden images of FLAMES, BURNT WOOD, and THREE BODIES sprawling and flickering out in a hazy, frantic flash. A house is being destroyed in an inferno.
Violently, I shake my head trying to get back my sense of sanity. And as I try to calm myself down, I then hear barking. I turn to see Addie captured by a centurion, who has locked him up in a chain cuff. Addie starts barking wild, wanting to bite the guard. A few bystanders look on yards away probably wondering why the officers are trying to harm my dog.
"Hey, let him go!" I demand the officer. However, I feel my hands being grabbed from behind. Looking back, it's too late.
There's mooseface placing me under arrest.
I try to nudge my way out, but mooseface forces me to the ground. My head lands hard on the ground, face first. My skin skids brashly to the jagged ground. Mooseface then audaciously states the reason he's arresting me.
Not for stealing the oranges.
For causing the bomb.
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